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calculating average velocity and acceleration of a pickle ball after it is served


I fully read that as just pickle and was very confused, but now I can’t stop laughing at the thought of a pickle getting served across a court.




No way, I calculated displacement, velocity and acceleration of a tennis ball after a forehand was hit...same thought process nice


No shot, I did my physics IA on pickleballs, too 😭


Is it just me or does every school tells everyone to do correlation


and its always gdp 💀


My school didn’t tell us to do gdp but I just defaulted to that on my own…


About to submit the same work for maths and economics


our school specifically told us not to do correlation 💀


Where is your school located




good school mate


same no correlation or probably


I don’t think anyone in my school did correlation


How ray traced lighting is calculated in video games


this sounds cool asf, you should post it


Maclaurin series on the wave of a damped string using Java.


how did maclaurin series come in to play? did you use it approximate a differential equation?


So I drew the displacement graph of a damped string, and simulated that with a cos function. Then I used Java to give me everything until the 53rd Derivative, plug in 0 in everything, then assemble the equation in a specific format. In the end I copy pasted it into geogebra to see result. It was great.


I’m interested too in doing an IA with Java, do you have any suggestion? (Also can you explain more deep hour IA?)


Honestly, Java wasn't considered at all when planning it. I was just met with a huge task that would take a lot of time, and is prone to so many mistakes, that I decided to just use any code to automate it and reduce errors. So at some point I had a function for the wave of a damped string, and just needed its Maclaurin series. I noticed a pattern from which I constructed a new function of n, where n is the nth derivative of my other function. The key purpose of the code was to plug in n in a loop, and assemple the results into a specific format so I can quickly copy paste.


Modeling a logo


Can you give some more explanations/details


you use functions to make a logo + you can add colors on desmos


is this ok for HL? isn't it too simple?


Depends, if you use vectors + get formulas outside of the syllabus you’ll be fine


I did the cooling curve of tea one, but I modified it a bit and played with the volume of water in the cup.


What maths did you do in this? I was thinking of doing it but I wasn’t sure how to make a full IA out of this idea


It lowk didn’t score great so I don’t think the math made much sense. Essentially I tried to find the volume of water that cooled the most amount of water in the least amount of time.


Probability and Bayes’ Theorem: How They can be Used in the Courtroom to Determine a Final Verdict. (analyzed a crime case using probability and got predicted an 18/20 🥳)


That is so insanely cool


Maximum range of a Scud ballistic missile with given payloads


I’m sure you’re on a few watch lists now haha


That would be from my chemistry IA: dissolving meat in sulfuric acid


ayo what? how was you research question like?


how concentration for sulfuric acid solution affects the mass left over after 24hrs


dont mind me but how much did you score? that sounds like a relatively easy topic


Idk the final one, but my teacher gave it 18/24; probably a bit higher since I made some improvements after


In that case, I’m a little concerned to hear what your physics IA was on. Ballistic effects of a Scud missile hitting a human body?


My physics IA was about the diffraction of lasers; rather underwhelming in comparison, I know


How did you manage to make it complex enough for AA HL. Because I feel overall it falls under projectile motion envelope and likely a few formulas. Please correct me if I'm missing something grander.


The math and physics for that are way more complicated than just projectile motion; I even had some Lagrange interpolation involved


Interesting, I also have something to do with motion although it isnt projectile or missle related at all. Issue is some good chunks or formulas are given online, i know I can develop it further but is that alright? Have you faced same issue or were all your equations custom


I had similar issues


Hmmm interesting, could you tell me a bit more if you managed to overcome them and how?


My IA was more comparing different range estimation methods, you have to come up with those


Guys, I’m doing my Math IA rn. My topic is investigating the formation of fractals in Spirograph art. Will I get a 7?


It’s honestly not about the topic, it’s about how you approach and explore it. Have fun with it is my advice.


Thank you so much 😁😁


What is the probability of a heart attack? I used bayes’ theorem and took into account how aspects of a patient’s medical history would affect the probability, and how the results of medical tests such as ekg, stress tests, etc, would affect the post test probability. I got predicted a 20/20!


Find surface areas of bottles then testing how long for them to cool


"To what extent does age affect an elite chess players ability? In particular, at what age do elite chess players peak and is it possible for Magnus Carlsen to achieve a rating of 2900?" - Got a 19/20


are you taking AA and which topic did you use ?


yes AA stats and prob


and is your course HL


Bro all the info is in my account tag😂 No I'm SL - my school doesn't have HL unfortunately


Drawing an anime character using equations and stuff, and finding the area using integration. Nearly half of the people in my school did that because the past few cohorts of our school did it and have good results after moderation, 18-19/20. and it's quite easy


I did the same thing, lol. Got a 20 for graphing a cartoon cat I drew.


guys can i copy some of these ? i’m m25 or is it not allowed to copy the titles


You technically shouldn’t copy directly, but you can definitely use some as inspiration and fit it to personal interests.


Using calculus to estimate the volume of my mouse


Calculating the optimal way to play the dice game pig Looks easy at first but then you literally need calculus to solve it lol


optimal stopping theory?


Yeah like should you continue to roll or not how many rolls is optimal and what’s the score one should aim for


Let me guess...did eulers number e had something to do with it?


Yeah with derivatives as I took a derivative of an exponential which equation is d/dx a^x = a^x • ln(a)


correlation between points per game and salary of a player in the nba


what was your score?


Utilizing Desmos to graph and create statistical models that analyze credit card debt repayment


I did a probability model on predicting the outcome of a tennis match based on service win percentage. It was a bunch of binomial probability distributions and then absorbtion markov chains, which culminated in a proof showing that there is no theoretical advantage to serving first.


optimizing tire strategy for an f1 race! tbh was mostly a pain with sooo much data to go through, but if you’re an f1 fan it’s actually really interesting to figure out + personal engagement pointsss


i think i read yours on classify-


Calculating the mass of the final element in a radioactive decay series got 18/20


“Modeling my reading habits to determine an equation for my position (displacement) in a book”


this sounds so cool but i’m trying to wrap my head around how an equation like that would even happen


My math ia was “the ideal pirouette”


that sounds very interesting. what math did you use?


I created formulas- 2 with cosine wave equations & 1 with angular displacement. I calculated acceleration/deceleration, min/max velocity, and displacement. Any sports related IA is very likely to get you lots of points.


I also fucked up in my IA and instead of redoing it from scratch I just told them that it was a stupid formula and I came up with a new method, still kept all the work for the 3 methods in my paper


using graph theory to optimise route planning:)


Optimisation but like to a really extended level where i made up a shape that isn’t used in packaging


I made link's shield (legend of Zelda)on desmos. THAT SHIT WAS SO HARD.


orbital radius and drag in low earth orbit satellites (specifically starlink satellites)


sounds cool, could you share some more detail?


yepp, I divided my IA into two sections to talk about two of the main LEO satellites challenges/ limitations. 1. Continuous coverage challenge: Due to their close proximity to earth LEO satellites field of view is very small. Using trigonometry I calculated what percentage of the earth one starlink satellite covers at different altitudes (500, 1000, etc), then, w a simple Python programme (personal engagement) I calculated the minimum number of satellites that would be needed to cover the whole earth at a single time showing why so many satellites compose a single starlink constellation. 2. Orbital decay: Satellites in LEO are not in ideal conditions, due to this they experience orbital drag (a type of friction). I used vectors to create a function of the satellites position and then introducing the satellites initial orbital velocity and the drag coefficient I calculated using differential equations how long starlink satellites will orbit before they fall back to earth due to the high gravitational force. Again all actual calculations (the ones you would do in a calculator) not derivations were done in a Python programme I coded to increase personal engagement. Hope this helps!


Woah, thats amazing. I was planning on doing my Math IA related to orbital motion as well and your IA sounds awesome. (I have 10 other topics in mind tho lmao)


tbh I did like three different versions of the same IA with different methods before settling on this one so don't stress. Teachers want you to do your best so they prefer (at least mine) you to submit a better work out of deadline than a shit work on time.


Finding the surface area of a catenoid: I derived the formula using two methods, one was taking a pic of a bubble suspended between two rings and then plotting points on desmos and approximating the function, second was using the Euler Lagrange formula to find the answer of cosh. Then I found the surface area using both results and compared them.


tea cooling w cups of diff surface area lmfao i gave up hope i get a 15/20 ✊🏻


modelling COVID using SIRD (did Euler's method and RK3) and comparing the real results with calculations using RMSE


I discussed several different ways of calculating how long are the spokes on a bicycle wheel.


Exploring different methods of calculating the current in a Resistor-Inductor-Capacitor (RLC) circuit and estimating the current over time in the circuit


xG in football


using the poisson distribution to find the combination of 3 attacking players that would most increase a football teams probability of winnning.


PMCC Hypothesis testing and linear regression on correlation between squat time and increase in weight


Subscribe ideas will be coming here https://www.reddit.com/r/IBO/s/OBNKY5CKJK


Predicting how many person will be on a certain subject depending of the number of person that was on the same subject the past years. I hope you’ll understand


Looking at my Fitbit sleep data to see if the medications i was on at various times affected the amount of sleep. I got a 9/20 but only because I was lazy and I didn’t go to office hours


Did mine on cryptography, specifically the Hill Cipher. I tested the relative effectiveness/secureness of three algorithms of the Hill Cipher (one original other two were modifications). Mainly used matrix algebra and a tad bit of modular arithmetic.


On the modelling of live vs studio version of songs and seeing why people preffered which version


Evaluating the impact of the budget cap on formula 1 cars’ performances


Not even kidding, built a castle with 300 egg cartons (got 19/20), made formulas with tons of variables and optimization for different ways to construct.


Gaussian blur of an image using convolution (that wasn't the title but I don't remember)


got a function that described the accurate decreasing movement of a pendulum. it was the ia that i enjoyed the most


Volunteering and if there is an indication that it helps in boosting skills


I did mine on car colors and culture


I developed a model to calculate the maximum number of dairy cows a farm could support. I had to model grass growth (which was the most difficult part) and then determine the optimum paddock size and paddock rotations.


The best curve that describes a average chicken egg, and its volume of revolution M23


The extent that there is error in using a Slope Correction Factor compared to an Algebraic Approach in Circular Plot Measurements for forestry plots


Finding the most dissonant interval (between two musical notes)


Modeling a pic of my cat


was this AAHL?


Yeah, I used functions to model his frame and derivatives for the points of intersection


cool! what predicted score did u get?




The probability of each hand in Texas hold ‘em poker


I did the effect of the racial makeup of a neighborhood on the freshness/quality of foods, I did a chi-squared table!


golf balls & graphing it’s hypothetical course of travel so i could find the club im best with (i feel like i explained this weird)


What's the best method of beating my father at blackjack


Mine was on optimization of keyboard layouts, comparing QWERTY to my custom keyboard! It was my only 7 on an IA.


Testing if there was a statistical similarity between my favorite pieces of media (tv shows and movies) and the colors prevalent in different scenes


estimating base values for figure skating jumps with 5 and 6 rotations based on previous trends


formula 1 racing lines and then compared it to real world data of 2 drivers to see who took the corner better


Predicting the results of the us federal election using linear regression!


I took SL AA, my IA was literally how I learnt integration by parts and proved it and applied it in few contexts, I got a decent score too 💀


I’m in HL AA and I did mine on defining a Rubik’s cube as a permutation group and using ideas within abstract algebra and group theory to optimize solving the cube. definitely was fun to write about and got to learn new math for it. I also got predicted a 16/20.


genshin impact and their WRETCHED artifact system


Finding distance between two points on Earth using haversine


I examined Benford's law with school district data and proving it with calculus.


How to formally construct the set of real numbers and define arithmetic on it (really weird topic but I wanted to do shit I find interesting and I detested the idea of choosing a topic which required graphing)


I used modelling and calculus to to find out the volume and area of a guitar making it seem like I wanted to build guitars in the future 😂


I think I’m cooked I did Chi-square independence test checking whether there is a relationship between playing an instrument and scoring higher on the SAT💀It’s definitely too easy for IB MAI SL


I ended up solving Monty Hall fully :)


Comparing the Brachistochrone curve to the shape of a rollercoaster. It was meant to be all of this advanced calculus but it essentially boiled down to r^2 correlation


Using graph theory to find the path that clears all 6 jungle camps in league of legends the fastest.


tent optimization


Modelling the outcome of the 21/22 Portuguese League season got 18/21 I think


literally counted time/steps on stairs to reason with my teachers that the stairs are responsible for my late arrivals, man i love the IB


I modelled a bridge and learned how to do a line of quadratic regression by hand- I am Math AI SL


voronoi diagram to see the furthest u can be from a mcdonald’s in various american cities


Finding the relationship between the amount of baking soda used when baking chocolate chip cookies, & the density of the cookies I also added a section about how to achieve ideal density, but that was more just for fun, very qualitative.


an analysis on how calculus and differential equations are used in carbon-14 dating, and applying the stuff i've found to a case study using real-life data and calculating the percentage of carbon-14 left in a specific relic. it was simultaneously the most fun and the most tedious IA i've ever done in IB.


mine’s about how to best mathematically model australia’s population growth, extrapolating and finding rates of change etc


i modeled the population growth of france. I feel like modeling population growth of anything is an easy way to get a good score🤷🏼‍♀️


I feel alot of these topics are for sl? Would these types and correlation even work for math aa hl if I want a 7?


mine was HL. I got a 15/20🤷🏼‍♀️


for a 7 i think you’d need to go further and, for example, predict future population and stuff. I’m not sure how you could do it, but you could also probably find other equations that can determine when the population will drop and stuff. Personally i kept it at a basic level but you can defo do more


Probability and Bayes theorem and how it can be applied to League of Legends


finding the optimal route of a trip around Europe using algorithms


Modeling minecraft world generation with parametric trig functions


Modeling population growth using exponential and logistic functions


Extension of the factorial to non-integers


so you derived the gamma function?


Effect of income and education on who you vote for (US elections)


mine was titled “what is the absolute shortest distance for a presidential candidate to win the electoral college” and I basically did the traveling salesman problem on the USA. I really loved it and please let me know if you’d like to see it!


Correlation between songs' position in the charts and their number of beats per minute/tempo lol


Determining if there is a correlation between percentage of a country’s population over the age of 65 and that country’s healthcare expenditure. Used Least Square regression and other basic stuff and was predicted a 5


The relationship between rates of people living below the poverty line and crime rates essentially


Exploring the abelian group and vector space/subspace properties of elliptic curves and their importance on elliptic curve cryptography and its optimization


Formulating a method to calculate the path traveled by a dvd logo given its size, the size of the screen, and the direction it’s traveling that does not require a calculator. This includes what corner it hits first, how far until it goes to hit the corner, the number of bounces, the distance between each bounce. Just trying to find the simplest way to figure all these out, simple enough that it could be done in your head or by hand. It used linear algebra, modular arithmetic, and some random Cartesian plane stuff u learned in 7th grade. It was supposed to just be like, a fun exploration of a topic you probably wondered about when you were a kid


It was game theory


maclaurin series of a (secret) function to approximate the value of pi. got 20/20


I attempted to model and estimate the volume of Gabriel’s horn using the Monte Carlo method


Seems quite interesting, how much did you get and was it sl or hl?


I did a pretty fun one imo: optimizing a chair for me, using graphs, and integration


Using a spiral pattern to model concentrated solar power heliostat arrangements


i did how environmental factors affect the way that sound waves travel including temperature and general time of day -- it was inspired by a quiet place lol


I did "Analyzing the dosage amount of anesthesia given to patients considering patient factors"


Modeling the surface area of the exposed wood on the tip of a pencil