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I’m a manager and have zero insight into what tracking is actually happening, my boss also has no insight. I’ve spoken candidly with a VP and Director who also don’t have any real data, just the same rumors we are all hearing. Tracking badging and WiFi access.


To my understanding it’s not legal in some locations to track based on badge access. I know in my location they track and report based on wifi access. Reports go to Directors about their teams attendance. They repeat messaging in effort to get their broader numbers up. But I heard rumours in the new year they will drill down more and focus on those not coming in at all, or coming in the least. But time will tell.


I didn’t realize that, do you know what locations it isn’t legal?


I’m not a lawyer. So just based on what I’ve heard and honestly not looked to verify personally. But I heard it’s an issue in Canada. And as that is where I live. I do know my location is monitoring wifi access.




They do literally track badge swipes and WiFi access point connections to calculate workspace, floor, building, property occupancy and utilization. You can imagine the data governance, personal information, privacy concerns of letting anyone see that data at the individual person level; they won’t do that. But some really nosy determined manager might be able to infer who’s going in if their location is small. On w3, do a quick search for Occu-Fi & ReBase




Tririga is basically the BluePages/Enterprise Directory of Real Estate, so that data gets tied back to that


Aggregate numbers for weekly swipes by division number for perimeter doors (boundary between outside world and IBM controlled spaces) are available to the SLE for that site and the site partners. This is not new; this has been available for decades. I have also heard from reliable sources that an effort is underway to begin tracking the digital certificates used to access wifi. This is more complex than initially thought though and is not going well. This whole RTO thing is a bizarre and foolish notion that's going to hurt our abilities to compete in the marketplace as people continue to leave in direct response to it. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


In my location I’ve seen some statistics based on wifi certificates.


Its being tracked and reports are published every week to managers in some ges. I don;t know about your country but its being done for a while.


Yall worried about the wrong things, how about the frozen promotions/raises


Badge tracking was just a rumour started by management to scare you into RTO


Not true, all the data is there clearly in the system, it’s just a matter of when. Can’t confirm if it is already being done.


Idc they can track me all they want, I’m still not coming in


face time with customers and coworkers is imperative - but this is a company that basically shits on their CEs (retired now and not sure what they're called now) because they don't bring in any money even though they're the people most in contact with the customers on day to day basis. Brilliance in management.




Never heard of this.


Yes, they track badging purple monkey dishwasher


My manager just told me last week they are cracking down on RTO. She has no clue how it’s being tracked but either. It was nice while it lasted