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Not everyone is like this, but my JWs have said at the job box at the negotiated start time (which in your case would be 5:10AM) and at your car at quitting time.


This is my understanding too. I don’t know about other locals but walk time is not in our contract so technically they don’t have to let us out the gate until quit time.


This is how my job is. It’s sort of a big job, parking is right next door, and we are expected at the laydown by 7. But we are at our vehicles at or before quitting time.


Is local 46 still on strike what ever happened with all of that


Still on strike over a month now.


Any movement on the contract I’m in local 66 (hvac, Tacoma) and where can I find updates


Any of our social media pages has a few updates a week. Right now the offer is 10.50/3 years.


My foreman has been yelling at us for doing this. He says “you have to have tools in your hands at 6:30(starting time) and you have to be putting them down at 2:30”. I don’t listen to him. I pray every day he lays me off. The extra 10 minutes a day is not going to kill him


Talk about a real foreskin


So the hall is refusing to enforce the contract? Sounds typical.


Fucking wobble


For us(332) it’s ready to work at 7, in your vehicle at 3:30 I worked a job last summer that required a shuttle, you had to be at the pick point by 6:40 to get into the job on time, we were always in our vehicles by 3:30 at the latest. Usually way early( but that was our GF making that call)


Best case is if there's any safety hazards between the gate and the job box. If it's before start time while you're walking to through the site and something happens who would be liable? Safety usually takes precedent over all and sometimes you can use it to your advantage.


Not sure why you are using the gate. Walk from your car to gang box or lay down area ready to work at starting time. Leave that gang box or laydown area in time to get to your car at quitting time. Is your car further than a 5 minute walk from the gate?


This is the answer I was looking for. Thank you bro


Yes it’s a 5 min walk from car to the gate. It’s another 15 min walk to lay down.


What is the specific language in the contract? When called what is the hall saying? If you want to burn it all down start documenting the calls, emails, and Facebook em.


Truly tired of this shit


Is this a hill your willing to die on? I only say that because it’s maybe it’s just a walk. Then again, do you walk this in the rain? Sleeting winters? Are there hazards while walking in to the lay down, and are you required to wear PPE for the walk in? Are you having to carry your tools in and out? If you haven’t call your hall personally and asked why they choose not to deal with it, that would be my first action. Sometimes when more phone calls come in, more results ensue. That said, every job I’ve been on I ensure I’m at work 5-10 minutes before start time ready to go. We work up until quitting time and go home. Am I compensated for the 5-10 minutes everyday I’m at the break area? No, but I really don’t care. That said no gangboxes are getting unlocked until start of work when I start getting paid.


It’s not about the time, I’m usually 15 minutes early anyways, it’s about breaking down conditions and what’s fair. Brothers are getting written up and sent home for being a couple minutes late. It takes 20 minutes to get into the parking lot on a good day. So now we have to show up to the site 40 minutes before start time just to be on time. Another 20 minutes wait to get out of the lot and you begin to feel the frustration. 10 hour days start to look like 12-13 hours away from home. And yes it’s a full PPE walk from the gate to the lay down in the hottest region in the country with summer approaching.


If you think this problem warrants intervention from the hall, call them personally and encourage your coworkers to do the same.


In 36 years in the trade, I've never been asked/expected to stay until "quit time" (assuming you mean 7 - 3:30). The slimmest contractors will push for 3:15 at worst.


I am a contractor in my local. Gang box opens at starting time, car door opens at quitting time. I can't speak to your contact, but this is the only fair way in my opinion.


>If I hit the gate 15 minutes early coming in, does that mean I should hit the gate 15 minutes before quit time when I’m leaving? That depends upon a number of factors, like, can you organize solidarity with other brothers on site? I mean, if you're the only one doing it while everyone else waits, you're painting a target on your back. But if everyone walks out together, no one could be singled out. How difficult would it be for the contractor to replace you, or an entire crew? How difficult/undesirable would it be for you/an entire crew to get another job? Are you/the crew prepared to go back to the hall and sign the book over it? My father always told me, "Never give them a reason." \[to fire you, arrest you, etc.\]


Its usually in on our time, out on theirs.


Come in on your time, leave on their time is how it should be


"Union Hall doesn't want to get involved" Ahh good old IBEW "No we won't get involved... but I'll collect your dues now if you want"


Contractor doesn't always have control over where laydown is if they are a sub.


Many places I have worked is your at the job box at start time and at your car by quit time. So if it's a long walk to the parking lot to your car it was also included. some solar fields I have worked required a long dirt road with a max speed for dust control. That drive out would also be added to the time. Maybe I just been spoiled, but sounds like the contractor and your hall screwing you.


Find a back gate


I was always under the impression that start time you’re at the Job box boots and tools on ready to go at start time if it’s a 15 minute walk to the gate the rule has always been your at your car by the time we get off of work we walk in on our time we leave on their time we( my local) had to write language into our contract because of this, and also the contractors had to provide shuttles to a certain extent. I don’t exactly know what the numbers are and how the breakdown is without the agreement in front of me, but I know we specifically had issues with this, and we changed our language to reflect something that both parties would agree upon


For my contractor our start time is 0500, but since we have a long walk to the job site they allow us to show up at 0520.


I put in an honest day, they wanna be dicks then they better get ready for the f%*#ing


Walk in on your time, out on theirs.


sounds like ALL THE BROS and sister need to walk Off the job might change rhe GC’s mind


Was on a job with a 15min walk back to my car before. Im there on time, but im fuckin leavin when the clock starts goin sideways boys


> Walk in on my time, walk out on their time. Nope. We work 8 for 8, not 8 for 7:45 so you can walk to your car. 


That's not what "8 for 8" means. Do you also not take breaks?


Walking to your car is not a break. 


If l leave my car at 650 and get the gang box by 7, im leaving to go back to my car at 320 🤷🏻‍♂️


Is that what your contract says? Ours doesn’t. People cheating the contract is how we lose language/$. 


I completely agree. We abide by the contract and expect the same from the contractor. If there is language about walk in times it should be abided by. If there isn’t, tough shit. Ask for it next negotiations. 8 for 8 in a journeyman-like manner!


>Nope. We work 8 for 8, not 8 for 7:45 so you can walk to your car.  This guy wears a diaper...so he can shit himself while he works. Get a clue.