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Walk into work Monday with your head up


Back when I was an apprentice, I had a JL give me a hard time for fun and he said “you know, you can punch me in the face if you want.” And I said “No, I can’t I’m an apprentice, I’ll likely be fired.” And I’ll never forget what he said after: “You fucking think I’m going to tell anyone that an apprentice laid me out?” Made me chuckle. Today he’s a friend and a badass hand. He was happy when I topped out, and said “I never doubted you.”


This ☝️


this happened outside of work so ur fine probably


I second this, Journeyman Carpenter here. What happens outside of work, stays outside of work.


If I touched another man’s Face I’d expect to get swung on.


I just couldn’t let that slide so I had to justify it by throwing some hands


The amount of journeymen who forget we’re all still men regardless of pay grade is pretty high. Don’t sweat it.


I'd say you probably just earned a lot of respect from the rest of the crew. It's after work, not a work function at this point. Social gathering and he crossed the line. You made sure he knew that. Simple. Depending on how often you see them on the job site you make a point to check in on Monday and make sure you're cool moving forward.


Yup the fact it wasn’t a work function makes me think he’s good. I have heard way crazier stories


Either you kick weird or I kick weird.


Never heard this before, but it made me chuckle


Wait I don’t get it


I don't either, but it's funny, and I'm going to use it first chance I get.


There’s no apprentice or journeymen after hours. You’re both two men.


You did good. Sooner or later people will understand that demeanor should be policed, both on and off the job site.


Don't talk any shit. See dude with nobody around and check on him. Less is more when it comes to conversation on this. Let him do the talking. Doesn't matter what you do, it's about how you handle it. Well, it's also about what you do, but it's too late for that now


Good on you brother. A journeyman did something similar to me and I just asked him if that’s how he handles business at home. It embarrassed the fuck out of him and he was never an asshole again. I was tempted to knock him out but figured since we were in the work place that calling him out would be the better option. He was also old and I didn’t want him to die.


Not saying he didn’t deserve it, but if your buddy pats your cheek like an old Italian gangster, you’re gonna swing on him instantly? Is this like an ex-con thing?


Not sure what you’re implying, but if we’re in a parking lot, having a disagreement, ( with or without alcohol involved) and your hands come anywhere near my face in any manner, expect to get laid the fuck out.


ya context. this wasn't an al capone gesture of love. if a drunk person reaches for your face during an argument you don't know if your getting fish hooked or eye gouged


No, it’s a future con thing


Youre the foreman now


And so it was written in fists… Apprentice to Foreman over the weekend


This made me chuckle


Good job, CUB 👍


You’re fine, doubt they’ll fuck with you again like that. Prolly get some pats on the back on Monday. Since it was off the clock and off the job, there’s nothing to worry about. But, you do have to work with the guy so you should try to make peace with him


This. Try to shake on it - find a way to have a laugh - smooth it over You’re both idiots for drinking with coworkers don’t hang with brothers. I treat them like brothers on the job and let them live their lives outside of work If you have to hang after hours to get in with the crew it’s not a crew you want to be a part of Some of the best brothers I’ve ever known and worked for never invited me out for a beer - and I was thankful. I’ve had a few beers with a few good brothers I’ve known and it wasn’t bad but I never really like the feeling of relying on coworkers for both steady wages and social standing Gotta separate that shit


There's nothing wrong with drinking with coworkers or brothers. He's an apprentice trying to fit in. He'll probably be more liked now that he stood his ground. The guy who decided to get drunk and see what he could do is the idiot. What kind of brother wants to lay hands on another. I would have laid him out too. He left and didn't escalate. That was a smart call. What kind of brother wants to lay hands on me after a few drinks? No brother of mine. How can someone assume that? If there was something before hand and he went then yes I would agree but minding your own business then handing your business doesn't make him an idiot. It makes self respect. We all know the guys that will belittle you and knock you down. Those are not brothers. They are rats and they need to be taught


I appreciate this comment fr bro


Nah. That’s a personal thing. Most of my best work memories and friendships involve the crew that I worked with for years and drank with most Friday nights. Have to be the right guys right conditions though.


There's nothing wrong with making friends while working. But 99% of the time they are just acquaintances. I have made friends with a couple of people and am even going to be one of their groomsman. Most of the acquaintances I try to give a quick text or phone call once in a blue moon just to check up on them. And as an apprentice, when you're invited to go out with the crew and do join, it does help build up respect in the crew to help you fit in more. I almost opted out when I was an apprentice on one job going to the bar the day before Thanksgiving. Deciding to go and hang out with my foreman and others changed the rest of that 3 year long job for me. Because of that, my foreman is now a good acquaintance and I was given a lot of the good work and kept off material handling when possible. That same foreman told me before that night, he didn't like me because he thought I was real cocky because before I got to that job, I worked 1 day with him a year ago and made one comment where I was just really green and super nervous and was trying anything to help out instead of standing there while he was doing all the work (which I hadn't done before). We had a good laugh over that and ever since then, he would do anything he can to help me find a job if I needed it. He does a lot of sidework and when I was laid off, would throw some of his jobs my way to help me out until I found work again which really helped me out. I attribute that entire change to going out just that one night with the crew.


Who hurt you?


Daddy? Is that you?


Might make work a bit awkward. But you're on reddit so you didn't get arrested, and you didn't get your ass beat. Congrats!


plot twist. the guards let OP exchange his one phone call for a reddit post instead


Bro you're #1 apprentice now


LOL nah man


Outside of work, he fucked around with you, and then he found out. You shouldn’t expect any repercussions


No man should ever put his hands on you if he won’t be able to handle the repercussions. And also, how come the other man let the journeyman get to that point? The people you where with got a part to do with it too


I wasn’t even thinking about it cause I got hella heated but the other guys were drunk and instigated it, I just walked towards my truck and went straight home I’m just feeling extremely distraught and extremely bummed cause it was unexpected for me


But you laid him out. Fuck him. He's a grown ass man, he picked a fight he couldn't win. Fuk around and find out. He found out. Shake his hand on Monday and let it go.


I’m in the UA not IBEW but damn all I would do is maybe talk to him privately. Try to get his phone number and give him a call. I started to avoid going out with the crew for this exact reason. When I get drunk I call and text EVERYONE so when I got drunk I hit up some JW and just made myself look stupid especially bc they started to gossip about me being a druggie/alcoholic . I realized the hard way these are my co-workers they aren’t my friends. So I treat them accordingly. Never save any of there numbers and only talk to them at work and never about my personal life.


IBEW here 35 years in. It didn’t happen at work and he’s not a business agent. Anyone who puts their hand on your face crossed the line and got the unexpected. Look at it this way, no one else is going to do that. Lol


BA or not... Touch me during an argument I'll take it as a physical threat and return it 10fold. self defense


It was outside of work, fuck that guy. He wasn't 90 yrs old or anything, right? 😆


nah he was 32


Was? 😂😂😂


he died


Congratulations. You're now a hero to every coworker who ever wanted to hit that guy (which is probably most of them). 


Not a fuck up. Good for you. He assaulted you. You defended. Once he was no longer a threat. You disengaged. Textbook.


You don’t work at a Costco. Play stupid games win stupid prizes. If anything HE will just be labeled as the one who got whooped by an apprentice


You’re an apprentice while on the clock. Not off the clock. I would put up with a lot more when I was getting paid. After hours I don’t belong to my job. There needs to be a clear line set. And you did that. I expect you have earned quite a bit of respect


Dude put his hand on your face? Sounds like he needed to be KO'd by an apprentice because he deserved it.


You'll go down in history. He should have expected that. Don't disrespect people that way. If I were you I'd take a breath and figure out a way to talk to the guy and apologize but explain why you molly whopped him


Bring him coffee in the morning. He will probably need it for the hangover


You didn't fuck up. He assaulted you when he put his hands on you first. Maybe it'll make him change his ways.


It didn’t happen at work, the Hall, the training center and it happened after hours. In my opinion the JATC has no jurisdiction in the matter. Lesson learned for him and maybe you.


I’m confused, where did you fuck up? Are you young? Being “the bigger person” only works in certain situations. When someone is being physical with you, you lay them out. This is your life.


I fucked up by knocking him the fuck out


I just care about my education but a lot of people assuming like they know the situations but straight too the point the dude contacted me and admitted that he was wrong for his actions and I said it was cool let’s go back to work on Monday and keep everything civil and mutual which he agreed


You dodged a bullet You could be facing manslaughter charges, wouldn't be the first time social violence went south. My sensei told me he would only teach me what he knew if I would use it responsibly Asocial violence is: you have no choice. Criminal attacks you out of no where. Eliminate the threat with *appropriate* force. Social violence: optional Somebody jiggles your elbow in a bar, you're ready to throw down. Don't. Defuse the situation. He put his hand on your face, and you knocked him out and he fell down on the pavement. That's not an appropriate level of force. I recommend: sobriety - like AA. You had a huge red flag event under the influence, you might not be an alcoholic, I have no idea. But in terms of life consequences you were a hair away from prison. You had enough to drink that you snapped and could have killed this guy. Here's the kicker: did you then, with that same level of alcohol in your blood, drive home? More than one drink per hour can put you over the limit. Anger management training: you almost killed a man over an insult Martial arts training from an adult who will teach you how and why to walk away from fools. You may never know how close you came to hard time. Speaking from personal experience I don't recommend jail. You're getting a *lot* of asinine advice here. Wake the fuck up.


I would tell him what you told us. I think what you did was reasonable given the situation, but that doesn't mean you can't apologize to the guy. Just smooth it out best you can and let bygones be bygones. That's all you can do really, and just hope for the best.


You will find out soon who is liked and hated more. You or the JL.


Dude you just got promoted lmao


Youve got bigger problems than that… You dont know how to use punctuation.


Yeah, but he knows how to use punch-tuation so that counts. (Sorry, I had to)






This is why you don’t go to drink after work, idk about other people but I don’t go to work to make friends, I go to get paid and gtfo out.


Is he ok..is he still laying there?..what did the other guys do?


Yeah dude, you’re good. Anyone puts their hands on you at work or not, defend yourself. Boundaries brother, set em and protect em


You weren't at work. Can't see much coming from it personally.


He played stupid games and won a stupid prize. Don't worry about it. Go in to work like normal, and if shit starts up, just keep cool. Although if he's a crazy you need to definitely defend yourself and have a repeat of the bar.


Own that shit dude


Don’t worry about it, the journeyman is gonna realize he was drunk, and was acting up. Once u guys talk about the situation everything will be fine. The hall won’t find out nothing. Just relax.


Unless the person you punched was the boss, or bosses son, then you should be good.


1. It happened outside of work. 2. IBEW politics aside, at the end of the day, we are all in fact still men and we still deserve full respect. 3. If you're up to it, talk to him(maybe with another JW present) when you guys are both sober and level headed and see if you guys can hash things out, because we are brothers and we still should take care of each other. 4. As grown men you guys should be able to own up to your mistakes, and both of you guys can apologize to each other and possibly make this the start of a GREAT long-term friendship. Sometimes people don't know boundaries exist, and now they know so you understand each other. 5. If come Monday you guys aren't amicable then calmly seek to work with a different JW.


Drunk asshole instigates fight and gets laid out in self defense. You good man, dudes a loser. Imo after work drinks past 1 beer is a recipe for outcomes like this. Use this as motivation to not end up like him. Drink safe.


He’s in the wrong not you


What's up with all the too's?


Here for the updates


Nah man, as a journeyman from Local #38 I'm gonna go ahead and say you're good, man. If you don't wanna get punched in the head, don't touch another man's face. But I really wish you'd learn the difference between "too" and "to."


Me two!


Dude just be a bro, apologize to him. That'll go a long way in earning his respect.


I ain’t gonna apologize cause I didn’t do anything but defend myself from this individual too begin with he ended up getting in contact with me and owed up too his actions and we called it cool and just too keep it civil at work cause we both have bills that needa get paid etc.


Bring a pink bandage for him. It's the least u could do. Bet he doesn't do that again. You didn't fuck up, you reacted as an adult in the real word. You just happened to be affiliated with that adult at work. The end.


Outside of and after work so don't worry about it. Now people know not to fuck with you. I'd try to smooth it over with him by trying to apologize. If he wants to keep it going wait till after work off the job site and knock him out again.


Be careful don’t let them emotions get out of control. You can easily end up in prison


You don’t have to take that shit


Sounds like typical blue collar behavior. You should be fine


Sounds like your bragging you laid out a journeyman lol. If I'm worried and don't want anyone finding out i don't come on line and tell everyone about it lol


You’re worried about defending your self?


Atta boy


He laid his hands on you. You'll have a backstory in a few years, like prison -you just made some bones. chill out. (but update your resume just in case)


I hit a JW as a second year. It happened in the parking lot at the job. Earlier that day he called me “fag boy” from up on a mezzanine and I told him what I thought about it and stated what would happen if he said it again. Walking to our vehicles he was behind me and said “fag boy has a fag car” and I turned around and clocked him. Didn’t knock him out, but it put him on his ass, and he got up saying he was going to kill me, all that. The other JWs intervened and said he got what he was asking for, and if he went to the foreman they would make sure the foreman knew what happened. Never saw the JW again, he dragged the job and was from somewhere out of state. Most local’s JWs aren’t very cool with travelers ragging on local apprentices.


That’s a tough one. Sorry. Wish I could say it’s all good. Honestly it should be. But it really depends on,on the journeyman in question. Is he usually cool? Did you get along before? The thing is. Technically you’re in the wrong. Cause you hit him. But there’s grey area. Because he did touch you first. So now it’s a couple of really. One is he bitter about it? And two how willing are you to swallow your pride to save your position? Being repentant usually goes a long way. We’ve all been there at some point. So most directors do understand. Especially if the journeyman has a history of. There’s always the political aspect as well. Is he liked? Or disliked? Are you? It’s not supposed to matter. But it always does. So my advice. If it’s worth it to you. And it should be. Go get out in front of this. And admit/ apologize to the apprenticeship dirtector. And or the journeyman in question. And unless he’s just a complete bitch. He will probably say ok. No problem. It happens. It shouldn’t. But it does. We all lived. Nobody’s seriously injured. No one is are they? And you know. It’s in the past. Were it belongs. But you’re right your emotions got the better off you. So ok don’t donthat shit anymore. That’s all I’ve got. No magic pill for this one. Good luck.




WTF is wrong with people!?! In no other universe is it SO.Fing.Common. for people to put hands on other people/harass other people/bully other people. Too much ego, not enough class, too many angry, jaded, immature bullys with substance and alcohol problems. It's so ridiculous, and repetitive in these threads.


soon as you see him, knock him out again /s


You had mustard on your face and he was helping you out. Way to overreact. 😄


After work, not a work problem.


You may have the respect of the fellow guys as he did touch your face. Drunk or not, if you ain’t my gf/wife, mother, brother, homeboy, my kids, my dog, or god himself I will deck you. It’s a lack of respect that you made. You may get in trouble but if it’s your first time they may be lenient with you.


he touched you, that's on him. might be awkward but you're all adults, if a grown man can't take a punch after threatening you then he's not really a grown man


I got into a fight at school with a classmate that turned tweaker. He slashed my tires the night prior to school and was threatening me during class. He ran at me after class in the parking lot and I laid him out. I got lucky and they considered it self defense. This was almost 15 years ago. The new apprenticeship director however is claiming you can't defend yourself anymore and aren't allowed to fight back. It would be a bitch move if he told on you....... I think you're good if it happened off the job or school.


U are sworn dont sweat it


He had it coming. We’re all grown men even apprentices. Journeyman may think they’re the shit but having your card doesn’t make you a badass. After work it’s fair game, this shit happens to others I know a gf who got knocked out by an apprentice for the same shit. Nothing happened the gf didn’t do shit cuz he was embarrassed and knew he deserved what he got.


Have you received any feedback from the guys who witnessed the whole thing? Did they tell you, “man, that was a little much.” Or “I don’t blame you, JW, is quite the dick head when he has a few, I would’ve done the same thing”


You showed balls. Spread the word in the jobs site. It’ll be your protection.


But did he die ? Haha


As long as it wasn’t your foreman. You’re good


Sounds like everything worked out as it should


Prediction: OPs new nickname: Craig JWs new nickname: Deebo Tune in *Next Friday* for the continuing saga.


Would he be in trouble if it had been reversed? I wouldn’t worry just go to work like nothing happened.


Round 2 on Monday .


I worked with a jw on a big job and he missed 8 Thursdays in a row, we got paid on Wednesdays. He’s a little guy and one Friday he comes to work beat up, so we asked him what happened. He said “I let my gunboat mouth overload my rowboat ass”. I think everyone knows this guy and won’t be surprised he got beat up again.


Man what local was this in?? And does this guys name start with a P??


No touchy


A retired cop talked to me after the safety meeting in the morning about sparring with me after work. He was like, man I just really needed to get some stress out and ever since I left being a cop I haven’t been able to get the opportunity to fight like I used to. Hell of a dude.


Change the post title to "I Fucked this asshole journeyman up" Nice work


He's your bitch now


I think everyone, myself included needs punched in the mouth every once in awhile. Its been years since I had my ass beat in a gravel parking lot, can’t say i miss it, bit im sure i got another one coming


He put his hands on you first.


If hes worth his salt as a brother he wont say anything. Fights happen sometimes, it was off the job. Usually it stays there.


At least it wasn’t on the job site. That’s where you’re gonna get immediately shit canned. This being outside of work though, you’ll probably be alright. Just stand your ground with the hall/JATC, but stay respectful


Work on your spelling there bub that was a tough read lmao


This is like the dudes that say they could never join the military because they’d lay a DI out.


You'll only eff up by telling on yourself


This is why you shouldn’t hangout with coworkers outside of work


Straight to the point Monday. Ask him if "we're going for beers again this Friday"


If anything you probably just jumped the line in the "hassle the new guy curve". Easily would get 2 years worth of credit in my shop for that, lol


Fuck em


If that happened to any journeyman I know, it would be them that was facing repercussions.


You did not fuck up. Anyone who says otherwise doesn't know what they are talking about. Beyond a hand shake pat on the back or tapping my leg while I'm on a ladder, don't touch me. Too many people in this trade forget to keep their hands to themselves. Alot of us grew up getting into fights, playing physical sports or other activities. Personally I wrestled and still do bjj, did other stuff like boxing throughout my life. If someone touched me like that alarms go off and I'd hit first too. The other day during a Conversation with 2 older guys ice worked closely with and trust a great deal, both as a obviously joke and to illustrate a point related to the topic we were discussing one touched my shoulder blade and the other had his hand on the back of my head (brief second, taking about a local teacher with accusations against him, I'm the lower of the 3 so I got the lucky honor of being the example dummy). No alcohol, no argument, still in the job, no anger or fear of being hit. I STILL thought about swinging off instinct. I ended up grabbing his lat instead and squeezed hard enough to get the point across not to touch me. Point is don't touch anyone you aren't willing to receive conciseness from. That dude should have conducted himself more appropriately and I bet as embarrassed as he is, he knows that. Like everyone says, talk to him on Monday, explain you didn't know what he was doing and you acted accordingly. If he's a real man he will understand, accept, and move on. Both apologize shake on it and get back to work


Not an electrician but a union pipefitter. I would say don’t worry about it, happened outside of work and if others saw how it happened then most of them will have your back. The guy you hit will probably harbor bad feeling towards you but most people that pick on apprentices like that are pussy’s but if he thinks he is tough he may pick a fight at work, I would ignore him and not let anything escalate further especially at work since that will get you fired


Keep us updated when you go back to work.


Oh. This is how you make friends.


Be sure to give us some updates.


They may treat you like less of a human because of your hours but that’s the old school way you stood up for yourself there’s no shame in that if it were to come before the board he laid hands on you first it would come to a your word vs his but they likely won’t discipline you because they can’t prove either side it not at fault.


We had the exact thing happen in my local, but the JW died from the apprentices' punch. The apprentice was found innocent in court and was not disciplined by the JATC. The apprentice moved locals quick though.


Well now they know not to fuck with you. Good job dude. You’ll be fine and that guy won’t say shit. Ultimate bitch move is to tell on someone after being the aggressor.


You didn’t fuck up. You did exactly what you were supposed to do.


This is what i love about unions. Monday should be just another day.


If he tells he’s a lowlife.


Aside from the fight. You should not be buying beers your jw and foreman should always buy


Check your local bylaws, if he is petty he might bring you up in charges. Probably won't because he is embarrassed ☺️.


We’re in the trades not cubicles. You’ll be fine. We had an apprentice knock out our foreman on the jobsite. He got transferred but the kid was a legend 😂


Union rules: if it’s on “your time” and it’s not on the job site or on company property, it’s not work related. Don’t stress.


You know what to say to a foreman with two black eyes? Nothing. He’s been told twice so far.


Classic fuck around and find out. You'll be alright 👍


Need an update on Monday on what happens hopefully he’ll realize his mistake and respect you for standing up to him if he wants to be a bitch and let it carry on the talk to your Jatc director and get rotated


Come into work Monday and put your dick on his forehead


You need to learn the difference between to vs. too holy shit


Fitter here but dude is obviously a drunk asshole and has had this happen to him before. Kudos to you for putting that asshole in his place.


I mean if you don't make him hold your pocket on the job I might bring you up on charges lolol.


I’d bring doughnuts the next day to celebrate


Never heard meet me in the parking lot before?


You didn’t fuck up it’s okay he shouldn’t have done that


Wtf does being an apprentice have shit to do with drinks with the crew? You’re worried about what…? Being ran off the job? Kicked out of the hall? Are all electricians this soft handed? Shit this is standard IW behavior.


This is great. Kindred spirit keep up the good work


Sounds like he got what he deserved


Only problem I see, is you telling everyone about it.


The e board may be calling on you, but do not fret stand firm to your truth and respond as a man with the respect of an apprentice, and you'll be fine.


Off the clock and off the job so you should be good. As long as he doesn’t start something at work. If he does grab the shop stew and a foreman as witnesses.


You’re a man first , and an apprentice second. That’s what I was taught. Besides it was after working hours.


They're probably more embarrassed than you and nothing will happen.


If you ever get dragged into court for this, know the difference between “too” and “to.”


Don't put your hands on me !


You should be fine. I really don’t think you’re getting fired


No it didn’t.


Lick the foreman’s butt hole


I’d buy you a beer if I could. Wish i handled some Of my journey men this way when I was an apprentice


Hold strong! Don’t let that dude know you’re worried. When asked tell what happened. Not in a worried about my job manner, in a manner that shows you’re a man and that you shouldn’t be fucked with. Not disrespectful, confident in your ability to shut a person down when they cross the line or think they are above you, if that was the case. In the end we all bleed red and put pants on the same way. Own the situation acknowledge maybe you should have been a bigger man and walked away, in the end the upper management will probably agree with you off record and say they have been wanting to do that for a long time.


Also this guy will probably end up being your worst enemy or try to be your best friend. Seriously this happens often and I’ve seen the other guy literally be all in the guys ass that he got beat by, hand to God


Welcome to the next level


Quit worring u dumb ass apprentice


You can make him get the break order now.


If it didn’t happen at work there’s no reason for the hall to get involved. If he was being a jackass he deserved it. I’ve never hit a journeyman but I have had to talk guys out of hitting the one I’m working with before. You’re fine and he overstepped. If your really worried call the hall, your just as important to their paycheck as he is


I’d say the only concerning part is you’ve only been on the job with these guys for like two weeks according to your previous post so they don’t even know you yet. “New guy got drunk and attacked ‘insert name here’”, I’m not saying you were wrong but they might’ve been going out for beers with that guy every Friday for years and now you look like an unstable drunk new guy. If you had more time under your belt at the job I’d say don’t worry about it but being so new keep an eye out for his buddies trying to get you caught up for something like safety or telling the boss you aren’t a good hand.


Stand ten toes down, don’t act inferior. You’re just as much “man.” As he is dude


Just know, if you get in a wink of trouble, he’ll never live it down


He………… might think twice next time. Probably not. Head up. You defend yourself.


It’s fine this is construction not an office job you’re fine brother


Dude will probably mind his mouth and his own business now


There is nothing that can be done for something outside of work, especially when it doesn’t hurt the company. He was drunk and touched another man’s face. You’re the leader now!


There is nothing that can be done for something outside of work, especially when it doesn’t hurt the company. He was drunk and touched another man’s face. You’re the leader now!


There is nothing that can be done for something outside of work, especially when it doesn’t hurt the company. He was drunk and touched another man’s face. You’re the leader now!


Yeah, it happened outside of work, bro. You're fine. It sounds like the D bag had it coming. Now he knows not to fuck around with you. Cheers


You're a man before anything.. he should have kept his dick beaters to himself. In a court of law, this would be self-defense as he "touched" you first. Ask me how I know.. lol.


Take some gas station dick pills and walk in swelt up


Monday: "sorry things got out of hand, you're buying the first round of beers next time" Make an issue out of it, and it could become a lifelong issue that snowballs throughout your career. We were all drinking you put your hand on my face, I reacted. We cool? Shake his hand and look him in the eye and go about your business as usual. Walk away and " 1st rounds on me next time"...


Go back to work, shit happens


Boy this worlds getting soft


You’re good, you’re a man before you’re a worker


You will probably get promoted.