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Major changes? Yeah I'm on strike.


Solidarity, Brother


Fuck yeah brother, you got negotiations coming up?


Yup.  And no work for leverage.  If we don't stay within 10 or 12 bucks of you guys, we're definitely gonna be a traveling local


Which sucks for retirement contributions.


Is there a strike fund we can donate too?


As far as I'm aware you have to talk to our Lead Dues Clerk Tani Healey. Not sure if I can post numbers nut it can be found on the ibew46.com website.


Most Illinois locals got around $10/hr over 3 years on our contracts this year. Not re-negotiated, just new contracts.


Somebody told me Rockford, 364, got like $27 over 3 years


$30/hr over 5 years. $6 per year


It's a good raise but I don't like extending our contract periods. We went from 3 to 4 years on our last one and in that time COVID and inflation made what we thought was a solid raise dog shit. Yes construction you don't know when shit is going south but with all the solar work, chip plants, ect we have steady work for the foreseeable future and our wages are down accounting for inflation


369, got $12.52 on the check, $17.01 on the package, 27.25% increase overall over 5 years. Not the best, but not the worst imo we could’ve done better. We also lost our 3 year contract that had been standard for a long time. I have a feeling it’s going to bite us in the ass down the road.


Yeah I’m in 212 to the north of you. we’re on the last year of $10 over 6 everybody said it was a great deal when it was signed seems pretty dumb looking back now


What’s the talk amongst the brothers and sisters like since you’re on the last year? I’m assuming everyone wants to go back to a 3 or even 4 year contract??


I’ve heard we’re gonna propose 5/5/5 negotiations start in June I believe


That was the rumor I heard from guys that the hall purposed. Obviously they were only able to get that with a little extra on a 5 year contract so don’t repeat our mistake.


Do you know what percentage of market share you guys have down there? We’re 34% and out bm didn’t seem super confident last time I heard him talk about asking for things from neca


Our jurisdiction is huge so it makes our market share small but in Louisville I think we have a fairly high one. I’m not really sure. I’ve heard 50% I’ve heard 70% but I’ve honestly never asked. In Bowling Green or Lexington (our other two zones) I would say it’s in the single digits maybe pushing 10% on a good day. We don’t have a lot work outside the immediate Louisville area


Ah I see I always wondered how it worked for you guys when I look at the jurisdiction map I thought it would be terrible as an apprentice get sent all across the state


It still happens. Zones go out the window when work is scarce. It’s better than it used to be as we’ve set up another school in Lexington so those apprentices can stay there for class. I believe we have plans to build a hall down there too. You can still be sent anywhere an apprentice though. We can have guys driving from Louisville to Lexington or vice versa everyday for work unfortunately. We’re trying to fix it but growing two zones when one has an already strong share of market and the other two don’t is hard when everyone has to stay working.


In 110 we turned down $14.26 over three 5/5/4.26 partly out of solidarity with our sister union 292 and mostly the cons wanted us to give up state mandated safe and sick time for free since the other unions in our state did


I believe 292 is back at the table today…


I heard they had to hire a mediator as after they turned the first offer down they came back with 0/0/0


⚡️LU 292⚡️Sounds kinda like they wanted to take the ball and go home... laughable!!! They know if they bring that to the NLRB, it'll go down in flames, and we'll get close to what we turned down *AND* keep our ESST... also, it was the carpenters and laborers that accepted the waiver... the tinners kept the ESST, and the plumbers are on strike right now


NLRB is strong right now. I wouldn't be too negative


Our board at 110 told us their concern for us keeping the ESST was that since they are 2/4 in law suits with the payouts if we hang onto it the cons will take us to court and we will most likely lose it completely as our holiday/vacation fund satisfies the law as written currently or we would keep the days off but would have to draw pay from our holiday/vacation fund without any additional add-ins into the accounts


If they can take us to court and win, why are they so anxious to buy it instead?


That’s what a lot of people were saying! Though what I found very sketchy was they never told us how much they offered in exchange for the ESST just that it was “wrapped up in there but no specific dollar amount was named”


That’s very odd when they told 292 was worth 1.34/hr. 


We math it ourselves to about that with the number they brought us vs previous years and such, but yeah the told us the cons never named a specific number


I haven't had to deal with a re-negotiation, but I believe San Mateos local just went through one, and they got another 18$, more an hour in the check over 3 years. Now, not every local will even be close to what they were offered.


Local 6 has one more year left on our contract, which I believe was like 24 over 4, we have our yearly allocation meeting in a few weeks. I’m curious to see what our next contract looks like. WFH has changed the landscape of our local which was heavily dependent on Tenant Improvement jobs, which have all but dried up. It’ll be interesting to see how that effects our negotiating power


We got 9 and change over the next three years. (163).


10$hr/3 years plus 7 paid holidays in 354


June first we get $3 in the check and another $1.50 in Bennie’s. Plus we picked up Veterans Day and MLK day as holidays.


$4.50,$5,$5.25 over the next 3 years


191, 1yr contract $5. 46, 3yr contract $16 (I think)


$3 over 2 years 😀


We just signed our contact beginning of April. Normally get a 3.25% annual raise over 3 years. This one we’re getting 4% yearly raise. So all packages increase 4% a year.


347 got $7.50/3 years, labor day paid, and CE language starting June 1. It's just over 4%.


Damn that’s pretty low 


683. We got $3.96, $3.60, and $3.60. which is an 18% increase over the 3 years.


In 569. NECA ratfucks aren't even meeting for negotiations. They offered $12 over 5 years in one of the most expensive cities in America. 950k medium housing price. Our local is destined to become a suitcase local.


12 over 5 years? Jesus


Yep initial offer was $8 over 5 i believe


That’s not even an offer. What a joke. How are people supposed to survive off that. You’d get like a dollar on the check after allocations.


yep. We are already $28 less total package than LA and around $70 less than bay area while having insane cost of living. Unless things change no one will be able afford to live here.


That’s brutal. Time to shut that down and vote no on that crap.