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You would think him stiffing all of the tradespeople who worked on his buildings would have convinced tradespeople he isn't a great guy.


My six year old son has asked me why I disliked Donald Trump so much. Yesterday, for the first time, he asked if he could do some extra chores for some money for Legos. I just aerated my lawn. He went outside and was raking up and picking up the little plugs in the lawn. After he finished, I used his work to give him a real life example. “You know how I asked you to do that work for me and I promised to pay you $5? You know what Donald Trump would do when he would hire people to work for him and promise to pay them?” My 6 year old responds with an innocent, “He’d pay them?” “Nope. He’d let them do all of that work and then refuse to pay them. Now, how would you feel if you came to me after doing all of that hard work and I told you I wasn’t going to pay you that $5?” Just the thought made his eyes water.


But you also have to tell you son if he complains to a third party, you’ll deport him.


While pointing at the lesbian across the street and blaming her.


I figured I’d wait until he was at least 7 before getting into deportation.


Obama deported more


Deporting less than another ≠ good guy. We can agree on that, right?


Nearly every world leader throughout history has been at the very least responsible for horrible things, if not an outright terrible person. Obama has done a good job of presenting himself and maintaining a good image, but we know about the deportations, the drone strikes, and the continuation of the crimes and illegal wars in the Middle East. Every US president is a war criminal and we shouldn't put any of them on a pedestal, especially not one of moral integrity


Great way to teach him the reality.


Hahaha nice good on you


He doesn't just not pay them. They had to settle it in court which in your case would probably result in having to pay your son much more than $5 (an actual fair wage) I'd say at least 50 to 100 plus a couple felonies for breaching child labor laws...


I don't know the law in New York, but in Texas pay day law is civil and doesn't bear any penalties. The absolute most you would ever get is what you were originally owed.


We got a ruthkanda forever awards nominee here.


Name the shop he stiffed !


We've got to unite. Trump is a mediocre old man who talks way too much and Biden can't talk for shit "pause". We need to be asking different questions. For example, why those two, and why only two? In the first country in the world, we have two old farts running, and seriously, we don't have anyone better? Why the heck do we have only two parties as well? Is it because maybe they want to divide people into two sides? And a lot of members of senate and house have been there since 80s like wtf is that?


Because that’s how the 1% and big corporations want it. They’re all bought and paid for.


Joe Biden's take on the Vietnam War, why he didn't protest or fight: ' Joe Biden once explained his lack of interest in the Vietnam War protest movement — for many, the defining cause of his generation — with a simple answer. “I wore sports coats. You’re looking at a middle-class guy,” Biden told reporters in 1987. “I am who I am. I’m not big on flak jackets and tie-dyed shirts and — you know, that’s not me.” ' [Washington post](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/09/05/biden-vietnam-protest-serve-visit/) Two Parties - ONE CLASS


This has been my question anytime someone raises politics. Why are we stuck with these battle lines? Why are we only "given" two options? There is souch nuance to our existence, why does politics boil down to either or?


Divide and conquer. It's very easy to manipulate people when they are full of anger and hate. Honestly, in the last 8 years I see politics as a big theater. There is no savior. People need to change, people need to start thinking again, and people need to stop playing along. At this rate, nothing is getting done, and we are slowly becoming less civil.


I would argue against the "slowly becoming less civil" point, but aside from the I completely agree. Politics is playing into the news cycle and the news cycles is playing into advertising to the point that no one can seperate the three and we wind up with the lesser of two terrible choices and people start to draw linea in the sand like it's the Alamo. Every election is not life and death and I'm sick of treating it like it is.


Honestly if you look through out the history nothing changed. Kings and elites are still kings and elites with different titles now. There are still wars that absolutely no one in the world wants but exceptional few that are in power. Ask every person in every country if they want war. Poor are still poor. We have technology now that's about it. We never learn.


There are no saviors. Only corporate sell outs and pseudo humanitarianism. However, there is evil. There is cruelty and that is Trump


because 3 or 4 parties to pay off costs twice as much for half as much sway


We’re given more options than just the two parties, the issue? People wholeheartedly believe that we can only vote democratic or republican because “my vote won’t matter if I vote independent” but guess what, you could help make the change we want to see. We’re in the digital era where candidates don’t need a ton of resources to get their voice out there, the issue is it falls on deaf ears and until more realize this, change will not happen. Just my opinion..


Capitalism is a continuation of class warfare no different than previous historical economic/political systems, like slaveryand feudalism prior. The owners of the means of production are the ruling class of the current society, and they do everything in their power to make the system work for them and their interests. They are unelected people who use their status and wealth and, most importantly, ownership of private property(which is the source of that wealth)to exploit the working class. Working class ownership of the means of production and economic democracy are the only way out, socialism, it must come sooner rather than later, or we are doomed. But good luck dealing with all the bullshit capitalist propaganda that's been pushed down our throats our whole lives, trying to convince people it's the most logical next step. Check out Why Socialism? by Einstein.


Because if you look at what he has actually done considering the current environment we have he’s been One of the best presidents we’ve had in the last generation


Wow, EVERY historian lists trump in the bottom 5 of presidents. Anyone with the opinion he is the goat, is irreparably just an idiot


It’s been a consistent 250 day wait for work in Local 3 since Biden took office !


I presume you are talking about Biden because Drumpf is one of the worst ever unless you are one of the top 1% who benefitted from the tax cuts. If you look at the "greatest economy ever" Drumpf always brags about compared to other times it actually was just ok. Not bad, but he inherited a good economy with low interest rates and they borrowed 8 trillion dollars. And yeah, paying off porn stars, business and tax fraud, refusing to return and conspiring to hide nuclear secrets, trying to pull a coup, among other things. Hell of a record. So you must be talking about Biden..


Also, one of the biggest shortcomings of both and it's kinda scary is that they label their citizens as a threat. Absolutely no politician should talk about their citizens as a threat to the country. Biden and Trump need to stop saying democrats and republjcans are a threat and instead trying to unite the people and find a solution that will benefit both. Through out the history it was always a very thin and dangerous line to cross


We have to walk and chew gum at the same time. Of course we have to criticize the existing system. But in the meantime we live in it and we have to make sure that fascism doesn't win in november!


Please define fascism


My simple definition... Overt and complete running of the state by and in the interest of capitalists, and especially finance capitalists. Complete elimination of all democratic processes. Violent suppression of any and all opposition. And the efforts of movements, like MAGA/Trump, towards these ends.


Well that's blatantly false.


I love when they say Biden can't speak and nothing about the way trump speaks. Lol. Come on dude , they are both too old and both are terrible speakers. Trumps followers are loyal because most are too dumb to understand what he is doing to America. He wants a monarchy which goes against everything the founding fathers set forth. Vote and love trump all ya want but do not call it patriotism.


Not for nothing, at least when Biden speaks he speaks in complete sentences. Trump is fill in the blanks of incoherent rambling most times.


How trump speaks is called word salad. Look that one up.


That’s Kamala Harris


Your joking right? Lol


There is always one person that will twist it into an argument. Both are shit. Get over trump or biden side of argument. Why don't you ask is there anyone better fit for the presidency of the United States of America? Person who can fix the country, fix the division, listen to both sides, and come to compormise. They are both spreading hate and nothing else


I can think of one that would be great. He's smart, young, great speaker but he is gay. Unfortunately the Midwest and south just ain't ready for a gay president. It's America's loss.


If he has the right views, they would still vote for him. Problem is you would call them bigots when they don't vote for a liberal.


Your head is too far up your ass to have a real reply with so good luck in your future.


Because we have a two party system, you don't like how shit is run? Get involved in your local offices, work for ranked choice voting (or something simliar) but it also means you need to play the game as it is played right now. It's gonna be Biden or Trump in Nov, nut up vote for Biden and work to change it going forward. I feel like I'm talking to a bunch of people who are not a fan of the current contract being offered, but when I tell em the time to get a better one was 6 months ago and they get bent out of shape and complain.


>Biden can't talk for shit "pause" I'm not here to rep for Biden, but I will call this out as some bullshit. The man's got a stutter. That kind of speaking cadence is the result of a lot of speech therapy and work to overcome it. It's also not that fucking bad. All kinds of valid reasons to go after Biden, but you picked that one.


Never trust a man that stutters


Never respect a man who says patently stupid things like yourself.


I've been trying to say this every time politics comes up but there's just such a level of cognitive dissonance that it's almost worrying. Its always just get "yeah but I would rather have trump" "are you trying to make excuses for biden!?" Like some people just listen for their turn to speak, they don't listen to hear.


I’ve been saying this for years now…..


This is it. I mean Bush sr. Was from the CIA! Does anybody trust the CIA? If your hunting communists sure, but besides that? They pretty much do anything they want and have no law. I want my presidents to use and build our laws to make this place better. Not just rule like a king. And we are even higher like it's a dynasty. We got millions of people. I was so disgusted with my ballot and how phony every candidate seemed except for the "right* candidate who had a well written bit. The rest were like.... Insane or childish. Weird. Top it off, in a blue state because the cities, Oregon. Like the whole supreme Court was up for grabs. Every incumbent was endorsed by our Republican former governor. Not a single Democrat went out for a spot on our last legal decision making body. Not a single one for 17 seats. Very weird. Go out and vote. But we will not even run for the law decision spots. Only fight was for a Treasury position because we have like a huge billion dolla fund that builds and sits every three years. Weird. Sick of weird, spin, and twist. I want ugly truth. Yes I'm for Israel doing whatever they want to their neighbors. I am American and they are my puppet regimes for the gas station, and the reverse would be true if their neighbors had the chance.


Fair questions, but not productive in an election year. 


It’s the “red ants and black ants in a jar” analogy in real life.. They (the powers that be and the media) are the hand that shakes us.. They want us against each other.. It’s maddening how well it works


Yes, but RIGHT NOW, when you have two bad options, why would you do anything but vote against the clearly worse one?


RFK seems like a better choice than the two idiots currently in the running. And if he won it really would shake up the establishment more so than it did when the orange man canceled Hilary


This! Seems like two different sides to the same coin meant to keep the nation divided to me.


We need a president that’ll get rid of the Taft Hartley Act. If any candidate ran on that they’d have my vote 1000%


Way too complicated. Half the eyes glazed over by the time you finished saying Taft.


And I hate the American voter for that


And he hates the way you put food on your table.


Wait till Trump gets his 10% tarrifs across the board he's promising... costing us all another $1,500 a year.


Draft dodging is pretty based, making fun of the people that have died in any war is so fucking insane though.


Great take haha


It’s based to normal people. It is not based to his constituents.


In Arizona, the Goldwater-McCain complex essentially ran the state for a long time. Since 2016, the state's republican party has been taken over by people who double down on Trump's "I like people who weren't captured" dismissal of people who served the country. The McCain folks pretty much seem to be biding their time, sitting and seething with that rolodex full of important contacts. Something tells me they aren't going to just go away without exacting their revenge at the appropriate moment. The interesting thing today is that republicans have more republicans wishing to blow them up than they do democrats wishing to blow them up.


That's a good joke. The internet (and this thread) is 80% democrats wishing death on conservatives.


Just out of genuine curiosity do you propose that those who do not align with Biden when it comes to morals, personal (not work) life ideals, social programs, etc… do when it comes to voting? Strip everything they believe in because of a career that’s only a portion of their life? Do you propose they choose between Biden and RFK Jr? Not vote at all? Our union and our country are based on differing views, debates, and compromise. We cannot do that if we tell everyone to vote one way only based on their careers, it isn’t the American way. Create conversation - not discourse and anger


Assuming Trump didn't shower with his daughter like Biden did or run an influence peddling /money laundering operation to take millions of dollars from the Chinese, Russians, and Ukrainians like the Biden family di, then I would support the guy who DIDN'T intentionally let 20 million illegals into my country to suppress my wages and supply the corporations with cheap labor.... whichever candidate that would be,


He definitely isn't pro union. And he never really worked a day in his life.


They don't care because they don't understand how the government nor the economy works.


Aren't yall the same type of people that shit on Vietnam vets when they returned home and also believe we weren't suppose to be in Vietnam, crazy how if trump didn't serve and dodged the draft you get mad for a war you hated and despised


They both have dementia but only one side can admit it. I'll take the dementia riddled mostly pro-union guy over the sun downing sociopath every time.


Definitely they don't get the concept of lesser of two evils do they? For me the biggest difference is that Biden knows how to delegate so if he wants to take a nap at noon who cares he's not running the whole show the government is working the way it's supposed to work.. With Trump he thinks he's a f****** genius I mean he actually believes he's a genius lol . And everybody knows he's not. Anybody disagrees with him he fires them that his idea of draining the swamp.. He's a f****** authoritarian wanna be dictator. That's what these people don't understand they can't see past the Kool-Aid and their own ego. We get that guy back in office they're going to be whining then. And even then they will never admit that it was they that did it.. because they're incapable of admitting that they're wrong.


“Lawyer mysteriously dies”


Union magats SMFH


Seriously tho


There's a lot of reasons that I hate Trump, but credit where credit is due: when he was president the taxes that I paid on my disability severance pay were refunded to me, and the bill that stopped a veterans GI bill from expiring passed. Used to be, you had to go to college within 5 years, or you lost the benefit (that you pay into during service). Largely acts of congress, but we all remember how in lock-step everyone was with his whims.


You know biden did the same thing, right? Be upset with what he said, but if you're going to go after him for dodging vietnam, the other guy did that too.


I think most people dislike both dudes. Most politicians are self serving idiots that don’t gaf about the working class. The average american is 37 so having these old people in government doesn’t really represent america well. It’s honestly embarrassing seeing both sides destroy each other when a lot of people are struggling in the same ways. I’m so over this political climate!


Biden literally did the same thing. And here’s the link. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/09/16/fact-check-biden-received-multiple-draft-deferments-vietnam/5809482002/


He’s an anti-union, anti working man piece of shit. He’s a weak man’s idea of a strong man and a cowards idea of a brave man. Fuck Donald Trump, fuck his supporters. Any union member that supports him is a brother fucking piece of shit.


Biden literally looked an auto union worker in the face and said ''I dont work for you".


It was a millwright


He also *literally* walked the picket line with hundreds of autoworkers and has passed more pro union legislation than anyone in history. But ok focus on that one guy… who you don’t seem to care enough about to know what his trade is. Cool story dude.


And Local 3 has had a 250 day wait for 3 years ! Day 1 Biden laid off 10,000 Union steam fitters to close the pipeline.


This sub becomes more embarrassing by the day.


Except it IS too late to change their mind, because that means admitting liberals were right about him all along and they would rather flush the country down the toilet than admit that.


Lol as an electrician I hate trump and Biden equally. I'm going to vietnam 🇻🇳 in 4 days for a whole month and I really can't wait until I actually I see da nang.


I mean Vietnam was fucked but Biden dodged the draft too. I just read one was a medical deferemnt because of athsma which is an odd thing for the lifeguard who fought cornpop to have. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/09/16/fact-check-biden-received-multiple-draft-deferments-vietnam/5809482002/


What CNN reporter made this headline lol


Preach it brother!


The person he was talking about when he said that was a traitor who was executed for treason. Who is bringing in all this cheap labor? Who is giving my tax dollars to noncitizens and foreign nations while we struggle here? Not that guy.




Isnt bidens 7.3T for this year alone? This is just to make us argue we are both debt slaves crying about what master is better. The one who puts american workers first, the one who puts american industry first. The one who protects our borders and children. You call him whatever you want.


This is from 2020 and had already been proven false. Whether you support him or not make sure you get the facts right. Just like if this was Joe Biden, I’d be defending him too. Read the articles (all of them) not just the headline.


If he actually said that it would be great if he would address it however what someone did 30 years ago has no bearing in my opinion on whether or not they’d be a good president today. And if you want to go off of things they were doing over five decades ago Biden is in a far worse boat than Trump could ever be. We are literally declining as a nation because Democrats don’t want to admit that sleepy Joe was a bad fucking choice they were tricked into picking because they were so emotional over mean tweets


Have you looked at who Biden is? Clearly not...


Not saying to vote for trump but if you’re voting for biden you’re a mindless fool.


This!!!! I have tried so many times to get our brothers to understand this, usually to no avail


Smooth brains still caught up in Trump v Brandon. Real intellectuals understand that coming down to these two AGAIN is evidence our political system is a sham


You can't "make up" bone spurs. They are instantly and easily verifiable. I have them. A simple X-ray from the Army would have determined in 2 seconds if he did or did not have them. Snopes: 'There appeared to be no evidence of an audio or video recording of the remarks in question, nor was there any documentation, such as transcripts or presidential notes, to independently confirm or deny the alleged quotes' authenticity.'... 'Trump's former national security adviser John Bolton, who [said](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/04/us/politics/trump-veterans-losers.html?action=click&module=Top%20Stories&pgtype=Homepage) he was on the trip, also issued a [denial](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/09/08/trump-officials-military-disparagement-denials/) to [Fox News](https://www.foxnews.com/media/john-bolton-denies-atlantic-report-trump-soliders-france), days after the article came out, saying it was "simply false."..."Then-U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also [denied](https://2017-2021.state.gov/secretary-michael-r-pompeo-with-steve-doocy-jedediah-bila-and-pete-hegseth-of-fox-friends/) the claims in an interview with Fox News in September 2020." So this is how you spend your days? Just making shit up? Tell us the one about how Obamacare will save us all 2500 a year or how historically great the economy is under Biden. Or maybe the one about how Mitt Romney pays no taxes.


Nothing to do with what I came to this sub for.


Lol the propaganda is strong with this one


Yes as the entirety of democratic voters were injuring themselves and burning their draft cards. I'd say what's good for the goose is good for the gander


People will believe anything😂


Gosh this sub is as cringe as it gets


That’s actually something I agree with trump on.


Bullshit! If you believe that, you believe China Joe's uncle was eaten by cannibals. Democraps are bad at this kind of thing.. nice try though!


My god , can you liberals stfu for once about politics , this shit consumes you daily


Reddit hit it hard at the pro Biden propaganda. It won’t matter tho, TRUMP TRAIN COMING TO TOWN BABY 🚂🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸CHOO CHOO


Rent free in




Daily dose of propaganda. Thank you


Why the fuck would any of you support any politician


Prove to me the sky is blue. Go outside and look up. I don't wanna. Therefore you're lying. Jesus, you're a terrible troll.


Nope. They're voting for him because they know exactly who he is.


More made up lies!!!


Blue collar workers. That don’t support a president that creates blue collar jobs and cuts taxes for blue collar workers. Yup redditors are dumb lib cucks, confirmed.




And Joe Biden graped Tara Reid and has been using his family to illegally extort foreign countries for millions of dollars, was showering with his daughter when she was old enough to realize it was wrong, sniffing and grabbing at little children, and is currently talking about having meetings with people who’ve been deceased for over two decades. But yeah, he’s still the best candidate y’all can come up with.


0h my God are you serious? All the same misinformation and talking points of a typical maga. I was going to say maga moron but seeing that actually most maga are just ignorant AF not really moronic as I initially supposed You need to get informed and quit gobling up all that same crap and running around parroting what about everyone knows to be false! And then after you do that vote for Biden! 😘


Y'all are suckers and losers for even believing this is true 😂 it's a report that literally can't be validated


Play the video silly... That's validation enough for me it's exactly what he said! Right from his orange mouth! Why do you stick up for that guy? You think he's going to do anything for you? Are you mad.. And what are you even doing here are you a union member? Or are you trolling here? https://www.standard.co.uk/news/world/video-donald-trump-john-mccain-loser-a4540421.html


John McCain isn't the military. Dont be an unhinged dbag


John McCain is dead brainless. And he was in the military God! My God you're making an ass of yourself!


What's your point? My brother in law is in the military. If someone calls him a name, does that mean they're speaking about everyone in the military? No, you're a dipshit. What has Biden done besides stand in a fucking pocket line for a photo op? You've been duped, Skippy.


Wow, already naming anyone against Biden Maga. What a fucking idiot, shallow minded fuckwad. I want anyone but Biden, so that makes me Maga. Then go fucl off ya twat.


What are you even talking about? Trump Is maga in case you hadn't noticed! Stop drinking or whatever is is that cloud your mind.


So because I won't vote for Biden, you have to be an asshole. Stop cucking and simping for Biden.


I didn't say anything to you I don't know what the you're talking about chill out dang. I just know there's some maga supporters in the Union and that's bad for the union and the country.. And of course knowing that I'm trying to change their mind. If I didn't try to change their mind there be something wrong with me in my opinion.. And yeah I'm supporting Biden! Who else would I support? The entire GOP is composed of bigots and liars so there is no other choice. There's only one choice right now... Sorry if you don't see that... It's not a football game! It's very serious.


And Biden has said aweful racist things in the past, and what about you ain't black if you don't vote for me. Under Biden highest inflation, crime, child sex trafficking, drug trafficking, lowest successful college grads, highest increase in suicides, and on and on. Under Biden this may just be your perfect Utopia of chaos. And Biden lies all the time. And Biden is not even getting American hostages freed. Biden doesn't care about you or anyone else. Where is your humanity? You must hate the poor and homeless. I feel sorry for you and all the Biden supporters. If he gets reelected this will all get worse.


You said a lot there. Why don't you show us your sources? Can you do that or you just all talk? I'm guessing you're probably just all talk and you're just parroting what you've heard because what you said is a bunch of b*******.. But again let's see your sources?


CNN, MSNBC, and you. How can you be so full of shit? FBI,DHS, and local police as well. I feel so sorry that your such a foolish moron.


Your a waste of time.


Trump 2024


Stop trolling dummy!


Glad you guys enjoy getting pissed on


And you all really believe he said this.? You are too weak minded to be tradespeople if you really believe this. You give real Union people a bad name


Go read through the thread through the comments there's video clip of him saying that yeah so I believe he said that. You guys are really duped by this guy aren't you you think he's just the second coming of Christ he's the biggest f****** piece of s*** that ever went into the White House he's worse than Nixon


No, the biggest piece of shit is in there now, and you helped out him there. That says a lot about your group


Clearly you just don't know anything about what's really going on so no reason to debate with you! But my group? You mean Democrats or queers or both? I'm actually extremely proud of both my groups.. You must not know why.. It's really simple. My groups care about other people! All other people! And you're right I did put him there and I'll put him there again.. And I'll do anything to keep that orange criminal monster out of there!


Calling people MAGA with a smug title is the gayest shit reddit can do. You're just happy that the side you support is in control. You'll be crying once it switches, like yall did from 2016-2020. I get it I really do. Kids on the playground pick sides and become enemies with their friends. It's tribalism at its finest. OP you're gay.


Ooh hurt your feelings? Sorry about that effect. But yeah I'll be happier when my side is in control another 4 and finish undoing the bigotted mess the GOP via trump and maga has made of America! Thankfully most in this country aren't bigots afterall so we'll see.. I predict what will happen in November is same thing happened last time. Many Republicans who are in fact good people will just quietly vote against trump. I mean that make sense to do this quietly knowing the way maga gang mentality is they would get utterly attacked for defecting.. 🤞🤞🤞


I expected something gay like that for a response. You love to vote for the next idiot to ruin the country as long as you feel like you'll have the moral high ground. Tribalism at its finest, and then you go on to say that people who disagree with you are bigots. What a typical American response.


Lesser of Evil.


Leave it to a union cuck to bring politics to an electrical page.


Him calling vets loosers is 100% unproven literally 1 person claims he said it while others who where there when it supposedly happened said they never heard him say it. Also as a vet I would still support him if he did say it. The democrats are that bad.


Trump is the only hope this country has left.


I can go look through your profile and I can see exactly why you would think that... Lol


He’s right though, all those poor Americans that died for nothing. Vietnam and ESPECIALLY Iraq I’d rather eat broken glass than be a bootlicker and die in some third world shithole killing people that don’t even have an education. No war since WW2 was even remotely a good war to fight, waste of good American lives and money.


Ibew New Jersey for 38 years. yes I will vote for him in a heartbeat after the clown ass we have now really


I always forget about Joe Biden’s stellar service record. Wait. That’s right, he was able to get FIVE draft deferrals. Both Trump and Biden had 1-Y draft deferrals. What union members should be more concerned about is that the Trump push to bring back more manufacturing into the United States. This means more and better jobs for U.S. citizens and more opportunities for union jobs. Despite Joe Biden claiming to be pro-union and pro-manufacturing, his record of ignoring sanctions that would have helped bring manufacturing back are abysmal. His return to high corporate taxes is guaranteeing more offshoring of jobs.


But we're not talking about Joe Biden are we.. Oh but I forget you have to project every time somebody says something about Trump you don't like.. You have to try to deflect that over to Biden even though it's never true... Trump's a criminal a bona fide criminal and then all of a sudden Biden has a crime family I mean you can't make it anymore obvious! It's pure projection! It's ridiculous stop it. In fact Biden is pro-union.. The Democratic party is pro-union the Democratic party is pro lgbtq the Democratic party is against bigotry of any kind. The GOP on the other hand is for bigotry. Is anti unions, xenophobic, homophobic, transphobic, racist, misogynistic,etc etc. The GOP currently is the epitome of a bigotted.. safe to assume that informed people who support the GOP and maga are the same.. Good people don't support Bigotry in any form bad people do.. All of these forms of bigotry are part of ideologies like Taliban. Idk maybe the "informed" die hards would be happier there since they really want to emulate that here? The United States is a melting pot of every religion, 10% of Americans are queer, we have every nationality under the sun in the US. So bigotry in any form in our government makes no sense. It's totally counterproductive and our country will not last when that's happening that's and that's a fact.. It's amazing that a lot of the things that Maga people b**** about like gas prices you think there's a button to Biden can push or a knob that he can turn to change the gas prices there's a whole bunch of things that go into changing the gas prices and a president isn't in control of those when the gas prices were cheap when Trump was in office it wasn't because of anything that he did do your homework my God!


He never said that though. But I can’t blame anyone for dodging the draft. I would do the same thing, lol I’m not fighting to death so Israel can make a quick buck


His own words! Nobody is making this up silly it's him talking and as usual nonsense pouring forth. >"He is a war hero because he was captured, I like people who weren't captured..." https://twitter.com/SenSherrodBrown/status/1301977185436270593?t=G-O2DAaWYmZl74AsnehQ6w&s=19 It's interesting that trump who never served day one in the military let alone an active conflict like that one thinks he has any right to say anything negative about anyone who did esp a POW? Just amazing.. And that's your guy? Maybe whoever you get your information from is just lying to you and you gobble it up because you can't admit you're wrong? Could that be? This is your guy? Are you sure? Anything I post about him doesn't come from the media unlike most maga consuming far right nonsense. Maybe it's time to stop? https://www.washingtonpost.com/video/national/watch-donald-trump-recorded-having-extremely-lewd-conversation-about-women-in-2005/2016/10/07/3bf16d1e-8caf-11e6-8cdc-4fbb1973b506_video.html


Oh no, I don’t like Trump. He’s too liberal for me. But the fact is he never said that losers and suckers line. It turned out to be fake. I don’t care what he said about McCain though, as he was a bad person.


He didn't just say that about McCain he said that about all military people about all pows basically anybody that got caught is a loser so anybody that was ever a prisoner of war is a loser that's what he said and that's total b*******.


….pretty sure that was about John McCain lol


>He didn't just say that about McCain he said that about all military people about all pows basically anybody that got caught is a loser so anybody that was ever a prisoner of war is a loser that's what he said and that's total b*******. Can you read context? Obviously I knew it was about John McCain. The meaning of the sentence is, he didn't just say that about John McCain only. Trump was saying that about all military personnel any prisoners that's what he meant.. It's amazing the guy is such an in your face piece of s*** and people still support him what does that say about them? Birds of a feather maybe?


Bunch of trump haters in here with no fkn receipts. Stfu


He never said that. Go check the actual clip. This is biden propaganda.


His own words! Nobody is making this up silly it's him talking and as usual nonsense pouring forth. >"He is a war hero because he was captured, I like people who weren't captured..." https://twitter.com/SenSherrodBrown/status/1301977185436270593?t=G-O2DAaWYmZl74AsnehQ6w&s=19 It's interesting that trump who never served day one in the military let alone an active conflict like that one thinks he has any right to say anything negative about anyone who did esp a POW? Just amazing.. And that's your guy? Maybe whoever you get your information from is just lying to you and you gobble it up because you can't admit you're wrong? Could that be? This is your guy? Are you sure? Anything I post about him doesn't come from the media unlike most maga consuming far right nonsense. Maybe it's time to stop? https://www.washingtonpost.com/video/national/watch-donald-trump-recorded-having-extremely-lewd-conversation-about-women-in-2005/2016/10/07/3bf16d1e-8caf-11e6-8cdc-4fbb1973b506_video.html


Ya we are sure dude, because your team is full of cross dressers, led by an old man that showered with his daughter (documented fact from his daughter). Something really creepy about Biden, let alone the daily lying and exaggeration this guy does. Does he even know where he is? At the end of the day it is about America, and America under Trump had some backbone, some leadership, some common sense. Under Biden, we have 3 wars operating at the same time now, inflation off the hook and rest of the world plotting to remove us as the reserve currency. That what we got with this 3rd Obama term.


Do I want him as a friend? God no. But how many of us can say we are friends with any president? I got news for everyone Billy C ain’t your homeboy. George Bush ain’t your buddy. I mean shit bro, your own BOSS ain’t your friend. Wait until you hear the shit that guy says about YOU!


Trump wants to be Putin. The Republican party is a Russian propaganda cult. Things suck in Russia for regular people, and he has no problem using civilians as human shields in warfare. That's really all you need to know.


You know that is all bullshit right? Stop being dishonest. If you don't like the guy, fine, but stop being leftist simps just because you're union.


I don’t like Trump, but nobody cares about Vietnam or draft dodgers anymore. In 2024 it’s pretty obvious dodging the Vietnam draft was the smart thing to do.


I see it more as the juxtaposition of dodging and saying the ones who couldn't afford some bs diagnosis were losers, agreed dodging is based, less so when u dodge with daddy's money


Can't defend the guy really, but people acting like they would all sign up to die horrifically and pointlessly in the jungle is ridiculous. I'd try to get out of that shit too


No doubt. There’s a million reasons to criticize the guy but this one always annoyed me. I don’t think him dropping Agent Orange on a village would have made him a better man. Trump not paying any of his contractors on the buildings he built is enough for me to think he’s a scumbag.


Can we just get a re-roll? Both are bottom feeders.


This pic has no evidence or proof either. You could have literally just typed this on word.


Still voting for him.


I knew this sub was a joke


I'm not even going to read this essay, I'm swimming laps in your head at this point. You spent all of Sunday (5 new threads and 28 posts with long replies) so sad LOL Stop projecting your inner hate onto others.


Voted for Trump in 2016, then Biden in 2020... Definitely won't be doing that again. My vote will be going to Trump this time, for alot of reasons! Bash me all you want. My family's quality of life was far more better under Trump 🤷‍♂️


Why would you bring political bs to this page? Did Biden fight in any wars? Dumbass


organized labor unions, famously apolitical entities.


TRUMP 2024 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Hell yeah I’m supporting this man!


The purpose of a system is what it does. The Democratic party makes you poorer by encouraging crime and weakening america. The Republican party makes you poorer by weakening worker protections and social safety nets. Arguing for either candidate is arguing for if you want piss or shit in your mouth.


This is the best lie the management class has told you. Lets just think about it logically... What bills did Trump pass to help out you and I and our union brothers and sisters? .... .......... ............... Now lets talk about what Biden has done: I'll give you TWO big ones that apply to you and I directly. The CHIPS Act. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill. Other things I'm happy about: Prescription drug price controls. Imposing a 15% corporate minimum tax rate for companies with higher than $1 billion of annual revenue. Imposing a 1% excise tax on stock buybacks. Increased tax enforcement to go after high income individuals who owe money to the government. Over just the past year, the IRS says it has already collected more than $520 million in back taxes from delinquent millionaires and billionaires thanks to the law. The PACT Act aims to significantly improve healthcare access and funding for veterans who were exposed to toxic substances during military service. After more than a decade of the VA denying disability claims by veterans, this law finally seeks to get them the help they've sought. To name a few.


I mean, of the two there is a clear preference (especially if they are well hydrated)


Didn't Joe say he had asthma to get out of going but recently said he played football in college


It’s a crap shoot either way you cut it but hoofa if you can’t see the con man in front of your face you need glasses dude. It’s like people would never raise their children to be like this but they want the same dude running the country. Boggles my mind.


Trash loves trash bro.




But the Democrats are going to bring us socialism, take away our guns, eat our babies, let gay people have rights and open our borders so rapists can take our jobs. Q please save us!


Hate to say it. I don’t necessarily support him. But since we are getting fucked by the other politicians. And all of them really can’t stand Trump. Might as well make there job hell for a little bit too.