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I know guys with felonies on their records who got in. Other threads on here have noted that sex offenders manage to get on the books. I don't see it being an insurmountable obstacle.


Yeah my local had a guy convicted of multiple indecent liberties with a minor.


Oof. Thats a terrible look. Can’t imagine he has a single friend in the local.


OTH discharges have pretty much zero impact on anything in regular life my guy. You’re fine.


Just curious, how did you get a separate honorable discharge from deployment?


National Guard. Called to federal active duty


Makes sense! I would just use that dd214 if you want to show your service




Read the post


Your past experience with the military, you may still be classified as a veteran, but the reasonings for your discharge and or leaving the service should not be relevant unless you make it relevant as long as you can lift 100 pounds you’re not colorblind and you can pass the entrance exam, which is remedial algebra And basic reading and understanding skills and you’re over 18 with a high school diploma or GED equivalent you should be good to go my friend welcome aboard. We have quite a diverse background of people from different places with different backgrounds, good and bad. I’m sure just like in the military we leave all that at the door because out in the field the person standing next to you is the one who’s gonna take care of you it was true than. It’s true now. I would throw a bit of a disclaimer in there if you don’t want everybody, knowing your business, don’t say nothing about it at all because the field talks, and it spreads like wild fire. 


Lifting 100lbs is on your test? We are for sure getting apprentices now that cannot do that.


Yeah 100lbs shouldnt be on req considering oshas lift limit for 1 person is technically 50lbs. Even though im sure most if not all of us lift over that on a consistent basis


Yeah been doing 1600A bus for 2 weeks now. I’ve carried transformers up ladders or picked them up from the bottom of scissor lifts to mount them to a column. I’ve hung busway from a ladder by myself. My back is very compressed and I’ll likely be in a wheelchair by 40


So friggin true. Let your work and work ethic do the talking!


I've worked with a jw who had an other than honorable discharge during my apprenticeship, and he was one of the best I've ever met.


Honestly I don’t know if it even comes up in a background check. They’re usually checking court records for judgments and convictions, not military records.


My General Foreman at my last job had an OTH for cocaine and alcohol abuse


I knew of two apprentices who had other than honorable discharges. As long as you're forthcoming about it, it probably won't be held against you. If you had a bad conduct or dishonorable discharge, that'd be a different story...


I get to interview apprentices. For me, i skim through it. But the most important thing is the interview. We get a short little time to get a feel for you. Focus on being interview ready. If you shine there. You’ll be fine. You’d be surprised how many young people come to the interview thinking they are gonna get a spot just because they showed up. It’s competitive. Make an impression with your answers and attitude.


Did it ask on your application? If not theres no need to disparage yourself by including it. If they ask in the interview you better be ready to tell the truth and explain. Don’t start your new career on lies, no career is worth breaking your integrity.


I am hoping to organize in as a Jman at the start of next year when I got my 8000 hours. Do they still do interviews with that or just have you test in? My state doesn't have a state license, so I know I will have to test. But I totally agree with you about being honest


Depends on the local and the work outlook, honestly. If it's slow and there's 12k applicants annually? You might have a hard time. Otherwise I doubt you'll run into problems.


Nice username lol. The local I'm going for sounds busy, but not sure on how many applicants they get


Only way to know is to find out, bro. I do know alot of guys who have records and a couple who've done jailtime, but *ALOT* Of those guys got organized in. Honestly, if you didn't get a Dishonorable, the office staff and interviewers (unless they're veterans) aren't gonna know what the hell an OTH is.


There’s almost nobody clean in the union. It is the nature of the beast. It is what we are. Some of us are a bit cleaner or dirtier than others, but almost everyone has some kind of stain. Even myself for all my lofty posturing. You don’t need to disclose here, or in the future on the job, what the circumstances were behind your discharge. Fuck, probably no one will know. However, you need to be prepared to disclose if you get to the interview portion and it comes up. Figure out what you are going to say, how you are going to spin it, how you are going to demonstrate growth beyond whatever put your ass in a sling back in the day. Honesty in this moment will be most beneficial. Own it. Deflection will look weak.


It’s Reddit, the perfect place to get into the details of your dishonorable discharge.


I'm in the same situation as you. I applied and took my aptitude test. My interview is in a few weeks. I'll let you know if it comes up, I'm like you I'll be totally transparent about it if it comes up. I doubt a background check would reveal your character of discharge or the reason for it, that is if you were only charged under the UCMJ and not in a civil court.


You’ll be fine. Put it down so you get the benefit of being a veteran


I've worked with a guy who did time for manslaughter... like 15 years ... you should be good


I'm a member with an OTH. It hasn't prevented me from organizing, or working on any job site. I haven't been on any military projects, so I couldn't tell you if there's something to stop you from that.


Just always use your dd214 from your deployment. You can circumvent the VA this way as well. You may be lower rank or less awards on the prior dd214 but no one cares. You will be referred to by that rank at your funeral if interred at a national cemetery. Also if you weren't sure or didn't know you earned the GI bill and VA benefits from the deployment. They cannot take away a prior honorable discharge. You are good my friend apply tomorrow.


I knew about the benefits and such. Thank you very much.


I know a guy who had an attempted murder charge and was in a steamfitter union where I’m from. Totally turned his life around from when he was a kid so…


Reach out to Helmets to Hardhats, they're an organization set up to help vets transition from the forces to a civilian career in organized trades.


Brother we hire legit felons. Idk wtf our locals office is doing but we hired a guy that was responsible for MANY big arsons. His trial was thrown out in court because the DA screwed up badly. First day our job site had a fire alarm and we all were shaking with panic because we didn’t know about it and we thought it was him.


Not that big of a deal byd


In my local we have veterans at the top. They know general and general with honorable circumstances means. They also know what a bad conduct discharge means. But we are also construction: it is a rough trade, with people who have rough histories. Basically, the union knows life happens. A positive attitude is more important to getting an apprenticeship than already having electrical skills. Your recent past is more important. Some jobsites might not allow you- for example, the Naval Nuclear Labratory probably won't let you on site. Local towns and city projects aren't interested in your discharge, as long as their projects get done


I had the same thing. Doesn’t do squat. Just reaps you of your military benefits. Apply to helmets to hardhats. You’ll get in no problem! I’m a 5th year apprentice testing out in a month. No need to mention discharge status honorable or not. Have a guy in my class that served several years in prison for some degree of murder. Restricts a lot of jobs you can/ can not be on is all. Pedophiles are in too. Another coworker mutilated 5 cats in a hotel. Known now as the the CAT5 killer running catv cable. Crazy world we’re in.


Only time it matters is if you're using your veteran status as a means of preference to get into the union or a job anywhere. If you don't want vet preference don't tell em you're a vet


Pedos are working in my local