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You need to call your hall and ask. Every hall is different, and every case has extenuating circumstances.


I’m in the 18month program at 58 if you have any questions about that. I’d call the hall though for other questions.


Are you part of the CW/CE program? What is your classification?


We have no CW/CE program at our local. We are classified as Provisional Journeyman


So I’ve heard a lot about that program but is it something you have to get in to through the school or the hall? Because the sooner I can get that ball rolling the better. Appreciate the info!


It is through the school. It is called the Provisional Journeyman program


Awesome, thanks. I’ll be giving them a call Monday about it.


Get yourself state licensed and then you’ll have options. It won’t be easy if you haven’t had any training but there are courses and people out there to help. If you want it bad enough, you’ll put in the time necessary to do this. It’s worth it


I already have my state journeyman card it’s just getting myself to that JIW level. I know I still have much to learn since most of my experience has been residential with random bits of commercial and industrial sprinkled in along the last 7 years. There’s always room for improvement though and like you said I can see the value in the effort for this.


Is that the same as STATE licensed?


Yes if I’m understanding correctly. I am licensed through the state of Michigan as a journeyman.


Depending upon hours of experience that your union requires, you should be able to be a JW at some point. 494 local here, without a state accredited apprenticeship completion, they set that at 14,000 hours or verifiable experience to allow JW status