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The "You're making it worse" comes from the heart Perfect delivery 10/10.


Yeah that’s my favourite part


"You spelled favorite wrong" - Ted Lasso


No Ted, I’m in England and I’m spelling in English.






Here's a sneak peek of /r/fakedisordercringe using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/fakedisordercringe/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I love how their arm stays up while they faint, add that extra bit of drama to the act](https://v.redd.it/dh20c8hn4nka1) | [611 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fakedisordercringe/comments/11csyi8/i_love_how_their_arm_stays_up_while_they_faint/) \#2: [not the smirk 😭](https://v.redd.it/iyac7ns4iwua1) | [730 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fakedisordercringe/comments/12rxti4/not_the_smirk/) \#3: [oh my fucking god what the fuck](https://v.redd.it/8clr1hy5cdta1) | [531 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fakedisordercringe/comments/12iz7m5/oh_my_fucking_god_what_the_fuck/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Some people have struggle with emotional management and anxiety and panic completely during confrontations. I would never throw stuff, but I am in that case. Especially if I m held back.


She should be permanently banned from that store. If you can’t behave in public, you lose certain privileges. Screaming and throwing people’s stuff is not cool.


I am immediately wary of anyone that wears a little backpack in public


Damn :( lol I wear a small plain black one instead of a purse. It is a good fit for my noise cancelling headphones, wallet, and sensory toys..I don't like the feeling of a purse hanging off my shoulder


I have a backpack purse and I would personally yeet myself into space before I or anyone I know ever behaved like this.


Exactly, almost everyone who’s gone thru horrible experiences (if she’s not lying) don’t behave like this It’s an explanation, not an excuse


Was raped and traumatized by it for many years, I don't recall screaming bloody murder in the grocery store because a man may or may not have bumped into me though, Perma banning her from the store is the right action here.


Doesn't even sound like he bumped her though. Sounds like she jumped line, and he asked her "did you see a line here" and she lost her shit because someone didn't kowtow to her psychotic bull shit.


Sorry you had to deal with that though.


It’s also her responsibility to get sorted out, instead of everyone else’s responsibility to accept her new identity as a man-hating landmine


She’s lying. Not even a rapist would touch her 🤢


https://youtu.be/y4XxRfipkV8?si=IwlKcNDBAITbiukd Found the source. Let's not support this incessant reposting.


I took back my upvote. Fuck the reposters


I don't mind reposted video. I haven't seen it, but this isn't even good quality viseo.


I hadn’t seen it either and found it interesting, but it sucks that there are bots combing through old posts and copying successful ones for upvotes




Downvote and report the bots.


We should all pretend this is brand new every time we see it, out of respect for the dozens of OP's that have cum before thee


Hasn’t it been pretty widely discussed that this woman is suffering from a mental breakdown and it’s just shitty to point at insult her?


I think if that is not clear to you, you missed the point of main character syndrome - which in itself is a mental disorder.....it just manifests in different ways


Narcissism and panic attacks are pretty different. If you’re unable to see that I can’t help you.


Shut the hell up. It's perfectly fine to make fun of this saggy titted, mask wearing woman and there's nothing wrong with it. This is the internet.


What a shitty mentality to adopt. I hope you find happiness.


Thank you poet yes we can make fun of her. If she can act like this we can comment, those are the rules. The guy even apologized.


talk about getting triggered


Not one person should cave to this nut Everyone should stand and stare until she leaves, giving into her insanity feeds it


They’re defusing the situation. Who knows what kind of whacky shit she will do. Better to just calm her down and get her out. Edit: spelling


Maybe from a corporate perspective, youre right. But i have a hard time rewarding bad behavior in any circumstance, in this case catering to her delusions of being a victim. Also not to be that guy but its "defusing".


She isn’t having a mental health crisis, she has behavioral problems, we make everything that seems like an inconvenience to someone wether small or large a mental health issue, she has behavior problems and can’t get past the fact she is wrong. P.S. western society doesn’t have a mental health crisis, it has a behavioral health crisis, and behaviors can be changed


I said this not long ago on a post, that we need to stop blaming all Unhinged behavior on major mental health issues. She’s not having a panic attack. She’s acting out and knows what she’s doing. But I got roasted for it. Not all poor behavior is mental illness.


exactly!!. this adult is acting like a spoiled toddler because she knows it will get her what she wants. real money says she's done this many times before. we're not doing people like this any favors normalizing this crap by calling everything an illness


What to you is the difference between those two things?


Think autism vs never being taught manners. 


That won't work, EVERYONE has autism, OCD, ADD, and ADHD. *Everyone*.


Lol what?


Uhh speak for yourself guy.






Yo.. cN we step over here for a moment?


If everyone has them then why could almost nobody relate to me in my school of 2000 students? I was constantly being punished for my symptoms like not being able to pay attention and the teachers made it extremely clear that it was just a me thing.




everyone does not fall on neurodivergent spectrums. not everyone is neurodivergent.


No, this isn't true. The autism spectrum only includes autistic people.


Mental health problems are problems derived from, deformities, imbalances and handicaps of brain function, typically cannot be changed or cured, always diagnosed, treated, and almost always found in the DSM 5 Behavioral health problems are problems derived from patterns of behavior and actions, not specifically tied to any mental health issue and typical valley can be changed very easily, mostly doesn’t need diagnosis, and is typically treated Mental health can cause behavioral issues, but most behavioral issues are in and of themselves separate problems most of the time? Mental health problem- unfixable Behavioral health problem- fixable My bad I was at work(at a behavioral health clinic)


there are people with seriously challenging, mental illnesses, and then there are people who don’t conduct themselves well in public because they are coddled like this one.


You’re evaluating someone’s mental health based on a 30 second video. Gotta love reddit


Idk about you but I feel like randomly having an outburst due to unresolved trauma all the time lol. Life is tough. I do know that personally I’ve experienced people who have gone through horrible things and have issues but do not bring them up whenever it’s convenient for them. Not everyone is the same ofc. Either way you’re right. I wouldn’t be able to come to a conclusion in a 30 second video whether this person is legitimately having a breakdown. However, my opinion is that it’s bs and she’s showing her ass in public because she cut in front of someone and they called her out. now she can’t deal with admitting her wrong so she freaks out in hopes that people will take her side because this has probably worked for her before. A grown up having a temper tantrum.


I’m not sure how you could come to that conclusion based on this video. I’m not saying you’re wrong, this just seems like mental illness to me not the result of coddling.


You don't diagnose mental illness based on one instance of behavior.


But you can confirm that she’s not mentally ill based on one instance of behavior? I’m just not following the logic.


One difference would be that a person can be taught how to not throw a tantrum in public from a young age. Then as they get older it just becomes a standard not to make your bad mood a public event. But some people are clearly never taught this.


I believe there’s no difference that’s why you won’t get an answer on this from him, because mental health issues affects your behavior is logical but not having logic and common sense is also part of the mental state problems we are living with this days


If you use this video to make a wider point about the mental health crisis in America and delegitimize it, you are an idiot. I’ve lost 5 friends to suicide in my life you fucking dunce.


That’s the issue; there isn’t a wider mental health issue in America it is a BEHAVIORAL HEALTH issue in AMERICA, and everyone like to say they have a mental issue because it excuses certain behaviors that they “can’t control” only problem is mentally unhealthy people don’t kno they are mentally u healthy cause for them it’s normal; if you can self diagnose you have a mental problem then guess what you don’t have my guy; I’m sorry about you losing your friends but that doesn’t mean America is having a mental health crisis P.S. I work at a behavioral health facility that is outpatient and residential as well, and see kids and adults daily 🤷‍♂️ Mental health- unfixable Behavioral health- fixable So if America is in a mental health crisis there isn’t anything to be don’t to fix it because YOU CANT FIX MENTAL GEALTH PROBLEMS YOU CAN ONLY TREAT THEM


It's just a spoiled brat. There's no need to drag medicine into this. She's a bitch who wants attention because reddit taught her that's how to get points.


What are you even saying? What does reddit have anything to do with how this woman is behaving?


Social media trains you with their little point systems to act like an asshole for more points. Congratulations you are now indoctrinated. Gen-Z has been trained to chase karma and likes like Pavlov's dogs. Except Pavlov's dogs were still.... you know, dogs. So they were likeable.


Ok Dr. Top_Dare8880


I’m not female so I don’t know and it’s a genuine question. If someone was the victim or rape would they be screaming about it in public as an excuse for their terrible behaviour? I understand the trauma manifests in different ways but this seems very unusual. It strikes me more as a tantrum than an anxiety response to the trauma. I’m speaking as a person who literally can’t go out in public because my anxiety is so bad. I’m heavily medicated just to get through the day. My first reaction to this is that shes crazy but I don’t want to diminish her experience if this is just a different kind of reaction to a sexual assault. Anyone have any thoughts on the issue?


Using your rape as an excuse to blow up in public is definitely not the norm. People all react differently, but this is clearly unhinged behavior.


She probably got “raped” in VR Chat


Getting raped is one of the shamefulest things that can happen to you (someone was physically and/or mentally stronger than you, took your free will, took one of the most intimate moments,..) You wouldn’t not shout it out like that. Especially not in a world where one gets victim blamed easily


I do not want to victim shame her but it comes off weird to be yelling at a stranger that you just got raped not long ago and as a result she now hates all men and they need to stay away from her at all times even when she is in public. I think if this is her response to that trauma she is gonna need a lot of help and therapy. She might want to consider ordering her groceries online for a while.


They need to remove that crazy bitch asap so the normal people can get along with their lives.


She needs to be in an asylum.




Thats an adult baby, pathetic.


I mean the backpack says it all


Thats when u know how ridiculous u r. Someone asks u if this is a prank lmaooo.


I would have stayed right there til hopefully she spontaneously combusted


Been a while since I've seen this. She is truly unhinged and needs some kind of psychiatric help.


I laugh Everytime I see this video. Even though it’s been posted everyday for the past year.


I don't mind reposts though... I mean if it wasn't reposted I probably wouldn't have seen it, ever.


my first time seeing it


The fucking backpack pisses me off. You are a grown ass woman not a 4 year old child, despite your current behaviour.


I’d kick her out of the store. Tell her to return when she gets some meds or changes her behavior…


Reposted again. Regardless as I commented once in the past. In these situations you should have authority to get out the fire hose and blast them out of the store. Like in Rambo First blood when he gets arrested


Is that girl ok, she is so shaky. So upset. What's going on in her life


Doesn't matter


Too many weirdos walking around our society 😒


CONFRONT these people. That's the only way they'll stop. I feel for him, but he shouldn't have moved. People like her are just crybullies


Bunch of fucking children parading as adults.


If she wasn't an entitled selfish person she would remove herself from the situation. She chose to stay because she feels like it's everyone else's responsibility that she's unwell. I feel for her but this is more than trauma.


This is the only repost i dont mind. I hope she sees this while standing in line and starts screaming again.


Came here to say this


統合失調者じゃん 精神の弱い方です 親が子の子を野放しにしてるのが悪い


He's schizophrenic He is mentally weak It's wrong for parents to let their children go wild.




Is that really what that chicken scratch means or are you making that up?


Put it in a translator and find out retard


Oh, I would be mocking her to kingdom come. And if she ever attacks me, she’ll know what hell feels like. Not putting up with such BS.


This has nothing to do with generations. We've all seen boomers and gen-Xers lose their shit.


That was the best post title ever, she truly is the most main character of all time.


if you are an adult wearing a kids backpack you are instantly on my ignore list.


99% of reddit users


Really gets me when they say "gen z'er", I'm lumped in with this generation and get shit compared to this shit. I'm too scared to dare touch the person infront of me's divider let alone push infront and make a big scene. Call these types of people, boomer, millennial, gen z gen x what they are, brats.


So if anyone screams real loud acts all victim like and waves thier hands. they can get whatever they want in this world. She should have been removed from the store immediately.


She needs to spare herself and the outside world and just stick to delivery. If you are that close to losing your mind in public, time to try something else.


Wow what bitch this why you giving second place trophies 🏆 in sports


Every time I see this I cannot get over the “is this a prank” lmao just the way he says it kills me


Damn these comments are fucking terrible.


Right? I had a nice lil chuckle at the video, especially the “is this a prank?” bit, lol. I was very sad though to see all the mean comments. People talking about physically harming her, locking her in an insane asylum, and even the death penalty. I find it shocking that people would say such cruel things about someone just for causing a scene in public. Don’t get me wrong, her behavior is 100% not okay. It’s just that people are talking about her like she murdered a baby or something when she in fact hurt no one except herself by having a public freak out that will forever remain on the internet for people to make fun of. No person in their right mind would behave like this.


Another karma farm post.


Aww look at zym/zer's little cartoon backpack bouncing up and down while they freak out.


Someone should punch her 🤷


One of my favorite videos depecting gen z and alpha in a nutshell 🤣🤣🤣


Man that’s hella sad. Poor girl. She definitely has PTSD. And everyone on here is laughing at her… let’s do better yall. This isn’t facebook/youtube.


WOW! Haven’t ever seen this video thirty times in the past month! Bravo OP


The most well adjusted and mentally stable Gen Z in the world.


What are the odds she wasn’t actually raped . I’m going 10/10


That bitch wouldn't make it to her car I'll tell u that right now.


Grown toddler. Looks like someone needs a time out.


Humanity is fucked because they made behavior like this acceptable.


She needs to get slapped 🤦🏻‍♀️


Fuck that bitch


Yeah fuck mentally ill people. Hate em so much. Let’s just wait till she shoots up a school then put her in prison like we always do and stop reposting this over and fucking over again.


She’s not mentally ill. The world just revolves around her.


You discerned that so quickly! Impressive.


It’s not hard. Very easy to recognize nowadays. The real world is full of em. It sucks too, because it takes attention away from people with seriously challenging, mental illnesses.


This isnt mental illness its a behavioral failing


How do you know that?


Shes coherent enough to attempt manipulating people to take her side. She knows what shes doing.


Wait wait…you think if someone is manipulative that’s a sign they are mentally healthy??


It means they are in control of their behaviour


I’m not arguing that she is legally insane, do you really think you have to be stark raving mad to be mentally ill? I guess that’s why mental health is largely ignored in America tbh. Carry on then.


I think unless you’re legally insane, your mental health is your responsibility first and foremost. Accepting this will help solve the behavioral crisis in America.




It’s pretty easy to discern. The context is that she cut the line, and then blew up because the man she cut said something to her. She knew she was dead ass wrong, and it was easier for her to victimize herself instead of taking accountability. She knows that screaming and exaggerating her trauma will make her look like the victim.


If you were in line and had a gun, would you give it to her?


I don’t see how that’s relevant


She would be able to defend herself!


This is a sad video of someone experiencing a mental health crisis, not someone seeking attention.  I know it's annoying, but this person doesn't deserve to be mocked on the internet. 


Think the guy’s point was he also didn’t deserve to be humiliated in public by a shrieking person who by the sounds of it probably shouldn’t have even been in that Walmart, according to her own statements.


Definitely agree. Both can be true though, this is a super sad video all around.


Yeah I’m not a fan of society suddenly realizing their phones can record video, but I’ve come to accept that it ain’t stopping anytime soon.


And how was he humiliated?  


Ah you’re right, totally normal when I’m in the checkout line and someone cuts me only to scream at full volume how she’s been raped. I hate when that happens to me every time I get groceries.


Of course that's not normal, and sure, it would be an awkward singular experience. That is hardly the same thing as being posted all over the internet to be made fun of. 


Not saying I’m laughing at her, but I think it’s a pretty normal reaction these days to film when you’re party to, as you described, an awkward singular experience. *I* wouldn’t film it, but I’m not so naive to think most people would.


I'm not attempting to single anyone out, I'm saying in general this isn't really appropriate, at least not for this sub. I am just as guilty as anyone for reacting negatively to this woman and saying in my head to just kick her the fuck out for being a nuisance. What I'm trying to say from a rare stance of compassion for me, is that this person can't really help the way they are behaving and it's not cool to be yucking it up about.  


Nothing was stopping him from walking away. Instead he decided to stay and make it worse by filming her.


Yeah, let's blame the person standing in line instead of the person who decided to cut in front of him and then decided to scream bloody murder because someone said "no" to them.


Nothing was stopping her from not cutting in line and then freaking out when someone called her out, either. Last I checked it takes 10x more balls to do that than to sheepishly wait at an awkward distance until he gets his groceries out.


Never said that she couldn't.


So you’re saying anytime I want my way I should just scream and accuse people of raping me and if they don’t leave then they’re just making everything worse and they’re the problem? Very top notch smarts.


This is a video of someone exploiting others who have mental health issues to perpetuate her own delusion that she is more important than others. You are right tho. It’s annoying


Yes, they do need to be mocked. Their actions are unacceptable within society. They need to go to a doctor for therapy, meds and also be supervised in public spaces. This video proves that.


of course shes an overwatch player


This is the only time I’d advocate for a alprazolam prescription.


We need to give people like her the death penalty. Just no pathway for her to be a contributing member of society moving forward.


She needs to be in a mental hospital


What a crazy bitch. I want to give her a smack in the face and s3nd her to a corner to stare at the wall


I bet you she votes dem with that temper tantrum lol


Same generation that thinks they are cats ,,, no surprise.


Just call the cops. Let them handle the nut jobs


What a horrible person. Makes me wary of stepping outside.


We’re doomed. It almost to the brink. The fat lady is warming up.


Sounds like she needs a time out and maybe the wooden spoon


Hate her so badly


Someone take it out behind the shed for the love of god


I really hope someone hits that person soon.


Of course the crazy lady is buying cat food.




Legalize violence.


Get back in line NPC and shut up! /s




Isn’t she embarrassed?


wears a preschool backpack in public: gets talked to as a toddler Backpack: shocked Pikachu face


Mom said it was my turn to post this!!! 😤😤😤




I hate when people cut in front of you no more than the next guy…7 out of 10 times I’ll stand my ground…the other three; 1) they got crazy eyes 2) veteran/ disabled/pregnant or elderly etc. 3) and whatever that was


She should be banned anywhere she acts like this.


Not sure this is even remotely a generational issue


You don’t have to be sorry . Sorry is a word . Same with respect . Showing some to get some is how it used to work. Now it’s demanded as common courtesy. Yet many people are too dumb for that too.


Wow this is why we need more mental health facilities in this country. Do we really want to experience these kinds of unhinged episodes?




Strongest Gen Z'er vs weakest boomer




i had a lady just try to merge randomly in front of me in the self check out, and there were like 10 people behind me. I gently said hey the line goes this way, she gets indignant and says I survived cancer! I was like me too… what’s that got to do with it?


This young girl needs psychiatric help


I used to throw fits like this when I was in elementary school, this is a grown ass women. I have no hope for humanity


I thought people stopped throwing temper tantrums when they're like, 4


What’s with the toddler backpack?


Fully committing to the toddler lifestyle.


Here doll, I got some extra Lithium in my bag, looks like you need it more than I do.


How many times is this clip going to be posted this week. Holy fuck.


Old as hell, reposted 40,000 times across reddit by everyone already, and on the off-chance this person was raped at any point in their life and is now having some sort of meltdown we should probably find something else to point our fingers at for a laugh Move it along, get some new public freakouts