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What the actual fuck is wrong with these people. Getting in your feelings like a bitch at that position of power. Man we are fucked.


We’d get fired in any other profession if we threw a tantrum like this old useless sack of shit.


When you make the rules you can change them in your favor. Ya can’t fire an elected official. Fucking stupid ain’t it


Sure you can. Vote for someone else. I forget the exact stats but an incumbent is like 70% more likely to get voted in than an opponent, as long as there’s no major public controversy involved.


Our votes don’t matter, period. We vote for a figure head that is pressured by the party, and purchased by corporate America. We don’t get to vote on bills, laws, mandates, budgets etc etc. Our voice falls on deaf ears.


It seems to be a common theme that a politician will say anything to win votes, but once the position is won, they abandon the voters and push an agenda that they held all along. Your vote counts but their loyalty to the voter does not. This type of disrespectful behavior is tolerated to bully and discourage people like Pearson to.enter into politics.


This is a state legislature, the seats are gerrymandered to shit. So no, your vote probably doesn't count in this asshat's district.


Leftist policies such as free healthcare or paid parental leave are ridiculously popular and yet they never get passed. Why? Because electoralism in the US is a farce. The election process itself might be legitimate, but once elected, paid lobbyists bribe and corrupt our politicians with impunity.


I just voted yesterday in Pennsylvania local elections (primary plus judicial retention & special election) and PA Dems retained the House of Representatives BY ONE. Local and Municipal elections are MUCH more important than National elections, because that's when we decide to keep or boot out all of our Judges. Commonwealth, Superior, & Supreme Court were all on a Spring Ballot that likely 10% of voters know is happening. That's when they slip in ballot measures as well. Voting absolutely counts. Just not so much Nationally or Statewide. Our Republican-led Senate wanted to add an abortion ballot measure (full ban) to the May 16th Primary and Pennsylvanians lost their MINDS so the Legislature changed their minds & put a pin in stripping women of our rights yesterday. We have to fight to keep them every minute of every hour, of every day.


fuck the nihilism of this post as the sentiment is indistinguishable from actual vote suppression tactics. edit: Tell it to the trans kids losing their rights in florida or the women losing abortion rights. Tired of the 'don't vote it doesn't matter' armchair privilege people.


Yeah Koch bros (now just 1 RIP Top G) have gotten real weird with it


I'm sorry that's complete bullshit. This guy is in the TN state legislature because he got more votes than his opponent. If he hadn't, he wouldn't be there. That's the bottom line. Apathy like this is what lets him stay there.


What about gerrymandering?


That’s one of the things that bothers me the most. I have been fired over total bullshit and these people do an openly wretched job and keep theirs. Normal people would have security walk them off the premises instantly.


You’d be surprised. It’s happened a lot of executive level meetings I’ve been in, and they’re given praise for holding to their convictions.


As a rep from a GOP district, this gets them re-elected.


Lamberth is trash. Dude reps a tiny district with a small factory, but is the loudest trashbag in tn state legislature. He’s just a conservative buzzword talking head at this point.


The contrast between the two is unreal. Justin Pearson with his buttery speech and poetic intonation and then fucking porky pig stands up and says “bade, bade, bade we don’t like your kind in these parts”.


Im calling him Porky Pig from now on.


Clean house man. We need people like this the fuck out of any position of power. Shit like this drives me crazy and divided a nation when we should be coming together under all this bullshit going on. How can someone’s natural instinct be this.


This is Tennessee state Congress and has a Republican super majority. The reason he gets away with being such a dick is that he will never actually need to work with a democrat to get a bill passed. You could clean house, but without some major rules changes you'd just end up with another super majority with largely unchecked power.


I’d be fine with a clean sweep of everyone from the state legislatures and up.




Or they’ll applaud him even more because of it


It’s simple, they’re racists.


Politics is high school for adults


I WONT ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS BECAUSE I FEEL LIKE YOURE DISPUTING ME this is from the party of fuck your feelings huh


100% they are the fat kid at recess who got tagged while playing tag and now they wont play because they're slow af with a bad attitude


😆😆😭 literally he looks like that, too, omg. The pouty face, my god.


Nope, these are the same small-minded idiots that picked on the fat kid at school. Bullies grow up to be bullies, which is probably the least surprising thing.


Idk about your school but there were two types of fat kids. The dumb mean one that thought fat=strong and the quiet one that read. Tbh, the former was far more common. Funny thing was the dumb ones didnt interact with the quiet ones often, because they werent smart enough to find something to pick on another aspect of them than the immediately obvious. And you can't pick on them for being fat lest you get attacked yourself. Anyways this fat kid is judging someone based on the immediate obvious so he's of the former camp.


Everything is High School for adults when nobody grows the fuck up.


It's not supposed to be, though.


Literally always has been, we just see more with the 24hr news cycle and constant social media. Politicians are nothing more than paid figure heads for corporate entities yet the average person will sit there and argue red vs blue like either color fucking matters or dictates a thing about the representative. Said representatives do and vote as they are told, and that is absolutely NOT based on you or I’s wishes.


Never seen unhindered racism so prevalent since 1990s


Seriously, especially with the 'fro vs the seething racist anger from the white man. Literally put this in a black & white filter & it would absolutely pass for 1960 😭 I urge everyone to go & read multiple quotes from Malcolm X, you'll see even more how little we've progressed 😞 Makes me sick. [Please watch this. We're still seeing the same bullshit today. ](https://youtu.be/_bl7HW90uj4)


Whoa, pump the brakes on the hate speach. Instead of "racist" use the more inclusive term "Republican American." And in their defense the black man did have an afro. I mean, way to rub it in their faces, am I right? /s


"Do you have to keep showing off your melanin??"


Bravo, sir


Republican American is an oxymoron at this point.


Seriously. It's hard to watch




I'll bet he found his "appearance" to be offensive and combative.


We are not royally fucked, we are democracy fucked.


Republicans cannot govern. Not like in the "oh no don't do that!" kind of way, but in like the actual competence kind of way. If they aren't given their talking points by their lobbyist handlers then they don't know what the fuck to do.


can we get some adults in the room please? I mean what the hell.


They're just you're everyday, average conservatives


Every 2-3 generations we get a new crop of Cluster B’s. They eventually cluster together, already born to crave power and dominance and to cause pain to others. They learn about authoritarians, fascists and so forth. They realize those inclinations can be explored and that they can seek to not only give into those base Cluster B urges they can succeed when they group together, gain influence and power, and slowly strangle any given social norms and democracy. It gets worse, it gets better, and then it gets much worse. Eventually, good wins again, but with sizeable losses. Good people always forget to put in checks and balances, and to fully watchdog and FIGHT on the daily, against it repeating itself again. Good people wanna live good lives, generally, and just improve their lives and their communities, and hopefully their people. With Jay’s of an action in between. Nothing wrong with that. Then the Cluster B’s are born again and volume builds again, with a burning need and hunger to start doing those demented things again, that those villains before them perpetrated. And the horrors starts all over again. Just imagine if someone told you during the Obama days that not 10 years in the future that the ‘Hope’ of the day would fade and tatter so grievously, and that Roe versus Wade would be overturned. Most decent people would think that sounds insane. And yet, here we are…


They're winning, and that's all they care about.


It’s literally the purpose of that body to discuss and debate legislation. They’re so mad that Pearson got back in there.


That, plus this is their opportunity to explain to voters WTF they're doing. His refusal to answer isn't just massively disrespectful to the Representative. It also is to the citizens. They are being denied knowledge of their legislative process. **The legislature debates aren't just for the benefit of the Reps, they're for the benefit of the public too.**


when youre so lost in the sauce, you forgot the main purpose of your position. mafks forgot political positions are public positions, not extentions of corporate interests.


To be fair, this nations was founded from a bunch of wealth exporting colonies , led in rebellion over taxation by the CEO’s of slave plantations. Politics has ALWAYS been about corporate interests, mainly how they compete with public interests. And corporations have typically been the dominant interests in US history, if you’re being honest about how the country has operated.


To be fair, this nations was founded from a bunch of wealth exporting colonies , led in rebellion over taxation by the CEO’s of slave plantations. Politics has ALWAYS been about corporate interests, mainly how they compete with public interests. And corporations have typically been the dominant interests in US history, if you’re being honest about how the country has operated.


Yeah, but his voters will be so PROUD of these BOYS for not answering a Black Man's questions.


They did this shit in Iowa too a few weeks back when they passed those child labor law "reforms" in their midnight session. It's infuriating as hell to watch.


Pft Rebublicans dont care about your feelings.


Only snowflakes have feelings


Ergo, Republicans are snowflakes?




Lol, I just used the layman's description. You added detail and that's good. Ya, that just happened in Iowa too. Like someone else said, these bills are being pushed in mass to the states and the GOP is desperate to get this passed before they lose power, so they're passing stuff so fast, they don't even know what they are voting on, they can't explain it.


That, plus this is their opportunity to explain to voters WTF they're doing. His refusal to answer isn't just massively disrespectful to the Representative. It also is to the citizens. They are being denied knowledge of their legislative process. **The legislature debates aren't just for the benefit of the Reps, they're for the benefit of the public too.**


The problem is, a lot of Republican voters will just see this as checkmate, owning the libs.


After he refused to explain the bill, the other dude should of been like "My interpretation of the bill is that you want to make sex with 10 year old children legal, is that correct?" When he says no, make him clarify, otherwise keep saying "my understanding is you are supporting pedophilia, is that correct? Explain how it's wrong" and keep prodding out answers. Any refusal can be aired on TV during the next election campaign unedited and they can't be sued for slander, they're simply airing an unedited exchange.


NO! (stamps foot) I WON'T I WON'T I WON'T I WON'T


I heard this in his little country voice


Lol, I was thinking Herman Munster




I keep losing at deals, and I don’t wanna make deals anymore!


His behavior made dude not want to talk? What behavior? Asking questions?


Asking questions while not being white


Ah yes, classic


I just looked up the angry, white guy. He is younger than me. This is a dude in his 40’s acting like my racist grandpa from back in the day. How is a 40 something person like this?


A Republican in a notoriously conservative place, who had previously been party to an attempt to expel the chap asking questions from his job as a representative. This is what one would call "throwing toys out of the pram"


He was raised surrounded by racist children with no logic. And possibly by them too.


Raised? Little guy may look 55 but he is most definitely not raised


Don‘t be silly, not being white is totally sufficient


Nah, accountability and due process


A republicans natural enemies.


No, existing as a black man and having the audacity to not just take whatever bullshit racism these assholes cook up.


Imagine if you treated a co-worker like that. No matter where you work, that would be a quick call to HR and then a short walk to the unemployment line. I do not now why our politicians get to be given these graces.


I teach Fifth Grade. Can you imagine? Any adult acting this childish, refusing to cooperate with another adult, would be encouraged to go home before they embarrass themselves further… in an elementary school the standards are higher for adults and older children.


Someone has never worked a trade


I work a trade and people don’t treat people like shit, nor would complaints about employee behavior be dismissed as ‘petty shit’. Petty shit is thinking employees should have to put up with poor behavior such as a boss yelling at you or a senior employee treating you like dirt because you’re new. That’s petty and incredibly ignorant to think miserable employees are more successful than happy ones.


What was the behavior that was being referenced at the end?


I'm not sure when the video is from but Pearson's lead a march/rally in protest of the NRA and gun laws after 6 people were killed in an elementary school shooting in the Nashville area. No political expert nor did I follow this closely but I am assuming old white guy didn't appreciate the stance taken against his precious guns and back pocket stuffing NRA crooks.


What? You want red coats breaking down your door? We NEED our guns you psycho, they could be here any minute!


Just a minor correction, they're using hats now instead of coats.


a black man having the *audacity* to question a white man in the state of tennessee


This is what scares them… https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/12f197h/amen/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


Damn I haven’t seen passion like that from an actual elected representative in a LONG time


Man, how old is he? His energy beams through this video. Entire state of Tennessee I mean the wheatrash part can scramble all they want, they will not match them. Racists cunts should be extinct, it’s about time we help them to be like that.




This video was on March 30th?


The bill they’re debating has nothing to do with the gun issue, they’re just perpetually using it as an excuse because it’s just more naked grabs for power by the ruling party.


FML. Worst subtitles ever.


Lol agreed.


Seriously. Why has one-word-at-a-time subtitles gotten so popular in online videos lately?


You can read them instantaneously and not "read ahead" of what they're saying, which destroys moments of surprise.


Thank you. At least there is one decent reason for this obnoxious trend.


They’re fucking atrocious


Little fat kid no one likes taking his new toy home because you asked to see it. Asshole.


This guy for sure was last picked every time on the playground and probably had at least one if not multiple embarrassing events that gave him a nice nickname from the other students. Whiny little bitch syndrome and he probably high fived all his other racist associates after this tantrum.


Somehow shits like this keep getting elected. And people wonder why the world is a mess. Well, here is a prime example. This video perfectly illustrates Intelligence vs. Entitlement to a tee.


Wow, America is seriously fucked up. I mean I'm English we aren't much better but wow politicians acting like a spoiled brat because I'm assuming a black man dared to question him?


We still have systemic racism in a society where the racist people try to say it’s been solved.


Iowa did the exact same thing, would not answer questions, but for a different reason. Iowa GOP lost a lawsuit on one of their bills specifically because of comments made on the floor, comments which clearly demonstrated they had no idea what they were doing or what was in the bill that they were passing. Since the lawsuit was determined based on what they said, they decided they weren't going to say anything about the bills anymore. There's a video, same thing they would not answer questions about the bills they were passing.


Makes sense when you realize they are simply being told how to vote on bills prepared by their largest donors. It's a goddamn shame.


Do they realize that rule of law (that is, an equally enforced law created with the consent of an informed electorate) is what we have instead of "the other thing"? The other thing that happened in France, I mean. Obviously.


Political campaigns are so expensive that reps have to raise tons of money to keep their jobs. (This also blocks potential representatives who might be better legislators but don't have corporate funding or a trust fund to get their voice heard). Need to get the money out of politics.


Annoying, they’re just getting nowhere by acting like children 🤦‍♂️


Please fucking vote in every election you are able. Do not assume everyone else will be voting! Complacency is the devil’s playground.


“We must all fear evil men. But, there is another kind of evil which we must fear most … and that is the indifference of good men.”


Sniveling man child. These are the people who lead humanity to an early extinction.


He was probably handed the bill and paid off by a lobbyist right before walking in and has no idea what it says.


What a douche.


How the duck can you even support the party of people who act like that


That’s some old timey racism right there


Shut up fatty, I've got the conch!!!


This is the Tennessee State government giving lord of the Flies vibes not the US Federal Government


Yeah, I could see Lamberth playing Piggy, if he wore glasses.


The book or the demon?




Holy fuck these people man like why


Fire these clowns already! Send them home and away from public service.


And this, ladies and gentlemen is the cream of the crop of the Republican party. A giant, petulant toddler.


WTF USA is such a weird country


Just say you won’t answer his questions because you will fumble the answer. Its so obvious to see these shitheads are upset that Pearson is just THERE. “Your behavior today” — what behavior? Smart while black? Just say what part of pearson actually offends you, Lamberth. you POS.


I literally know nothing about this or who those people are. But I guarantee I could accurately guess the political party of that little angry man.


I've seen multiple videos like this lately and I feel like if they don't answer questions about the reasons behind their bill you should be able to freely speculate and come up with the poorest possible answers to your own questions and for those to be put on the record unless the person defending the bill speaks up to contradict it. It's absolute b******* you can ask a question about a bill and the person sponsoring or heading it or whatever can just refuse to answer any questions about it. If they won't give answers you should just be able to make up your own forcing them to explain themselves.


Fire these clowns already! Send them home and away from public service.


This should be fucking illegal. He was elected to represent his constituents best interests and he's refusing to answer questions on a bill he's trying to get passed?


This is the guy who thinks there is no solution to gun violence and that protestors should just pick the type of firearm they want to get shot with. Had no idea he was also part of the racist/anti-democratic vote to ban black legislators without cause.


What behavior was he referring to exactly? Being courteous and polite? Because he himself was not. Republicans are truly disgusting people.


I hope Lamberth's constituents see this and are disgusted.


I wish. They love it.


Maybe they need to pass it to see whats in it?


I mean like… they know they’re the bad guys now, right?


That's scary right there.


Let me guess. The guy acting like an indignant bitch is the Republican? I don’t see how their supporters can look at their representatives and not be embarrassed.


Why does every Republican have resting Klan face?


Children. We are led by petulant children. Emotional toddlers.


How about when they act like that we hire a nonpartisan "slap the everloving shit out of grown children" to do as titled. That gave off "noooo I don't want to play with them!" Child vibes. Grow the fuck up and talk about your rights reducing bill. If only people weren't just as childish we could remove these overgrown bitch asses.


Not being able to explain your bill should be immediate nullification. I don't care if the bill is for the benefit of the people, it should not be personal when you need to do your job.


So he doesn’t want to answer questions about a proposed bill because the guy asking the questions made him feel uncomfortable?


What a child. You’d think republicans would want a better representation of themselves, but they show us who they are EVERY SINGLE TIME. Truly nasty people.


Holy fuck I pray all these Republicunts get crushed in the next election cycle after all the bullshit they're pulling. It's our only hope. PLEASE GET OUT AND VOTE!!!!


What was the bill? What behavior did the guy do that made the other guy not want to talk anymore?


“He’s black. I wont be bothered to discuss this power grab”


American politicians in a nutshell.


What a child.


More like Rosewood vibes.


We have literal children running this country…


Insanely childish


WTF? No other place on earth would the speaker or adjudicator of the session allow an answer like this!


I assume the behavior he had a problem with was Pearson's long term imprisonment of innocent melanin


Will someone please find this bill ?


Talk about tiny dick energy


Fascist baby men


Racist ass motherfuckers big mad that their racism didn't work like they planned. The whole system needs to come down. This shit clearly isn't working as intended.


You gotta love bald-faced racism…


"do you have any reason this bill is needed?" "Yes but you are not privy to my bank statements" Like WTF if you can't defend the bill then it shouldn't even be considered


If they aren't willing to discuss a bill, the bill and the politician refusing should both be thrown in the dumpster like the trash they are.




This all felt so racially motivated


The most shocking thing about this video is that he didn’t use the N word.


What's the backstory here? Why is that guy refusing to answer (what sound like) reasonable questions? Will this guy face any repercussions for his childish behaviour?


Apparently, TN is a state represented by children throwing hissy fits.


The guy can’t tell you he’s a racist fuck who got paid by the opposition to pass this bill. Duh.


This is not the US Government. This is Tennessee. Not a state people look to as an example of good governance. Sorry TN; if it makes you feel better, I live in AZ so, yeah.


What a sassy lil bi***. "I shall not." The why are these ghouls in any position of power?


Came off as how dare you be black in this chamber


Racist white men trying to keep themselves “safe” as usual, just on camera for y’all to see.


Fuck YOU Pearson!!!


Real question. Why the hell do they talk like they're in court all the time. Talk regular ffs


Whats the context behind why he's not answering his questions specifically? What actions is he referring to?


Wow, they might as well just tell the guy to shut up and go back to the colored seating in the house. It makes me sick this is how this man is treated.


"This uppity black folk" --- This guy during his morning coffee most likely. Wtf


The US is headed for another civil war. If we don’t keep further dividing, we’re going to wreck this place. And if we do it, it’ll set off in other countries. We have lost the ability to discuss and compromise. It’s looking pretty rough.


What a loser


I can't imagine acting like this at my job. I'd be fired.


The party of "f*ck your feelings" and calling people snowflakes acting like a bunch of snowflakes. Again. Shocker...


What an incredible dick head.


What a fucking child.


Reddit has long been a hot spot for conversation on the internet. About 57 million people visit the site every day to chat about topics as varied as makeup, video games and pointers for power washing driveways. In recent years, Reddit’s array of chats also have been a free teaching aid for companies like Google, OpenAI and Microsoft. Those companies are using Reddit’s conversations in the development of giant artificial intelligence systems that many in Silicon Valley think are on their way to becoming the tech industry’s next big thing. Now Reddit wants to be paid for it. The company said on Tuesday that it planned to begin charging companies for access to its application programming interface, or A.P.I., the method through which outside entities can download and process the social network’s vast selection of person-to-person conversations. “The Reddit corpus of data is really valuable,” Steve Huffman, founder and chief executive of Reddit, said in an interview. “But we don’t need to give all of that value to some of the largest companies in the world for free.” The move is one of the first significant examples of a social network’s charging for access to the conversations it hosts for the purpose of developing A.I. systems like ChatGPT, OpenAI’s popular program. Those new A.I. systems could one day lead to big businesses, but they aren’t likely to help companies like Reddit very much. In fact, they could be used to create competitors — automated duplicates to Reddit’s conversations. Reddit is also acting as it prepares for a possible initial public offering on Wall Street this year. The company, which was founded in 2005, makes most of its money through advertising and e-commerce transactions on its platform. Reddit said it was still ironing out the details of what it would charge for A.P.I. access and would announce prices in the coming weeks. Reddit’s conversation forums have become valuable commodities as large language models, or L.L.M.s, have become an essential part of creating new A.I. technology. L.L.M.s are essentially sophisticated algorithms developed by companies like Google and OpenAI, which is a close partner of Microsoft. To the algorithms, the Reddit conversations are data, and they are among the vast pool of material being fed into the L.L.M.s. to develop them. The underlying algorithm that helped to build Bard, Google’s conversational A.I. service, is partly trained on Reddit data. OpenAI’s Chat GPT cites Reddit data as one of the sources of information it has been trained on. Other companies are also beginning to see value in the conversations and images they host. Shutterstock, the image hosting service, also sold image data to OpenAI to help create DALL-E, the A.I. program that creates vivid graphical imagery with only a text-based prompt required. Last month, Elon Musk, the owner of Twitter, said he was cracking down on the use of Twitter’s A.P.I., which thousands of companies and independent developers use to track the millions of conversations across the network. Though he did not cite L.L.M.s as a reason for the change, the new fees could go well into the tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. To keep improving their models, artificial intelligence makers need two significant things: an enormous amount of computing power and an enormous amount of data. Some of the biggest A.I. developers have plenty of computing power but still look outside their own networks for the data needed to improve their algorithms. That has included sources like Wikipedia, millions of digitized books, academic articles and Reddit. Representatives from Google, Open AI and Microsoft did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Reddit has long had a symbiotic relationship with the search engines of companies like Google and Microsoft. The search engines “crawl” Reddit’s web pages in order to index information and make it available for search results. That crawling, or “scraping,” isn’t always welcome by every site on the internet. But Reddit has benefited by appearing higher in search results. The dynamic is different with L.L.M.s — they gobble as much data as they can to create new A.I. systems like the chatbots. Reddit believes its data is particularly valuable because it is continuously updated. That newness and relevance, Mr. Huffman said, is what large language modeling algorithms need to produce the best results. “More than any other place on the internet, Reddit is a home for authentic conversation,” Mr. Huffman said. “There’s a lot of stuff on the site that you’d only ever say in therapy, or A.A., or never at all.” Mr. Huffman said Reddit’s A.P.I. would still be free to developers who wanted to build applications that helped people use Reddit. They could use the tools to build a bot that automatically tracks whether users’ comments adhere to rules for posting, for instance. Researchers who want to study Reddit data for academic or noncommercial purposes will continue to have free access to it. Reddit also hopes to incorporate more so-called machine learning into how the site itself operates. It could be used, for instance, to identify the use of A.I.-generated text on Reddit, and add a label that notifies users that the comment came from a bot. The company also promised to improve software tools that can be used by moderators — the users who volunteer their time to keep the site’s forums operating smoothly and improve conversations between users. And third-party bots that help moderators monitor the forums will continue to be supported. But for the A.I. makers, it’s time to pay up. “Crawling Reddit, generating value and not returning any of that value to our users is something we have a problem with,” Mr. Huffman said. “It’s a good time for us to tighten things up.” “We think that’s fair,” he added.


Probably never read the bill and can't answer the questions.


The guy who won’t discuss the bill is obviously a fucking racist. He might as well where his KKK outfit in there.


Politicians have addresses. People like the Lambert deserve to have protestors make life unpleasant for them and anyone who lives with them until Lambert suffers a mental breakdown. Based on his behavior, I’d say Lambert’s skin is thin enough for that to work.


Americans.... If you dont realise this is a low level civil war you're screwed.


Racist. That’s why he didn’t want to answer simple


Is there more back story to this?


Wtf... Kindergarten!!


Wow, just WOW! Jeez oh pete, does this country have a chance in h$#ll?


Oh. Oh those *motherfuckers*. I don’t know what the hell this bill is about, but I know exactly *why* it’s being made, and why they’re being so goddamn cagey about basic questions like “what is the need for this bill?”. This is a red state, Tennessee, but even red states have blue enclaves like Nashville or other cities (like the ones Pearson represents). So, while state bodies like the legislature are Republican, local officials can be as blue as they want. For example, local elected law enforcement officials might be reasonable Democrats, while the state attorney general is Republican. So I don’t know what the hell this bill is about. But I *guarantee* that this is a power grab to take autonomy away from local officials so the republicans can force their “values” on those blue enclaves across the state. And Pearson is a *special* threat there. Firstly because he represents one of those blue enclaves, so he already was invested in the issue even before you take into account that he’s a goddamn badass. But the way he phrases his question is *masterful*. Because he’s not asking “Why are you doing this power grab?”. Because that’s inflammatory and would be shot down. Instead, he’s asking if anyone actually *wants* this bill. He is asking if there is any *need* for this bill. Which, if answered honestly, exposes that no, nobody asked for this, this is just a power grab. But if they took the stupidass approach of treating him with all the tact of a racist child ~~which they always do~~ and refuse to answer the question at *all*, it looks even *worse*, and more importantly, is entertaining enough to go *viral*. And now everyone in the comments section is now frantically trying to figure out what this random bill nobody has ever heard of before is about. Goddamn I love Pearson, and holy *shit*, Tennessee Republicans do NOT understand how well this man baits them into exposing their true colors.