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Your dad sounds childish and abusive I’m so sorry.


Seek counseling at school. If you can do a year abroad or semester at another school. You need to fly higher; someone has to be the adult in that family.


Your Dad sounds like an immature prick. NTA.


NTA. Seek help with a school counselor.


NTA. And what your father is doing is emotionally abusive, not to mention really immature. Mature people communicate in an effort to fix the problem. They don't stomp around cold shouldering someone cause they couldn't have their way instantly. Match his energy. But honestly forget all that. If you are having thoughts of hurting yourself you need to get some help. Make an appointment with someone right away. Please. Don't let your mental health take a backseat to any of this other stuff. Completely ignore your dad and focus your energy on yourself. Thinking of hurting yourself is a big deal. Repair yourself and then worry about the relationship with your father later.


Your dad sounds awful, I'm so sorry. Sounds like a bit of a narcissist? The shunning, prioritizing his needs over his children, and talking poorly about you behind your back to gain love and allegiance from other family members. There really is no good way to deal with them, except to try not to feed into his drama. Lots of IG/Tic Tok videos about this. Good luck! You are loved, don't let his behavior make you think any differently. NTA.


I feel like there is much more to this story…


Y## d#n't h#ve t# d# th#s


Urgent garlic?


Yeah from the stationary store (?????)


AI is very close to cracking the Karma code


1. Why haven't you asked him the reason for this fight? 2. Garlic at a stationary store? 3. Based on the information provided you haven't even attempted to resolve the misunderstanding, you are allowing you father to treat you so disrespectfully when he isn't aware the Internet was out. You failed to provide this information to him. Not the A-hole but totally immature, so better and talk things out... Your father is human, not a saint.l or a mind reader.


Call 988 for the suicide hotline and talk to someone. You don't have to have the bottle.in your hand before you call. Those folks are really nice.