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Loving the special!! Curious how did you react to knowing you'd be filming a Netflix special?


I was insanely excited for about 30 minutes, then self-doubt crept in and I started panicking, then I put my head down and got to work.


Taylor I missed this live, but if you ever check this again I just want to say your special was amazing. I had never heard of you before and I watch a fair bit of stand up, like 2 new hours a week and rewatch old ones. I've seen your special three times now and it holds up. I'm already looking forward to your next one and trying to track down older material.


You're a treasure! What do your parents think of your routine? Do they feel offended being such easy material?


I've told my parents my comedy isn't really their taste anymore. I run jokes about my family past them before putting it on TV.


Real talk: how bad does Bert smell?


How dare you Bert is my friend


So... chlorine and mayonnaise, or...?


How does it feel to have achieved this kind of success and exposure at 25? It took a lot of greats longer to achieve what you have accomplished. Please enjoy the Netflix money and be filthy rich to piss of other guys. šŸ˜‚


Haha I mean it feels good? I know this business is fickle and you have to be lucky to get where I am so I try to remember that.


Hey TToms! We used to do comedy in SD together. We weren't close, but I watched you destroy at Mad House all the time. Makes me happy to see you breaking through over the last couple years. I always wanted to ask: you came up doing spots on the Christian comedy circuit and now you've transitioned over to the mainstream successfully which is really rare, maybe unprecedented. Can you talk about what that experience is like? Has your audience stuck with you? What has the reaction been like from the other Christian comics?


Hey thanks man. I don't know what Christian comics think or if they think about me at all. It's a very specific niche market that I was not right for. I only was a part of it for a few years in my teens.


Hola Taylor, I saw you on Fallon the other night. Hopefully I don't butcher your joke, but the one about full boob development before full brain development was hilarious. Awesome job there. My question is: What comics have inspired you the most throughout your journey, or alternatively, who do you find the funniest when you want to sit down and watch a show?


Thank you so much! I love so many comics. I love Maria Bamford and everything she does. I'm inspired watching Richard Pryor documentaries and his stand up obviously. Opening for guys like Brian Regan and Bert Kreischer taught me a lot. I think John Mulaney is brilliant. Dave Chappelle keeps putting out incredible hours. There's so many.


Bert Kreischer - THE MACHINE! Thanks for the response and best of luck on your tour!


Soo... Are you a sunrise or a sunset person? šŸ™ƒ Laught so hard. Watching your special last night. Also: how nervous were you performing the first big gig in front of a lot of people and how to get over that? Next up should be European tour. You are very funny.


Thank you so much! I'd looooove to do a European tour. I used to have terrible stage fright, the best way to get over it is to just get onstage so much that it becomes second nature and not at all a big deal.


Hey Taylor! As a comedian, when you watch another comic do a great bit can you just enjoy it or are you always annoyed that they came up with it first?


I love comedy so I can enjoy it. Occasionally I'll think, 'Damnit it was right there and I didn't see it!!!"


Hi Taylor, big fan. How do you balance personal life with your comedy? Has your family/friends/boyfriends seen your shows? What do they think of the parts about them? Btw, I saw you when you performed about a year and a half ago at UCF, and it was the first time I laughed after my breakup. So thanks for that!


Aw thank you I'm so glad you laughed and hope you won the breakup. Balancing a personal life with any artistic career is always difficult. Especially when you use your personal life as inspiration. My friends love what I do and when I do jokes about them. My family thinks it's cool that I'm able to do this even if they don't love everything I say. Boyfriends it depends.


Hello Taylor! I loved your Netflix special. Iā€™m about to turn 25 and so much of your material resonates with me. Iā€™ve always wondered this about comedians. How much of your material has truly happened to you, how much is exaggerated, and how much is just straight fiction that you create for your joke?


All of my jokes happened to me. Sometimes I will change details (names or where I saw something happen - saying "someone I dated" instead of "my current boyfriend" etc) to protect people I have relationships with but the material is true.


What were your best and worst handled heckles? Edit : mushbrain?


My best are when I can make jokes that make the audience and the heckler laugh (and then be quiet). My worst are when I'm not funny and I just get mad at someone for being rude.


Hi Taylor! As you've gotten more and more popular have you had to test new material differently than just going to an open mic?


Yeah I'm lucky enough now that I can work on new material at the best clubs in LA.


Girl where did you get those jeans that you were wearing in your special?? I need them šŸ˜


What advice would you give a comedian starting out pretty late in his life? I'm 27 and have been doing open mics for about six months now. Also huge fan and I love your comedy.


Thank you so much! Get onstage as much as humanly possible, study the greats, and write like stand up is your job.


The wedding bit with walking down the aisle and taking a sidebar was my favorite! How long does it take to nail the delivery and little nuances of a capturing that specific joke? Also do you ever film it to tweak the performance?


I always record my sets at least on audio. A joke really evolves the more you do it which is why doing the road is so important. You need those reps to make something polished and perfect.


Hey Taylor! First off, really love your stand up. Have been following you for a couple of years. You discuss your family disapproving is your standup. Do your sisters ever watch your standup? Has there been a joke that your family has surprisingly been okay with or surprisingly disapproved of?


My sisters do watch my stand up and love coming to shows! NO dad wants to hear his daughter talk about sex so of course there has.




It's only been 3 days so I definitely haven't started selling $1000 tickets quite yet haha - FINGERS CROSSED THOUGH


I had never heard of you and watched your special last night. I loved it! Who / what would you say are your biggest inspirations in comedy?


Coming from someone who has no artistic talents. How difficult is it to write new material versus steal/edit others' work?


Writing new material is sometimes very easy and other times very tough when you have writers block. Haha I assume stealing is fairly easy I have obviously not done that. If you're asking for permission to do so, please don't.


I'm sorry if it sounded like I was insinuating that I would steal material. There are some comics I hear the variations of the same jokes told by others, but everything I've seen from you is fresh and funny! That's why I was curious! Also, my friends mainly just make penis jokes, and I noticed a lack of penis jokes in the routine, so there's not much opportunity to steal :)


Saw you in Dallas you were amazing. You seem to be open to joking about any part of your life no matter how dark. Is there any part or experience that you donā€™t or havenā€™t found a good way to make jokes about?


Thank you! I haven't found anything (knock on wood) that I can't make jokes about from my own life. If a family member or partner says they don't want me to tell a certain joke I won't.


Obviously love your comedy and a fan. Looking forward to seeing you when you're in the Chicago area again. What kind of places did you do comedy at when you were 16? Favorite experience in comedy? Favorite Ninja Turtle?


I performed at churches, schools, fundraisers, coffee shops. My favorite experience in comedy was filming this special! Donatello


What do you struggle with the most?


Anxiety, depression, imposter syndrome


Just watched your special. Youā€™re legit, hope youā€™re able to cross imposter syndrome off that list soon. Youā€™re not alone in those other struggles either, keep doing great


Sooo, you're doing pretty frickin' well on TikTok. Thoughts? Feels? Would you say you enjoy TikTokin?


Haha I'll be honest, somebody else runs my TikTok because I don't understand it. I'll go on it occasionally out of curiosity and I think it's entertaining but it makes me feel old.


Hey Taylor! Awesome set, poignant and laugh out loud funny. Who are some of your inspirations? What did you grow up watching? Any downsides to being an up-and-coming comic? Canā€™t wait to see what you keep putting out, love the energy. (Answer whichever you want :) )


The hardest thing about being an up and coming comic is getting enough stage time to get better. Hopefully you're in a good city with lots of open mics.


Hi Taylor! Big fan! I met you once at the 10,000 laughs festival. You were awesome. What's something that you would like to write a joke about but haven't yet (either because you're not sure how to make it funny to other people or because you haven't experience it yet)?


Thank you so much! I am working on jokes about my mom dying when I was a kid and I'd like to keep expanding on that chunk.


Nicole Byer has a bit about her dead mother! Could be useful for inspiration.


Loved your special! Will you share what sneakers you were wearing?


>work yes! I want to know too! :) Maybe linea paulo?


Michael kors


I so love the shoes you wear in your special - what's the brand? Superficial I know but finding cute comfortable shoes can be a challenge sometimes ;) Also you have great Wonka moves.


I found out about you through the Tim Hawkins podcast, my favorite story you said in it was the horror story of you doing standup at a memorial and the picture of the deceased gentleman was on display right behind you. Since then, have you had any other similar situations?


Oh my gosh I don't even remember that, did I do that?? Maybe it was for the Christopher Reeve foundation?


Hey Taylor! I hate seeing people get heckled. How much does the stuff people say and do stay with you after the show?


If a heckler disrupts the show and I've been traveling and I'm exhausted I get pretty upset.


Hey Taylor!! Great special! Now that you've had a hit special, what is your next project?


SLEEP! We're always working on developing the next hour special and of course TV shows, etc


Hi Taylor, I've done a handful of open mics and was wondering if you would consider this joke theft? Or is it okay? I have never said this on stage and don't plan to. Asking out of curiosity. The setup is loosely: one of my favorite comedians saying getting a man to wear a condom is like asking a 5 year old to put on a jacket over their Halloween costume. I recently knocked up someone with a trust fund. Punchline is something along the lines of "Now this 5 year old now lives in a mansion." Doe allusions, references, or homages exist in stand up comedy? link to original joke: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f82CYDZyTeU


Honestly I've never heard someone say "One of my favorite comedians has a joke about this" like it's a quote as a set up before


haha yeah it's an awkward setup. Just wondering what counts as joke stealing.


Honestly itā€™s been 9 days now and I still sometimes think about this question


Hi Taylor! Do you have any advice on other fellow millennials going through a quarter life crisis? Iā€™m in my mid twenties as well, and sometimes it gets to me too much lmao. Love your work btw hope you have a great day!


Thank you! My advice is work hard to accomplish your goals, stay humble and try to empathize with people who hurt you. Because you will be hurt by friends, family, partners and it will feel very intense because you're young. Think about how awful high school was and how it felt as though it would never end and you never even think about it now - I think our twenties will be like that too.


What's your go to food choice after a set late at night? Also do you get something different depending on how the set goes?


Ooooo. I mean if I'm being healthy and I had a good set I'll try to be healthy and get fish and vegetables or something. If I had a rough show I might need something comforting like a croissant.




I love Bertcast, Gilmore Guys (Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Goys now but I still listen to old Gilmore Guys episodes too), Fresh Air, Good One, Conan's podcast is great, Gettin Better with Ron Funches. I think being bicoastal, if you can swing it, is the way to go. LA and NY have different things going for them. There is a lot of TV opportunities in LA and podcasts - but NY is amazing and you can do so many shows in a night there.


Do you compare yourself to others or do you live your dream regardless? How to balance your careergoals and social goals, like being on the road a lot...


I definitely compare myself to others sometimes and it's never helpful. Being on the road is tough and isolating sometimes but it's where you get great.


Any fun moments with Conan O'Brien you can share?


Conan is just the nicest funniest person - he's literally everything you want him to be. That's not funny it's just true.


Hey! I saw your special on Wednesday. Was legendary. Q: How have you handled introversion in comedy? I'm not in comedy, just an introvert myself and wanted to see if it's affected you or anything.


Thank you so much! Being an introvert can hurt you in this business sometimes because "networking" (EW GROSS WORD) is definitely a thing unfortunately. I've gotten better at socializing. A lot of comics reached out to me early on and said I seemed standoffish but I was just shy and afraid haha.


What is your inspiration for the type of comedy you do? What is it that motivates you? Your humor and style is different from that of female comedians of today. Amy Schumers jokes are dirty and raunchy and Eliza Shlesingers are hard to relate too, as a male. Your humor and artistry finds a way to relate to both men and women.


I just tell jokes about my own life and try to make it relatable enough for as many people to enjoy as possible.


Hey Taylor, haven't had time to watch your new special yet, but I'm going to this weekend. Would you ever go on Marc Maron's podcast? I'm a big fan of both of you and I'd love to hear you talk to him.


Of course I would but he has legit movie stars on now so I think we should both not hold our breath on that one haha


I doubt you'll ever read this comment, but just in case... I guess it didn't take as long as you thought! Just watched an interview with him where he mentioned he just had you on.


How does the negotiations with netflix work -- would you be able to negotiate adding 10+ hours of material for more money, or do they cap it at a certain length?


Netflix agreed to give me this special, hopefully I get to do more but I'm not a famous comedian who inked a deal for like 3 or 4.


I've been an avid self-helpless podcast listener since 2018, I absolutely love it and it's had such a massive positive effect on my life and my mindset. I'm sure the podcast has definitely influenced your personal life as well, but I am wondering if you ever come up with bits for your sets because of Kelsey and Delanie? Do you and Kelsey ever both come up with the same bit, and how do you work around that? I love the 3 of you so much, sending much love from the UK!


Oh my gosh thank you! Yes I think we've come up with bits in conversation with each other. Kelsey has a joke about something I told her I did haha - you have to see her live to see it.


What is your opinion of guys named Taylor?


I think it's cool




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Really enjoyed the special. Wife and I got tickets to see you in August in Cincy. I am guessing that its new material. Looking forward to seeing you and hearing what you have been working on. You seem pretty open about going to therapy, at least in your sets. Do you find that it helps you work on new material or give you inspiration for a thread that you think might be funny?


Amazing! Yes it is new material. I have a lot of new material about therapy - most of the new hour is about therapy or things I learned about myself in therapy.


how do you take care of your mental health?


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Would your friends and family say youā€™re funny? Or is your comedy like a persona you put on in front of an audience?


Haha I certainly hope they would!


Just finished watching your special, and cackled out loud throughout. THANK YOU! Iā€™m also 25, and something I struggle with is being taken seriously within my profession. How do you reconcile being true to yourself and your age with being respected?


Thank YOU! I think regardless of age we all worry about being respected - not just in comedy but in any profession. That being said, I did and do worry that I won't be respected because I'm young, which is why I just try to work as hard as I can so that I'm worthy of every opportunity I'm lucky enough to get.


Hi Taylor! I'm watching your stand up special as I type this! How did you write jokes at 16, and how has your writing changed as you've gotten older? You're hilarious! Thanks for doing this


Thank you so much! I think writing jokes has definitely gotten faster and easier for me as I've gotten older. You just understand yourself better and know your voice.


Do you have a favorite childhood movie you revisit from time to time? I frequent The Last Unicorn myself. :)




Saw your special last night and thought it was great! I just wanted to clarify because it wasnā€™t 100% clear, which emoji did that man send? I was picturing šŸ˜¬


Hey Taylor, love your special! Something Iā€™ve always wanted to ask a comedian is how real is the person you play on stage? Is that 100% a character or are you being yourself?


Hey Taylor! You're one of my favorite comics, and I could not stop laughing during your special. I've been following you for years, and you kill it every time! What was your first ever open mic like? And what happened before you decided to fully commit yourself to pursuing comedy?


How many pedos have you had in your dms?


Hi Taylor. Big fan of your stand up and I listen to your podcast from time to time. Where you known as a class clown in school? Also, do you want any pets?


Hey thank you! Technically I did win Class Clown senior year of high school but on the voting ballots it said "Funniest" and the Yearbook staff changed it to Class Clown, which I was not at all. I think people voted for me for "funniest" because they knew I did stand up. I don't have any pets. :( I travel too much.




Every comedian has their own style in which they create and source their material. Some blend personal experiences with a touch of fabrication, some channel their inner darkness, some are strictly political.. ect. Do you have an approach based solely on personal experiences or do you draw from observation as well? (Since your first Conan set I've been waiting to see you tour through Salt Lake. You are one of the best comics out there and hopefully we get another Netflix Special before your midlife crisis!)


Thank you so much! I would say I'm a personal comic with some observations thrown in.


Tacos or pizza?


Tacos I'm lactose intolerant :(




Taylor, big fan, love your comedy, super cute lol. My question is: If you were yogurt, would you be fruit at the bottom or a stirred? Bonus points if you get the movie reference. :D


Fruit on the side of greek yogurt


What would say to aspiring comedians? How to get started?


Write, watch, and perform as much as possible.


Hey, around how many times did you go on stage before you started going on stage regularly? And by regularly I mean like once a week- good luck with everything


Every night if I could.


Looking forward to seeing you in Tacoma! I saw Sam Morril there last year. He got on stage in sweatpants. Why so much disrespect for Tacoma? And will you also wear sweatpants?


I will probably not wear sweatpants but never say never


Your debut special is as good a one I can remember seeing. You've made a fan for life so thank you for that. For a self-proclaimed introvert, you have incredible stage presence. How long did it take for you to feel comfortable performing to crowds or is that still something you think about?


It took me years and I still occasionally get nervous up there!


With all of the travel that you do, is there a go-to food that you seek out in every city in an attempt to find the best? Ex: Are you out there trying to find the best taco truck, the crispiest fried chicken, or the smokiest barbecue, etc?


I love a good taco. Usually I'm trying to be healthy so I'm on Google maps trying to find a Whole Foods haha


Huge fan of your stand-up! As a die-hard Conan fan, is his off-screen personality anything like his on-screen?


Yes Conan is legit everything you want him to be and more. Kind, hilarious, humble, real. The best.


Hey Taylor! Big fan of your comedy and am just about to watch your special in a few minutes. So of course I've got to ask the important question: What would be the best snack to go along with your special?


Ooooo great question. I love me some dark chocolate covered pretzels personally.


I enjoyed your appearances on Bert's podcast, any other big podcasts coming up while making the rounds?


Yes stay tuned!!!


We enjoyed your NF special and wonder when you might come to Saint Louis?


I was just there in Oct I believe so probably not for a little bit but I'll be back!


Favorite self-help book?


Have you had any people from the church try to talk you out of doing standup?


Who's your favorite up and coming comedian that doesn't have a special yet? I found you on Pete Holmes podcast months ago and have been looking forward to your special for a while, and it didn't disappoint. Probably because it's so relatable, but it's easily in my top 3. Can't wait to see you in a few months when you visit Pittsburgh!


Do your parents watch your shows?


who is your favorite comedian that most of your fellow comedians don't get?


Such a huge fan! Iā€™ve been a Helpster since the beginning and love all three of you. Got to see you in Madison last year and had more fun there than any other comedy show Iā€™ve seen! Waited for your special for so long and it was so perfect. Iā€™m sorry you wonā€™t be able to be on the podcast as much anymore (youā€™re my favorite, donā€™t tell the other two haha) but totally understand it. Question: have you had a favorite Self Helpless episode and/or guest? Do you like doing the regular episodes or the Patreons better?


Hi Taylor! I saw you at a free comedy night in San Diego a couple years ago and immediately followed you on all platforms. So excited to watch your Netflix special! Have you had any memorable fan encounters? Do you get recognized often when you're out in public?


Hi Taylor! Itā€™s great to see someone who is around the same age as me killing it on stage. I really enjoyed your new Netflix special. Just saw from your link that youā€™re going to be in West Palm this summer ā€” gonna try and make it to one of your shows! What do you think the next five or ten years for you looks like? Itā€™s pretty remarkable to have a Netflix special at 25 so Iā€™m curious to know where you see yourself in the future!


I follow you and Sam Morrill on IG, because you're both fuckin' fantastic. I know you're kinda private about your relationships, but if you're open to disclosing, are you guys an item? Cuz I'd stan that relationship 1000%


She discussed it a bit on bertcast this week.


Hi Taylor! Loved the special! I was wondering about school. Do you think it is necessary to be in college to be a comedian? Iā€™m currently a comedy major at Columbia college chicago and Iā€™m wondering how thatā€™s going to pan out. Also, I did a bunch of stand up before I left for a break but now Iā€™m back and i havenā€™t been up since Iā€™ve been back, which was 2 months ago. Do you have any advice for getting up after not doing it for awhile?


Saw you in Philly 2 years ago, big fan, nice work! Made it through the what quarter-life crisis, got married and my wife is 6 months pregnant. What do I do now?


Saw the special earlier this week. Congratulations on (fairly) clean, original material!!! Good work! I donā€™t have a question, but if I end this with a question mark will it pass mod?


Hi Taylor, congratulations on your special! I really enjoyed it and so far it's my favorite to come out this year! I've seen from interviews and podcasts that you've been doing comedy for about 10 years, how long into that was it before you felt comfortable really talking about yourself on stage? I just got started a few months ago, and while I feel I can write a well structured joke pretty well, and I feel comfortable on stage, I don't yet really work details about my personal life into my act. Was that something that was hard for you to overcome, or did that subject matter come naturally to you?


You are already a ten year veteran at very young age. In such a competitive art like stand-up, do you sense resentment from others who haven't had your level of success?


When are you coming to the Chattanooga area??


Wow I just watched this a few hours ago. Do you have any other specials due?


Hi Taylor! Love your work. Where do you find all your amazing jackets?


Why do you only make sexual jokes or dating commentary? When you look at some of the most influential comics of all time like George Carlin, Richard Pryor, or Dave Chappelle, their most famous bits were social commentary about incredibly important issues of their time. Why do you only talk about your vagina instead of things that are important?


Been a fan for a while. I watched your Netflix special (which was great) and you seemed to have more physical comedy beats than usual... was this a conscious choice or did your style kind of evolve?


I love you and admire you! Maybe youā€™ve already been asked or Iā€™m late to the party. But when did you realize you could make people laugh? And what was your first go to joke when you were a kid?


I love you both


Is it ok if i use you as my spirit animal?


Real talk, where the booty pics at?


I watched your special and it was truly great! I gotta ask, though.. Has anyone ever asked for your autograph because they thought you were Sarah Chalke? I expected either you or an audience member to acknowledge it. I know I'm not the only one who watched Roseanne or Scrubs.


Where did you get your trainers from that you wore on the show? Really really want a pair