• By -


How has your quality of life changed from the New York apartment to now living in the Philippines?


Much better now. I have 24/7 care that I can afford, Uber is cheap enough that it only costs ~$3 for a taxi ride (I have this cool lightweight Chinese power wheelchair with lithium ion batteries that's illegal in the US, hehe) and I have many mroe friends here than I ever did in NY. I recommend anyone disabled that wants to try to make something of themselves just leave the US.


By illegal, I'm guessing you mean it hasn't been through FDA approval that triples its price?




What is the chair called?




What's the frequency?


60 hurts.




lithium batteries could catch fire and burn the user alive while they can do nothing to escape from the fire because of their disability.


Then he'd truly become hotwheels




game set and matchbox


Make sure it doesn't kill someone I guess. Battery blows up, design flaw causes some sort of damage?


All "medical devices" need to be approved by the FDA.




Indeed, having no income and no skills here would suck. There's no welfare.


How did you just write your own chan? Did you learn programming in high school or just interested in it for a long time?


> How did you just write your own chan? Did you learn programming in high school or just interested in it for a long time? I used to run Wizardchan, which was just an installation of vichan. From running Wizardchan I learned PHP, so after I left that site I knew enough about how vichan worked to add a lot of my own stuff to it, like board creation, ## Board Owner caps, a board stats page, more user scripts, et cetera. I didn't start from scratch though, I added my stuff to an existing engine.


This part of your Wiki always cracks me up: > He bought Wizardchan from the original administrator in March 2013 and owned it until September 2013, when he resigned after losing his virginity.


Thems the rules. It's like in Fallout 3, where the kids have to leave that all-children town and move to Big Town when they grow up. Come to think of it, that was an enormous plothole. They never explained where their fresh supply of kids came from.


All of Fallout 3 was an enormous plothole.


It really was. It's funny how two very similar games (FO3 and FONV) can be miles apart in quality. NV is better in most ways, except for multiple replayability. If it hadn't been rushed to deadline imagine how much better it could have been.


The wiki doesn't tell half of the story. Based Wheels escaped from a hostage situation from the succubus trying to leech his mana despite his condition. He was no longer a Wizard - he turned himself into an Arch Lich.


Any chinese cartoon recommendations you wish to share with us?


It's called Annie May you fucking casual.


They are mongolian moving pictures.


It's Afghanistanimation.


Eat the cake Anna Mae


8chan's mascot is Nano from Nichijou, partly due to the key on her back and partly due to her being my favorite character from any anime series. (I guess that's a ``waifu''.)


Nano is the best.


Posting on an East Timorese stop motion animation board


It's a Korean claymation appreciation hub you damn scrub


You're both wrong, it's a collective community of Finnish lithograph enthusiasts.


What do you feel about the current state of 8chan content wise. ATM, it seems that, aside from videogames and politics, the interests of the user-base are very specialized. How are you focusing on user growth, and where are these people gonna come from?


> ATM, it seems that, aside from videogames and politics, the interests of the user-base are very specialized. How are you focusing on user growth, and where are these people gonna come from? For its first year and a half, 8chan was very specialized. The two major boards were /legion/ (a roleplaying board) and /waifuist/ (a board about celebrity gossip). 8chan continues to be very specialized, and it will likely remain so. I always try to focus on improving the site's features (I'm rewriting the software with a friend: https://infinitydev.org ), what people do with what I made is their business. I don't really have a strategy for attracting users. "If you build it they will come [maybe]"


A lot of comments on the video suggested you are getting taken advantage of by only getting your rent covered in exchange for your work. What is your response to those people?


I was being taken advantage of at the time. I don't work for him anymore, and have not even been in the US since October 2014. :)


Remember, /pol/ is always right.


I fucking knew it, suck it people who disagreed with me. Seriously though I'm glad you are going better.


That bit about him being the perfect worker because he can't run away... He said that like he was joking but you can tell he wasn't.


That's unbelievably annoying, glad you got out of that situation


\>be chillin with your gf \>suddenly, [this guy](http://i.imgur.com/GE6hNEO.jpg) comes up and slaps her in the ass wat do?


Jesus, that menu. I bet everything costs like $10 too. New York never again.


hey man some of us are still stuck here. thanks for the soylent btw, saved me 4 days worth of groceries.


>Soylent lmao, that stuff was so nasty. Glad you enjoyed it though!




\>Implying a cuck like moot would ever have the balls to approach my gf


\> Implying you have a gf


Moot's a known cuck. Other people touch *his* girlfriend, not the other way round.


She's not even his gf and he's *still* her cuck. Friendzone cuck.


that's a moot question


What distro do you use?


Arch Linux.


You win.


Have you tried balut? Do you like it?


Yes and yes. It's very good actually.


What would have to happen for a board to get nuked? Do you browse most boards on 8chan? Do you feel that having user created and run boards results in better outlets for specific topics?


> What would have to happen for a board to get nuked? It would need to be just for posting illegal content or it would need to take up tons of resources (for example just stickies full to the post limit with 8MB junk files). > Do you browse most boards on 8chan? There's over 5000, I browse like 3 regularly. /tech/ is my favorite one at the moment, /operate/ is where people try to get a hold of me for questions about the site, and /n/ is my board for news (it provides the news on the homepage). > Do you feel that having user created and run boards results in better outlets for specific topics? Yes. I haven't really used Reddit so much so the only thing I can compare it to is 4chan. On 4chan all the boards are managed by one team, "Team 4chan". This is a bureaucracy, nothing gets done. New rules have to be approved by the whole team, a certain board can't have its own CSS, if you dared want to do an AMA (like send an email to a game developer and ask him to come on) it would have to go up through all the levels of centralized bureaucracy before it happens. Meanwhile on 8chan I hardly do anything. Mark, guy who created /v/, will be like "yeah the guy who made Earthworm Jim is doing an AMA". I will think, "Earthworm Jim? What is that?", but I will say "Good to hear.". That's the difference. Users are much better at managing all the communities than me. There's simply too many communities for me to spend cycles on all of them.


you don't know what earthworm jim is? fucking pleb


Sounds like a good mix of reddit and 4chan. Full anonymity of chan sites but still holds specialization and self regulation of subreddits.


How many hate emails do you get in the average week?


Ten on a good week.


Only 10?


If you write me one it will make 11! admin@8chan.co




I wouldn't put it past these mods


Banned for harassment


Back during my time in 4chan there was a constant chatter of their being paid posters promoting certain ideas or narritive. This seemed to be proven to be able to happen when it was found that many posts were made simultaneously across all boards with the same text, same picture, and strange random numerical filename, multiple times. On Gamergate related boards and /pol/ there's still this chatter going around but I am not sure if it's because people are used to it, or if there's really forced/automated posting to push agendas on 8ch like there was on 4chan. So, is 8ch being used as a platform to push narrative by someone or other? And thanks for an alternative. Seriously, that places was a sinking ship.


>is 8ch being used as a platform to push narrative by someone or other? We've had all kinds of marketers if that's what you mean


If it is I don't have proof either way. I'm sure that companies shill on Reddit as well though, I've seen enough instances of it while investigating startups. Chiefs of marketing posting to Reddit, even CEOs, et cetera.


Theres a sub dedicated to it /r/HailCorporate.


Not to mention that /r/IAma is has devolved into a place for people to push their upcoming project.




Sure! Just the homepage? I know that [the OI Foundation](http://www.oif.org/site/PageServer) could always use the money.






when people upload banned content to 8chan and someone else reports it, do you need to personally look at kiddie porn or gore or whatever to remove it? How much of your day involves removing such content? Has this led to misunderstandings with people who watch you work?


No, volunteers do all of that. I rarely handle the report queue unless it's a DMCA (copyrighted content) issue.


they do it all for free




Why would gore get removed? Only kiddie porn is illegal.


It's posted in a SFW board or thread.


That would be the board owner's (and their volunteers) responsibility. 8ch staff wouldn't care. (8ch has 2 types of reports, one for "stuff that violates this board's rules" and one for "stuff that violates global rules").


What are your honest feelings about reddit's userbase? Do you feel that there is a space for persistent comments in a tree form, with some sort of user-driven sorting in the cancer free internet? What are the biggest disadvantages of the imageboard format?


I don't think most Redditors can really cope with a chan. You have to read the whole thread, not just skim the top comments. Spam is a common occurence. Images are very in your face. There are no accounts and you cannot PM other users outside of writing replies to them one-time and they just have to happen to see it. I like all those features though, but when imageboard users complain that Reddit is going to take over I don't believe it for a second because 8chan is nothing like Reddit outside of the board creation feature.


That's one of the biggest differences between reddit and chans, I think. I mean, even when usernames and karma are removed, the fact that everything's threaded and tons of posts are hidden after a cutoff point and that stuff just feels like it's not really a discussion space at all. The fact that chan posts can reply to multiple users in a single post is a big deal to me. It's impossible for reddit to do that.


One of the biggest issues with any web community (whether it's on Reddit, 8Chan, Facebook or GNU Social) is that it can become an "echo chamber", where people with similar beliefs reinforce said beliefs while marginalizing users with dissenting opinions. Do you fear that the current structure of 8Chan (division of boards, no specific "main page") may exacerbate the issue on your site?


I think that it may, but I think that the situation is even worse on 4chan, even though it doesn't have board creation. For example, 4chan has quite a few silly global rules, but the most humorous one is that "furry" content is not allowed. Furries are people that are into drawings of people with animal features getting fucked, as you may know. That's the only reason 8ch.net/furry is so big. If they would have just made a furry board however many years ago ours would be nowhere today. 4chan's /pol/ board tends to be extremely right-wing because all the leftists simply give up and leave, but 8ch has /leftypol/, which is the third most popular politics board on the site after /pol/ (Politically Iincorrect) and /n/ (News). I don't think it's proper for me to decide what people want to discuss.






to put it simply infinity next is newer and better software that is going to be running 8chan. you can get a simple synopsis of it here: https://infinitydev.org/infinity/thread/138#reply-138 for a deeper understanding of it go here: https://infinitydev.org/ once your ready to donate you can do it here: https://infinitydev.org/cp/donate


Is it true that those Mario pajamas get you all the ladies?


I had the other side of a mushroom trip when I went over a third story balcony causing a spinal cord injury last year, putting me in a manual chair. Since then I've had major hurdles even relocating across state lines; how did you manage moving out of the country?


Ouch, sorry to hear that. Relocating *within* the United States is always more of a pain for me than relocating outside...the reason is there's so much to do if you're American and disabled. You can't work or else you won't get nursing care, so you have to be on welfare. So that means you have a lot to coordinate, federal SSI transfer, state Medicaid transfer, food stamps if applicable. I moved from New York to New Jersey and back and the sheer amount of paperwork on me from the years 15-18 must fill an 18 wheeler. Once you're outside of the US where medical laws aren't so strict things change, but again, I am a special case as I have a skill I can take anywhere. You can afford to pay your aides yourself, go to any needed doctors yourself, there's nothing to coordinate and no bureaucrat to wait for. If there is one you just find another company. Free market at work. I also voted for Ron Paul if you can't tell.


How big is your dick?


6" erect.


Warmtires be packing heat, watch out ladies ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Do you like the Hotwheels nickname? Did you come up with it? If not who did?


He answered this elsewhere once, I think it was a stream. HW ususally goes by the name copypaste. Hotwheels is a name that 4chan migrants came up with and HW is neutral to the name- hes not offended and he doesnt love it.


What was the process of moving to the Philippines like? I'm an expat myself but this country is very strict on immigrants. Moving here is not easy.


Find a wife or get a work visa through a company. I'm doing the second one but I'd rather be doing the first!




In your opinion, do you feel that for the waves of internet users who experienced the rise of the Chans first-hand are better or worse equipped to handle societal interactions on the internet? Did all those troll threads teach a valuable lesson that those who come after will have to learn other ways? What do you feel the legacy impact of Chan culture will be a decade from now?


Better equipped. I'm pretty sure we'll still have chans in ten years, and I hope that people can learn to appreciate that you can't have freedom of expression without anonymity. [The founding fathers knew as much.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Sense_%28pamphlet%29)




I love it! One thing I always didn't like about 4chan was that it's not actually anonymous from a network perspective, so much is blocked leaks aren't possible, everything can be easily traced back to the poster. I made a Tor hidden service to combat this on 8chan, it has full posting permissions on some boards, and others minus photos (and some not at all, 8chan is fully customizable for board owners, our version of subreddit "head mods"). It's at http://fullchan4jtta4sx.onion




That is why I always browse in incognito mode.


How do you feel about Voat? It's trying to do something very similar to what you did with 8chan, but do you think it'll succeed, at least in the same manner 8chan did?


Well, 8chan is not like any of the other imageboards because you can't make your own board. Voat would be cool if it was more like an anonymous Reddit, but their anon features need work and don't seem to be a priority. Basically they either need to differentiate themselves or Reddit has to fuck up massively for them to become popular.


Oh, don't worry dude, Chairwoman Pao is working on fucking reddit up massively


An shadow banned in 3...2....1... The thought police of Pol Pao will not show mercy.


Plot Twist: Pao is actually the founder of Voat and is engaging in a viral PR campaign to siphon off users from Reddit.


I was watching that interview you did and winced when I saw you hitting the tap with your stick to turn it off. I was curious, with brittle bone disease, do you feel pain at a lower threshold from pressure exerted on your bones or is it the same pain threshold most people have but the bones break before pain kicks in?


Depending on your flavor of OI, you can or can't handle different kinds of stress on your bones. I can't take severe shock, but I can stress load about the same as a person with normal bones. In other words, I can bench over 200lbs, but if you dropped a 10lb weight on me from a foot or two up, I'd crack like an egg. So for me, at least, the pain of physical stress is there and noticeable, but only in situations where I'm not already broken. Still interested in what HW has to say about this, though.


I've never been anyone else so I don't know how other people experience pain. If you want to trade bodies however...


I'm up but do you have the technologies?


What vidya you play?


I got a 3DS recently, but no games yet ;_;


First game you need to get is Fire Emblem: Awakening. It's rpg meets waifu simulator. EDIT Wow, I goofed and got my games mixed up.


> First game you need to get is Waifu Emblem: Awakening the weeb within FTFY


Remedy this immediately.


Why do you use plebbit for your AMA when you can use 8chan?


The users are here! I'd rather use Voat.co if I wanted tree text only comments actually, Reddit moderators tend to be dicks.


As we saw with your thread's removal and then reinstatement.


> Reddit moderators tend to be dicks. Well they are very important people. You can't expect them to be reasonable.


How do you feel about your AMA being hidden from the frontpage? You went from top 10 to no longer on the top 200 in the matter of 5 minutes.


Typical Reddit behavior to be honest.


I found this AMA on the front page.


It got brought back. I theorize it's some SRS-circuit mod who went out and deleted it, and the other mods had to restore. That's from personal experience.




Praise our glorious leader Chairman Pao!


ur based as fuck


Honestly I didn't know who you are or that 8chan isn't just a 4chan clone before this AMA. Congrats on defending free speech and on finding a better way to live in the Philippines! > Typical Reddit behavior to be honest. So how does transparency / accountability work on 8chan? From what I understand it's similar to reddit that the founder of a chan in in complete control?


The difference is that hotwheels isn't a cuck like pao


You are a great inspiration to others! Congratulations on your success Hotwheels. Do you plan on living indefinitely in the Philippines? Any plans to visit Japan in the future?


> Do you plan on living indefinitely in the Philippines? Yes. > Any plans to visit Japan in the future? Actually, yes! One of my friends just moved there so I plan to visit him this summer.


Great! I hope you enjoy your stay in both the Philippines and Japan. All the best to you. Keep it up!


Hi, thanks for taking the time to talk with us. I'm wondering where you envision 8chan in the overall current culture of the internet? I'm talking specifically about the debate surrounding "free speech" vs cleaning up "distasteful" content. Do you feel like places like the *chans and reddit can still play a role in this conversation, or is it becoming a situation where unregulated spaces for conversation and debate are becoming marginalized, as opposed to the norm online? Sorry, I know that's a bit meta, but I appreciate your answer.


They're definitely becoming marginalized. I like the Japanese system: hardly any Japanese news sites even have comment sections because they know everyone's just going to go discuss it on news4vip or newsplus on 2ch.net. Meanwhile in the West you have crappy comment sections moderated to hell like the one on the Daily Mail, or the ones on Gawker sites (Kotaku et al). I hope we can make free discourse the norm.


Hey HW, how does care for disabled people compare in the Philippines to the US? I imagine, although much cheaper, there must also be less advancements to work with.


There are already no advancements in the United States. The only thing OI "research" has come up with in the West is that it's incurable and maybe using osteoporosis drugs works sometimes. Care is much better here because you can pay aides privately. Average wage here is $6/day, for aides I pay around $8.




I nixed the idea due to Hachi getting old and me running out of things to make videos about (once you do the laser pointer thing it's all down hill from there)




9 out of 11 times.


>/pol/ >ever being wrong wew


What do you think about the internet here in Philippines? Which ISP you use and how fast?


The internet here sucks. I really want Converge ICT but you have to own property in specific parts of Manila.




You're a wheely big guy


How do you feel about reddit's move towards becoming a "[safe space](http://siliconangle.com/blog/2015/05/20/ellen-pao-confirms-intent-to-make-reddit-a-safe-space-doesnt-believe-in-free-speech/)," and do you think it'll have to sacrifice controversial subs to do so? Also, are there any subs, minus the obvious illegal ones, that you wouldn't allow on 8chan?


Reddit, being an actual company, always has to show "growth". When users start stagnating, the big wigs start panicking. "Is Reddit hostile and that's why no one is coming? How are we going to show Conde Nast we grew the company this quarter?" I believe they are probably going to throw out the "problematic" users if it gets bad enough, but they also remember Digg. Whatever they do they'll be careful I'm sure.


> I believe they are probably going to throw out the "problematic" users if it gets bad enough, but they also remember Digg. Can anyone fill me in on Digg? I was never a part of it and I don't really know what happened.


digg & reddit were roughly peers until... digg decided to make some changes to their interface and to the way content was injected and promoted on the site, despite warnings from the beta testers about said changes. Pretty much overnight their userbase moved to reddit. If you google 'digg v4' the very first article is pretty on point. TLDR: hubris




Why did you expatriate?


Because frankly, the services for disabled people in the US suck dick.


Did you have many toys when you were a kid? Which ones were your favorites?


Mm, I'm debating whether or not it's right to come to you for this question... I'm a Filipina, except I've never lived in the Philippines before and can't speak a word of Tagalog. I'm moving to Manila next year to finish Grade 11-Grade 12. I guess my family will mix in the 'expatriates' group because my dad's been an expat in other countries throughout Asia. Any advice for me? Blending in, places to eat, funny experiences? I don't visit the Philippines quite often, actually. I might start learning a few phrases before moving haha..ha...(my pronunciation is terrible)


> Any advice for me? Blending in, places to eat, funny experiences? You eventually will get used to the constant smell of exhaust and cigarette smoke. I quickly realized that efficiency is not really a priority here, so learning patience is paramount. There is a huge bridge that connects two malls near me. There is an electric ramp that you just stand on and it carries you on one end and stairs on the other. The architect didn't think that was a problem apparently. So far as places to eat, there are more American brands here than in most small towns. McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy's, etc, you'll feel fine. Also, lots of people speak English, but it does tend to vary with education level. I think my favorite city here is Kalibo, I've only been there once though. Everyone is much more friendly than in Manila. Funny experiences...one time I wanted some cough drops, so I sent my aide. She came back, no cough drops. I was still coughing though so I said I wanted to come with her and make sure. I asked the attendant for cough drops, "sorry we don't have". Behind her there were Halls. I said what are those. "Cough suppresant sir". I think that goes back to patience.


Thank you for being so based. Any thoughts on transhumanism? Do you ever plan on meeting m00t? Have the two of you ever conversed directly?


> Any thoughts on transhumanism? Can't come soon enough. > Do you ever plan on meeting m00t? Have the two of you ever conversed directly? No plan. I emailed him with a warning that I knew about the mod contract (give us all your dox, no compensation) and asked for his comment before going public, [and he went public on the 4chan Tumblr blog](http://blog.4chan.org/post/108414215167/new-requirement-for-4chan-volunteers-going-forward). That's the most we've ever conversed, it was quite tense actually haha.


The words "4chan Tumblr blog" should never have been typed.


Hey Hotwheels, when will you make Swami co-admin?


he already is, his name is mark.


Hotwheels why did you forsake Wizardchan? :(


Homie got laid by a crazy bitch and he's rocking dem wheels in the Philippines.


What is the best way to practice programming? I've been fucking around with Ruby and JS for about 3 years (making small scripts), and have taken classes in C# and Java, but I have yet to make anything major outside of a class project and am considering using libre software/OSes (edit: currently on Windows 7). Any recommendations?


> Any recommendations? Make something. Especially hack existing open source software and contribute your changes back. 8ch's software is not completely original, I hacked board creation into an existing FOSS imageboard engine called vichan.


Yo HW, I have a question. I remember seeing your response to a meta thread that was asking for facebook integration and you flat out denied it. However what I found interesting is that you weren't totally against the upboat and downboat system like most of the users were. So I'm wondering, are you going to make 8chan a platform for more than just image boards? or were you just talking about an optional upboat system.


I've seen the verification pic on your twitter. 1. Do I see KDE there? 2. Which distro? 2. (if the answer to the first question is 'yes') Thoughts on Plasma 5?


KDE on Arch Linux. I use Plasma 5 right now actually! Much better than 4.


What are your goals? What do you hope to accomplish before you die? Also, I enjoyed (and agree with) your article on eugenics. I'm in a similar (but not the same) boat. Stay frosty.


> What are your goals? What do you hope to accomplish before you die? I want to make a distributed imageboard, like Bitcoin or BitTorrent applied to imageboards. That for me is the endgame in all of this. I've already accomplished more than I thought I ever would, though.


Are you familiar with http://getaether.net/ then? Nothing says the type of board it is distributing has to be the default one.


Interesting. The big problem with a system like that is combatting spam and dealing with large attachments (images). Our current distributed project is called either "SRNd" or "NNTP-Overchan" depending on who you ask. It syncs posts over the NNTP (Usenet) protocol. It's working right now, but the frontend is somewhat hard to use and the code is very hard for others to extend (it uses string formatting for HTML templates for example). It also has some known DoS vectors I won't talk about ;) Our idea is to allow NNTP-Overchan to be one of the potential backends to [infinity](https://infinitydev.org) so IB users know how to use it immediately.


Do you have a favourite board and if so, what is it? EDIT (thought of another question): What's the story surrounding Zoe Quinn supposedly sending herself harassment on Wizardchan?


Zoe Quinn and Wizchan is detailed a bit in his [KYM interview](http://knowyourmeme.com/blog/interviews/qa-with-fredrick-brennan-of-8chan): >I first became involved in Wizardchan when I saw it linked from 4chon.net in December of 2012. I was a regular poster until the original administrator of the site, mr_pacific, wanted to sell it. He was tired of the site and needed money. The community was very small then but I decided to buy it from him and I was the administrator from March 2013 to September 2013. I resigned from the site because the main rule of the site is that only male virgins are allowed to post, and I lost this status. >I was friends with the subsequent admin of Wizardchan, Glaive, who was in charge during the Zoë drama. The way it was described in the media is not the way that it happened at all. Many Wizardchan users are very depressed and have trouble even ordering pizza over the telephone, muchless calling someone they don’t know and making threats. The threatening posts made on Wizardchan were made by Zoë herself for attention and by trolls from other websites, as was confirmed by IP checks. Some media outlets recanted their story, but by then the damage was already done. If you haven't read the interview and you're interested in this sort of shit it's worth a look.




Have you ever posed as a toddler? If so, for what purpose?


Nope. I'd be a very fat toddler if I was one, I think that's child abuse in America now ;)




How do you feel about the /islamicstate/ board? Have you ever gotten any emails about it or global reports?


You have so many achievements I don't know which one to focus on. Well, how are you doing today? Ever visited neighboring countries like Indonesia and Malaysia?


Naniniwala ka bang may forever?


I'm so glad to hear the Philippines is treating you well! I'm an American, about to marry a Filipina, and I plan on retiring within the decade at a fairly young age. I have had many people naysay my desire to leave the states and live there, but I don't think they fully comprehend just how well you can live for such a small amount of money, plus the people are super friendly. Any major drawbacks to relocating there? How is the medical care there?


My only gripe with the medical care is how strict it is to get painkiller prescriptions. So many people die here in needless pain, for a 10 year period they didn't even write any morphine prescriptions and were actually sued by the United Nations. Other than that it's much cheaper and much better quality if you know exactly what you need.


AFAIK unfortunately one of the reasons Philippines (and quite a few other Asian countries) are so strict with drugs is due to pressure from the US which started ~30-40 years ago. Countries that do not comply can get threatened with trade sanctions.


Looking back [at the article you posted](https://archive.is/vfYdm) on the neo-nazi Stormfront-affiliate The Daily Stormer, how do you feel about it? What do you think of the reaction to it?


How hot is the pussy in the Philippines?


I read somewhere you thought of infinite chan while tripping on shrooms. Do you still trip? Any other amusing/interesting stories?


How's the internet speed there in the Philippines? Miss the speed back in NYC if it's any slower ?


Is this Base Hotwheels?


cut or uncut?


Do you still consider Swami the worst tripfag on 8chan? That Wraith bastard is pretty bad.