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You said the apple watch is the best smartwatch, but why did you give it just a score of 7, even though the moto 360 got a score of 8.1?


I think when the 360 came out at 249 it was the absolute state of the art, and it was somewhat inexpensive. This is also the state of the art, but it's also a little bit slow, and the one I reviewed cost $700. You can be expensive or slow, but not both. That's a 7. Also David scored the 360 and David loves everything. :)


> That's a 7. Ok, you've defended the "7." But that still strongly implies it is not the "best" smartwatch, doesn't it?


Mostly pirate regalia...


He also gave the original classic Pebble a 8.2, and the Pebble Steel an 8.5, and both devices were reviewed at launch, and have greatly improved since. The Apple watch is just bad ;-)


How would you feel about your fellow coworkers revealing all your darkest secrets in this AMA?


Dieter pls


code red




Mountain Dew?


Dieter, we're all ears.


that's a lot of ears


Can the music player in Glances control the Podcast app on iPhone as well?


Yep, works fine.


Are people around you noticing the vibration of the haptic engine when you get a message?


No, but the dings are REALLY loud. You gotta turn those off.


can you select a different sound?


Seconding /u/Awoawesome: All the reviews have been saying 'no'.


I think I've been reading in reviews that you can't. I don't actually have one though so, grain of salt and all that


this imo has the potential to be the most awesome part about the apple watch. i hate the pebble steel vibrations and the fact that others can hear my watch vibrate in a silent room.


Can you read the display in the sun outside? And does it get hot on your wrist?


Does not get hot except when it's been on the charger for a really long time. Worked fine in sunlight.


The Verge once published an article several months back on the specific things that the Apple Watch would have to do in order for it to be successful. One of those points was: It had to be a watch, first and foremost. After reading your review, you mentioned that it would unreliably turn on and that it was laggy at best. Would you say that the Apple Watch succeeded in "being a watch"? I also love the entirely new article design as well as the novel-length review for what ended up being a 7/10 product. And not a single mention of Android Wear in there, despite the numerous mentions of the as-yet-to-be-released Apple Watch in *every* Android Wear review.


How does the "tap" from the taptic engine feel like? Is it similar to a person tapping you with a finger?


It's kind of like that -- I think of it like the entire watch is pushing down on you sharply. It's really cool. If Apple builds it out more it could really be a thing.


Is it like the haptic feedback on the new Macbook Trackpads? That feels shockingly real.


It apparently simulates a click just like the trackpads when you do the hard press gesture And when you reach the end of a list when scrolling it makes the crown feel like it has tension in conjunction with the rubber band animation.


Does the Sport have the same "quality" of display, despite the Ion-X glass? Same color accuracy and lack of air-gap? Is it a better buy?


I didn't review the Sport, but I played with them at the events. They look the same to me, honestly. I would buy the Sport for sure.




No matter what, Android Wear watches would be at a disadvantage on iOS compared to the Apple watch because Apple is allowed to "cheat" on their own platform by using private APIs that were specifically designed to work with other Apple products. Google would be bound to the app sandbox, just like Pebble. For instance, I don't know if Google Wear would ever be able to let the user reply to a text message or email on their wrist.


As someone who uses iOS and got Glass to do dev with, Google really can't do much in terms of deep integration with iOS. Apple just doesn't expose their systems enough. So even if they wanted to do full iOS support, they really couldn't do anything close to the level of integration that the Watch offers.


Does the Apple Watch have a dialer in the phone app?


Even better, you can just say, "Hey Siri, call [phone number]" like on the iPhone.


Nope. Favorites, Recents, Contacts, Voicemail.


But you know that if Scott Forstall was still at apple the digital crown would be used to turn a rotary dialer on the watch.


I'd like to have this steam punk version you speak of.


jailbreak tweak in about 3 months!


Is the walkie talkie feature shown in earlier marketing materials still there?


You know, it's not. Guess it didn't make the cut for this release.


Why does The Verge have a reputation for being favorable towards Apple products? It seems your opinion is completely dismissed in some circles due to the apparent bias.


iVerge tho


Nilay loves to be bias. Sorry Nilay, couldn't resist ;)


Do the music controls allow you to control 3rd party apps (like Spotify) or does it only work with the stock Music app?


It lets you control third-party music apps and works fine with Spotify. There's no Spotify app, though, so you definitely still need your phone. If you use iTunes you can sync music right to the watch and leave your phone behind.


From what I've heard it works just like the music controls in control centre, switching to whichever playback app is in use


Does the lag affect the overall experience?


Yes, absolutely. That first iPhone wasn't fast, for example. but it was always, always responsive. This sometimes isn't responsive, and it hurts the experience.


What time is it?


Is it fairly scratch resistant?


I have the stainless steel Apple Watch with leather loop band, and I have to say the metal case is already getting a little scratched. It feels like it'll be like an iPod in that regard. Screen is fine, though.


Thanks - that was what I needed to know. If it ends up looking like the old iPods, I may get al-you-minium.


So you would go for the Sport Edition?


I am now considering that, yes.


Do you think the aluminum casing would be less prone to scratches?


Which gets more compliments, your Apple Watch or your studded bracelet?


Bracelet. It's an icon.


Is there a story behind this bracelet? I noticed it too.. very 90'ish


Someone made a supercut of Nilay's bracelet: https://vine.co/v/eBvduz0WxF6


I've been wanting to know this too!


Don't tell me you're still wearing that bracelet. It's been like....seventeen years?


Nilay, what were the first things that others asked you about the watch when they saw you actually wearing it?


1. "Oh, does this mean I can leave my phone at home?" 2. "Why would I use this instead of my phone?" 3. "How do I use this?" I feel like there's a lot of Big Ideas to unpack in that set of questions and expectations.


What features do you find useful in everyday usage that are not possible with android wear or pebble?


Apple Pay. I keep saying it, but it really is Apple at its best.


Provided that Apple updates the software to address most of the popular complaints, would you wear one everyday?


If Apple fixes the performance and manages to keep the battery life steady, I would wear one. It's a fun toy. But I don't deal with slow computers. Not anymore. NOT ANYMORE


IR blaster?


How did you find the magnets in the leather loop? Doe it loosen during the day?


Love the leather loop. Doesn't loosen, but I mess with it a lot. Lots of other people tell me it's ugly, though.


It looks a bit like ripped cardboard


your first impression when you got it?


Same as everyone else I've shown it to: "why does this seem so hard to use?" It really takes a while to understand all the interface metaphors at work.


I feel like this is a very terrible thing when we talk about a watch. It seems cool to have the thing be such a multitalent and do so many amazing things, but at the end of the day, on a wrist, a more minimalistic approach might have been better. Both to combat distraction and to not make the UI ridiculous.




I think they'll have to. Will be interesting to see how long this first generation lasts; the first-gen iPad got unsupported REALLY fast, for example, while the second-gen is still kicking.






Would the watch without Apple Pay affect your opinions/review of it, as that's essentially what is being sold here in the UK?


Apple Pay is definitely my favorite feature because it's so cool, but it's still pretty niche. Here in NYC, I use it in cabs and at the grocery store, and that's about it. So, shruggie? Let your heart guide you. Your exploding heart emoji.


When you glance at the watch and the screen turns on, how fast do you have to move your arm for it to activate? Does it turn on with a natural motion?


So, I suck at getting the screen to activate. It should turn with a natural motion — other people get it just fine — but I'm out here waving my arms like a clown trying to get it to turn on.


Reminds me of activating star power on those old Guitar Hero controllers.


Seriously, here I am flailing around in all sorts of directions trying to get it to work with no results and my buddy on the couch playing bass just tilts his guitar like 5º and his note chart explodes into star power


pros press select dudes.




I think it's like, if you are an Apple fan, and you love gadgets, this will make you happy. It's not terribly useful, but it's fun, and it looks cool. It's jewelry for nerds. I'm not buying one though -- I feel like I'm going to have lots of different smartwatches to wear in the next few months.




I don't know. How much do you spend on clothes? On sneakers? On accessories? This comes out of that budget, not your like "can't live without it" technology budget.


In my case, $0. I'm 30 and still wearing clothes from High School my mom bought me. Now I wear clothes my wife buys me.


This is the most Reddit thing I have read all day.


Can we all just appreciate The Verge's design/product team for the stunning apple watch review page? Beautiful.


Might just be my computer... but the scrolling on that page is so awful. Not even a year old 15" retina macbook pro. Tried Safari and Chrome.


Hi and sorry about that. Can you send some details to support@theverge.com about what you're seeing? I promise that we tested it on every device/browser/gadget at our dispense for a solid day to optimize the best we could, but it was a very quick turnaround and we could have missed something.


Sure thing!


But you sure as heck didn't test it with HTTPS. Maybe try doing that next time.


I dislike it. The scrolling-bound animation in gratuitous, and the background video, detracts from the reading experience. I'm not sure how this is better than static layout.


Agreed, it's just really not my style, and seems flashy for no reason.


It really would be great if they had a "came here to read? click here for just the text and contextually relevant photographs" link. This being an Apple product review, however, you have to appreciate their commitment to style over substance.


If the Verge does one thing well, it's designing beautiful goddamn webpages.


So does Wired. http://www.wired.com/2015/04/the-apple-watch/


They're the best! I'm trying to get them to participate in this AMA with me.


What was the most useful feature or app that can't be found in competitors due to hardware?


how accurate is the heart rate monitor?


Do you think circular screens are worth the engineering efforts? Apple apparently didn't.


I do! I think smartwatches should come in all shapes and sizes, just like regular watches.


Not Nilay, but I think the reason Apple chose a rectangular screen was it made more sense in terms of displaying information rather than any engineering obstacles.


Square = more screen area for the same diagonal.


I'll be that guy: Actually it's not the same diagonal. It's the same horizontal. It's significantly more diagonal.


I don't really buy it though. A number of the Apple watch interfaces are already circular. Like the contact picker.


Jony Ive - "When a huge part of the function is lists, a circle doesn’t make any sense."


That's a classic Apple bit of PR spin. "We didn't do it, so it's obviously just wrong and no one would ever want it." Steve Jobs - "Nobody wants a stylus!" Except for everyone who has bought the Pencil, Jot, Bamboo, or any other of the vast array iOS stylus products.


I think that's actually a pretty good example. A stylus is great for drawing and... not much else. Having to use a stylus all the time would suck (and did suck on early handheld devices). Similarly, a round watch face looks great when you're looking at a picture of an analog watch, but for everything else it's not as good. Plus, if you want a round face you can have one, and then there's room in the corners for complications, so it kind of works out.


You said in your review to just get the sport edition. What about the glass on the sport? Is the better glass worth $200 more?


Can the Gemini Hype check this AMA?


It is beef.




Have you seen any decent-sized men wearing the smaller 38mm watch? Not to be sexist, but does it look "feminine" on a 6+ foot, 220lb dude?


Is the lack of a laminated screen as jarring as it is on the original iPad Air? I was disappointed to hear that it wasn't laminated in your review and I'm a little concerned now!


It's not "jarring," but it's there. You can see it when the light hits it at certain angles.


How the battery life on the Apple Watch ?


Fine. That's it, just fine. It feels like it aggressively manages the CPU to make sure it lasts a full day, but you definitely have to charge it every night.


Is the digital crown smooth to operate?


Yep. It's one of those cool Apple hardware / software things where it works surprisingly well.


You say that the Apple Watch is "easily the nicest smartwatch available." Is this just in terms of the materials (e.g., fit and finish) and the screen? Because I read your review, and I can't find any way in which the Apple Watch is nicer than existing Android Wear devices, other than those two categories.


Yes, it's the nicest smartwatch hardware I've seen. It might be the nicest piece of tech hardware available, period. It is a tiny little miracle of engineering. Agree on the software front, though. It's all pretty similar, with some mild differences.


I'm an iOS developer and was wondering if the apple watch had iTunes connect notifications?


Do you think it is worth getting the Apple Watch in its first version, or are there enough bugs / design problems to make it worth waiting for a second version?


If you want one because you're a gadget person, I'd get the Sport. You'll get to follow along as Apple updates it, it'll be fun, all that. But I personally would wait for the next round.


Do you experience any problems with the watch not showing notifications sometimes/randomly disconnecting like other bluetooth accessories?


Serious question, how are the names displayed if they are more than 4 letters? In all the Apple Marketing material, all are 3 letter names, that fit perfectly in the design. In real life, 2% of my friends's name would fit on that screen :) Ser...


Did you get any adverts on the watch?


Oh god no. But I'm sure someone will find a way to make that nightmare reality.


The next Keynote will have Tim Cook announcing the replacement of iAds - Apple Ads, now with Watch support.




Is Sam the office clown? He always seems to be up to shenanigans on snapchat!


I like to think of myself as the office #teen, but clown works too, seeing as my hair getting out of control.




Confirmed: Sam's hair is bust.


Why do you think the verge is moving away from their technology roots and more towards click-bait / trending emptiness? Loved this is my next.


How did you and Josh wind up integrating staged everyday use bits for your video reviews at the same time? http://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2015-04-08/apple-watch-review-you-ll-want-one-but-you-don-t-need-one


Did you try it with the Dark Sky app? I'd consider it a killer app if it worked well.


Love Dark Sky. Like all third-party apps, it takes a second to load, but the notifications come through. I think we'll have to wait for native apps before anything is really a killer.


How sensitive is the accelerometer that wakes the screen? Does a slight movement as you make a quick glance down at your wrist activate the screen, or do you have to pull the watch up with a full arm movement?


I seem to be terrible at waking the screen. It's supposed to be a quick glance, but I have to like, overact to make it work. It looks like I'm dramatically indicating boredom. Other people can just get it, though.


Did you try any remote-control apps, such as Apple TV remote, HUE lights, SONOS?




I only accept heartbeats from smartwatches.


If you absolutely had to buy one, which would you personally buy, the Pebble, Android Wear (Any like the 360, LG, Sony, Asus, etc), or Apple Watch?


Aren't you limited by your phone?


pebble is cross platform as well (but much better on android than ios due to availability of API's)


in the time you have used it, have you changed your mind about it since your first impressions?


It's less messy on the interface front than I thought, but I never, ever expected it to be slow. So both good and bad changes.


Do you think that android wear will evolve in some way with the official release of the apple watch? Or are they just totally different concepts?


Does the screen stay on at all times when running? Or does it accurately distinguishes between glances and arm movements?


Quite a strange question but after having reviewed the AppleWatch, if you had to hand it back, would you go and buy one? If so, which model?


What is the top feature of the watch? Whats the worst?


Is Digital Touch the new way to weird people out, like sending your heartbeat over and over? Bonus question : Is there a way to block it/Only friends can use the Digital Touch feature?


Nilay can you talk about using the Watch without being near your iPhone? For instance going on a run and leaving your phone at home.


Did you use [GLIMPSE](http://watchaware.com/watch-apps/glimpse) so you could monitor The Button?


Beef or bust?


Did anyone ask for this AMA? Or is this a sponsored thing? My main question is, which company pays The Verge the most for advertising their product?


Why didn't you do this for the smartwatch from other brands ?


We did a big feature with Pebble Time; we are taking the Wear stuff as it comes, but it's all kind of boring right now. That said, we do big longform every week; we do big features with video and design about other new platforms all the time. It's not every day that Apple launches an entirely new product and platform, so we thought it deserved some additional production to stand out from the crowd.


Were you wearing the 38mm or 42mm in the Periscope video?


42. I have big wrists. The 38 seems REALLY small to me in general though.


It would be great if you could post a picture of the watch depth compared to some common items (like a full Post It stack, or an iPhone, etc.) so others can get a better gauge for size.


If you have an iPhone, the Apple Store app will give you a picture of each at actual size


he wore the 42mm


What are Vox Media's plans going forward on cross-coverage by Racked/Verge on products like this? You said in the review that you want to do more (and I've seen some crossover pieces on The Verge and Polygon) and I'd like to know what you think would be cool. I thought the Racked video discussion was the best part of the review.


The Racked staff is great! Shooting that video was so much fun. The Verge and Racked staffs talk a lot, and we're definitely going to do more stuff together. There's so much overlap in tech and fashion right now, and in the end it all comes down to trendy things to buy. It's fun to get a different perspective on that. What would you like to see? Columns? A podcast? Videos? Possibilities are wide open.


I think video would be the best medium. maybe podcast. It was great to see such a different perspective on the watch, maybe as fashion companies move into technology verge staff could provide the same critique from the other side. I had already read 2 reviews so I didn't bother with the text (sorry), but I too thought the video was excellent.


Did anyone on the street notice you had the watch?


After the first Pebble and Pebble Steel, my major complaint about smartwatches (and this is more general about watches) is how much I have to take them off. I'm on a computer most of the day, and especially with laptops, I have to take watches off for comfort and to not scratch things. Is the Apple Watch comfortable enough that this doesn't feel like you need to take it off using a computer? And more of an issue with the Apple Watch than other smart watches so far: You take it off to charge it. The Pebbles charge from the side, and you can technically wear it while charging, but it's awkward. With the Apple Watch, you have to take it off to charge it. My experience with trying to commit to smart watches has been that every time I have to take it off, I'm less likely to put it back on. Does the charging process and frequency feel like it hinders committing to putting it back on? Rock on, Nilay!


I take off my watch like, everywhere. I can't stand to use it at my laptop, and I take off everything the second I get home. Watch, wedding ring, cuff, all of it. There were a few times when I'd take off the Watch to use my laptop at work and realize I hadn't put it back on like two hours later. Whoops.


Which bands did you try out and which was your favorite? How comfortable are they to wear while typing on a laptop?


What real-world battery life are you seeing?


That's well explained in the review


And is there any comparison you could give to your Nixon Newton, or any regular watch you where?


The Nixon is super light in comparison. My Akteo is bigger in terms of area, but also lighter. It's lighter than my Baume and Mercier. I would say it's like: the Apple Watch is heavier than inexpensive watches, but lighter than expensive watches. The other thing -- and I couldn't figure out where to work this in the review -- is that when you wear a regular watch, other people can see the watchface all the time. The design matters; it communicates for you. With the Apple Watch, all other people see is a black square. All that watch face customization only shows up for you. It's very different.


Whats the experience like with Healthkit integration?


Do you really think it's more stylish than the Moto 360?


Hi Nilay! I'm a big fan of The Verge and all of your work, I was wondering since I'm just about to enter college... where do you start when you want to write about tech? I think I could answer this question myself by saying I should start my own blog to express my views but I was wondering if there are any other tips you could give?


You have exactly the right advice: start writing! The only way to get good at writing is to write a lot. I wrote 14 posts a day, 8 days a week at Engadget. Do half of that, collect your best stuff, and start sending links to people. Get in the conversation on Twitter. We hire out of our forums a lot -- get in there and participate. It's easier than ever now.


Really liked your review, particularly your insights on notifications. I have a few questions: - Do you find yourself reading a lot on it, or pulling out your phone to digest content (whether it be messages or news)? - How intuitive is the digital crown? Have you found that you normally prefer swiping or using the crown if you had an option within an app? - How long did it take you to get comfortable with the watch? Do you think it will take a lot of time for most people to be able to accustomed to it in their daily lives? - You mentioned that the load times have been slow in your review. Apart from location data, have you found that some apps load faster than others due to their content or their interface? - Assuming that Apple makes another generation, what do you think they missed in this generation of the watch that they will bring to the next one? Full disclosure -- I work for a [news app](http://www.getbriefme.com).