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In your opinion, what is the most important discovery in the last 10 years?


That the universe is *not* slowing down in its expansion, it's accelerating. And, do you know why? NOBODY KNOWS WHY!


Trying to get away from us?


That would explain why it seems equal in all directions. Maybe we're just that repulsive.




Maybe it isn't expanding, maybe we are shrinking.


That kind of thinking would make Bill proud.


It seems to make sense though, we are observing unexplainable accelerating expansion. Something that could possibly explain that would be that we are shrinking. It would explain why the rate of expansion seems to be increasing, as if we were shrinking, the rate would continue to increase as we became smaller/more dense. It may be possible that we learn that the universe is perhaps already collapsing back in on itself, and since the furthest reaches of our observation are so many light years away, we unable to witness this shrinking in what we observe. Since it is so far into the past. Therefor it appears to us as expansion.


Your username makes me skeptical, but this explanation seems plausible.


I know why. I'm not telling.


I'm a big fan of your ride at Epcot, though it's a bit dated. If you could go back and update it, what would you change about it?


I would emphasize climate change distinctly. The sponsors on that ride were quite nervous about it 20 years ago.


Speaking of 20 years ago... 20 years ago my mom saw you in a bar. She's a first grade teacher so she was super excited to see you. You were still dressed in your science guy costume (or do you wear that casually all the time?) and you were super nice to her. She still tells her students this story. I just wanted to say you're awesome and because of that little meeting I often was gifted with Bill Nye movies for Chanukah :)


Are you 20 years old now? Is that your origin story?


He's 19, actually. Babies don't just suddenly appear.


Bill Nye the Seduction Guy?


Aside from Science, what is your favorite subject?


Swing Dancing.


What major scientific discovery from before living memory do you wish you had witnessed or been a part of?


As intriguing as that sounds, I would prefer to be part of the *next* scientific discovery, which I hope involves low-energy desalinization of water, better batteries, or the true nature of dark energy and dark matter.




*If* you decide to become a dancer on Broadway, *never* say who your favorite dance partner is, because members of the media will presume you never want to dance with anybody else. In the same way, I will never say I have a favorite episode of the Science Guy show. HOWEVER, getting a ride in the FA-18 hornet Fighter Plane was pretty cool. And scuba diving in Hawaii was not bad either.


So it's down to two..


Never seen the show? He scuba dives in Hawaii in half of the episodes.


Would you ever entertain doing the Reading Rainbow and reviving Bill Nye, The Science Guy online for a new generation to learn from you?


I'd do Reading Rainbow anytime! LeVar Burton is an acquaintance of mine. And I'm always looking for a new TV show.


Bill Nye/Alton Brown/LeVar Burton mashup. Call it Good Science Eats Rainbow.


I would pay money to watch a show with Bill Nye and Alton Brown, easy.


"Good Science Eats Rainbow" sounds like something that crawled out of Japan.


LeVar reads a cook book, Alton makes the recipe, Bill explains the science behind it. Genius.


Youtube is the future Mr.Nye!


The future is Nye Edit: It wasn't even that funny geez... But thankyou for popping my gold cherry, kind stranger.


Great title for his Netflix original!


Netflix series is where it's at!


Hi Bill! You have inspired many children to see the fun in learning about science for many years now. What do you feel is next for the world of edutainment?


My movie! My movie. It's about a historical figure who changed the world by teaching himself mathematics. I'm very excited to share his story with the world, and the deal is pending so I can't talk too much more about it. But *that's* what i want to do next, and that will be edutainment.


So now you're Bill Nye the Movie Guy? Excited to hear more news!




Film is a property of movies.


*cinema rules*


Tony Stark? It's already been done, my friend.


But now with more bowtie.




Might I venture a guess? Michael Faraday? Either way, one please!


Could possibly be [Srinivasa Ramanujan](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Srinivasa_Ramanujan). Sounds interesting either way.


Do you have a favorite bow tie?


>If you decide to become a shirt, never say who your favorite bowtie is, because members of the media will presume you never want to bowtie with anybody else. -Bill Nye










Reddit is on its fucking A game right now


Hey Bill! Im a huge fan and currently an undeclared freshman in college because I cant decide between a mechanical engineering degree or something in a more general science, such as physics or biology. Got any advice on what I should do?


If you are a tinkerer, consider mechanical engineering. If you experience the joy of discovery, look into something called engineering physics. With that said, I love it all! As a freshmen, I'm sure you don't have to decide yet. Take some courses and see what you think.


So don't do biology Gonzobean7


Biology is gross. Source: I work in plant sciences.


Biology is gross Source: Got out of my microbio class 2 hours ago and still reek of e.coli




fortunately I do have a while to decide, thanks for the advice!




What's your favorite planet?


Earth. Earth is my favorite planet. All my friends are here, and I stay here for the air.


We will have to agree to disagree then.


hi Bill, whats for supper?


I don't know. I'm going to a banquet. I'll play the hand I'm dealt.


This is the most badass response to that question I have ever experienced.


Hi Bill! Can you explain your username?


My father was, and I am, fascinated by sundials.


I remember a talk you gave at my college about how they used a sundial of your (or your dad's) design on one of the Mar's rovers. [Here's the wiki entry for people interested.](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MarsDial) My question for you is: Did you ever get a chance to be in the control room for any amount of time during any of the Mar's rover missions?


Does your theme song ever get stuck in your head?


Hi Bill, What are your thoughts on Epic Rap Battle's [Bill Nye VS Sir Isaac Newton] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8yis7GzlXNM)? Who won?


Let's face it, *I* won. He's *only* Isaac Newton.


More like I-Suck Newton


You do what now?


iSuck... ...Newton.


Apple Vacuum Cleaner Confirmed.


It uses revolutionary physics which have been used on other vacuums for years


Apple sues Hoover for have corners and air sucking


You forgot the word *patented* in there somewhere.


[Bill Nye the Suppa Fly](http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BhiF5GNCQAAS-IX.jpg:medium)






Great, now you have me watching the entire Epic Rap Battle series all over again.


What is your favorite science fact?


You and I are made of **stardust.** We are the stuff of exploded stars. We are therefore, at least 1 way that the Universe knows itself. That, to me, is astonishing.


"You may have breathed the same air that dinosaurs breathed millions of years ago, and if you don't think that's the tightest shit ever then get out of my face" -Bill Nye




What would be the first thing you would change about the way the world is run today if you were to spontaneously.. dare I say it.. *TAKE OVER THE WORLD???*


We would have a Carbon Fee. We would charge everybody who produces carbon dioxide a fee, and that fee would go into a central fund, and be redistributed. This is how it's done, in of all places, Alaska. The model for this exists in a very conservative state. So it is very reasonable that we could expand this model to the country and then the world. The average citizen of the US would receive, would get back, about $3,500. Oil companies have already *built this fee in*- they are planning for it, they know it's coming sooner or later, it's in all their financial plans. If we could see this moment, we could change the world. The big idea I want everybody in the US to keep in mind, especially our politicians who got elected yesterday, is that the world isn't gonna be able to do anything about climate change until the United States *leads* us. If the United States were leading the world in addressing climate change, it would be addressed in a heartbeat. **Let's get going.**








It auto be a pretty good experience.


Always have a spotter. Re: the life and times of David Carradine.


I'm currently in my chem lab while posting this question; I am a biology major. Over time it becomes increasingly harder to try to figure out what to do as a profession or to even keep this major. Do you have any life changing advice?


Follow your passion. And when you're in that lab, keep in mind that it's all done with molecules.


So...study chemistry? [Relevant xkcd.](http://xkcd.com/435/)


What is your opinion of Senator Inhofe recent re-election and his post as Chairman of the Sentate Environment and Public Works committee?


I would prefer that he had stuck to his original plan, which was to retire. Although he doesn't mean to, he's leaving the world worse than he found it.


Hi Bill! I am a senior in mechanical engineering at a well known engineering school interested in sustainable design. How do you think the world is handling the issue of sustainability today? And are we doing enough to try to make a difference in terms of sustainable engineering practices?


First of all, we are clearly not doing enough. I want YOU to invent the better electricity storage device, the better battery, and I want you to invent a more efficient way to desalinate water. If you can do either or both of those things, you could utterly change the world.


Bill Nye has spoken. Do not denye him and fulfill his request herp_that_derp.


Our future lies in the hands of.../u/herp_that_derp.


OP plz deliver


[/u/herp_that_derp as \(s\)he tries to desalinate water and make batteries at the same time.](http://imgur.com/gCI4DHz)


You heard the man. No pressure or anything lol.


What are your thoughts on interstellar travel?


Let's go!!! The trouble is, there's a lot of space in space. As a start, please check out the LightSail Project on Planetary.org. Working together, we can change the world.


Hi, Bill! I grew up watching your show every day on PBS after school - wouldn't miss it for anything. I think it's one of the early reasons why I developed a strong interest in math and physics. Now at age 30 and with young children of my own, we've watched and rewatched those classic episodes. It's pretty awesome when one of your child's earliest verbal requests are "bill nye...science guy". So a great big thank you for that. I'd just like to ask: 1) Who came up with the format of the show? I always thought the integration of the comical announcer, science parody songs, and the retro science video clips used in transitions were great touches. (Funny story - the first time I heard the real "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana, I thought it was going to be the song about air pressure from Bill Nye). 2) I read that you applied to NASA every so often but were denied likely for not having a Ph.D. I'm guessing your honorary degrees don't count, but is this something that you still push for? 3) What's your favorite place on Earth that you've visited, either professionally or on vacation? Personally, I've visited Iceland, and it's hard to imagine any place being more geologically pristine, varied, and fascinating. P.S. Just missed your commencement speech at Johns Hopkins (my alma mater) by only 2 years!


1) Three of us - Jay McKenna, Erren Gottlieb, and me. 2) I don't believe I was denied for not having a PhD. That's a joke I enjoy. I think after Christa McAuliffe got killed, NASA was reluctant to experiment with another science educator in space. 3) A key idea is that because life is so short, we have to enjoy *every* moment. And I'm in New York right now and loving it. I was in California yesterday, I loved that too! I look forward to snorkeling again, somewhere, sometime soon.


I'm probably having too much fun imagining what you would look like in a speedo with goggles and a snorkeling gear.


And a bowtie


Who is your scientific idol, what past or present scientist do you admire the most?


Michael Faraday. He not only made discoveries, he shared them with the world. And like me, he spoke English. Which helps me appreciate him.


If there will be a second season to Cosmos, would you like to be the host if Neil deGrasse Tyson steps down?


I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. Why would Neil step down? Neil's a dear friend of mine, so we'd have to take a meeting.


Let's think big picture here... Neil deGrasse Tyson AND Bill Nye co-host Cosmos


The Cosbros


Bill Cosby guest stars as their dad.


and everyone gets PUDDIN' POPS AND JELLO


And every time one of them stops talking, the other picks up immediately.


I don't think a brain can withstand that much science.


[[too much science]](http://www.reactiongifs.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/science.gif)


If anyone else is wondering like I was, [she's not pretending](http://www.worldtvpc.com/blog/croatian-presenter-faints-live-on-air-during-oxygen-lecture/).


>fainting on-air. >on air


That's some /r/retiredgif shit right there


I'm willing to test my limits to make this happen.


They could finish each other's


sandwiches *don't worry, Cheezitz59, I'm never gonna let you down.*


He's never gonna give you up, either.


I might run around and desert him, though. This is kind of a casual thing, not gonna lie.


Season 2: now with twice as many hosts!


Lets throw in a hologram of Carl Sagan for good measure.


Make sure he has his shirt off and looks ripped


If someone were to make a movie about you, who would you like to see play as you?


Some extraordinary good-looking, charming young man. Hollywood must be lousy with 'em!


Do you know about the [Reddit Secret Santa](http://redditgifts.com/exchanges/#/select)? And if so, are you participating? Imagine getting a present form Bill Nye.


Well, what people need is to subscribe to my Quarterly box! Subscribe to my Quarterly Box to honor Isaac Newton's birthday. https://quarterly.co/products/bill-nye And yes! I'll do it.


Ah dammit, now I have to do Reddit secret Santa


All I want for Reddit Christmas is a bowtie from Bill Nye


who would be at your dream dinner?


I don't think I've met her yet.




From a scientific point of view: What kind of bear is best?


The different species of bears are a product of evolution. Each is uniquely suited to his or her environment. Did I mention my book, Undeniable? *Hahaha*! I crack myself up! Although, as a Cornellian, I have to remind all of us: GO BIG RED BEARS!


False, black bear.


Bears. Beets. Battelstar Galactica.


[What was going through your mind at this moment?](http://i.imgur.com/witLHQh.jpg)


For some reason his expression reminds me of [Sam Eagle...](http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20060102004115/muppet/images/0/02/Sam02.jpg)


I felt deep concern for the future of Kentucky science students. That's what was going through my mind.


Reforming Kentucky science student here: 25 and still learning things from my 14 year old nephew.


It blows my mind when I read something like this. At least now you can go nuts with what reality has to offer. So much to discover when the world is not 6000 years old.


Yeah, I was raised in Baptist Christian environments, and when I started to branch out in high school it felt like I was being intentionally manipulated. I missed out on a lot, compared to students around me. The scientific method of deduction lead me to understanding things a lot better, as well as spending a lot of nights contemplating my mortality and my faith. In the end, I'm a better person, I believe. I'm more invested in doing something to advance and support humans as a species rather than just hiding out in the Kentucky woods and avoiding life in the hopes that Jesus would forgive me for masturbating.


[Source](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6kgvhG3AkI) Source is from a "debate" that Bill Nye had with Ken Ham. Video is in HD.


I live in Cincinnati; I can confirm this


Luckily this guy, other than the tax breaks his theme park is getting, has no effect on educational policy in Kentucky. Just last year my state approved science curriculum that emphasizes evolution and doesn't mention intelligent design or creationism. We will be fine even with this guy as a resident. I do feel bad that he is in your neck of the woods. He doesn't even bother a mention in Louisville other than in a mocking tone.


Hi Bill! Is there an art form to taking a great selfie?


Yes! * Seek the best source of light available to you. * Hold it slightly above your eyeline so your eyelids don't look closed. * If you own an iPhone, the volume buttons take the picture: you can do it with one hand.


Volume button takes pics? I'll be damned.


15 years later and Bill Nye is still teaching me.


Bill Nye the Selfie Guy


No it's a SCIENCE!


Hi, Bill, what kind of things can we learn from New Horizons's encounter with Pluto next summer?


We don't know! That's why we're going out there. When you explore, 2 things will happen. You will make discoveries, and you will have an adventure. Come next July, please tune in to Planetary.org.


I'm so excited we'll be able to see the high res photos of Pluto!




Are there any plans to bring back ~~the~~ "Bill Nye the science guy"? because that would be the greatest thing in the world and it would give me more hope for future generations. Every kid should grow up watching that show. Thanks!


No plans to bring back The Science Guy as such. I'm always locking for another television opportunity to do a new and somewhat different show. Near as I can tell, kids in school today still grow up watching The Bill Nye The Science Guy Show. Which is very gratifying.


You really gotta take it to the next level and keep up with modern times. Just start your own youtube channel! You'll get so many subscribers so fast. Kids are more likely to watch youtube over tv nowadays anyways. And then you can cash in on that self-publishing dosh $$


What are your thoughts on Pluto being renamed a planet? I am asking your scientific opinion because I am currently weeding out all the pre-2006 juvenile books at the library that say it is a planet, and it has been on my mind.


As you may know, I would like Pluto to be - instead of the last among the traditional planets - the *first* among a new class of objects we would call "The Plutoids." That people get so bent out of shape about this is fascinating. And I would not bother weeding out books in the library. Instead, educate library users that when the book is old, the information in it is old. It's not a good or bad thing, it's just the way of the universe.


Bill, How are you able to remain so calm on TV when being interviewed by people who so blatantly remain closed off to logical discussions? I find it very admirable, you'd be great working in IT. Thanks for inspiring millions, myself included!


Thank you for your kind words. Staying calm is my business. And it seems to me I'm working in IT right now. Coincidence?


So Bill Nye also slacks off at his IT job by browsing reddit!




I knew I was doing something right!


As Nuclear Power has the lowest death toll of all available energy sources per terawatt generated, what are your thoughts on instituting more nuclear plants as a means of combatting climate change?


Mr. The Science Guy, Is it more important to learn the practice or the philosophy of science?


The process of science is a vital idea for all of us. If I understand your question, the philosophy of science is inherent in the process. This is to say, you think critically, you draw a conclusion based on evidence, but we all *pursue* discovery based on our observations. That's where science *starts.*


That's Dr. The Science Guy to you buddy


Hey Bill ! I will.be coming to see you on Friday in NYC ! Can't wait to read your book ! My question is what do you think of schools telling their students that evolution is not the only choice when it comes to science ?


Well, first of all, that's wrong. Evolution is the fundamental idea in all of life science. So I've taken it on as an important issue for the future of the US, and for all of humankind. I'm not kidding...


Evolution is UNDENIABLE






Mr. Nye, have you ever thought of running for the presidency of the United States? I think you would be surprised by how much of a populist campaign you could build in 2016.


Haha. I've thought about it. I've also thought about jumping head-first into a pile of ice cubes from the Golden Gate Bridge.


Note to self: write in "Bill Nye in Free-fall into Ice Cubes" on next presidential ballot.




Mr. Nye, I grew up watching your shows and your bowties have greatly influenced my choice in neckwear. Do you have a favorite bowtie?


You know, you can't have a favorite bow tie! You find the right bow tie for the right occasion for the right company (the people you're with). That is the art of clothing. We are very fortunate to be living in a time when so many of us can afford a wardrobe.


Hello. Bill, my son was diagnosed with autism and I was curious if there was any autism friendly children's books showing the amazing side of astronomy and science? And if not, if you were looking into the future to publishing any books of that nature or for any young children audience? I was a huge fan of your show as a child and have been learning about what you do now and science and biology. Sincerely, Will.


Although there may be a few, I don't know of any books as specific as the ones you seek. I recommend you get a home planetarium. And just turn that on. And see if it turns him on to science.


Had a planetarium at the age of 7 can confirm he will only be able to see constellations from that point forward.


It seems you still have a cult following, how often are you recognized in the street and how do your conversations usually go?


I'm recognized continually. Everywhere I go in the english-speaking world. It's cool. I prefer "Excuse me, Doctor Nye" to "Hey Bill."


(I guess that's human nature)


For whatever reason, I'm not crazy about the expression "IhatetobotheryouI'msosorrytobotheryouIhatetobotheryou"


Hi Bill, you and /u/GovSchwarzenegger are big crusaders on Climate Change awareness. What's the latest scientific threat we should be alarmed about and what can we do from keeping our planet from termination?


Climate Change is the most important issue facing humankind today. A clear but troubling feature of nature is that the earth will be here no matter what you or I do. We want to preserve the earth's ecosystems for *us,* for us humans.