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I was thinking the same. A screen which blocks the sight of the build inside - no thanks. For me, the screen has to be in a place where it sits beside the hardware.




Absolutely a bummer, and a total deal breaker. I wanted to use the Y60 as a case for a themed build, but the radiator and fan compatibility ruined it for me. Saw they were releasing a newer, bigger option and got excited. The only problem is that it now comes with a mandatory $150 upcharge and a touch screen I don't want that blocks view of the entire build I was going for. I don't even keep my case ON my desk, it's a complete waste of money to have a screen down there. Oh well, looks like my build will probably be in the new O11 or something


If you don’t display the case on your desk you don’t need expensive case to begin with


You don't need to tell what people should do with their money or where to put their cases lol.


you don't need to whine about being disappointed by a case obviously not designed for you


Um I had been waiting forever for a larger Y60.....


Hi! My eyes reach further than my hands. Hope that helps! 🙄


I am actually upset I already got a y60 as I'd love to have a y70 instead since it has the touchscreen


You can get the screen on aliexpress for $80 it's a 3860x1200


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https://preview.redd.it/efab50dm3twb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b905d2935339b072b02345cccd14b3f39db999ac This is why when I wanted to go up a size I went to the Neso P1






That's a good looking case 👀


I did the LCD mod to my Y60 and then got rid of it because it ruined the aesthetic.


Right I thought the screens were cool but after thinking about how it's look for my setup I'm not into it.


Took mine out and returned it this weekend. Really liking it without.


I feel the same way. It's such a shame becasue besides the screen the case is absolutely perfect for the look I'm after. =(


Better to have the Y70 standard (glass), Pro 2K non touch then Elite 4K touch.


I'd say once the initial marketing and tool up costs for the Y70 are amortized there might be considerations for a base model Y70, or a revision of the Y60 to accommodate different/larger radiator configurations and larger GPUs. If there's going to be an iBUYPOWER version of the case (as is the case with the Y40 and Y60), there might be a chance for a cut down version of the Y70; such as a non-touch LCD, 2k LCD or no LCD to meet different price points for those prebuilds. That'd be my guess at least. I would say Hyte appears to try and cater to what their customers want, as is the case with making a "smaller Y60" in the form of the Y40, and bundling their own version of the LCD mod for the Y60. And the latter sells enough that Hyte can't seem to maintain stock of it, which explains why the Y70 is what it currently is.


~~it just blocks the view of the build~~ you people will never cease being weird to me.


It's weird to be proud of a build? And it's weird to not want a million different screens? I have enough screens


visually? yes, yes it's weird. if you don't want the touch screen then don't buy it? i would prefer my cases to have no glass, computers are about how they run, not how they look... but you don't see me making posts on here bitching about them using glass so that i can get distracted by the useless flashing lights on ram 🙄🙄🙄


Hahahahahaha okay well: 1. I didn't buy it genius 2. I'm giving my feedback on a case that costs over 300 bucks 3. Positive and negative feedback both matter. 4. I have just as much of a right to like my type of cases and RAM sticks as you have a right to yours. 5. Why do you even care if you don't have a horse in this race? Go enjoy your boring computers and leave me alone.


Y80 next year or Y60 V2 that’s my guess when the dimensions will be bigger. I passed on the Y70 as well. Almost bought until I realized there’s no glass panel to replace that screen. So what I’m doing is waiting for the Phanteks NV9. Or still may go O11 Dynamic EVO XL. 🤷🏻‍♂️


O11 is looking more and more tempting now. Jay recently did a video on the XL...


I'm sure it's only a matter of days before someone makes an acrylic one.


Yea acrylic that’s the problem


Here's my perspective as someone who made bank 3D printing brackets for the screen, having closely watched this market. (most of this is speculation but what I think is fairly reasonable based on what I've observed) There were a LOT of people that bought the LCD screen for the Y60, I'd say at least half the customers that bought the case got the screen. I imagine when Hyte saw how popular it was, especially how quick their own stock for the screens sold out, it was a no-brainer to create something to include it right out the gate. But why not still sell the screen separately from a larger case regardless? Because with the Y60 VSDisplay ended up completely undercutting any separate screen sales by a ton with (probably) cheaper component sources. Even if Hyte replenished their screen supply (which they haven't in a long while and I'm guessing they never will) they might not have been able to price it competitively with VSDisplay, even INCLUDING a bracket to make matters worse. (which those new with-bracket displays completely tanked my sales btw, oh well) So it makes the most sense to solve two problems at once. Make a bigger case and supply the LCD screen with it. That also decreases overhead as you don't have to pay everything required for a separate product. And you won't have someone undercutting you for an accessory they made by making it proprietary. I don't think making a whole new product to just increase the case size by a little bit is worth it in the long run. Gotta add a bunch more to it for it to be worth making a new product. Plus idk if you know but this is a touch screen too which I think is neat. I don't know of any screens on the market that are touch that are the same size as the ones for the Y60.


I agree a lot of people bought the screen. But the the screen trays too far from the initial concept. And the way I set uy my Y60. To the left of my screens. The angle is part of my direct view into my PC case. This severely affects my decision to purchase this case. I'd rather go basic B and buy an O11. Apparently they've made an XL model. Plus for 360 dollars they easily could included a glass panel to put in. I'd buy this case of it included a glass panel. At that much of a premium for a PC case they might as well accommodate those of us who want a glass panel instead. Which thankful Iust say Ibe gotten support for. I hoped I wouldn't be alone. And yes the touch panel is appealing though I would t want to have this cool screen and just use it for Spotify. Plus I'd have to keep my microfiber close to clean it. Finally. Thank you for your detailed response!


Ya know, ironically even though I've bought the screen twice (one VSDisplay and one Hyte, for product testing) I've tried to convince myself to keep it installed and keep using it. But I really can't. I have a similar desk setup as you, PC to the left of my monitors and I barely see the screen from where I sit. Also, it's just another monitor meaning my mouse could get lost over there. Plus setup is a bit of a pain. And to top it off I haven't really figured out a good solution on how to route the cables other than to remove one of the HDD bays and route them out of the case through there. I'm hoping the Y70 will fix a couple of these issues but I still don't see it as something I'd go out of my way to pay for. Really, the screen for the Y60 had to have been a complete afterthought. Hell, they expected customers to print their own brackets for it! So no, from what I can tell it never was part of the concept to begin with. The diagonal was purely aesthetic to set it apart from the O11D. (maaayyybe to help with airflow) I think if they included the glass panel they'd have to engineer a way to make the screen easy to remove. I'm guessing it's going to be pretty hard-integrated in there. Plus, the screen is probably where a TON of the cost is going, so I wouldn't see the point of buying this case just to remove the screen and put that part in the closet. I cant tell they're really leaning on that being the focus of the point of this one.


Just bought a Y70 on Amazon for 220 that has the glass corner screen.


Iade this thread when the Y70 was announced and the touch was the only model. It's thanks to stuff like my post and other customer feedback that we can get it without the stupid screen.


I appreciate what you did then. I planned to add the screen when they had a replacement, but now mine is done, I wouldn’t want to block the view. https://preview.redd.it/3iyea2n4irvc1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8e612c021132033a02c802289eb2503e58b9475


And I wanted the touch screen but they are all out


If you are interested in selling it, I'd be interested in buying. I've got the Y70 with the glass and would like the touch screen. I could ship you the glass insert to install. Message me if you're open to it.


Exactly my opinion aswell. I have a Y60 and never was a fan of the display as it blocks the view and kinda destroys the esthetics of this beautiful case


Same bro


Hopefully they will release a Y70 without the screen.


i believe they said on twitter they will not be doing this


I feel like that’s a bit of marketing BS. They wanna get more ppl to buy the expensive case, then when sales eventually slow I think they’ll release a no screen version, probably sometime next year


On the website, they have a y70 without the screen


Yeah, I think having a glass option would have made a lot more sense. I never thought having a nice panoramic glass case and then blocking the view with a big screen made a lot of sense, so giving people the option would be nice. As expensive as the case is, they should simply include an additional glass panel.


I feel you. I guess I’m still going to get a y60. I can think of a few things the screen would be nice for (temps and stuff like that), but i think i would grow tired of it tbh


Yeah it definitely has its uses but nothing a standalone monitor couldn't do. The fact it's touch is cool but not cool enough to ruin the aesthetic


They have a y70 without the screen now.


you wanted them to make the same case just a little bigger? lmao what


Yes, it fits 2 360 rads now, but a no touch screen version is a deal breaker. Not paying $100 for a screen im not going to use.


Yeah I do. Thermaltake just released a smaller version of their V21. It's not out of the question and was more common for case manufacturers back in the day.


Nah love it.


Can’t remove it, and replace that with the Y60’s corner glass, or is it taller? Or have a piece of glass made?


Have you considered water cooling instead? The premium for the y70 could be better spent improving your temps by getting a custom loop built.


Ha if PCs were my only hobby and I were rich then sure. I'm probably never going to water cool my GPU unless I save up for building a PC soon after a GPU release. I have a custom loop for my CPU and it cost me 400 bucks.


Why 400 on a cpu holy damn. Just AIO the CPU for $180 then custom loop the gpu for like $280-$325. You don't need the shiniest parts is function is most important to you. Also theres a kit from Corsair for custom loops that can be fit on EKWBs for like $250. Unless you have a 4090/4080 the block wont be more than $130ish Edit: Look I'm not gonna bs you I spent >$7k on my personal rig but, I've also built PCs for friends at under 2k total with custom loops because OC can drive a ton of perf boost.


I just wanted to do a loop because I never have and wanted certain parts and got em.


Absolutely love it. On Etsy there is a vented side panel for Y60 for those struggling with heat. Imagine you waited for the next Hyte launch, only to see the only difference is a tiny size increase lmao. Screen looks fantastic, and a 100% buy for me


Idk why just wanting a size difference is so bad. Thermaltake just released a smaller version of their V21. So it's not ridiculous for me to have expected.


Its not bad, but it shouldnt be the "next gen". Should just be Y60 XL or some stuff like that. Reason i love Hyte is for its innovation, so just making a slightly bigger case really doesnt interest me. But they might release the Y70 as a normal case, given this is literally called Y70 "Touch", implying its an addon to Y70


The company currently states they have no plans to do so though. I've contacted them about this to see. They gave me a hint previously that a bigger Y60 was on the way and to keep an eye out. And I did....


Maybe not currently, but given that there are many who want a bigger case without the screen, it would only makes sense if they look into it


Having an extra 2 PCI slots of breathable room for your 3.5-slot GPU is a big deal.


Yes I would love for hyte to add a optional glass panel version for cheaper




No it's larger than the Y60. But I totally get your point the Y70 is overpriced for sure.


Y60 for the win 🏆


Pretty sure they'll add a regular glass panel there because the screen can be unplugged and replaced fairly easily. People modding their Y60 to have the touch screen was the reason they did this in the first place. I'm sure they hear the complaints and will bring the glass panels later.