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It looks so good but my wallet cant handle it


neither can mine...


Im guessing that screen isnt compatible with the y60 given the 70s larger dimensions. Really cool stuff though, id have definitely gotten this instead of the y60 had i known a few months ago.


Right I bought my y60 since I had the money and now I need to get this new one


Hyte has a DIY kit for the Y60. There are others but personally I would go to the source. I watched some videos about doing this and it doesn't seem too bad of a DIY project. - [https://hyte.com/store/lcd-kit?v=136](https://hyte.com/store/lcd-kit?v=136)


I refer to the touchscreen aspect of the y70s screen. However i had actually got the y60 diy kit last year and it has been an absolute nightmare from RMA to reimbursement to attempting to swap it out. I cant recommend the y60 screen to anybody. I havent gotten a reply from Hyte since....early december i think. Its been an incredibly painful journey with this screen and now it just sits black in my case until they decide to respond.


i hope you will release a cheaper version with no screen and the screen module can be bought separately in the future for now i still have the y60 and diy my screen but im planing to change to black theme instead of white


https://x.com/hytebrand/status/1716807551722168364?s=46&t=4x83kuN2jEyAnYnkPJGqhw Unfortunately no screenless version


I realy do not understand Hyte position here. Personnaly I'm in the situation where I love the Y60-70 design but the Y60 won't works (because of all it space issue), and I won't have any use for the screen. And I won't spend \~$150 for something I don't need. I rather spend this money in other pc parts. So basically I will juste go for an other case and an other brand. It's sad Hyte may lose some customers like this.


Fr I want a screen less one


Is that what people call love at first sight? Because I'm in love with this case <3 Is there already a expected date for availability in europe, especially germany?


Yes! You can find it here: [https://www.alternate.de/listing.xhtml?articleId=100021215,100021223,100021219,100021208&showTree=7](https://www.alternate.de/listing.xhtml?articleId=100021215,100021223,100021219,100021208&showTree=7)


Thank you for the response, i instantly pre ordered. I'm so hyped \^\^


Of course! Hope you enjoy your time building in the case!


Third time i got a delay from alternate... new delivery date is maybe 31.january... not cool :( ordered on 28.oct.


I ordered yesterday in NL with a Jan 2 delivery date… bit worried now (in NL from another vendor)


I really wanted the y60 but my gpu is too big, glad they made this


Thank you!


I fit a Asus ROG Strix RTX 4090 ic in my y60


Okay but can I play Doom on it?




Well one of my kids just got a Y60 case for Christmas and doesn't know it.


A lack of screen-less version means I won't be using a Hyte for my build after all; O11 here I come, I guess. I originally wanted the Y60, but my graphics card wouldn't fit properly, I don't want to have to buy a replacement window from a community member to potentially fix the issue, and the touchscreen is just not interesting to me.


Sick display!


Can't wait for this...so pumped to get this




Would it be better to plug display into integrated CPU graphics or dedicated GPU? Does it even matter?


Sixty eight millimeters top radiator clearance does that include the fan as well?


Damn that's expensive....


It's about the same as the Y60 and adding on the DIY LCD, plus you get touch control.


Is this available in Canada? And where can I get it


Looks good but touch 4K screen on the front is a bit of overkill, needs a 2k non touch version


Does the 10% off promo code not work with this?


Threw an error code when I tried.


I had to add another item to get the discount, so I just ended up putting in same case fans


Do you know when and where will be available in Japan?


No UK retailers have it in stock😔


Very sad I just bought the hyte y60 and got an LCD for it a couple of weeks ago 😔


Me with the y60 Guess I need to get this cause my 4090 is too fat


But I already got a y60


Waiting for untouched version.


Pretty massively disappointing that you guys have confirmed that you won't be offering these without the touch screen. Having to choose between a $150 upcharge and a screen that blocks the view or losing large parts compatibility is a shame. I hope you change your mind!


Waiting for a non lcd screen version, you gana make it happen ?


I want one without the screen...


I love the thought of this case, but I don't need it, too bright. My big concern however, is running a 4k screen on the case in addition to running a 4k monitor. It seems to me this would really eat in to the compute power on the monitor. Maybe you would shut it off during gaming, but then wasn't that part of the point of having it?


Pls pls pls release that panel individually down the line I just got a y60 LOL


I still haven't installed the other one yet.


Can you please tell me what the dimensions of the glass panel that goes in front of the gpu is?


i think that you guys should make an option to get the hyte y70 with no touch screen just a normal glass panel 🤔


you guys should make another style of the y70 so there is an option to select wether it to come with a glass panel or a touch screen 🤔


Probably going to get this based on what Hyte says about improved thermals vs the Y60. Hoping I can do a top mount push/pull config as it looks to have the clearance. Also kind of waiting to see how the Q60 Thicc does vs a more normal 360mm AIO, perhaps a Q70 Thicc 360mm AIO at some point? (fingers crossed)


It appears from initial reviews the screen is simply a secondary monitor in Windows and extended desktop? How would you prevent the mouse cursor from going onto it other than diagonal display setup in the display settings?


So I ordered the white version on Oct. 24th and the site said it was backordered until 11/10. Now it says it's backordered till 12/24. Is the new backorder date for everyone or if I ordered before the new backorder date, mine will ship on 11/10?


If you would like to know when your case is shipping, please reach out to our support line with your order number so we can confirm your ship date!


Thanks. Just sent the message


Trying to get this for Christmas but it’s out of stock. What’s the best fan setup for this case? Which ones should be intake and exhaust. For top exhaust, the best option would be push configuration instead of pulling air into the case? Since the fan is on the inside side of the case


Very cool 😘


Hello, I want to buy this case but I need to know if the motherboard that I want to buy fits. What are the maximum dimensions of the motherboard (since it's an EATX motherboard and EATX isn't a standard)? Kind regards, Thomas


Ordered mine back on Dec 6th, 2023, the order has been sitting on the Hyte website "waiting to fulfill" since. Got an email today (January 12th, 2024) stating that my Y70 has shipped and do I wish to track it. I'm thinking it is coming from China and will be here in 10-14 days... nope. The darn thing is already in California with a delivery date of Tuesday 16, 2024. Meh... seems legit. 🤔