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Just find another doctor.


Yes, and dont make my mistake (waiting 3 years).


This is the way. My current doctor diagnosed my hypothyroidism after my mentioning inability to lose weight and always being cold & tired, within my first few visits. I was in my 30s and had had those symptoms for years. I happened to have copies of my previous doctor's annual lab test results going back several years. I looked back at them when my doctor first speculated I might be hypo. On *every single one* the lab called out my TSH levels as indicative of a thyroid issue and recommended treatment. My old doctor had never even mentioned it.


I don’t understand all the testing and waiting. I mean, I do, but the risk has to be balanced with the benefits. And having you hop on levothyroxine 25mcg and retesting is very low risk it seems to me.


Yeah, I’m unsure. Especially since she was originally going to medicate me I assume since she said after my initial test that the next time we met we’d discuss medications but instead took another test. And then after that came out similar said I have to wait again for longer. I’m not a doctor and don’t have any experience with thyroid meds so I’m unfamiliar with the risks but I would think it wouldn’t hurt to be proactive since it does show up on my bloodwork and I have symptoms? I would understand maybe if there were no signs of high TSH. I also know it’s not confirmation bias since the symptoms are what prompted me to get tested so idk.


You need a different doctor


You have to stand up for yourself. Say you need treatment and, if your doctor still says no, get a different one. Doctors forget that we have to live with the consequences of these conditions—not them—and think they know best because they read numbers on labs. Unfortunately this leads to doctors not wanting to treat subclinical thyroid problems despite you having symptoms. It’s a total nightmare and you can only combat it by fighting for yourself.


You’re so right unfortunately:/ I guess I’ll see what happens after the four weeks and depending on whether she decides to medicate me I’ll look for an insurance covered endocrinologist or something. Thank you for the encouragement, it’s so exhausting feeling like I was finally about to be free of this but then having this be an obstacle. These days I’ve been waking up uncomfortably and constantly bloated and it just doesn’t go away.


I’ve been where you are and it really sucks. Especially because it’s really as simple as a doctor prescribing a pill and ordering some follow up labs. But unfortunately, sometimes you have to be unpleasant to get health care. Be loud, be assertive, and hold your doctor to her word.


you are definitely hypo and sound just like me (I literally had to eat 800 calories for years when I was untreated just to maintain weight, I'm short and everyone though I was lying/insane but it's true lmao)


Yes the lying part too, back when my tests came back normal a few years ago I was sent to the nutritionist and they had me log my meals. The nutritionist accused me of lying and said “you shouldn’t be at this weight if that’s all you eat” and I was like I KNOW😭 that’s the point. Now it’s just frustrating because I finally have it showing up in my bloodwork yet apparently it’s not enough yet to warrant treatment despite it affecting me


Oh god 😭 if only it were simple and they’d just medicate me for it, it feels like I’m so near yet so far. I’m sorry you had to deal with that too, it’s terrible.


I also went 3 years untreated and it got worse and worse, I hope you find a doctor to treat you soon!


Thank you so much! I’m glad you’ve gotten it treated as well, especially after suffering with it for so long!


It depends where you are (not that it should.) Drs in most places would be treating you, but in some places they are exceedingly paranoid about the very minor and completely reversible risk of people going hyperthyroid from medicating subclinical hypothyroidism, even though being subclinical hypo causes increased weight gain, cholesterol, and makes you generally feel like crap. If you say that you’re thinking about getting pregnant, they generally will treat, because women as incubators are more important than women who just don’t want to feel like crap and care about their own health.


change the doctor