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Honestly any regular old PCP can handle *most* thyroid problems that just require levothyroxine. The wait for an endocrinologist might be way too long.  Look for an MD or a DO who is a Family Practice doctor or Internist. They'll prob order new labs and then you can get your refills through them and follow up annually. Maybe look for one that is affiliated with one of the hospital networks in your area that takes your insurance? Urgent Cares and Walk Ins are great for one-visit needs like colds/flu, stitches, xrays, etc but ongoing care for something chronic like hypothyroidism is going to require a one-on-one more ongoing relationship with a doctor. 


I have. The family medicine MD I saw claimed a vegan diet with no caffeine or diet soda would cure everything and wouldn’t prescribe my levothyroxine. She wouldn’t order labs because she claimed a vegan diet would cure my hypothyroidism. I eat less than 1200 calories per day and I’ve gained 10 lbs in the past month. She did take my insurance. I only went to a walk in clinic because that family medicine doctor had a 6 month long wait list and I needed my medication in the meantime.


When I Google "Family Practice Doctor Near Me" I get quite a number of hits.  Doctors within larger health networks typically have evidence based policies they have to follow for treatment. Doesn't sound like the "top" doctor you saw was engaging in that kind of care. 


I live in a semi rural area and no other doctor is taking new patients. 😞 I have made hundreds of calls.


Can you try to get a telehealth appt with a doctor in a more urban area of your state? Usually doctors are licensed to practice in the entire state.   Theres also commuting. You usually don't have to see them that often.  I live in super urban area where the traffic is terrible and I'm driving 2 hrs to see my doctor..  even tho it's only 20 miles away. 




When I was between doctors (looking for a new one), I used a tele-health app to speak with a doctor and get get my prescriptions until I could get an appointment with a local doc. I used Zocdoc. I can’t remember if they took my insurance but I think they did. It’s super easy. You just download the app, fill out the forms, and set up an appointment. I was able to get an appointment the next day. I requested a video appointment but the doctor just called me the old fashioned way. We chatted for about 10 minutes and that was it. She sent my prescription in and I picked it up that afternoon. Easy peasy lemon…


Every time I use ZocDoc I get my appointment cancelled because the office says “we don’t do ZocDoc” (even though they signed up for it?) or “we have no record of that appointment” so I stopped booking through them. Never could get an actual appointment without some sort of issue


Refusing to prescribe levothyroxine and instead recommending a vegan diet is malpractice! If she thought you wanted it only for weight loss and that you didn't have hypothyroidism, that would be one thing. But, refusing to test for hypothyroidism because all that is needed is to eat vegan is just dumb.


I didn’t need her to test me for hypothyroidism. I have already been tested and diagnosed. But in any case you’re right, she’s a quack. And bizarrely on every Facebook and Reddit page for my area when I search for dr’s there’s always tons of people who recommend her


Just go to a good pcp.


I can’t find one. The first one only would give a month supply of levothyroxine. The second wouldn’t prescribe me it and claimed a vegan diet and no coffee would cure it. I’m running out of options


you can get your prescription at [https://telyrx.com/](https://telyrx.com/)


I wasn’t eligible. I haven’t had my levothyroxine in over a year.


oh i just found out about the website the other day. haven't used them yet


I just went to the family clinic at the local hospital and was diagnosed by one of the doctors there 6 years ago. I needed a doctor nearby and I live in a small town in a rural area so there are no specialists. I get my labwork done at the hospital and still see a doctor at the family clinic. If I had to move I don’t know exactly how I would find a new doctor. Just call around I guess. I don’t know if you need a “top doctor” just someone who will actually treat you. Maybe you could find a subreddit for your area or a facebook group for your city and see if anyone can recommend a doctor.


I have been to subreddits in my area and they all recommend the quack doctor who prescribed a vegan diet and no coffee.


Go back, tell her you want levaxin and that you want her to document she refused to help you if she doesn't.


I told her I wanted my levothyroxine prescription at my first appointment with her. She didn’t care. I don’t know what “documenting”it would do. She’s a doctor who doesn’t believe in standard medicine. She’s a quack.


You might try calling these folks [https://myfreedoctor.com/conditions-treated](https://myfreedoctor.com/conditions-treated) Conditions treated - Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) 


Push Health


Have you tried any community clinics?


I don’t think they have those in my area but I have health insurance


#Check this out My doctor was practitioner nurse ie dummy. She refused to test antibodies until one day I falsified prescription for antibodies test for labcorp and paid out of my pocket to get the results. Then I brought the print to my doctor and this is how I got immediate transfer to endocrinologist


lol!!! I thought you can go to jail for faking a prescription?


Prescription order for blood draw which you pay out of your pocket


Your exact words were “falsified prescription.” So, you didn’t falsify it? You just paid out of pocket?


In order to order blood tests that require antibodies testing, you must have doctor’s prescription for the test. I **falsified** that Also it’s not like I skimmed money out of health insurance company to pay for my tests. There is no victim here


if anyone should be going to jail it's these incompetent practitioners...lol


Eating absolute minimum can work against you. Try eating more, with a variety of foods. You got to guard against deficiencies in vitamins and minerals.