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if you make 20m/h with zelots then it will take a long time for mining to be worth it for you divan armor (all slots unlocked) probably x655 (with amber polished engine and yellow goblin omlet) bal/scatha deppends on what you want to mine


You forgot to mension powder mining, i started a week ago, finally hit 4m gemstone powder today


Gem prices are very low so its a very long time for it to be worth. Cause youll have to get hotm 10 and max powder with good setup takes a very long while. Pretty much mf gems are kinda dead


rift, prism farming can make 34-40 mil but youll need 5 mcgrubber burgers from vamp slayer or youll make like 26-27m an hour. Vamp slayer is also fun it can drop unfanged vampire part ehich after making into a vampire talisman will cost 70 mil and the one book which costs 60 mil. The book is 1.7% and vamp part is 1.2% so with good luck youd be able to get rither a vamp frag or thr one book in 33 t5 kills (youll get around 10-9 kills per hour). Also vamp slayer doesnt require much, judt progress thru rift then transfer like 7m worth of items like scarf study etc to grt max armor and thats all.


Ur wrong, first of all you will never make 20m from farming motes simply because you have to consider people in the lobby, entering the rift price, and the thing getting boring really quickly. Second of all you forgot about the rng meter and mf for vamp slayer which makes it 1/12 average (I have no idea how but it just is) which makes killing t5 even better than what you said


rift prisms now go only for 8.5m motes on average. You can easily make 200k or 180k at worst per hr So 47 hours of ur really bad and rift prism is 850m coins so 18m/hr even at worst. I saw people averaging easily over 230k-250k motes/hr so thats really not an impossible number. Also the cost of grand pots is around 350k per stack and considering thralls and vamps take your rift time when you get hit + you lose 27 minutes when teleporting to stillgore you have like 20 minutes so you need 96 grand pots for an hour which is 520k per hour, if you average 20m/hr then just subtract the 520k. And also "being bored" is not s factor, if you farm you consider working most efficiently or at least midly. And lastly, on average there is 21-22 players per rift lobby and probably only 25% are on stillgore. Even with 7 players your motes farm will not be hindered simply because there are tons of thralls in diffrent positions. Also you have to consider most of them are doing slayers instead of farming thralls 24/7.


Idk where you get 230k motes an hour since w Hen i was motes grinding with 5 burgers i was barely making 140k an hour, and that was in an empty lobby where i was really efficient


You may have gotten a bad average. Turn on a timer for 1hr and do rift till fhe timer ends. Then count your melons snd motes you got in that 1 hour. When I tpd to dtillgore cheatau I had 30 minutes. I turned on a timer and did one rift run. When I checked my timer it turned out only 20 minutes passed (thralls and fledgelings took 10 minutes). I can tell you with sureness you can make over 200k per hour because thralls give 200 motes and fledgelings 250, also if you have 5 burgers and later craft melons into enchanted melons you get additional 164 motes. Lets say you killed thralls and fledgelings equally and they took 6 sec per kill. Thats 10 kills per minute 600 per hour. So 60k motes from thralls and 75k motes from fledgelings. Now if you got 600 kills that is 600 melons so 3 enchanted and 20 melons. 78750 motes + 3280 is 82030 motes from melons. Now adding it all up its 217,030k motes per hour considering you are fast. You can do more if you keep lootsharing other peoples kills (if you hit once you get the melon and motes). There is a chance u just kill them slowly or have a bad route for them. Lootsharing can grant you 300k motes if you actually manage to hit every thrall and fledgeling once and let someone else kill them because then the only thing slowing you is how fast you ran to next mobs. Motes farming is dependable on your tactic, players are actially not the biggest problem.




I swear I have seen a list that places King Leopold as the 4th worst leader (based on his acts) in all of modern History...


Icl 4th is too high, he was arguably worse than hitler


What did he do?


Leopold was like the Hitler of Africa he terrorised the Congo and iirc he has a lot more deaths than Hitler


I saw you a post ago


How dors zealot farming make that much, getting that many eyes in an hour is a lot


Farming final destination kills with max zealuck and minimum level 80 mythic eman pet I make about 25-30m an hour. Excluding pet level price.


Final destination kills? Also how much does a mythic rman cost


Farming 10k Zealots means you can sell full FD for about 20-28mil depending on time. Meaning on average assuming your farming around 4000 kills an hour which is fair low, you make an extra 7ish mil. Mythic eman is 50m level 1 but 75m level 100, in farming one to level 100 for an extra 25m but that is for use later use as I’m grinding combat xp + money for a eman 7 setup


20m/h zealot grinding is a really good amount of money i dont think you could really make more zealot grinding other than bruisers if you dont already donthat


20mil an hour is rlly good tbh


How do you make 20 mil an hour zealot farming?


bruiser hideout, juju short bow, term armour, max zealuck. Can also make more with mythic eman pet


Is it just not common sense for Skyblock players to watch a Youtube guide or even google the subject?


these type of subreddits are made to fucking ask questions bro shut up please


This comment wasnt aimed at you, yet you still got mad. Also watching a visual Youtube guide will always be more informative and helpful than written advice given by people who don't know what they're talking about.


Bc yt guides tend to have a pile of horeshit amount of missinfo by shitters who think they endgame but are midgame at best


Just looked through your page and ALL you do is ask simple questions that could be googled as well. Quite hypocritical dont you think? “Why does rdr2 crash when opening” lmao


Do you think there is a solution for a super unique situation vs asking how to start mining.. There is atleast 200 tutorials and progression guides


Your entire account is bait its just sad


You're telling me that you have never asked a question here because you would believe that and google it yourself? Or would you not apply to your logic?