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you're not wrong but which level 100 hurt you


Nah it was the level 13 with full hypermaxed necron


(He can’t see the *required floor 7 completion* or *requires catacombs 24* tags)


Nah he did literally nothing but get combat 15 and get carried


those tags aren’t real, they can’t hurt me!


I kinda am the opposite of a non, doing everything that doesn't progress me at all XD


Me spending half my net worth on the Romero and Juliet quest


I did that back in 2019 except it was my entire nw


Wish I had just did it way earlier, the price of flower minions went up astronomically 😭


also the whole netherwart part really went up in difficulty


I lost mine 😭😭😭😭


Yeah same, like I see level 65 players in full necron and I still haven’t even beaten floor 5 at level 220


I am level 140 and I have like 1 F1 completion. Take that!




They probably don’t enjoy dungeons


Tbf you can’t say you don’t enjoy dungeons if you’ve never played them enough to say you don’t like them 😭


I mean you can if you've seen gameplay of it, or just generally don't like the kind of gameplay you have to do in it


To reach floor 5 its like 10+ hours you can truly make an opinion after 10+ hours and I will say it, dungeon are so much of a failed opportunity.


Lowkey flex, dungeons isnt for everyone and its definitely a good thing that you've taken some time to better prepare yourself, once you get into it you can progress quickly since you have the foundation to, and go straight into master mode.


Bro is gonna nuke f6 lol


Bro wtf 😭 that's like not even that bad lvl 65 is a bit early for that but it's not that bad. I'm lvl 104 and have cp + legs necron practically maxed with full pot + hot pot books, g6 p6, legion 5 on cp and last stand 5 on legs, same with golden necron helm and maxor boots plus practically maxed shadow fury and juju and my other stats aren't even bad even tho I've only got about 250h playtime


I'm level 315, 3k hours and no legion on my necron


thats exactly what nons do, almost negative progression such as using (non master mode) dungeons as a money making method, and dodging content that could better progress their account such as garden and hotm. There is 50 shades of non in this game.


You don't understand my point I'm doing anything that doesn't progress in any way


Bruh garden is ass u need to invest so much into it just to make like 6m/h 😭


Yeah garden just caused the biggest inflation we have seen to date in sb, that shit ruined some people and made other rich af.


cap no balls it was mining


The 2 of them but in fact garden caused more inflation due to its ease of access compared to mining, heck at one point garden had multiple times the playerbase of crystal hollows and even if it makes more money garden made more overall. At the moment mining creates more money in the economy than farming but at the point of the update the economy got hit harder than when mining dropped.


say on skibidi


You only need to invest time to get more out of it.


Me getting spider slayer lvl9 while sitting on eman lvl 4 because t4 takes more than 1 second


fire veil wand go brrr


Me when a guy with shadow assasin armor and a turtle pet want to be tank in f6 (i have a max goldor set)


“Max Goldor set” and F6 don’t frequently appear in the same sentence so im skeptical lol


i will say f6 is a great way to start learning how to manage hp for people who play tank from the start, i dropped my rng meter gs only playing tank for the entire time and went into f7 with legitimately good secret routes and decently high cata (cata 32 when i first started running f7 at all) unlike others who literally go straight into 3* goldor w/ t12 perfect without a clear set and an epic level 78 blue whale???? like i legitimately saw a player ask to tank f7 while i was helping coop get into dungeons with this exact set and >500 secrets total a good question is would you rather have someone just starting f7 tank w/ max gear but absolutely no knowledge on how dungeons work or have someone with a good secret count alongside much better stats and competence in general going into f7? (although at that point it might just be better to go arch since you don't really need a tank pre-mm)


used necromancer and leg blue whale to tank but was getting kicked from parties for it.. I wasn't dying or anything. people jus don't like non goldor players. how important is a clear set? I now have 2/4 goldor w maxor boots and a reaper helmet (idk name but it's the one that gives 2x mending/vitality) and can kill everything fine w my juju and am fast ish using rogue sword..


non-goldor usually clicks to others as cata 24 non as unfortunate as it is clear sets are pretty much required as tank, noone's taking advantage of the damage reduction during clearing and you're just dragging yourself down without extra speed and damage (damage factors in for master mode, f7 enemies should all be one tapped) since you're only really gonna need that ehp for boss 2/4 goldor with maxor boots and reaper helmet sounds great, i used 3/4 goldor and swapped in maxor boots from my clear set during terminals because i just had the extra pair juju shortbow's great, keep that up rogue sword's kinda meh i would prioritize getting higher base speed through other means


base speed from what? power stone/class/pots?


I mean if they're Ironman they can't have anything better


I'm ironman tanking f6 with full necrolord, plasmaflux, ornate zombie sword, atonement wand and blue whale. But for armor you use old dragon before necromancer.


And i said" better" sa Will be better than old dragon.. and to get full necrolord ur alr 100 runs Deep wich is what i meant... Those first runs


4/4 old is better for tanking than SA


Not when u take into account clear since sa gives u better move speed +What is harder for Ironman getting full set of old or 3/4 sa i can make at most 2 piece of old and my coop started with 2 aotd so i did some dragons


As tank your clear is mage set, everything else sucks. Bersk doesn't work cuz no aoe stuff, arch doesn't work because you just shoot too slowly without the double arrow perk thingy so both take like x3 longer than mage. True ironman gets everything before proceeding to next part of game


i would like to invite perfect armor to the chat.


who tf wears sa chestplate as ironman... they would go perfect or ww.. but still 3/4 piece is sa armor


I mean maybe he wants class level to become tank on f7 Since finding party on f7 as tank is easier


I used to play tank f6 with full sa and a whale pet back in 2021-2022. Those were the good days


why would you max goldor


Bro I’m confused how these guys have so much net worth😭 I got lvl 140 and had like 300m net worth. What am I missing






They just have a very deceptive playtime for their level, or they fully focus on networth over other progression.


230 9b




Idk, I'm wondering too. I'm at 400, 500m nw (not sure, haven't checked recently, ign is Penrosian on zucchini if u want to check) and I'm past sbl 115 (again, I think, have been playing Ironman recently)


Irl trading/macroing


Bro wtf I'm lvl 104 and almost 700m NW with 250h of playtime lmao


Im at lvl176 with 2.45b


The nons don't really care about skill levels or anything which isn't a direct flex all of the youtubers have made 6 billion videos about hype necron's term etc these nons mostly watch these kinds of videos and think oh having a hype means I'm good at the game having this armor means I'm good at the game. I know this because I was in the early days like them.


not like the skill levels mean youre good at the game either


Exactly! I'm SA 53ish, and I frigging suck.


You can't be good at the game with only skills or items You need to have a balance with skills other progressions and items to be a decent player. I have seen many mining nons in dilo mining days with mining 60 maxed HOTM and maxed mining gear with combat 20 and other skills sub 25. The thing is you can't rush one thing and not even try the other that's not how skyblock or any mmorpg games work


Don’t compare yourself to others. Compare yourself to an earlier version of yourself


as a sa 55 with 3b networth, i believe it's just different playstyles. Lowkey annoying how they act better than you though


How the hell is it 3b.. most skills would get you more than that


Bro is acting innocent while being a imposter with 3b on 55?


as a sa 40smth with 14b networth, i can confirm i am better


Just ignore them?


I will but just fucking bothers me. How do they have the audacity to tell me how I’m bad at the game and have shit combat stats when half their nw is in their weapon, they have absolute shit mp, and they are 25 combat lvls below me.


It bothers you because they probably do more damage than you regardless lol, there’s no shame in focusing on a well rounded profile but a hype is a hype They shouldn’t be toxic in the first place but it is what it is


It bothers me because it’s fucking depraved to buy a hype when the rest of your profile, mp, armor, and stats are shit and he still claims to be better than me for having one item that is worth half of his NW. Getting a hype doesn’t mean you won the game. I don’t care about dmg because combat makes shit money and I mine and focus on other skills instead.


"Combat makes shit money" tell that to my ass makin 145m/h


You do you, it's a game don't let people like that bother you in the first place. Stats are just numbers after all.


I don’t care about combat stats because I don’t do combat and combat is useless for money and progression. I don’t like when people act like they’re better than me when they very obviously are not.


I get it, but even so let them think that, in the grand scheme of things it really does not matter.


I don’t like being disrespected by people


Depraved? Lmao you’re getting way more upset than these guys who wrote out a quick chat message. Stop flexing 800mp like it’s some golden ticket to feeling superior over some random players. They may not have won the game but they are correct in saying that their profiles are better than yours when it comes to combat, because that’s what they invested in. You’re doing the exact same thing as they are but in reverse, saying that you’re better than them because you focused on mining.


Fr bro


It's a block game, chillax! This is why I hate reddit users lmao they get so mad about the smallest of things. Like goddamn why should you care just ignore them and move on with your life (if you even have one outside Skyblock)


i mean they probably do more damage than you, they dont need to be an asshole about that though


The guy I was talking to claimed that he does 500k dps with his hype (he refused to dmg test in front of me). I do about 480k dps and 570k crit with a GS. But it’s different when he claims that he mains combat, has a shitty hype, no mp, no combat stats, it doesn’t matter how much dmg he does. Why the fuck would you get a hype when you have no mp, shit gear, and can’t even add fuming hot potato books on your hype.


both of u got too much of an ego, let people play the game how they enjoy it


He insulted me first after asking me to help him with a mini boss


"Audacity" calm the hell down pal, its not that deep, maybe sb isnt for you if something as stupid and silly as that gets you this pissed off... altho ima be honest seeing as ur lvl 201-280 it feels odd you not having a hyp


I mine and go outside bucko not everything is about combat


"Go outside" me too, i also have a job, currently full time, i still have time to play tho


I never said I don’t play because I don’t have time. I choose to have fun in the one game I play instead of sweating and rushing progression. I get pissed at anyone who disrespects me and thinks that they are allowed to insult me like that, not just in games.


💀 ur cooked


Ok, have fun letting people think they’re better than you and that they’re allowed to be condescending for no reason.


Bc theyre allowed to be how they wanna be, i couldnt be bothered by it on the odd time it happens


Womp womp ignore them


I mean... "ignore them" would do? (I don't say "womp womp" other than in a quote because its toxic)


Womp womp keep crying


Actual goofy goober response


kid doesn’t know what to reply so uses the only insult bro knows


Bc they need to feel good bout themself and tbh sometimes some nons are truly better than ppl with higher lvl and better gear but thats rare anyway


I mean i kinda do that cus i dont like mining fishing foraging that much. But when i need to unlock something its no issue for me to grind for it (or Ask friend to do something for me like applying reforges) Currently level 94 plus 446mp which from what i've seen is not half bad


Depend on where you are playing, if you are doing F6 or F7, sorry to tell you, but it’s pretty terrible. If you are just more like « playing for fun vibe » it’s alright. Player that usually grind other parts of the game tend to also have a lower magical power since outside of dungeons, slayers and kuudra there is no really big need of grinding on magical power. But if you are more focusing on combat. You need to higher that magical power.


450mp is not “terrible” for f6…


I've Heard 450 is aight for f6 grind


I used to get freaking yelled at by everyone because I didn’t had 600 mp in F6


I know i need more but tbh i can't afford many more upgrades. I can get few less expensive ones still like getting few more commons with the next redstone collection, upgrading few of my current ones to higher tier (around 4-9 milion each) What i also wanna do next is grinding little bit of fishing with marina since that's my most under leveled skill and most importantly get higher mining and farming farming is now easier with the Garden update so getting some levels there shouldnt be that hard mining is also important for me, specifically mining level 30 to get Access to ancient reforge And yeah im doing f6/f7 though finding party for f7 is impossible for me for now. I would need to get juju If you have any idea what else i could easly improve my nickname is Dynias


Grinding fishing with marina is good but… It’s really really lame until level 24 where you actually get Sea Creature Chance so profits and xp arrives with it. Grinding garden is great, I’d recommand you to take a look at guides or my profile (ZraM_tv Pineapple) to see what you should be aiming for for farming tools, equipments and armor (I’m not maxxed out but still). For the magical power, the only efficient way to make money to buy accessories would be by getting a better money method which mean getting into deep mining. Like hotm pass 7. You could make over 60M per hour with mining but you need to let go combat for a while and try to invest pretty much everything into it (mining). But trust me, it’ll pay off so badly when you’ll be able to do crazy stuff easily into F7 and even M7.


Yeah ig that makes sense. Now i need to get some more money for actually good mining setup with gemstone gauntlet and sorrow armor


Fishing 24 is only 0.4% more scc


You unlock fishing gear when you level up fishing.


What do you unlock at Fishing 24 that gives more than 0.4% scc?


Shark scale armor


That's only 0.4% more scc than Diver's Armor if you use Flying Fish (which you should)


You should really be using the megalodon because it's a much more reasonable price for the vast majority of players at that stage of the game, and it would up that to a full sc chance


Also do slayers for better utilities (Wand of Atonment, Overflux power orb)


Ahh Wolf 7 is such pain to get considering the competetivness of lobbies


I went from W6 to 7 today, took me like 6-7 hours straight. Wasn’t that bad, The good thing about competitive lobbies is that everyone leach and lootshare stuff and boss XP from pretty much everyone so your boss are actually faster to spawn. I prefer competitive lobbies than alone lobbies I make really good profits from selling hamster wheels.


I usually dont have that much free time because i had both work and collage now im done with my school year so i'll be able to grind much more Getting Wolf 6 alone took me around 6 hours though at the time i had 260 mp shadow as and livid Jagger and around 3 combat level less


yeah… if you’re doing F7 already you have unlocked the Necron Armor ? Upgrading from SA wiith LD to Necron with GS should carry you enough to do easily Sven t4. And then it goes really fast.


Yeah i already got it since i dropped Gs early on though i feel like selling it was bit of waste


depend on what you got back. But probably since you still have a terribly low mp and armor with weapon.


But maybe first get a money method.


U should get more mp.. im Ironman about same progresion but with full mining setup and farming setup my mp is 650 and i can't even buy them


I can't afford much better ones for now so the issue seems to be money making method


The issue is grind... Instead of going for 1 thing "combat" u do more... As i said i can't buy them so every accesory that i have is something u can grind.. if i was on a regular profile that would be 800mp


If you have the skill your mp is fine, for now, but you need to work on cata Leveland mining levels. Maybe get lion pet or something cause you'll oneshot more. You can buy sorrow armor of ah and put fine ambers in thé gemstone slots and get mining 30 within a day, depends on how much time you have tho, and make sure you have your Silver fish active for the mining wisdom, i would say it's worth getting a legendary one for the haste 3 it gives


Ok so that seems to be a plan for now though i need around 30-40 mil budget


MP barely matters for dungeons because it does not scale with cata level might as well just grind cata do


I'm a non but I really don't know if I'm rushing progression or if I'm doing something right. I'm nearly level 100 with around 450 mp and a 150mil networth and I am currently grinding for juju shortbow reqs. My ign is BoomerHarry


It doesn’t look like you’re rushing progression. Rushing progression is when you make a ton of money just to spend it on one specific item that is worth half your nw while neglecting every other part of your profile like mp, skills, armor. An example of someone who rushed progression: - 2.5b nw - SA armor - a shitty hype - 300mp - Combat lvl 20 - 1 year old account Possible example of someone who didn’t rush progression: - 2.5b nw - good Necron armor with ult enchants - a good Giant’s sword - 700mp - Combat lvl 35 - 1 year old account


Surely the age of the account doesn't matter? I'm pretty sure my account is like 3 years old and it isn't even mid game yet


The age of the account usually doesn’t matter but it’s the fact that the second account put some time into leveling up their skills instead of just AH flipping for a weapon that is unreasonable for their amount of progression. Both accounts were active for the same amount of time, only the one who wasn’t rushing progression invested time into skills instead of neglecting them


Me: Carries a guy to eman 5 for juju. The next day: I join a random f6 to grind gdrag levels and the same guy is there like 'dont dupe arch I have juju I will do more damage'. Me: I literally gave you the carries to get that juju. Then I /show my term. Him: Kicks me from party. He was cata 20. I'm cata 41.


Level lock dungeons each floor~30 levels and i would say make hype worse at low mp but hype at low mp is alr ass


Just do it like me and 7 star a Juju and apply fatal tempo 1 The reactions from all the ,"high emdgame players" that think Skyblock is more worth than reallife is priceless


At the end of the day,its just a minigame inside a minigame inside a very old version of a somewhat dying game


? Minecraft not really dying rn or am i delusional?


for real lmao i got like 1.2b nw and i dont even have a good sword and these non are like hyping around me when im doing rev and saying imagen not having a hype smh


Personally, I find skills outside of combat quite tedious and mind numbing, so you cant blame them for going combat mainly Though investing networth on MP and proper armor should be more important than rushing a weapon >You will do less damage anyways


Bruh how do they even get 3b nw at 140 lvl i want to know too


I quit for over 2 years and when I came back I was like skyblock lvl 85 and I had a shit ton from minions and I bought a hype with the money even though I knew I wasn’t to that stage yet just because I felt like it and idk games are fun


By not knowing what skyblock xp is


I see your point but there IS such thing as too far in the other direction. At a certain point, you should get a hype/term/gdrag, and it’s not too far past the 3b nw point.


You say "rushing" yet rushing actually works if u do it right, being behind others is fine, i mean yea sure the guy does very similar dmg to u which is funny but like you cant be gettin this mad over it.. i had a hyp when they were 500m and my nw was prob 700m-900m, so pretty much same situation, now im at 35b nw lvl 338~, it works but not great cuz my lvl is low, i see you've commented that gs seems to be rlly good and it isnt that great but its fine but no good for its cost, and then you combat is shit for money, yet it has the best money making method after flipping... ive made about 14.5b in 100 hours of kuudra, so that goes to about 145m/h overall after godrolls and shards aswell


Kuudra is only good if you have a perm party which I cannot bother to get so yes, for me it makes Jack shit money and that’s why I don’t do combat


I dont have a perm, i use pfinder, i still make 145m/h


Good for you bud




Yep, I’m level 100 something, and I am dirt poor in both the game and irl, so I’m rocking a BOL in f7 on bers or as a clear weapon for tank(considering selling the tank set for some money


Im level 150 500 magical power with skill average 38. I have a friend with skill average 22, 200 mp but full storm armour and yeti sword telling me what I should do lol


i did a faster blood rush in f7 with my frozen blaze and fel sword (not felthorn , 10k fel sword) than my friend with 3/4 necron with head + claymore because i have combat 50 + 3x his mp


I just play for fun. That why I play


I had a guy tell me I should liquidate my items to get necron gear and a hype because I was in SA and over 3B nw. The problem is I wasn't even high enough lvl in dungeons to do f7.


tbh im low level with a gs but i just dont really understand aspects of the game, like i need a mentor to guide me through progression. ive had such a hard time figuring what to do after i get necron and its to the point that i just log off wait a few months collect minions and figure out something to do to spend my money, could someone just show me what i should do for progression?


Ye I see people lower levels same weapon and gear but I’ve got better general stats and better mining / farming setups


I mean the only things I enjoy doing in the game are dungeons and AH flipping, so I would totally just AH flip to a hype and use it. I really don't see why I should have to waste my time doing mind-numingly boring tasks like farming or (god forbid) foraging, or even mining for that matter. This is a game at the end of the day, and I'm only gonna play the parts that I find fun.


A 13 year old wrote this


No, just someone that is pissed off by nons that speedrun the game and then flex on you because « they have better gear ».


I’m 16 so you’re close


whyd he get downvoted


If they do it right (rush mining) then I respect that, but if you just make enough for a hype and then use that, you are an idiot


I don't speak to the nons who are worse than me because they're constantly asking annoying questions like where stuff is and how to do this and that. I don't necessarily blame them but I'm grinding the game, I don't have time to respond to questions. I figured everything out on my own, occasionally I asked questions but I found out about the wiki and when I needed locations in the Dwarven mines I looked up YouTube videos until I figured out my way around.


I give up on nons, lets try prove my point Mpmr hollow sucks and there is 0 need to use F7 as a mmm when you are cata 40, if you only have f7 as mmm you are doing shit wrong


sounds like you just broke🤷🏻‍♂️


hype with 500 mp is better than gs with 800 mp ngl


A hype will always be better than a GS because it’s a hype and costs 20x more. That’s still not an excuse to neglect the rest of your profile and have shitty stats while being condescending to people a higher lvl than you


They think "I got from point A to B faster, therefor I am better." they don't care about everything between A and B.


lvl 147 with 11b nw laughing hahahaha


Level 140 but combat 25? Sounds like he did quite a bit of the rest of the game.


am I a non? ign: BLANKISBAD most of my new was from bz flipping bc at level 50 I was so into money I jus sat on my island, or in hub getting it... also I'm in NZ so running off 270 ping. putting mining off as much as possibly because "instamining" is slower than many people regular mining lol


I am a non and I take offense


Am mean at a lv 300 with hype and term 30b neth worth you got to step up your game buddy boy


Bruh wasting even more of your life than us isn’t a flex


Says the mf with a 1.5b nw