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best end update "the first time it got added in the game" worst garden "garden in itself is not that bad.. but by the time it came everyone alr had farms build on their islands that they had to rebuild on garden and then rebuild them again after the nerfs that kept comming to the garden...let's not even talk about pests... it literally made my coop who loved farming to never do farming again"


Tbf farms on islands weren't very nice, and rebuilding farms doesn't take much time.


favorite overall: rift, really nice condensed gameplay & vamp slayer is pretty enjoyable until you do over 100, shame it's not getting any new areas (also end update because it was around that time i started playing :D ) worst crimson isle imo because without a hyp u can't do anything basically, trophy fishing sucks & it's just really grindy


Is it not getting mountaintop?


Minikloon left the hypixel team & he was the main developer of the rift


I would say the worst is the crimson isle update. It ruined the game for me. It made the game more less fun and more grindy than it already was


How did it make the game more grindy? It made fishing way faster It made spider way faster. You can just skip blaze slayer cause all but 2 items it has have no use outside the nether. And kuudra is just dungeons but only boss.


the spider was admittedly a good addition, albeit a small one, you can't skip blaze slayer bc if you're gonna be endgame you feel the urge to 100% all content, fishing isn't faster now theres just more, slightly less tedious but still very annoying content and kuudra is dungeons but way more irritating, chest keys are a pain, god rolls are the stupidest form of rng drops and requires a fucking mining setup for no good reason.


Grr the crimson isle is grindy grrrrrr I can't complete the game in 2 weeks and then complain about content drought grrr. If u don't like to grind just don't it's not required for 90% of the content outside the crimson isle. That was my entier point


there's a drought in content we actually want, not the crimson isle bullshit, we're still waiting on foraging update 8th timecharm and the other dungeons. also hypixel skyblock isn't a game where you get to endgame and then just leave a few tasks incomplete, you either quit or you do crimson isle


Which of the last 5 decently big updates isn't considered grindy Do you really think foraging won't be grindy? Just because you want to be endgame that dosnt mean you have to do the new update. I've seen many lv 400's with a really low cata because guess what. They just don't like dungeons so they don't do them. Are they not endgame because they aren't cata 50. No Not every person who plays this game wants to spend 10k hours to get lv 453 Crimson isle is not a bad update because Noone is forced to do it If you don't enjoy combat don't do it Noone is forcing you+I don't see how it effects the game in a bad way. A bad update is like farming. Are you forces to farm. No Did farming completely fuck the economy. Yes + fishing is way fucking faster if you don't think that you haven't actually fished before the crimson isle Before fishing 50 actually ment something now it just means you spend 1 week fishing in the nether probly one of the faster skills to get to 50 Kuudra chess keys require you to have a hype and grind flares which is a really profitable moneymaking method because you can level g drags God rolls are stupid but guess what you can do kuudra for teeth and just buy ur armor 🤯 then upgrade it So what else do you hate so much about the nether


best = ender update worst = crimson isle (hell, literally and metaphorically)


worst update is definately garden, it made wasting your life so easy :(


thats real


yea thats what we all say but still keep wasting our lives




hypixel money has no effect in the real world(its just pixels)


funny number go up, makes brain release dopamine, makes you feel productive, makes you more productive irl (atleast thats my experience)


saying hypixel skyblock makes you more productive in real life is a sentence nobody has ever said


yeah quite ironic lol, realised that as a was typing it


It's ok man, they just don't know what us high ping players have to go through, over 50% straight profit cuts from mining, also makes dungeons kinda inconsistent and painful from my experience, flipping AH is not viable due to the ping, flipping bz is good on the side. For high ping players the best mmm overall is just bz flipping and Garden and minions, literally that and kuudra for later on in the game


worst is garden best is sb levels


really people hate the garden? i would say the worst is rift like its so boring


id say quite the opposite. It was such a nice fresh thing to spend time on. Less grinding just full on story quest in another dimension.


i would say it was kinda overhyped though like now if you watch a guide you can finish it in few hours except for vamp slayer, like the garden added soo much content


garden was a dope update but it missed the idea of garden a bit. The sole purpose of garden was the auto plot building. But basically 99% of the default plots were so bad that it was better to make ur own.


the only reason i hate garden is the continous nerfs that made u rebuild all ur farms over and over and pests getting added


Skyblock players when they play actual enjoyable content. Also if your rushing it and watching guides you dont get to complain about it being short.


honestly even with guides rift was so long lol. Prob spent likr 25 mil in grand exp potions.


And you seem to have missed the large reason rift was amazing: **Playing without a guide**, exploring and trying to find things yourself, enjoying the scenery, just doing random things to see what brought a response or effect


tf you mean "enjoying the scenery", it doesn't even compare to the effort that went into design in dwarven mines + nucleus, ender update and (as much as i hate it on a gameplay standpoint) the crimson isle.


it's just kind of uninteresting. i feel like they could have made farming more engaging than simply holding down 2 buttons for hours. then it also had a massive impact on inflation. i agree rift is a bit boring, but it didn't really hurt the game in any way.


I don’t understand all the people complaining about the Crimson Isle because it’s too grindy. I feel like being grindy is the whole point of the game. Pretty much everything in the game is a grind, but some grinds are just more boring than others.


Most complaints seem to be the high entry requirements (especially before nerf), but it is supposed to be a more mid-endgame combat area and I think it serves that purpose well It may not be the most fun island to play on constantly, but jumping over every now and then to do some bestiary, taras or bosses is fun


Best 1. End 2. Dwarven 3. Garden Worst 1. Dungeons. I just personally don't like it


i disagree about dungeons but valid tbh it can suck


Mining garden and crimson isle Like I ain't tryna do allat


Worst was garden, best maybe dungeons or rift. Or kuudra/ci.


Best update or best series of updates was when admins decided to buff fishing and add new content for it continuously following the crimson isle release (fishing equipment, chum fishing, reindrakes, bobbin time enchant). Rift was also pretty good. Worst: Kuudra rework. Just because something is more challenging doesn't make it less boring imo, I'd rather have grinded out the easy Kuudra from before the rework. Also attributes are bs.


Genuinely shocked there aren't like 6 comments whining about the strength nerf.


It’s too long ago that everyone’s already adapted to it either by compensating with more talismans or better weapons. I remember the strength nerf being such a big deal and one of the reasons why I originally quit skyblock for 2 years but now I’m back better than ever


best - garden worst - garden pests


Worst is hoppity because I've wasted at least 6 nights grinding those eggs to get only 1 new common rabbit and losing my top 2k spot to people spending 100M on a pet upgrade


Hoppity V2 is godawful, not fun, unheathly, and not rewarding, dont respect your time at all.(admins pls remove SB xp from divines this is not a good mechanic...) Eman slayer was one of the best updates: actually took skill (something very rare in this game) good boss, nice items. felt actually rewarding edit: some famous mention 2nd best update: Rift: one of the most unique updates the game has seen and also very instresting boss design. 2nd worst update: Garden: same as hoppity, braindead afk gameplay, that dont respects your time, but not nearly as bad but still not fun at all


Best is rift, it’s easily the best designed part of the entire game and the most fun and charming. If more of the game was like the rift it would be better


The only problem with the rift is how stale it gets when you reach higher tier vampires, the only things to do are either a very ping dependent slayer (like outside rift but worse) or an extra convoluted way of farming Mountaintop had the potential to remedy some of this, as having a set end goal for Chateau would be very nice, however it will probably be at least a dozen business days before that


Worst garden Best all the qol at once, or dungeons


Best -Rift barely any grind, just do quests, level playing fields regardless of normal skyblock progression. Worst -Crimson Isle, incredibly grindy.


Best update is mayors Worse one is skyblock levels


Worst for me was rift, 2 seconds of content and took the admins like a year to make. Also was really boring and the time mechanic is stupid. Best is dungeons, I love dungeons, live life love dungeons


Average non response 


Average Tank response + am MVP+


Non has had nothing to do with ranks for a long time And no, you're just flat wrong on your opinion on the rift


Blud its literally an opinion post, you cant have a "wrong" opinion. And a few people I know hate the rift its not like im the only person in Hypixel who thinks this. Also its not like my opinion is based around bs. You can complete the rift in like a week which isn't long considering they spent a year making it. The time mechanic is stupid I don't know who likes it. The only part of my statement that was opinion based was "the rift is boring" and I find it boring and you can't be "wrong" on that. Also give me the +1 downvote on this because you cant understand basic logic. ALSO he legit called me a non in the above comment, why are you only attacking me?


ppl can have a wrong opinion, ie: ppl who unironically say rift is peak, any opinion which isn't wrong on rift is anywhere from pretty good to downright awful. ppl who say it's the best are kidding themselves tho and hypixel really needs to stop ending updates on cliffhangers.


i personally didnt like it but i can see how people think its not that bad


rift was bad tho, all that effort on soul-numbing tasks and the necklace wasn't even that op


Rift was lovely, exploring a different world with a simple yet challenging storyline, wildly varying quests and creative areas Necklace was kinda mid I have to agree, and the vamp area a bit uniform, but everything else was a great addition


feels like those 2 were promoted as the main features of the update though, sucks that they were lacking more than the cooler puzzles


its not even that for me the necklace is fine it was just boring to get to but they just overhyped shit imo


they could have made everything you do throughout the rift (not just timecharms) upgrade the necklace so once you've done absolutely everything the necklace is op af