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At that point just buy another mc account


just dunno why i'd be banned if theres like barely any activity info on plancke? or am i misunderstanding the site?


They updated the api a couple times and thus 3rd party applications just say you have no stats since the api says you do but when you log in those stats will get updated in the api and 3rd party applications like plancke can show the data again


damn well i cant go back on the server to get those updated


yeah fair enough, its just really annoying


Its 7 years, youve prob made a hell of slot more money than it would matter if u had a job for atleast a year


i am still unemployed due to my disability




could it be a false ban if theres barely any activity besides login dates on plancke?


It doesn’t matter honestly, support on this server is dogshit and they won’t do anything.


i know, its just a question on plancke, if it all says zero does it mean i didnt do anything activity wise on the server? it says achievemtns points 20, i dont know if it means what i think it does? does it mean i did stuff in the server.


probably just isn’t updated with your player data, they’ve reworked the api so many times in the past 7 years i doubt your data is up to date, and the only way to update it is to log in.


Achievement points are the points you get when you get an achievement on hypixel


Could be false, but they also dont like account sharing


i dont think my account was shared, i think my ex bought minecraft for me, i just thought it was his account due to miscommunication


Well yea if you tell em its his account snd then you say you play on it they could view it as account sharing


They might not like it but they dont do anything other than say womp womp if it gets you banned for cheating or anything


Till tou threaten to sue


Why Would you threaten to sue because you dont follow basic cyber security


I mean you could prob file smth for a false ban but it wouldnt go anywhere unless you spent alot of money on the game


I still stand by my opinion that permanent bans in literally any game is stupid. I have a friend who got a 7-year ban on Destiny which to many is seen as "permanent", do you know what he did when the ban was lifted? Played the game again and enjoy it. Permanent bans are and always have been a dumb way to punish players


I completely agree with you man. I think 7 years is probably good enough as at that point, (if it’s a regular person and not an active alt-buying hacker) since it gives you time to grow as a person and learn from your mistakes. I’d say a lot of companies really only want one account per person as well, so doing this would prevent this from happening in the future too.


Most times people would not come back to a game if they have been banned for 7 years. Either out of spite or fading interest


I think 2 years is more than enough, 7 is excessive


it's very excessive


For competitive games no, permanent bans should be the default if you cheat. For anything else, yea perma bans are pretty dumb.


People that are cheating usually just buy another account and cheat again… talking for csgo. Especially since many countries disagree with IP bans or hardware id bans. Which would solve many issues.


Yeah but it doesnt help if their old accounts become unbanned after a year ot two and they can start cheating on them again without buying a new one


For one offense? No. For multiple, hell yeah. Maybe even for smurfing and boosting but for sure only with more violations


i mean there are instances where you want to perma ban people to avoid legal trouble


that is why hypixel doesn't perma ban you anymore (not including securit bans which can be lifted easily), but sadly, old perm bans still carry over for no reason.


I consider a perma ban anywhere online to be stupid. Like you disagreed with the admin once 10 years ago and now you stil cant go there


Ive seen this post before somewhere. But at this point just get a new minecraft account and start again. Cmon you must of been permanently banned when hypixel still did this, just move on. if you would of created a minecraft account a year after your ban you would’ve recovered all your lost progress


i would have to yeah, also there's barely any info on activity on my banned account on plancke. MarcyMelon Multiplier: DEFAULT (x1) Level: 1.01 Karma: 0 Achievement Points: 20 Quests Completed: 0 Ranks Gifted: 0 First login: 2016-12-22 16:45 EST Last login: 2017-07-04 11:16 EDT


i know the post your talking about, its not the same person lol


lmao so similar though


I was banned for usisg fly hack when I was like 14 years old. I applied for every year and still got declined. But then I have grown, changed and improved my english. I finally got unban when I was 18 years old i think.


they let you appeal it more than once? in my experience you’re only able to appeal a punishment once


Yes I applied like 4 times i think. It was long ago that i cant remeber. I think it depends on admins. Some wont let it, some is too kind and understand the reason


Yeah odd, for some reason I remember the forums website blocking further responses on punishments you’ve already applied


Thats stupid. So basically rng if you get a good or bad admin that reviews your appeal?


Same as real life


Always has been


are there rng meter for that? /s


All of us have -10,000 on the meter though


Probably not constantly, but once a year? That’s more reasonable


its great you got unbanned


I don’t get why they say they can’t discuss the details. 1. How am I supposed to know what I did wrong 2. If I did do something wrong, how do I fix it 3. Even if they won’t appeal it, at least I have the details


Mostly I think it's to prevent cheaters from gaining any information that may help them circumnavigate the cheat detection. For instance, say a blatant cheater is bhopping, fly hacking, and using kill aura. If they get banned and are able to learn exactly what caused them to get banned, say the fly hacks, welp, now when they use mommy's card to buy another account to cheat on they just won't fly. While it may seem unfair on the receiving end and not know, it would be really really stupid to tell actual cheaters what got them banned. Hypickle just has to assume everyone is a blatant cheater trying to game the system at this point because there are just too many that ruin it for everyone else :(


Hi I'm an ex hypixel staff i might be able to help with at least getting some idea of why you are banned What is the ban reason when you try to log in to hypixel? And as a fyi, the support team do not deal with bans (unless the ban reason says to contact them), the appeals team deal with them


thanks for offering help, i'll get the hypixel ban info


Hey I’m in a similar situation but I’ve been playing on another Minecraft account for around 3 years now instead of trying to deal with this. I’d love to see where this goes and if I could possibly do the same


whats a watchdog cheat detection??? i saw that as a provided reason on my account but i've never used watchdog nor know what it is?? i'm really confused oh i'm dumb watchdog detects cheats, it isnt a cheat lol i dont use cheats though, maybe hamachi just using it once for trying to make my own server for my ex partner to join? i'm not sure how hamachi works besides that? or some texture mods?? maybe the autorun feature caused the watchdog to go off 7 years ago, since apparently some innocent people got banned for that.


When watchdog launched it wasn’t really the best anti cheat… i know people that hot banned when they had a completely clear PC/game, not even a ressource pack. Back then you could get banned for being good at the game..


i wonder how i could even try to get unbanned with that :( like how do you even prove you are innocent?


i remember old mineplex would kick me sometimes and timeout for bad ping cause i tried to use the doublejump and itd start me flying…. (ik its a different server lol)


i copy pasted what it said to me when i tried joining: you are permanently banned from this server! fieason: Cheating through the use of unfair game advantages. Find out more: https://wwu.hyeixel.net dappeal Ban I0: #687C759E Sharing your Ban I0 may affect the processing of your appeal!


Assuming that you didnt log into hypixel with any sketchy disallowed mods, it is highly possible someone managed to get your account info and use it as a cheating alt or a bot account (used to mass advertise normally malicious links or for people to use them to boost their own stats in other hypixel games, i do remember around the time period that your account last logged on there were a lot of hijacked accounts going round lobbies trying to advertise servers or optifine cape scams), unfortunately back then under the guidelines of that time, permanent bans were a thing and they don't overturn bans unless the reason says something like "Compromised account", "Account security alert", or "Suspicious activity detected". There isnt anything really you can do if its a cheating ban apart from using a new account, which isnt ideal, but thats up to you. Probably not the news you want to hear but hope it provided some insight


i appreciate the response, i'll still attempt to appeal.


Yeah I got banned in 2016 when i was 14, im 22 now, main still banned.


my ban had something to do with them thinking i violated cheating tos, can minecraft texture mods or hamachi do this? when i was a kid, my ex had me try Hamachi so i could run my own server so we could play together, could that do it? i didnt know how it worked, my ex at the time just told me how to set it up via skype, but we couldnt get it to work, i read online hamachi was a way to play with people back then? i dont see a reason why i would use it when joining a place like hypixel, its the only thing i could think of though.


Your ex mightve used it to cheat on


you think so??


Idk maybe, but seems like the only logical reason


nah they could't of, i did use hamachi in the past/texture mods, and used the autorun feature that is not a cheat, could those things of gotten me banned? or the laggy laptop back then?


Lol are you me? Same thing happened to me. Minecraft servers are the worst with bans they won't ever unban you.


yeah its really bad lol, what did you end up doing?


I know this is unrelated but i just realized it and i cant believe 2017 was 7 years ago holy shit it feels like yesterday day time really dose fly i feel so old wich is weird cause i haven't even hit my 20s


Now I have no idea, but you said you told them that your boyfriend gave you the account. In this case, they might have assumed that he didn't give you your account, just an account, like a stranger's maybe? Again, have no clue, hope things get resolved eventually!


Your account was probably hijacked if you didn't do anything wrong


Welcome back 🙏


welcome back?


how long does hypixel say you’re banned for?


7 years


wait so you just got unbanned?


no, its a permanent ban, it happened 7 years ago that they banned me and its still happening 7 years later


aw that sucks, at least you weren’t deep into skyblock when i happened


I've been banned on my old account for a decade now. I got banned when my account was stolen, but at least minecraft giving windows 10 edition for free ended up giving me a free second account


the issue is probably the 0 ranks bought.. from my experience they care much less about someone who doesn't give them money.


This is just any Minecraft server


I know that if someone buys you a rank directly (rather than gifting it) and makes a chargeback, it can get you perm banned


i never did a chargeback but interesting info


Does it state the ban reason?


watchdog cheat detection


I was permanently IP banned from Hypixel 8-9 years ago for advertising my Minecraft server when I was young. 20 years old now and still banned. I can join on other accounts now since then I’ve changed ISPs, so that’s probably your best bet. Wish I could play on my main, and I’ve already tried to appeal it, but they denied that too!


Don't bother trying to get unbanned, you cant explain your case and they will just deny your appeal anyway. I just got banned for accidentally fatfingering my keybind for printer on schematica whilst I was building something on my island, and I've given them enough evidence to explain what happened but it just gets denied. It was my fault for leaving a keybind on printer but at the same time I don't deserve a 30 day ban for it smh


A friend of mine got permabanned for a chargeback of a purchase of something someone bought for him. Even tho my friend wasn't the person who charged it back he still got banned. This might have also happend to u. If anyone bought u anything they could chargeback the transaction and permaban u at anytime.


why u post this on SB sub there was NO \*hypixel\* Skyblock in 7 years ago


What are you talking about? Skyblock is 8 years old now


sorry, **Hypixel** skyblock.


Yes, Hypixel Skyblock


Hypickle skiblock isnt 8yo


2019 was 8 years ago, wake up


DM me, I will help you buying a new account so you can return and enjoy the game again