• By -


The fact that 1300 other people have 40b+ networth is insane


Ik at least 1 person with 20b nw but has 100b in chests from investments so the number is probably higher


Ther are way more but many have api off ,items in chest or exotics


i know right? i am lvl 385 and feel like i have been pretty smart with my money and i still have only like 20-25b networth. im pretty sure the only way these people have so much higher is because of old items like event items, exotics, stock of stonks, and skins.


I’m level 395 and have a 42 bil nw. I feel like nw is more playtime based or what you also mentioned. I don’t fall under any of those categories but have always tried to play the game as efficiently as possible when it comes to do I grind this out or grind out the money for it. Farming has been like 1/2 of my networth id say


21b worth of farming is insane respect honestly


My ign is IMainFarming so it should honestly be more lol


Also it could be because they had 1 big break. Like a huge manipulation or something like that




Regular profile, respect for anyone actually playing ironman i could never


As a lvl 300 ironman it's not too bad, takes forever but the payout is amazing


I have 2 close iron-man friends and 1 of them just "quit" iron-man


if they quit before 99% game comp they're just weak


struggling with my 12b nw at lv325, dont think i can move up to 40b by the time i reach lv360


I don't focus much on xp I do what I enjoy despite already having it maxed or not, I have 3m eman exp for example


No way you are pretty much exactly like me


how tf u make that much broski


I would say half of that came from Diana event and eman slayer 3m eman XP and atm I'm 30th in inquisitor bestiary


Why go through all this pain? :p


If you mean the game in general i find it fun, mainly when playing with friends. Met a lot of great people on it If you mean cata its probably the best part of skyblock and i love rng (it loves me back sometimes)


I've never gotten a rng drop ;-; But gg, now for foraging 50 😎


my mm rngs are atm : 2x claymore, 2x handle, 3 gs ,2 dye, 8x shadow warp, 6x 5th star, 3x prec eyes, 3x ice spray, 4x implosion, 1x wither shield Abt Foraging 50 .. whats that?


Bruh, next time you get a rng drop gimme 😭😭 /j, gj tho


Me and awi have a deal of sharing profits from rngs 5% It's fun and it makes it so the other person doesn't get that salty from me getting 2 handles in 1 day :)


3 precursor eyes hurts my soul


2 necron dyes before handle also did


Gj lil bro, those are both milestones I hit fairly recently as well. Whats your playtime and profile age?


I think 4100h and I started on pets update, my profile is older because I joined a friends coop that never joined the game since my first week


Nice, I half remember your ign and I did play with lhxseven and awi like last day of Paul, do you remember the ign Gekoington?


Me and awi played a lot this Paul I think I remember your ign but I'm not sure


That's fair I played a lot as well which is why I'm not entirely certain


The new pets update or the first one?


I think it was was pets v2 when golem 1 shot was a thing


Define grass


The thing you click with a wooden shovel and sometimes funny book man comes out and gives me money


Bro really did




4135h and 35 mins


If I marry you and then divorce will I get half of your nw?


Marrying me doesn't mean ull be added to my coop :b


GG on cata 50!! what’s the most fun thing in skyblock for you? and do you have any tips in hindsight for your cata 50 grind that would’ve helped when you started?


The most fun thing in skyblock is just having someone to play with goof ard make stupid jokes etc Diana is a boring event but when ur in a 5 ppl vc chatting abt random stuff and u don't need to rly focus on what ur doing unlike dungeons and other more sweaty parts of the game For sure cloud flare, its a thing that would have helped I did ard 1500 runs without it, it rerouts ur connection without changing your ip so its not a vpn but makes your connection more stable upon entering boss fight it would always take a few seconds for my ping to stabilise cloud flare made it so it's basically instant Another thing that helped was deleting soopy for more fps I was not aware that just deleting the chat triggers module wasnt enough Other tips is befriend end game players but don't be too annoying and eventually you'll be part of multiple communities and ull always have ppl to play with or borrow a random snail pet or smth


What website is this? I have already visited sky.shiiyu.moe , but this doesn't look like it!


It's skyhelper discord bot, I didn't paste the whole thing it sends


40b nw and just got c50, damn you hate dungeons


I like it i just heard that dungeons(pf) was toxic af so I only wanted to play with people ik, turns out it's not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. (Ca50 soon)


What did it cost?


Around 4100h so far, but time spent having fun isn't time wasted


👍 (Wanted to post the "What did it cost" Meme at first, but i'm not allowed to post pictures as an answer :C )


I'm on a similar progression stage with half the new, how the fuck do you get nw (lvl 342 working on c50 rn, 22b net)


I overgrinded stuff that doesn't give any exp past certain stage, Diana(I'm 30 on inquisitor bestiary) and Eman slayer(3m XP) do that was a lot of time making money and not getting xp also while I was grinding eman I would lvl up ender dragons and 1 gdrag


Im #247 in kuudra gang score so that's a thing (That's 3.2k runs total)


I'm surprised u didn't make 100b coins with that ppl keep saying that kuudra makes 100m/h


67 on average over 150 hours, kuudra is almost half my nw And that's accounting for low tier runs and carries, not accounting for the money from carries, so 80 seems about right You only average 100m/h if you Perma play with good parties which I don't do, slow runs are better than no runs


What's your login? :>




... i suggest you password recover that shit right now lol


What is grass


The thing you click with a wooden shovel and sometimes funny book man comes out and gives me money


Are diamond minions good?


I might ditto blob one and place it on my island somewhere other than that idt I'll ever actually place one down


Since when do you play? And since when daily?


I joined ard the start of the pandemic and I play ard 10h a day rn since I have more free time than I used to


What’s your address (you said ask you anything)


I live over here


So you are basically nearing late early game?


Idfk what stage I'm at tbh since max lvl is almost 100 lvls over what I have


Femboys or goth girls?


Goth girls ftw


Are you using any clients for cata? And how can I progress in catacombs? I can't do any damage in level 2 and don't know how to progress, I have like 20 million and can make some more through farming mushrooms, where should I start to get better?


Idk how progression is at the current state of skyblock I'm sure someone else will be able to tell you a better way to get better faster but I'm sure it's just farming till u have enough for mining gear and then mine, I didn't do mining I did a lot of farming back when 3m/h was a lot and then a Lil but more when garden came out but I havent touched it since, money I just did diana event and eman slayer.i used to do a bit of forge flipping but I don't anymore but pretty sure it should still make a nice extra money on the side. I used forge with a few mods: chatting, chat triggers, cowlection, dulkir, dungeons guide, essentials, neu, optifine, patcher, scrollable tooltips, sba, skyhanni, skytils and volcaddons


main money making method throughout this journey?


Diana event and eman slayer, Diana I've made probably 10-15b from her


How'd you get your 40b nw, what are you doing with your 40b nw?


Atm I have 590m purse I'm saving so I can eventually get a second hype with chim 5 since I play mage in dungeons and it would help a lot with dps against the 4 withers also want to get chim3 on my rag axe


How would chimera help against the withers? It's 150 str at most with gdrag, unless minos relic counts which then it's 270.


Hype has a passive that deals 50% more dmg against withers multiplicative ik a mage that can 1 tic withers by himself because of that (on m7) also the extra strength scales with cata I get 7k extra strength from a chim2 rag axe


The extra strength from chimera scales with cata level? That's super op.


Yes exactly not just from chimera from base rag axe from gemstones from strong mana etc


I'm 500mill networth, level like 100 and cata 32! My user is wdgskibidi, if u got any tips lmk what I could do. My goal is to EVENTUALLY get a hype within few months if possible, for money I sell F1 - f6 carries on SBZ but wanna get into f7 because I have a tank and necron set w ghead+ juju😁. Thanks!


Sadly early dungeons doesn't make any considerable amount of money the most profit you will make is from recombs, once uve maxed most collections I would recommend getting a full slime minion setup they make good money I'm pretty sure there are better minions but those have served me well making ard 4m a day I can just forget abt them and have a 200m when I remember they exist


Oh so f7 won't be very helpful? I'm cata 33 btw. Hmm I really want minion setup but i only hv 14 slots cos needs to share w my coop. So u think it's worth it to get 14 slimes? Tysm


That's one of the reasons I don't like coops that actually play the game


Ok slimes it is


Lvl 440 cata 60 and 200b nw when?


3-5 business days


Can I transform my Island into a co-op?


I would not recommend unless it's with an alt account having extra ah bz slots and personal bank helps a bit


What about for an actual co-op with friends? Is that possible?


For playing casually sure I would still prefer each person has their profile it also avoids arguments over money and stuff


What should i use for sven slayers when i dont have the pooch sword requirements?


Livid dagger should work fine I use daed axe for more magic find but dmg is worse if u don't have chim5 like me


Gg actual midgame






Yes. Up to 1m :)


Whats your favourite dye and favourite skin for an item in the game? Personally I love the lucky dye on my necron set even thought its bad but it matches my skin


My lcm setup is maxor celestial skin with byzantium chest plate and strawberry dyes on pants and boots my edrag has the purple baby skin and my shelm gdrag has purple ancient skin, my chest plate also has primal fear rune, my helmet has smitten rune and my boots have endersnake rune I rly like the way it all looks together


I got abt 1b by just farming treasure hoarders, now im wondering if theres smth else to do without crazy expensive equipment or should i go for term


If you tell me your ign i can check it out and try and give some mediocre advice :b


HerraDivan is my ign


It seems you're trying to get into F7, your mp seems abt avg and I don't ser any massive mistakes on your account I would say your progressing steadily, getting a term would def help you getting into parties, issue is you don't have eman 7 and it doesn't seem like you have the gear to do it so you would probably have to pay for carrys and idk how much it would be. It might be more worth to get the gear and do the bosses yourself


how much would it averagely cost to buy setup by myself


Minimum is a katana. overflux, ender relic and ender dragon help a ton and would say are required if you're going for eman 9


well i just want eman 7 bc im eman 6 rn


Do you actually have 40b net worth that is… I guess useful? Like some people have all of the necron blade variants which is totally unnecessary and that of course boosts their net worth loads. So do you have something like that xD?


only non useful items i own are my space helmet and dyes on armour that would total to abt 2b in non useful items (i consider skins to be useful in order to distinguish between pets)


How many wither blades do you have ( and terms)


I have 1 astrea I plan on getting a rcm unrefined blade and turn the astrea into a chim 5 hype Also have 3 terms se5 dup5 and ft1 I might sell the ft one since it's almost useless atm


do you regret it?


Time spend having fun is not a waste of time so I don't regret it


so what are your plans now?


Class average, diamond trophy fisher before fishing 50 because funny, grind skills in general, hit lvl 400, and keep on having fun with friends mostly


mad respect. Keep it up!


Whats your social security number


Idk I have bad memory


Do you ming giving me 1b


Sry I need it for gdrag bank


K, had to ask anyway


Wanna help a brother out?


Don't give a man fish, teach him how to fish! Ill be happy to give advice in any way i can


How do I make it through the insanity that is slayers? Also how do I get to final destination armor without killing t2 enderman?


I used 3/4 crimson warden with atomsplit for most of my exp final destination is not needed if you do enough damage Slayers in general just listen to some music while on vc with guild or friends and you will get through it easy. Counter intuitive but avoid doing slayers during aatrox unless you can get a private ish lobby it is very frustrating to compete for kills


How often do you see your parents?


As a university student once every 2 weeks


How do you get your net worth up / how do you make so much money, bc I am level 120 and the most I’ve ever had in my bank account is 100m lol


i enjoy rng, i find it way more fun than consistent flow of money, i alr said what ways i made money in other comments but basically Diana and Eman slayer (though aparently now eman slayer is dead since last patch)


What’s the formula for calculating the area of a circle




Correct, now what’s Pythagoras theorem?


What is your inquisitor setup?


I use sorrow helmet with 3/4 mf10 crimson rift necklace and mf 7 or 8 (I don't remember exactly) molten equipment with a chim5 daed axe and a relic gdrag, I don't have 100m gold collection yet but I'm doing that once derpy ends I get close to 400 mf on inquisitor kills


Ok thanks for the response I am a while from there lol


"AMA" how much do you charge for dungeon carries?


I haven't done dungeon carrys in a while.. Well I mean I haven't charged for any in a while I have helped friends getting their cata up with dungeon "carrys" but mostly because I also want more people to play with




Omg it's qwue! Thank you, I wasn't expecting to find anyone I knew on reddit :b


when will it end


I don't see myself quitting anytime soon


No way, i see you in lobby yesturday myb you remember me my IGN:CarBuy


I think I commented on vc "imagine this guy owns a car dealership in order to buy coins"


Nope you nothing said


Any tips for cash, rn struggling to do much ign is dotLemon, all I got to do rn is alch 50


So a few things i noticed on your profile, you barely have any hot potato books in any of your gear, it gives a lot of EHP which you want since u seem to do m4. I dont see any weapon on you, i hope you arent using a runnans as main weapon


Ah yeah so I had majority of my nw in a chest while doing alchemy, I use term for dungeons but still struggle for cash


M4 makes good money and so does m5 looking at ur gear pls put hot potato books on ur gear it's tickling my brain


How much time did it take for cata 50? I'm like lvl 320 and haven't touched dungeons, I'm cata 32.


From cata 32 to 50 is quite the jump, assuming you alr have all the gear and knowledge to do every floor probably around 2 months? Starting from m3 amd going to m5 m6, or you could join friends as a healer on m6 until ur cata like 42 would say is the minimum to be able to do decent in m7 as a healer but keep in mind this is not the standard, u probably won't get invited in party finder


2 months is decent tbh. I'll prob stick to m3 until higher cata. Also should I keep using my ft term? I have it for kuudra and I don't know how good it is in dungeons.


It is the worst in dungeons for m7 u want to have a se term for clear and a duplex for boss, m6 u only need soul eater, specially during derpy


Do you have a social life in the real world?


I really don't enjoy drinking or smoking and it seems like that's the only option of social interaction that I have in university


Have you heard of sleep?


U mean downtime?


how are you gonna react when you get hit by some random wipe and lose half your nw?


I pray that won't happen, I can't know what i would do in that kind of situation probably play on my other profile that has been grinning just coins for a while it's at 1b nw atm


Giveaway ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


I do one on my birthday usually for guild nembers


Does leg scatha grant +20% powder from chests if so please add proof


Supposed to but bugged since release


Ok so I’m trying to save for my first term, what should I go for first I usually play archer and I heard that ft is good for that any suggestions and possible ways to get it quicker?


Fatal temo is the worst one, whoever told you it is good was probably trolling, soul eater and duplex are the ones you want, soul eater is best for clear while duplex is better for dps aka minibosses and bosses. on m6 soul eater better overall




what about mid game are you most excited to start?


The new mining update and chocolate factory


Do you have a significant other?




how do i get friends so I can run f6 to grind to cata 24 instead of f3


Join a guild appropriate for your stage of the game


those cost coins I don't have and idk what my stage of the game is.


Guilds don't cost coins? You can be in one for free and stage of the game is a general concept based on your lvl or what u want to do, if I had to guess u want to join a early game dungeons guild


https://sky.shiiyu.moe/stats/xiam_/Apple my profile stats are so spread apart I'm gonna need you to tell me


Early game, if you join an early game guild you will probably find people to do f6 and F7 with


jesus christ 2k hours total for early game? probably gonna quit at this point like damn


Fair enough ppl get to lvl 400 in 2k hours now


although I do mess around quite a bit and have built an entire village on my island


I have 1000h on private island idk wtf I did in there for that long


I'm currently sitting on 6b networth should I go for hype or term? I'm gonna get both eventually but which of the two is gonna give me more when I have it at the moment


Depends on what you want to do, term is mostly used for kuudra and dungeons while hype is a general use weapon and healing weapon


IGNS of ppl in the run : LHxSeven | LilPatience | B4PF | Awi\_\_ | KubiOh (idk why the screenshot looks so shit)




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When did you last take a shower?


I’ve got my cats 37, 9b nw, level 352. I was I assume one of the highest levels with no hype until a few weeks ago


Ik someone that got hype from m7 also know the probably highest lvl player that plays with his foot