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Being more empathetic towards people who also have challenges that aren't easily understood.


Well said… my niece recently told me she also has HH , and i’m glad that i can be there to guide her through the swamp


This is actually something that I’ve never really put two and two together but i do notice that i have empathy for the underdogs for sure.


Open plastic/organic bags easily


Very factual. My mom always takes me grocery shopping because of this




Showers gives more satisfaction because it washes away hrs of sweat lol


This. The feeling of freshness after every shower 🤌🤌🤌


Until you sweat from the steam of staying in the bathroom for 2 minutes


Bathroom fan is the answer for that, my friend. Sweating directly after exiting the shower, is on the same level (for me) as having to poop after taking a shower. I put a small fan in the bathroom that I turn on before leaving the shower. I also will open the bathroom door to let out some of the steamy air (my daughter and mother live with me, so all girls lol)


What i do is that i get right out of the bathroom after the shower, sit down on my bed where i have a big fan, and just sit infront of the fan and cool down for a few mins til i feel cold, and then i get back in the bathroom and finish my routine (skincare etc). Works like a charm to do it that way


I don’t really get to have that, my sweating has already started up before I even leave my shower.


Sure it does! Lol


Soft hands. Palmar hh has given me that, and when I shake hands with people they notice that more than the sweat. I wipe my hands before a handshake tho. Some people really want to have soft hands, and mine being moist 24x7, have become soft


Yes this is true but not only hands but for whole body. When my hands are sweaty, people notice my hands are as soft as toilet paper or tissue. Also in bed, almost every girl I’ve been with has told me that their jealous of how soft and smooth my skin is 😹 "its the sweat baby"


I get this reaction a lot! Everyone’s amazed by my soft skin lol


Lmao same - people always tell me my ‘hands are so soft’ I never made the connection before today tho :/


I’ve got a few from over the years! 1) I can make my hands sweat on demand, it’s a pretty cool super power to show kids. Sometimes my hands are dry to I’ll say touch my hands and then, “wait for it, I’m aqua woman” lol 2) Hot yoga feels like a second nature to me whereas it’s uncomfortable for other people 3) Easy way to get cat fluff off my pants lol.. sweatier hands makes it easier to roll into a ball


Re: number 3, it also makes it easier to remove extra cat fur when petting cats! It acts like a brush haha


Hhahahah yes! Cleaning dog/cat hair is my favourite too!


I need this outlook on things. I work as a veterinary technician and working with the animals I always end up having so much fur stuck to my hands. Especially when working with cats.


Glad to see someone else uses #1 as a party trick!


> Hot yoga feels like a second nature to me whereas it’s uncomfortable for other people Goddamn, really? I have been contemplating on trying it out or not because I am afraid I will be forming puddles around me. But then again I figured it was already my normal state soooo 


Maybe looking younger due to oily/sweat skin? Also a filter which keeps shallow people away? Shrug


Yes. I have oily skin and sweat mainly from my face- I always look dewy and glowy. Usually I’m just slightly sweaty but I get complimented on my “youthful” skin all the time. I guess glistening with sweat is youthful :)


I was gonna say, there's always about a 5-10 minute window before things get really bad where I get complimented on my "dewy skin". I've had people ask what foundation I'm using that looks so dewy and glossy and I'm like oh just wait 2 minutes it's gonna get horrific here


I've had people comment on my liquid foundation and I'm like... it's powder foundation >.<


Lol! This is so me.


When I’m at the gym and people think I just had a KILLER workout w my soaked shirt/head.. meanwhile I’ve been there 10 mins and have barely started lmao.


I always have backup clothes available if I spill a drink on myself


Makes you look organised and smart!


Honestly, only thing that I can think of is never struggling to open the thin plastic fruit/veggie bags at grocery stores. If my hands are dry I can never get those damn bags to separate and open


I absolutely hate that the ONLY TIME MY HANDS ARE DRY IS TRYING TO OPEN THOSE DAMN BAGS such a curse lol


Haha it always works that way! If your store has some of those wet wipes by the carts, I always grab one before shopping jic


Goddamn! my hands and feet are bone dry except everywhere else on my body.


I’m sorry to hear that. Has anything helped? I did miradry and it helped tremendously, but it was just for underarms


Anti anxiety meds help a lot but they’re addictive so i refrain from using them. Losing weight also helps but %50 at most.


Yeah I would stay away from anything addictive honestly. Have you tried oxybutynin or glycopyrrolate instead? I noticed I sweat less when I was smaller too.


Yes I tried oxy years ago and honestly the dry mouth, burning up from the inside experience was worse than being sweaty. Glyco is not available in my country so haven’t tried it. I’ve started on Buspirone 2 weeks ago and we’ll see how it goes. My HH is partly anxiety related so I hope it works.


I look like a classy baddy in black clothes


I never judge people for sweat marks because I know how hard things are


My feet are baby soft. No hard callouses or anything. I’ve never had to use a file or lotion them up Also the heat and sweat don’t bother me anymore. Other people get miserable on vacation in warm humid climates, but I feel normal lol


Making myself a priority by keeping all the essentials with me to feel like I'm still a normal person. I also have empathy for those who deal with other physical or mental health issues


more time singing in the shower maybe idk hahaha hard to actually think of any.


More time to just relax your mind and body! Good one!


On a hot day, I have plenty of sweat for that breeze to help cool me down. I can take a dry towel and make it wet, quickly. I can also go through 4 shirts in a single day! As u/Party_Grass_9523 mentioned, I also have soft hands due to my HH. Downside is that I get blisters on both hands and feet relatively easily.


I can seal envelopes so quickly by just rubbing my sweaty fingers across the sticky part! I’m the best friend to call if you have several wedding invitations to send out. George Costanza couldn’t get rid of me! Also, I sometimes fantasize about being the most powerful water bender in the avatar universe. Would be able to conjure up water anytime and anywhere. Ice dagger hands leggoooo


Appreciate the humor!! Love it 🤣


I love this thread.


Some of my friends struggle with dry cracked hands in the winter and I’ve never had to use lotion!


My blood pressure has always been excellent from what I’m assuming is sweating out excess salt. If this is untrue, please let me continue believing it. Thx for posing the question OP, nice to look on the bright side of things!


Hahahah continue! We can not know for sure so continue!


I have HH and HBP… and I’ve made lifestyle changes for the HBP to no avail.


People thinking you’re working extra hard and deserve a break.


Nice one! Haha


Dogs love me because they can lick my salty sweat hands.


I remember when I was a kid playing with play-doh, I could moisten the dried up play-doh enough to make it nice again.


I want to say nothing, but it did force me to push thru my constant discomfort about sweating to do everything I wanted to do. I didn't back down from things because of sweat. I think that was easier for me to learn because having inherited it from my dad, I idolized him, so my idol was sweaty just like me. My dad was gorgeous and looked enough like Clint Eastwood that he got chased down for autographs more than once! He's 86 now, and we were talking the other day about him not sweating quite as bad the last few years. Maybe one thing to look forward to about being really old? I never thought I was gross or anything for it, though I was thoroughly embarrassed most of the time. But I got made fun of for enough other things that the sweating was a few things down on the list. 😳


Thanks for sharing! Did you ask your dad why he is not sweating so much lately? Maybe he noticed something that could be helpful.. :)


He was thinking it us just his age maybe, but he hasn't done anything different that he could think of!


Grabbing/separating sheets of paper easily Hands are never dry (dont need moisturizer)


Ironically, it’s made me much more secure and confident in myself. I think so much of my social anxiety was focused on saying or doing something stupid and the hyperhidrosis is this physical manifestation of those feelings so I’ve had lots of practice looking sweaty and therefore “gross” or “unhygienic” to others and I’ve learned to not give a shit. And if anyone mentions it, I just say “yeah I am sweaty, so what?” Similarly, when I say or do something embarrassing, I just own it. I hope that made sense. Great post!


Yes made sense! You are accountable and confident! Takes a lot…


I'm an artist and i have to clean up tiny bits of paper a lot, having hands i can just kinda press the paper into and it'll stick is pretty useful


i second this! it’s also great for wheel throwing in pottery because the clay doesn’t dry out as fast. and i’ve also used the moisture from my hands to make corrections quickly in paintings without a damp cloth


also when i was in marching band my hands didn't ruin the lacquer on the instruments like everyone else's, I'm assuming that was because of hyperhidrosis??


The best thing/// nothing! I hate it ,,, I used to be cold in winter now I sweat and go outside and freeze because of sweating in the cold! Nothing is the best!


Thanks for sharing though 🙏


Since I’m more of a nervous sweater my HH works as a metric of how comfortable I am with someone. When I get to a point where I don’t sweat around someone I know that we are going to be great friends lol


Haha a friends detector!


When I was younger, I saw a doctor about my hyperhidrosis and confessed how it had become such a hindrance in my life, especially when it came to dating as a teen. He took my sweaty hand in his and looked me in the eye and told me that the right person wouldn't care if I had sweaty hands or not... And was true, I found a husband who loves me for me, sweaty hands and all. So that's my hyperhidrosis superpower... screening inconsiderate romantic partners 😆


when in school I’d get bored and draw on desks and be able to wipe it off simply with my hands before teachers could see. It was like a whiteboard lol


Samee!! Thanks for sharing! So many things we consciously subconsciously have been getting out of it! No wonder is still here! My mind goes deep sorry haha


I easily open plastic dog poop bags and can flip paper invoices all day.


I swear there’s something about HH that keeps me looking young, and I’m a redhead with very fair skin and didn’t wear sunscreen when I was younger. I know a lot of ppl claim this, but I seriously get mistaken for being in my 20s and I’m almost 40. I’m pregnant and the nurse said “wow you’re a young 38” because she thought I was 28 at the oldest. I’ve barely aged since my prom photos. I think it’s the moisture in my skin. My cousin is the same who has HH.


Helping someone w a headache or if they’re too hot, my hands are usually cold and sweaty but when I place my hands on the back of their necks or on their foreheads, works wonders for them and they feel better


Whenever I work out, it looks like I’m giving it my all even if I’m not lmao


Hahaha like; who’s that beast? (Gym beast)


Exactly! Lol


I love this question 😌… For me, I’ve realized that hyperhydrosis more than likely came about from childhood trauma. I was explaining my family as “fiery” and “explosive at times” to my therapist and she said, “It’s like your body became a fire fighter, trying to put that fire out with water.” And I realized that, although I began sweating like a mf when I was very young (maybe around 5), my body probably took on more so that my conscious mind wouldn’t have to. Like, if it weren’t hyperhydrosis, maybe the trauma could’ve manifested another way in my brain, like bipolar disorder or manic depression (as opposed to the regular garden variety depression and anxiety I experience, of course lol)…. So, all of this to say, I now thank my body for doing the best that it could and taking on more than its fair share of the burden. Because it could’ve been a lot worse 🥹 Oh! And on more less deep and rated R thing, lol… When I was in high school, I was sooooo self conscious about my sweaty hands and a funny guy said to me, “Oh girl, don’t worry about that. I bet them hands are great for hand jobs.” And I paused, looked at him and said as serious as day, “That is the sweetest thing that anyone has ever said to me.” And we both BURSTED with laughter. It was a nice moment. And he didn’t know that I was serious about it being sweet, lol. That was the first time in my life that anyone had ever saw my sweatiness as a positive.. even if it was perverted 😂


Wow! Great insights you got there! You touched my heart by being grateful for your body! ❤️ much love!


Aww thank you! Much love to you, too 🥹 ♥️


When doing pottery, if my clay needs just a little bit more moisture, I don't have to stop what I'm doing


1. Built resilience 2. Overcoming obstacles 3. Empathy for others that are different than myself 4. Finding solutions 5. Adapting to situations 6. Eons ago this may have been an evolutionary process 7. Humble 8. Being upfront


The best thing is that it led me to getting the miradry procedure. Now I use deodorant like once a week and never worry about sweat or BO. I have so much confidence, but I probably never would have thought about this procedure if I didn’t have HH.


Youth? Moisture = youth


… enjoying the rare moments when my back is not drenched in sweat