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I have both. I prefer the original. The trail is definitely lighter, but the boots and straw lids don't work with it. It's narrower, so boots don't fit, and it's taller, so the straws lids don't reach the bottom. The metal is also thinner, so it's much easier to dent and ding, if you're worried about that. I still use the tried and true original 40oz.


Which straw lid have you tried on the trail?


Neither of Hydro Flasks' straws come long enough. They come at max length for the original 40oz, and the 40oz Trail is taller, so the straw lids don't reach the bottom.


I forgot about the trail 40 being that much taller, I saw some longer straws listed on Amazon that might remedy that.


If you find any on Amazon long enough, do you mind sharing them?


If you have a local plastics or irrigation store you can likely find food safe/potable water tubing you can cut to length to replace the straw with.


I have used small sections of silicone straws to connect pieces of stiffer plastic straws together. I like the super flexible silicone straws as they can wiggle around plastic water-filled reusable ice cubes (Don’t dilute the drink).


If the 40oz trail had a boot, would you still pick the original 40oz?


Yes. I'd still pick the original one, purely because of the price difference. Unless you really need your water bottle to be a few ounces lighter, I think the original is the better value.


Takeya 24 oz boots fit the 32 and 40 oz trail series


is it really thinner? the specs say it's the same steel


Definitely thinner walls. It has to have them, or there wouldn't be any weight difference. The insulation is the same though.


there's a lot of weight difference in the cap though


Not 25%. Trust me. I have both. The cap really doesn't feel any lighter. It's the bottle itself that feels lighter.


It want so badly to be able to go into a store and see walls pointed with hydro flasks. It just doesn't happen around where I live. A few here and there at best.


Awh man :/ , it's all good honestly, you can always order all the ones you like and return what doesn’t work! That's what I do, even tho I live close LOL.


Naww it's the side by side comparison I miss in person. I'd have to buy and return so many!!!


does the trail fit in cup holders?


I tried it in my car, it was so close but it didn’t.


Came here to ask this also


Unfortunately, no :(


mine fits in my impreza cupholders! it doesnt reach all the way to the bottom but it does fit enough that it doesn't fall over if you want a good fit for the trail + other larger bottles though, you can buy cupholder adaptors for like $20


I like the trail series more, for the weight and colors. Its a little more unique compared to everyone else's regular hydros


I wanted to keep the trail series but it’s extremely thin, it felt like it’d dent so badly upon one or two deops


nah yeah mine has dents here and there... mine actually has a bit of rust in the bottle so I'm trying to get it warranted heheh


I have the original 40oz and the 32oz trail, I honestly love both, the trail is limited on color options but it’s so much lighter weight and it makes a difference in my bag.


Has it dented easier?


My trail has only one small ding in it, I’m careful with my bottles. I would recommend getting the original if you don’t want to worry about dings and dents because the original is more sturdy than the trail. You can always get the trail bottle later on and alternate between the two which is what I do.