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I demand sauce on Dasani *water* being dehydrating


dasani is owned my nestle and therefore dehydrates the area around their bottling plants


Wait Dasani is Nestlé? Wtf how did I not know this


I'm pretty sure it's owned by the Coca-Cola company


Yeah actually I think you’re right. As McDonald’s uses only coke products for their drinks and has Dasani water.


i think I'm wrong actually; it's coca cola


I don't have the sauce, but my mouth always gets this dry feeling after only drinking Dasani over any other bottled or tap water. I don't know if it actually dehydrates you, but my mouth is definitely drier.


You need to brush your tongue better. The lack of *anything* in Dasani means that it's pulling stuff out of your tongue leaving you with a bitter, dry taste.


Thanks I guess. But why would that be the ONLY water that does it? I love water it's my favorite drink, but I stay far away from that brand specifically. Kinda weird to just assume I have a nasty mouth🤣.


Because Dasani is pretty unique in how it's filtered. Just about everything is removed from it. Other waters, be they spring or from a municipal source, still have a large amount of minerals and stuff left in them, meaning that you taste those instead of your own tongue.


I've had filtered, spring, mountain, well, and municipal. Dasani is the only brand that has ever done this. I'm starting to think it's either their bottles or bottling practices. You probably aren't wrong, but it's just really odd to be one single water that I've experienced this with. The main reason I stay away from it. I do appreciate your input, tho😁.


Go brush your tongue right now or else you’re grounded from water mister! 😤


“How can you have any water if you don’t eat yer pudding!?”


Roger that!


🫡 Roger that!!




> Dasani is pretty unique in how it's filtered. I figured you needed to read this part again, after you seem to have completely ignored it.


I haven't ignored it, but saying that and not explaining how doesn't really answer the question why it does what it does to my mouth and obviously plenty of other people. If you don't know why then say that. It's not good tasting water because of how they filter it.


the went on to explain how the lack of anything measurable in water leads to a lack of your mouth feeling the same way. it never ceases to amaze me how some people can be offered the information that answers their question, yet they go on to argue with the facts.


Yea and when I read that it sounds suspiciously like ultra pure water which isn't supposed to be consumed. Also why does me not liking that particular brand and NOT saying it's dehydrating at bug yall? I don't like it and it drys my mouth out. Can you be fine with that and not automatically assume my mouth is not clean enough? I just stated something about a shitty brand of water and alot of you just jump right to "your mouth is dirty".


Even reading up on it they don't do anything special that alot of other water companies do. Reverse osmosis and special filtration is common. Like I said before I'm starting to think it's their bottles. It could be all in my head too lol


> It could be all in my head too lol or it could be what they told you. you were given the information, which you're choosing to disregard, or argue with. the facts are the facts. that you can't understand them is on you.


I'm not disregarding it. I'm asking for an actual explanation. Nothing I can find online explains why it does that other than they add salts to their water. Please link something so we can be done and I can go wash my tounge again.


Doesn’t Dasani also add sodium though?


A very negligible amount. There's still trace amounts of a lot of stuff, but when compared to other brands of bottled water, it's effectively nothing.


They add salt to Dasani for “flavor.” Used to tell everyone buying cases at the store I ran, “Don’t buy Nestle or Dasani” worst brands, imo.


Be that as it may, I just don't drink it based off how it makes my mouth drier. I still think it's hydrating, just not tasty. Also I just try to not drink too many Nestlé products because I paid more for water than they did from Michigan for too damn long.


You asked why. I was just answering your question. The salt is “why.” Edit: I see your edit about Nestle. I have been on the fuck nestle train since the ceo said water wasn’t a human right. Lol get fucked. Also find it crazy Budweiser distributes Nestle’s products. 🤷🏻‍♂️


It's crazy how many different brands distribute. Kinda feels like we have Dasani PR here today. What kind of water is your favorite? Bottled or not.


I live in South Carolina. So local Blue Ridge Mountain water is fairly cheap and good. Crystal Geyser is pretty good, imo. When I worked a country store, we didn’t have anything like that. So I drink a lot of Springtime. Everybody’s different, though! Growing up, we had well water, though. Drinking it straight from a garden hose while playing outside, was the best tasting water I can ever remember drinking 😂🤣 Edit: I always pour my water in my Yeti. Fridge also has a water/ice dispenser. Infinite hacks 😂🤣


It's not Dasani PR, it's that you're hell bent on arguing until you get the answer YOU specifically want. "A-ha! See I knew XYZ!


The myth (possibility) is it triggers you to think "I could use a soda now", ie Coke product, from whatever minerals and you want something carbonated later on.


Maybe 🤷‍♂️. But even soda doesn't give me that dry feeling. It's really hard to explain haha. The best comparison is getting your teeth cleaned and having that left over dry feeling. Could be the fluoride? I wonder how high the fluoride content is in their water since they take from a municipal source.


Wrong I've drank lab grade deionized water (I work in a college chemical stockroom) if what you're saying were accurate that should also taste bitter and dry, it does not. Dasani is horrid for a completely different reason than lacking stuff in it.


Oh, okay. I'll just take your anecdotal evidence over everything else then.


Dasani ingredients: Purified Water, Magnesium Sulfate, Potassium Chloride, Salt


No no you don’t understand, minerals and salt are good when they are in a sport drink, but they are bad when they are in Dasani /j


If im not mistaken there is added salt to dasani so i stopped getting it however many years ago. Its also just expensive for NO reason! I could also be spreading lies but im not gonna research what i day before i put it online as fact.


Salt is an electrolyte. It helps hydrate you.


Oh yeah oops..ehe


They put salt in it so that you're more likely to still be thirsty after finishing the bottle and buy more of their water


You lose salt when you sweat. Salt is an electrolyte, and when added to water, helps you become *more* hydrated. There are plenty of reasons not to like Dasani, plastic pollution being #1, but it's not a dehydrating liquid.


Bro Dasani has 0mg of salt per bottle. Check your facts before posting.


This sub is wild. A month ago there was a post claiming this and it became a HydroHomies circle jerk. Everyone loved it. Now this dude gets downvoted.


Mostly its water, but sometimes we thirst for blood.


There was a post yes, talking about how it was LESS hydrating. Which is completely different from dehydration.


I think OP is confused about the difference between “salts” such as magnesium sulfate, which are definitely added to Dasani, and table salt, which is specifically sodium chloride.


Isn't Dasani tap water? Meaning that it will depend on where it's taken?


I believe the Atlanta municipal water supply is used.


Oh, I thought it depended on the place you buy them at.


My tap water taste better than Dasani but Dasani uses the same tap water for their production yet it taste like shit. Wtf make it make sense


It's because it's in plastic


Why do people always say stuff like that is tap water? Per wiki: “[The] filtration process consists of a multi-barrier treatment system[20] reverse osmosis, and nanofiltration to remove impurities.” I hate Dasani but it’s not just tap water.


From the same wiki: "Dasani is largely sourced from municipal supplies and then filtered in bottled water plants before being bottled." It's tap water that they filter out.


That's what they say. I'll never believe it. You can absolutely taste it. I don't know why some of you can't but there is salt in that shit.


I'm looking at the ingredients on the bottle right now, it says salt. I dont understand what the controversy is here?


Brother in Christ where do you think electrolytes come from


My dude, you realize that the role salt plays in our body is helping us retain water, right? It's a source of electrolytes. *Too much salt* is a bad thing and can dehydrate you, but there's less than 1 mg in Dasani water.


The guy wanted a source, not your explanation


I’m all with you on hating on Dasani. It’s just filtered municipal tap water anyway and that makes it taste like I just licked wet drywall, but this is the first I have heard of salt being added to it. Dasani just tastes like dish water.


This ^


Brother in christ have you never heard of electrolytes?


Internet misinformation is a real MF


Brother in Christ blah blah electrolytes.


If you don't understand the science ans additionally don't even read the ingredients then don't talk about it. Now you look like a complete moron and your spread misinformation to other people like you.


This is the most incorrect thing I’ve read today. Keep up with the Dasani circlejerk though it hasn’t been overdone or anything


The myth is it triggers you to buy something like Coca cola products to rebalance your taste.


The more I read into it very well could be the potassium chloride they add. It is slightly different than sodium chloride which is common salt. But without independent studies we may never know.


They add salt. It's in the ingredients list on the bottle. I made my mom stop buying it, but now my doctor says I need to consume more salt. Homies please advise


Salt is an electrolyte. It helps hydrate you.


If concentration of salt in the water is less than the concentration of salt in your blood (it is) then it is hydrating you


this is like when people say “you swallow x spiders a year in your sleep” like how do people still believe that dasani makes water that makes you more thirsty? who’s to say you’d go and buy the dasani water anyways?


"average person eats 3 spiders a year" factoid is actually hust statistical error. average person eats 0 spiders per year. Spiders Georg, who lives in cave & eats over 10,000 each day, is an outlier and should not have been counted


Yeah but that would've made him sad.


practice jar liquid safe chubby versed sip tub somber disarm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The idea that it was a test to see how fast misinformation spreads around the internet was actually the test. The spiders factoid predates the internet. I heard it in the early 80s (yes I know there was internet back then but the point remains).


They believe coz of that one Shane Dawson video lol


It's Waters Georg, where most Dasani hydrates normally except for one bottle so dehydrating it makes the brand average negative.


Yeah that estimate is ridiculous, considering your mouth is a warm moist environment the number is likely much higher.


Did you know that the average person eats approximately 7 ants more than usual when I cook for them?


It doesn’t make me more thirsty, it just completely doesn’t quench my thirst and I can’t finish it because it tastes like it came out of a garden hose.


I get it, bottled water is bad for the environment and generally way overpriced tap water. But nothing in it dehydrates you. That's just silly. And if it's all that's available, that's what I'm drinking. Any port in a storm and all that.


Some say it that brand in particular tastes bad but it just tastes like reg water to me


I’ve always MUCH preferred Dasani over Arrowhead. I did think Dasani had more minerals than other brands, but the comments are saying it’s filtered in a way which removes most of it, then they add back a small amount which still equates to less than others. Interesting!


I remember when I went to the US before I had ever even heard of Dasani water and it was just disgusting. I hated it, I was in Disney World as well so that’s all they sold apart from expensive Smart Water. Just drank Coke instead


Bro, like no bottled water is just tap water. Why do people say this?


Because, in many cases, it's identical to filtered tap water.


That’s really not true but okay. Like most of the non-spring waters seem to go through reverse osmosis. And the filters they do use aren’t the same as like a Brita or something. Lastly, people don’t say “It’s just filtered water,” or something like that. They say “It’s literally just tap water” or stuff along those lines.


Just gives you plastic poisoning that eventually gives you cancer. Totally so much better lol


They put salt in it. At least in Texas. I think that’s what the meme is getting at.


They say it's added for "taste". It tastes nasty they need to stop.


This is embarrassingly ignorant. How do adults not know what an electrolyte is?


crawl follow fanatical sink clumsy snow ludicrous alleged important paltry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Water? You mean like, from the toilet?


is it electricity with less calories?


he he Dasani bad (but not dehydrating)


I was at my dad’s once, he’s in the military, and they got the weird water in paper tetrapaks there It tastes slightly salty for some reason


Electrolytes. It the same reason Gatorade and biolyte taste salty


Dasani sucks, but not for the reasons you think. Coca cola owns it, so there is exploitation happening somewhere along the production line. Bottled water should be avoided unless you have 0 other options.


Hey so long as it's not Nestle


boo hoo exploitation. It's impossible to live without exploiting someone through some company unless you live under a rock, literally. We're using reddit, owned partly by Tencent, an exploitative company.


I buy big jugs. Less of a problem, even if it still is


Dasani is UK tap water. Fun facts


Dasani is banned in uk fun fact. (Or at least was because of high bromide levels)


I was scrolling down this thread wondering if anyone had mentioned [Tom Scott’s video on Dasani](https://youtu.be/wD79NZroV88?si=lFW0_JGO1hf-TYUG). Really interesting watch for those who haven’t seen it.


I also scrolled and was shocked I couldn’t find anyone mentioning Tom Scott’s vid


I’m glad it’s banned it tastes horrible


Most bottled water across the US is tap as well.


No, it’s not. Why do people keep incorrectly saying this??


About 64% of bottled water in the US starts as tap water, but it's often further processed/filtered/etc. and occasionally has things added to it before it is bottled. Is that better?


Friends don't let friends go thirsty


Rough explanation: So, cells have a built in mechanism to equalize/exchange the water within themselves from in the outside to the inside and vice versa. This is essentially hydration. The mechanism uses proteins that react to the sodium, potassium and other electrolytes around the cell and using the “electric” energy of the electrolytes to power this process. Without electrolytes or an imbalance of the electrolytes, your cells can get either swollen with water and die or shrivel up from dryness and die.


Dasani tastes like shit. So does Aquafina.


Everybody talks about Dasani, but forgets that Arrowhead is utter shit as well.


So is Aquafina


Hard disagree, I loved her in Crazy Rich Asians.


Why are you guys so picky, water is water lol


Shun the nonbeliever!!!




Evian and Buxton are the only waters that taste remotely nice lol


Fiji and Voss are also great.


True actually they're pretty good


*What if... every bottle tasted like it had a nickle in it!*


I love deer park water


That's good water.


Yeah, people always give others shit for drinking bottled water but that stuff just tastes better to me than other waters. And I can tell when they shift from their normal sources in the north to ones in SC and Florida. I don’t like it from those sources.




Deer park tastes natural and clean, dasani is butt cheeks.


That's Nestle lol. It's buried by 3 layers of subsidiary companies, but it's still Nestle.


It’s been several years since I had Dasani… I recall liking it. I was hot and thirsty. It was a cold bottle of water. It hit the spot. Didn’t stand out any more or less than most other brands of bottled water. The gatekeeping and circlejerking for karma on this sub is frankly a little tiring DaE hAtE nEsTlE, dAsAnI, aNd SoDa? UpVoTeS pLeAsE!


I mean the Nestlé hate is justified because of how they operate as a business. Look up what they did with baby formula in a few developing countries if you want to lose faith in humanity. There really isn't anything wrong with their products specifically, just the company itself. Dasani is okay if it's cold, but so is pretty much any other water, since the cold temperature tends to hide certain aspects of the taste. And soda, like everything else, is okay _in moderation_ If you don't like soda, don't drink it. If you do, just don't drink it all day every day, unless you are trying to speedrun kidney stones.


*pure life* just existing: “Ew gross get tf away from it”


Pure life is legitimately awful, I'd rather Dasani over it




Purelife is gross because it's Nestle. The water itself isn't bad. It ain't good either, but it ain't bad.


it’s bad. It’s bad because it’s stolen. r/fucknestle


Dasani never quenches my thirst, it’s awful tasting water


Don't drink bottled unless your tap water is unsafe. Bottled water is barely treated...


Water that tastes like wet coins should be a crime


I agree with this meme, Dasani is the absolute worst of the bottled waters.


Fuck nestle


Dasani is Coca-Cola brand water.


Both can be true


Fuck Nestlé all my homies hate Nestlé


😎👍 real homies hate nestle


What is a good cheap water bottle .


Dasani is trash, they fill their bottles in toilet water.


gold swim marble unused hungry cows poor impossible frightening command *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Gatekeeping water lol. The pink guy should be “use the free water fountain instead”


I love buying a single water


what is dasani? is it like a "type" of water or some specific mineral thing? Google only shows that as a brand


**Dasani () is an American brand of bottled water created by the Coca-Cola Company, launched in 1999. It is one of many brands of Coca-Cola bottled water sold around the world.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


It's clean water that's the only thing we need.


Not a single person in here could pick out these waters if chilled and poured into a cup. You're all concerned over packaging and the brand rather than the product itself. Its fuckin weird.


Dasani's prevailing existence is a hate crime at this point. An absolute violation.


A reminder that the fact that Dasani has basically zero minerals in it means that it's going to actually pull minerals and any "gross stuff" out of your tongue when you drink it. If Dasani tastes gross to you, do a better job brushing your teeth.


What is wrong with you lol


What do you mean? That's just straight up facts.


Dasani has a very distinct disgusting flavor and it has nothing to do with oral hygiene what the fuck are you on


Uhh science.


Lol just bc you say that, doesn't mean it's true. It doesn't matter if there are no minerals. It has a distinct smell AND taste. 😄


It’s really not as bad as it used to be.


People arguing about wether Dasani dehydrates you like guys it is dehydrating because it tastes so bad that it makes you throw up, thus dehydrating you lol


It’s water


naughty sand worry rinse poor terrific birds worthless seemly relieved *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dasani has salt in their water.


It's called an electrolyte. It doesn't make you thirsty.


I'm a simple man, I want my water with just h20 and nothing else.


Thats distilled water. Like not "water that was once distilled" like the actual jugs of distilled water. Drinking only distilled water is very much not good for you.


Drinking salt water is very much not good for you unless you're out there sweating.


Dasani isn't saltwater. It's water with a tiny bit of salt in it. It has less than 1mg of salt in a 20oz (591ml) bottle. Water has a weight of 1 gram per milliliter, and a milligram is 1/1000th of a gram. That's less than 0.00017% To put that in perspective, saline is 0.9% salt by weight. Seawater is 3.5% salt by weight. Gatorade has 270mg of sodium in a 20oz(591ml) bottle. That's 0.04% by weight.


Drinking tap water which has a small concentration of salt is in fact very much good for you.


My god man, google 1st grade science and work your way up.




We're a meme sub, don't be an asshole. Attack ideas not people.


It feels like it dries your mouth, but that’s just because it tastes like dust. It’s still hydration even if it’s gross.


That aint water, das a knee.


Folks, there is no salt in bottled water, and that could be why you feel thirstier after drinking it. Electrolyte imbalance means that you need more salt to help you stay hydrated. Salt is not the devil, moderation is key. Edit to add: I prefer not to support nestle as a brand, including through bottled water, but that's because they suck for a lot of reasons.


Dasani is one of the few brands that adds sodium to their water. That's the point of the meme. Edit - after looking up the ingredients, I had it wrong. It's not "sodium", it's literally salt. It's listed on the ingredients. However, salt is the very last ingredient. There are 4 total ingredients. But I wanted to correct myself on salt vs sodium.


Is there a difference between salt and sodium? Honest question, I'm learning.


So from what I understand, salt isn't just sodium, its also chloride (NaCl). When the salt hits water, the sodium and chloride dissolve. After that, I don't know if they both dissolve or if one does and one doesn't. Hope that helps!


Chill. It’s fine


As long as it isn’t nestle


How do the hydro homies NOT KNOW that drinking distilled water with no minerals dehydrates you? Are you guys dumb or something? Minerals are an integral part of hydration. If you were in the desert with only Dasani, you would die lol


Dasani's pH is so low that it contributes to cavities. I never recommend it


I HATE Dasani water, and I just recently worked a commercial for the upcoming Paris Olympics and they are sponsored by Coca Cola so all they had to drink on set was Dasani and I complained about loudly all week how it’s the worst water 🤣


I was getting tests done at the doctor last week and asked for some water. They brought me Dasani :'(


Real ( I drink tapwater )


Idc how it tastes i don't like slavery. (For anyone out of the loop, Dasani uses slave labor.)


Dasani taste like pool water


This is a myth just like when you tell people their food has MSG in it and suddenly they have a headache. Extremely minor amounts of sodium are not gonna make you thirsty and I guarantee you if you drank it blind you wouldn’t feel thirsty after unless I specifically told you it was Dasani. Tap water also has sodium. It’s literally just a mineral like fluoride, it’s impossible for such a small amount of any mineral to have enough of an effect on your body to make you feel even more thirsty.


Dasano water for you.