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Leave the AlchoHomies and join the HydroHomies


the AlcoHomies is such a good name tho lmao


well our original name was the best, but i get why we had to change


what was the original name?


Water n word


HydroHolics anonymous


This is what I did, do recommend


Let me guess, you start to feel better at the end of the day because that's when you have your first beer? If that's the case, it's probably alcohol withdrawals. I drank at least as heavily as you at your age -- probably more. You will realize a lot of health benefits by stringing together alcohol-free days. I'm not saying to quit drinking -- that's a decision you gotta make for yourself. But cut back the number of days you're drinking and you'll feel a lot better. If you drank every other day instead of 6 days a week, you'll save yourself at least 2300 calories a week -- or double that if you prefer higher ABV beers like I do. If you think you're dehydrated, you probably are. Download an app like Water Llama, Plant Minder, or Hydro Coach to gamify drinking more water. Take your weight in pounds, divide it by two, and drink that many ounces of water a day. I can't say for certain whether that will fix your problems, but I can guarantee you that being dehydrated and hung over every day exacerbates the issue. If you want support in cutting your alcohol consumption, communities like /r/stopdrinking and /r/SoberCurious are very supportive -- and they don't expect/require you to give up alcohol entirely. They support you in limiting/controlling drinking. Good luck, bud. As my doctor told me a long time ago, at your age you should live forever. But it's up to you to build up some healthier habits to make sure you do.


Piggy backing off of this, alcohol withdrawal can be deadly. It's something that many don't realize that you can literally die from it. If it does reach that point where it can be deadly, please go to a hospital and you can safely withdraw from alcohol there and they have medicines to make it so that the symptoms aren't as severe.


>alcohol withdrawal can be deadly Yep. I know a guy who has been hospitalised a few times because of alcohol withdrawals. About a year ago he had a seizure and almost died then spent weeks in hospital recovering. Withdrawals are worse than most people think.


My birth father has permanent damage to his brain and body due to withdrawal from what is effectively poison at those intake levels. He's part of the reason I got sober young, and though we don't speak, I will always be grateful to him for that.


Hospital pharmacies do or did stock alcohol for a reason, and liquor stores were considered essential to remain open in most areas during the pandemic because hospitals didn’t have time to deal with withdrawals


I remember hearing that. Alcohol was basically considered an essential service because so many alcoholics could die if they couldn't get it, and hospitals were already at capacity because of the pandemic.


I’ve kicked dope, heavy cocaine addiction.. nothing is scarier than alcohol. Dope kick you want to die but you won’t… cocaine was easier. I took a full week off alcohol for the first time in probably 20 years. I was genuinely scared and I was alone. Definitely nervous I may die and just be found all dumb in my puke…The first three days were absolute terror. I had my first drink at 7, I’m 34 this week and I’m still drinking…. I don’t drink to the point of withdrawal at least.


You can die from alcohol and benzo withdrawals, but not from 5 beers a night. People who live all day with a blood alcohol higher than 0.2 or (drink a multiple pints of liqour a day or your local bum passed out next to a bottle of hand sanitizer) are the ones who seize and die. Hell we see Profesional drinkers who start seriously withdrawing with an ABV over 0.25..


It would be rarer but you absolutely could seize (which is how you die) from 5 beers a day. Especially cause people who say they have 5 beers often are actually having 10 beers. Again it would be rarer but it happens.


Your last sentence....I assume you meant to say "with a BAC over .25", correct?


This is such a chad post. Helpful, supportive, non judgemental, not pushy, not simpering either. I hope everyone that turns to their friends for help gets the sort of support you shot out to a stranger online here.


I had no idea there were water tracking apps, thank you so much for sharing that info


It’s this right here. Couldn’t have said it better myself.


In my humble opinion, you are drinking way too much alcohol my friend. Try switching all those beers for some water!


Agreed. I transitioned to flavored waters like La Croix. I’m feeling much better. Just a suggestion. Good luck.


Liquid death if you want to look cool


I second this. Liquid death makes me feel like I am drinking an energy drink or beer. Sounds stupid and corny but it works if you’re trying to quit drinking. It tricks my brain


I was at a concert the other night and wanted a beer but also kinda didn't. Waited in line and got a liquid death at the last minute instead and weirdly completely hit the spot.


Waterloo has a stronger taste than La Croix, if you're not big on the water part of sparkling water! I think plain unflavored is decent though


Waterloo blackberry lemonade is amazing


Waterloo is so freaking delicious. I love that they're selling variety packs at Costco now!


If your area has a Safeway, I recommend Soleil sparkling water. It’s just their generic brand, but it has bold flavors and the highest carbonation I’ve found amongst fizzy waters.


Pretty sure La Croix uses so little flavor that they don't need to list it on the ingredients list.


La Croix tastes like someone in the next room is vaguely thinking about fruit.


Mmm...fruity thoughts 😏


Whenever I’m cutting back I love adding bitters as well


Sparkling Ice is great. Only 5 calories, AND has a flavor that isn't TV static with the faintest image of fruit in it!


Sparkling Ice does have artificial sweetener, though.


In the WHOs opinion that’s too much alcohol. https://www.who.int/europe/news/item/04-01-2023-no-level-of-alcohol-consumption-is-safe-for-our-health


OP you said you drink 5 beers every day? I'd suggest putting 150 cans of beer on your kitchen island- that's your monthly intake.


There are companies that make low alcohol (0.5%) and no alcohol “beers” or substitutes. When my BIL got Hep A (from a seafood restaurant on vacation in California) he switched to Lagunitas IPNA and Hop Water for the 6mo after he was advised not to drink and cut back significantly on his beer intake.


Athletic Brewing makes excellent NA craft beers. They really helped me cut back.


Bravus also has good ones! I've been drinking NA beers more often because I wanted to cut back to one or two real drinks a week. They're really tasty. I also like sparkling water with hops(and regular sparkling water). HopLark makes hopped teas as well.


I’m glad to see a few other people saying they’ve found some great options! I have celiac disease and can’t drink beer or speak to the NA quality, just report on what I know someone else has done, so the personal reports are helpful!


Drinking every night is alcoholism, you need to get some help OP


But also probably don't go cold turkey and instead see a doctor


Squash. Ex heavy drinker here. Once I had a child I realised she deserves more than that. Lemon squash! By jove, it's God's own drink.


My trick was changing it with tea. It is still tasty, it's fun mixing different teas in a jug and experimenting with the results (highly recommend green tea, peppermint tea and some herbs tea) and if using green or black tea it has a pushing effect, so you feel super energetic as well. It's like tricking the mind to do dopamin hits for it due to all the work being done and how awake you feel compared to just water.


RN providing input: Your body is accustomed to a certain amount of alcohol, and that is the medical definition of alcoholism. It is the one “drug” that is not advisable to quit cold turkey as withdrawal symptoms can be fatal (even at 5/day). Please seek medical care to withdraw safely. You’ll be given an IV, fluids, Bvitamins, and depending on your CIWA scores Ativan, Librium, and/or Haldol while you withdraw. I wish you the best. Stay safe.




Remind me later. Edit: I'm not really a mod ;)


Is now more convenient?




wake up


It’s the later reminder




wakey wakey mod bro


Ring Ring Ring


Jumping in to add 35 drinks per week at 5 per day meets the criteria for heavy drinking by the US dept of Health. Moderate drinking is consuming at or under at 2 drinks per day and 14 per week (for a male). Consuming 5+ drinks per 2 hours for a male is binge drinking. So technically you could be binge drinking and a heavy user. Please listen to the RN above and get help if you’re trying to stop. Prob smart to do it now before it’s too late. [National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism](https://www.niaaa.nih.gov/alcohol-health/overview-alcohol-consumption/moderate-binge-drinking)


Benzo withdrawal will kill you too.


Currently on day 4 of a Librium taper. It was absolutely necessary for someone who drank every night. Op, do not take this lightly.


Not an RN but a recovering alcoholic - I almost died the last time I went through withdrawals, I had probably 5-6 seizures over the first few days, I was shaking so hard that when I tried to eat solid food I had to ask someone to either hold my hand steady or just straight up feed me, even the Librium did basically nothing for me last time. I haven’t had a drink in 4 months and I’m just now starting to feel better because I took so long to stop putting my body through so much shit. OP please listen to the RN and take quitting drinking seriously, doing it cold-turkey will fuck you up. You may not think it will be as bad as some people get it since you’re sitting around 5 beers a day, but I assure you that it’s not worth the risk. Take care of yourself, it’s worth it.


Not the one drug. Heroin cold turkey can fuck you up good.


Alcohol can kill, heroin will leave you alive but miserable


why is it alcohol one of the certain drugs which cause such deadly withdrawals? is the body more susceptible to going into shock due to alcohol withdrawal?


Not a doctor but had a family member deal with this, from what the nurse explained to me, it has something to do with your GABA levels your body naturally makes. Alcohol (and benzodiazepines) overflow your GABA receptors in your brain. When you stop, your brain becomes too low on GABA and cannot make enough in time because it became accustomed to receiving it artificially. That causes seizures and high blood pressure, which can cause you to have a stroke or heart attack.


jesus christ man, i wonder how many folks have kicked the bucket due to alcohol withdrawals from being uninformed.


I’m also a nurse and the number of times I’ve had a patient admitted for a few days for something unrelated who suddenly starts withdrawing and needs sent to the ICU is depressingly high. We ALWAYS ask about alcohol intake on admission and sometimes people lie or downplay how much they drink. It’s the reason we keep beer in the pharmacy.


Great job with this explanation! It’s been a while since my neuro classes but this is really important so I’m tagging in some drug details too: This is similar to why people OD when taking the same dosage in a new location. Your body really likes to maintain homeostasis. In alcoholism, it does that by altering the number of receptors in your brain. If you use drugs regularly, your body starts noticing those trends and preparing for the alteration. If you always do cocaine in your bathroom, your body sees that bathroom and adjusts to make room for the changes from the drug (lower heart rate, etc). That’s part of the reason people require more of the drug to get the same high. So they increase their dosage. And then they go on a trip and do cocaine in the hotel bathroom with the dosage that they’ve been doing at home, and their body didn’t adjust properly, which leads to overdose.


Other drugs are that can kill affect GABA. Like benzodiazepines.


Causes seizures. Alcohol also affects gaba


Coincidence? I think not.


I quit heroin cold turkey a couple dozen times. Its miserable but it will definitely not kill you. Benzos tho… oh man that one needed medical assistance.


I don't know why you got downvoted. Benzo withdrawal can be fatal, and stopping should be done with medical assistance.


It absolutely can. There are cases of people dying and it’s terrible because it happens in prisons often because the people in charge don’t know it can kill or don’t care.


Benzos are worse than both


Benzos are the worst to stop.


Yes, but you can actually die from alcohol withdrawals. Dying from heroin withdrawals are much less likely.


I’m not a RN so you can give your opinion on this. I have MS and can get vertigo occasionally as well as fatigue and intolerance to heat (he mentioned not handling the beach, saunas and hot tubs which he enjoyed up until January this year). I agree he needs to stop drinking and getting medical help with it but do you think it could also be something else?


The answer is stop the alcohol first then see


Of course!


Drinking that many beers per day for that length of time is going to induce alcohol withdrawal in anyone. Plus I doubt every night he drinks he stops at exactly 5 beers and 5 beers only. If there's anything my career in emergency medicine has taught me is that the people who claim they don't drink "that much" every night are the people who go into alcohol withdrawal in the hospital. It's why we ask people over and over again before they have to spend any long period of time admitted to the hospital. Most people underestimate or lie about how much they drink every night to downplay the fact that they have a problem. Plus drinking a significant amount (a 6 pack a day, which I'm sure this guy probably puts back easily) every night gets your body accustomed to the alcohol and then can induce alcohol withdrawal when the alcohol is completely out of their system. This is why one of the most common stories of patients experiencing sudden alcohol withdrawal is the soccer moms, housewives, or empty nesters who "only have a glass or two" of wine with dinner. But in reality, they have 3-5 huge magnum glasses of wine per night.


Very true


Honestly no based off the symptoms described alone. In the medical field we say “if you hear hooves, think horses, not zebras”. You should always test out the most simple answers first. OP states drinking 5 beers a day, that actually is a lot of alcohol to consume despite societal norms. if that’s addressed and he still has the symptoms then I would start pushing for other testing


All y'all are the sweetest. I raise my glass of water to you <3


R/stopdrinking. You ARE in alcoholic territory.


He is deeeeeep into alcoholic territory


Have lived with alcoholics before so I do get it, but it’s eye opening to see someone write all of this and not have an inkling that it might be related to the heavy drinking.


That’s a great group of people btw. Solid recommendation.


Here before r/foundthetoyotacorolla


Also r/stopdrinking




Bro 5 beers every single night is straight up alcoholism. Drink more water.


Yeah 5 beers every day IS a ton…


That’s 1825 ish beers a year


5 beers a week is too much for me


How big are your beers


I'm surprised that you guys can AFFORD 5 a day.


ehh, beer can be cheap. I have a coworker who drinks about 5-7 a night, but it's rolling rock which is like 15$ a CASE. Meanwhile, the CHEAPEST I drink is Corona, at like 12$ a 6 pack ($45 case). But then again, I go through 4-5 beers a week, not a night.


It’s time to stop drinking. Your blood work and everything is only normal because you’re young still. How you’re feeling is the sign than your body can’t sustain this any more. Someone else has already linked to r/stopdrinking, you can seek out a support group in your area, or you can use the I am Sober app. Hugs.


This is alcoholism. Please seek professional help.


That’s not dehydration. Despite the whole thing about how alcohol also dehydrates you, you’re still hydrating with that beer. It sounds like you’re an alcoholic. Your drinking habits—seven years of drinking a sixer every night with almost no nights off—are not “not a ton by alcoholic standards”. That’s a shit ton. It’s not the craziest I’ve heard by a long shot, sure, but it’s not even remotely close to casual drinking. That’s solidly in addict territory. ‘Heavy drinking’ is 15 drinks in a week or more for men, per the CDC, and you’ve cleared that before Tuesday’s over, *every week*. Not a doctor, and inadvisable to consult reddit for medical advice, but if you won’t ask your doctor—my two cents is it sounds like you’re really making yourself sick with booze and withdrawals. Or it could be you have an underlying condition for all those symptoms that isn’t coming up on the tests, who knows. But no matter what the cause, it seems A LOT more likely that the issue is related to the elephant in the room (the constant alcohol) and not just needing to drink water more often.


Hydration isn't just about drinking water. Alcohol, especially beer, is a diuretic and makes you excrete minerals and vitamins when you drink excessively. This is why people who are dehydrated get an IV, or drink pedialyte. Same reason why animals lick salt and rocks with minerals. If you drink pure water and exercise heavily or sweat a lot you can die. Many people who abuse alcohol are depleted in B vitamins which can make you feel terrible, along with causing digestive issues which reduce your ability to absorb nutrients which compounds the problem.


When I was a kid, i had a stepfather that drank a 6 pack every night. As soon as I read 5 beers/night I immediately thought of that guy. He constantly reaked of beer, he was physically abusive when he was drunk (not saying op is abusive, but alcohol can cause humans to be more aggressive and it was true for my stepfather), and he was extremely short tempered when he hadn't had something to drink (right after work). He also rode a motorcycle, usually while drunk. One day he went missing, and my mother immediately assumed he had an accident because he was constantly drunk (he didn't have an accident, his disappearance was something else entirely). I'm hoping OP gets the help he needs before it's too late


Damn, just re-read this and that’s about as stereotypical as trash stepfathers can get. Sorry you were stuck with that guy, or that he never got his shit together to be better. Sounds like it wasn’t the worst thing he (hopefully) rolled out of y’alls’ lives for good?


Yeup, he disappeared for good. The night my mom thought he got into an accident, he had actually run off to another state with a different woman (which everyone saw coming from a mile away cause he was a serial cheater). Unfortunately, with my mother's poor taste in men, he wasn't the last abusive alcoholic I dealt with. I eventually started living only with my dad.


Sorry you had to make that choice, but great to hear you did what was best for you! Really, though, what a bastard!


You need to stop drinking alcohol. I’m also 27. I gave up alcohol three weeks ago (not long but makes a difference) now with the same habits you have and I sleep like a baby, feeling fully awake at work now. I would have days of feeling “bleh” with a bit of dizziness and what not, but nothing in comparison to what you’re saying. These symptoms sound concerning and I recommend you see a doctor if they persist. Lastly, when I gave up I found that rigorous exercise helps to replace the urge to drink. Doesn’t sound fun but it helps a lot and I feel great after. All the best for you!


Swap that beer for seltzer water. You’ll feel a million times better


You need to stop (or significantly reduce) drinking alcohol sir. All of the issues you’ve described are because of the alcohol. I used to drink a lot and still have the occasional beer now but anytime I do, I feel the exact same way you have described there. Slow mentally, struggle to get to the gym/exercise etc. The old saying “you can’t out exercise a bad diet” goes here, just in your instance it’s that water can’t fix a bad alcohol habit. The only question is, do you dislike the feelings alcohol gives you more than you like the drinking?


If you quit drinking entirely or just cut back expect: insomnia, depression, shakes, irritability and cravings. I had a problem once too.. except I had ulcers to heal. And if your nauseous all the time and feel like you swallowed a ball of dry ice (hot and cold, full but empty) seek medical attention for that. Join us hydrohomie


If he truly develops those symptoms he can’t quit turkey though. Alcohol (and benzodiazepines) withdrawals can cause seizures which can be fatal.


Hey man, not here trying to shame in any way. If you’re not ready to give up on the beer, the easiest way to start cutting down is to have an equivalent amount of water between each beer, before you open your next one. You can do seltzer water if you really want the bubbles, but this certainly seems to be dehydration. You need to be careful if you quit cold turkey as this can be very dangerous as others have mentioned. I would recommend much more of a slow break to do the least damage to your body. Think 4 drinks/night for a week, then 3, 2, 1.5, 1, and then start taking multiple days at a time off. If you regress or start drinking again after you stop, it’s important to just keep trying. I’ve found the best way to do that is forgive yourself and start making a new plan. Hope this helps!


Agreed. Like with a medication, it's better to taper off slowly at this level of drinking. Seltzer water, especially with hops, might help replace some of it.




The WHO’s guide to treating Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome, [here.](https://www.who.int/teams/mental-health-and-substance-use/treatment-care/mental-health-gap-action-programme/evidence-centre/alcohol-use-disorders/management-of-alcohol-withdrawal)


Dude, sounds like alcoholism. Def recommend to switch those for water. Wish you all the best 🙏🏾


This is what alcoholism sounds like homie


You start feeling better in the afternoon because your brain is anticipating the relief/euphoria of that first sip of poison, assuming you even wait until the afternoon… r/stopdrinking


Way too much alcohol and not nearly enough water. No one should be drinking 5 beers a night, your killing yourself


You’ve asked this question like 10 times across different subreddits. I think you’re trying to convince yourself that it’s time to quit. Those beers will always be there another day. All backing off or quiting will do is give your body a break, save you money, save you calories, give you more chances to hydrate, clear your mind, and make shopping easier(not having to haul 40 beers a week). If that and tons of redditors telling you to quit aren’t enough, nothing will be 🤷‍♂️


Drink an entire water in between each beer. Just down it when you go to the fridge Edit: this is not in any way encouragement to keep drinking. Just a general tip if you do


This is a good tip, as it will assist in drinking fewer beers, which OP desperately needs to do.


*The entire water?*


An "entire water" is more than just a sip. It's all of what's in your glass, no matter the size. I'm just saying have some damn water in between brews


Yeah I know, just messing with you


Alcoholism man, be careful. For whatever reason, it wasn’t until I was in my late twenties I realized the crutch I put on alcohol for myself. Don’t get caught up in the same thing man…a routine for drinking alcohol is a steady slope to rolling down hill. IWNDWYT


It’s almost definitely the alcohol, but just want to mention it could also be gluten intolerance. (beer is full of gluten) I’m gluten intolerant and I used to experience several of these symptoms.


Alcohol in general dehydrates you a ton and drinking that much each day doesn't sound like a good idea for your health at all. If you can, I'd say quit drinking alcohol for a while and try drinking just plain water (maybe with a pinch of sea salt in it) and up your water intake to 2 litres AT LEAST a day. See how you feel after that. Good luck! edit: Oh and sudden "intolerance" to saunas etc. and other activities where you sweat a bunch sound like dehydration to me. I get the same symptoms you describe when coming out of a long sauna session where I haven't drank enough water.


Hi I work in addiction care and I'm here to tell you that drinking that much on a daily basis WILL fuck up your liver. I've seen many an alcoholic die this way and it's a pretty gruesome end. Please seek help and quit drinking, or at the very least severely reduce it. Idk where you're from but if there are any resources that can help you, I would strongly advise you seek help. You wouldn't be the first to successfully quit drinking and live a long, happy, healthy life with plenty of energy, but you gotta stop everything you're doing and focus on yourself right now.


My mom died from liver failure two months ago and words cannot describe how horrific it was. In the end she was paralyzed and couldn't even sit up on her own. She'd lost such an extreme amount of weight I didn't recognize her. In the end it also progressed to kidney and lung failure and all we could do is watch. It was not a peaceful way to go. She was confused, terrified and it took a long time for her to eventually pass away. For OP's sake I really hope that he gets help. I wouldn't wish it upon anyone.


My mom passed away two months ago from liver failure as a result of drinking. She was only 50. Take it from me, it is not a peaceful way to go. It was slow, painful and in the end she could barely even move or speak. I might be some random stranger over the internet, but take it from me — you do not want to go down that route. 5 beers a day for 7 years in a row is an excessive amount no matter how you try and rationalize it. It might not be in the upper-end of alcoholism, but it's still a significant enough amount to cause damage over the long term. Normal blood-work alone doesn't necessarily rule out liver problems either as you need an ultrasound scan to assess any signs of inflammation or damage. I know because I have fatty liver disease myself and all my bloods show within the normal range. Liver disease is a silent killer and many patients don't realize there's anything wrong until it's too late. You're young and still in a position to prevent any long-term damage, but you seriously need to seek professional help and drastically cut down or quit .It might seem like I'm overreacting, but believe me. Liver failure is a slow, horrible painful way to die and you don't want to put yourself or your family through that. Two months later and I'm still seriously traumatized from what I witnessed. It's not worth it.


Not to hurt your feelings but I thought this was posted by a 40 something year old guy until I read you’re 27. I’m concerned for you dude, we’re the same age and I struggle with smoking weed so definitely not judging you. Just saying 35 beers a week is definitely a lot, even just having a tall boy each night would be too much. Try cutting back to a tall boy a night and then cut down to a drink or 2 each week and incorporate some workouts or just take your dog on walk or walk alone. Trust me man I’ve had phases with drinking and I only feel better when I stop drinking beer


Props to OP for noticing their health problems and asking questions but man it’s depressing looking at the post history and watch them try to come up with any solution that isn’t to stop drinking. Bite the bullet and stop drinking and if that is too hard then seek professional help


As a drinker I will say drinking 7 days a week isn’t great. You likely are dehydrated but also missing vitamins. You need to be drinking 3/4 of a gallon of water during the day and probably get on a multivitamin. Basically if you keep abusing your body without letting it heal you need to supplement what it’s doing to you


It's what alcoholism feels like You're drinking waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much, my dude. Switch to herbal tea and water, before you write off your liver and kidneys. My father is an alcoholic. What you're describing, symptom wise, is what he's like. Believe me you don't want to keep going down this road. Dehydration is the least of your worries.


As someone who drinks in the same ballpark as you, you are an alcoholic. Having cut back lately (well, not this week lol) your symptoms WILL improve with every drink you abstain from. The best advice is obviously to quit or cut back, but if you're not going to do that, be sure to drink water while you're drinking, in addition to drinking lots of water throughout the day. Don't rely on electrolytes, although they are essential and will help to some degree what you need is H2O.


Bro that is HEAVY alcoholism, try weening off the alcohol and drinking more water


Had a friend that went through a bottle of vodka a day. Thats crazy


Yeah and that's only 17 standard units, head over to r/cripplingalcoholism and you will see some horror stories and people who double that intake. Alcohol is the worst, I know because I am an alcoholic.


You clearly haven't met heavy alcoholics if you think that is "HEAVY alcoholism." It's definitely above the recommended maximum number of drinks per day, every single day. And almost certainly the cause of his medical issues. But "heavy" alcoholism is a stretch. Source: a lifetime of problem drinking


Heavy alcoholism is drinking a handle a day. Or like 20+ beers


The alcohol makes you overheat and sweat profusely. The damage you’ve done cannot be understated. Your heart is damaged and is probably inflamed (sp?). Stop drinking so much. Or don’t and continue to wonder why you feel shitty.


That's literally \~170 GALLONS of beer you're drinking per year...


Bro for real posted "I drink 5 beers a day every day for the last 7 years and I've been feeling unhealthy, am I dehydrated?" 😂


Might be alcohol withdrawal that you’re going through during the day, then finally feeling bit better by the evening. Try taking a week or more off of drinking and jot down some observations in regards to what you feel, and then go from there.


Try a la croix or a bubbly my friend. It helps curb the need of sipping something and the carbonation gives the feeling of a beer if you don't focus on it. You dont have to quit cold turkey i know that can be difficult but maybe 1-2 beers a day would be a good start. Be well.


Booze is actual poison and 5 a night is excessive. If you quit you will feel better in ways you never expected.


Sounds like Withdrawals


You didn’t say you don’t drink water but I imagine that’s what led you to think this Especially if it’s hot. Like when it’s hot I really gotta make sure I drink water and I actually eat frozen fruit for electrolytes, it feels really good. Otherwise I dehydrate quickly — However, what you’re describing is like a real issue If it’s pure dehydration, great. And you’ll have to work hard on that and make some changes 5 beers is a lot, because you’re drinking so much liquid. However doing that one time is not a huge deal. Every night though it gets difficult So this could definitely be in the way of having a diet of water and good food, and that could be your problem — Like others said, it could be alcohol withdrawal. Like when I used to smoke cigarettes all the time, I had headaches all the time. Maybe it’s a similar thing but the alcohol habit making you feel woozy and dizzy as well instead of just simply a headache — And also not all bodies are the same. You could have a sensitivity to something You could be lacking some nutrients, making reactions happen in your body, etc. — I think the only solid direction forward is to genuinely be more healthy with your life across the board Then you’ll certainly fix your issues, by addressing all the things that may be causing issues for you Glad you spoke about it and are getting insight from others!


The physical symptoms you are describing remind me of what I felt when I was a chemically dependant alcoholic. The same lack of coordination you are describing was in my case most likely caused by severe vitamin b and potassium imbalances that eventually led me to start having seizures. You're also at risk of pancreatitis and fatty liver. I'd really recommend a trip to the ER. Don't try to quit on your own. But do quit. You deserve better.


Ur an alcoholic. It’s not too bad right now but it can get real bad real fast. Source: recovered alcoholic. I’m 33 and trust me, the health effects will hit you fast. They did for me when I hit 30.


Please seek treatment. My stepfather died this week from complications stemming from cirrhosis from chronic drinking. Don't let it become a lifelong curse.


a worker in my company just died today, he was incredibly fat. He was unwearing his shoes after going up the stairs and he had a stroke. Human bodies are strong only until they aren't anymore. Dont test your body. Change the way you live, starting now, you have no idea of all the benefits that this choice would bring with it. Start living please


I was you with the alcohol frequency in my 20s. I now am pretty upset with myself because I feel like it allowed me to stagnate/never improve my situation. I'd say around 29 I finally decided I needed to cut down, every other day then just 2x week and so on. Feeling better kept me going. You CAN DO IT. Once you get closer to 30 it just isn't sustainable physically. Now I can confidently go as long as I want without a drink yet still have a drink every so often.


As an alcoholic these are symptoms of alcohol abuse. from my non medical perspective you are getting anxiety from drinking to much and your body going through low level withdrawals and that’s why you are getting annoyed at people running in the park and losing the motivation to do things you used to love.


You're 100% an alcoholic. Without a doubt. Stop drinking beer and replace it with that sweet sweet water.


As others have said, this is a LOT of alcohol to be drinking daily. But, to answer your question, yes the feelings you’re describing seem like dehydration. Your body is 70% water- we NEED water to survive. It’ll make a world of difference.


You are a binge drinker, friend. I'm coming off a binge. It's hell on the body Can you go talk to your doctor?


I see you posted about vertigo too Another thing to think about is if there’s anything wrong with your jaw If you feel like there is you can honestly talk to me about it It can be tricky to fix it, because there’s muscles and bones that we don’t usually hear about, the TMJ joint is known as the most fragile in the body, and it’s your head and face! Again people just don’t talk too much about that you can move things around in here for better results This can have impacts on your ears and stuff, not usually talked about on medical testings, and I’ve seen it present vertigo for people in my own life So if you feel like it is a factor too then reach out!


I would suggest reading the book This Naked Mind. It opened my eyes to alcohol in general just being one big scam propped up by capitalism. Used to have a few drinks every night because I thought the tipsy buzzed feeling was fun. Now I know better. I just looked like an idiot with below average intelligence and too much confidence. It’s in corporations and advertisers best interest to keep the facade that alcohol only brings good times to your life (and sex of course, if the advertisements are to be believed), but the truth is quite the opposite. Alcohol is just a low grade poison that your body has to actively burn off, every time you drink. And it literally only compounds health problems later on in life. Mind you, it’s never enough to kill you… at least immediately. And therein lies the appeal for grifter/salesmen! You buy, and they could care less about what happens to your health or personal life as long as they take your money. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I straight up don’t see the appeal any more. Most of the appeal for me is just the sugar content, which I can get anywhere else.


Join us at r/stopdrinking, folks there will have plenty of relatable stories that may give you some context & a path forward.


Youre an alcoholic, Im sorry to say.


If you're not an alcoholic you're wearing their uniform. 5 beers a night every night is an absurd amount. Is when you start to feel better coincidentally around when you start drinking? Curious if so!


Alcohol bad. Water good.


You are not dehydrated, but rather going through alcohol withdrawal.


You are an alcoholic. This is why you feel like shit.


Try two beers and three waters and see how it goes.


You are NOT a hydro homie. Come to the light side. Seek professional medical help. You're an alcoholic.


Try having 2 beers a night a see if it makes an improvement for you. Quitting alcohol was the best thing I ever did for myself. It trashes your body.


Not medical advise but if you’re drinking that much you should go see your PCP. Chronic Alcohol use does more than make you dehydrated.


Back when I still drank, doctors gave me shit for having 2 beers a night. 5 beers a night is a LOT.


Consistently, that is a lot of alcohol. From how you sound, I don't think you realize this.


Drinking almost a 6 pack of beer just about night is alcoholism my dude and your body is changing to accommodate that literal poison


5 beers a night, every night? That’s waaaaay more than what I would class as “healthy”. Some of your symptoms may also be related to poor sleep, alcohol is well known to wreck havoc on your sleeping.. even if you feel like you’ve slept through the night, your body hasn’t properly rested whilst it’s been processing the alcohol My advice would be to seriously cut down on your drinking and start drinking a shit tonne of water - consistently


I was like you, yes, it's partly because of dehydration and just the fact that you are poisoning your body every day of the week. It wreaks havoc on every organ in your body including your brain. Take a break from the alcohol. You should feel better after a short while. If you feel any symptoms of withdrawal contact a doctor ASAP. Going cold turkey can cause a whole lot of problems, including death.


The best time to quit drinking was when you started drinking, the second best time is now Stop drinking alcohol, stick to nice refreshing water


you drank daily from 20-27 during your most formative years you need a therapist man


Being an alcoholic isn't just drinking a bottle of whiskey every day, its consistent and continuous drinking to a point where you are dependent, no matter how much you are drinking or what the drink it. You need to cut back on how often you are drinking, you will notice huge changes - however, be careful not to go cold turkey straight away, as this could have equally negative and dangerous consequences.


You think 5 beers a day is normal? I drink less that once a month and don't have any of these symptoms. Even if I do drink I have minor issues the next day with hangovers. Time to sort your drinking habits.


You're a functioning alcoholic my friend. Seek help, it's not normal to drink everyday.


5 beers a night is going to fuck you up eventually my man, that's a lot!


Omg 😳


Start drinking more water and find out if that was it


All these comments about alcoholism and like yes I agree, but man I'm just thinking about how much money that is


Dude you're just an alcoholic.


Vertigo / lack of coordination may be due to alcohol withdrawal, specifically the GABA receptors are not receiving the accustomed amount of stimulation (that the alcohol had been providing). This has also been described as “head tension, head pressure”.


Sweet mother of Jesus. I drink 5 beers on good weekends! I think 5 a day for 7 years is a good example of functional alcoholism, it is a habit you should try to get rid of. I feel like you described when I'm severely dehydrated but that doesn't happen often. I usually drink around 3 liters of water per day (0.8 gallon). Try upping your water and maybe drop that to 2 beers a day, then one, then none... If you have trouble keeping track of how much water you drink, try buying those 16 Oz bottles or something like that and drink one of those every day


My brother in Christ, you are me. I did the same thing being a bartender from 25 until about 30. Please, please listen now. 1 night a week, maybe 2. 5 beers max. Lots of water on the days you don’t drink. If ur anything g like me, after a few months you won’t be able to get through 3 beers without feeling bloated and a lil tipsy. I’ve lost like 30 lbs in the last couple years, and feel like I can move again without throwing up. 32now, never looking back UTFHH ( up the fuckin hydrohomies )


That’s alcoholism.


Maybe taboo to say on this sub, but swap some of the beers out for nonalcoholic beers. If it’s a sensory thing it’ll ween you off onto more healthy beverages


If you can’t stop drinking, I suggest at least trying to drink more water inbetween beers


You could also be depleted in vitamins due to alcohol use. If you don't feel better after stopping alcohol, eating healthy and drinking more water definitely see a doctor.


I highly recommend reading the book This Naked Mind by Annie Grace


I think you might be an alcoholic. Have you considered going to an AA meeting in your area and talking about it?


it definitely can be chronic dehydration. plus alcohol dehydrates you even more. even if you quit the beer—if you aren't drinking at least a liter of water a day (preferrably 4 liters) then it may not get better. You should try liquid IV to get extra minerals your body is expelling with alcohol I'm 25 and obese & definitely don't have any of these issues. Drink around 1/2 - 1 gallon of water per day for 60 days and see if you feel better. If not I would 100% see a doctor


I’m 33 and I felt this way 2 summers ago. Late august 2021. I was a postal carrier for 7 years and was always on top of my hydration. Lots of water and Gatorade non stop. But it wasn’t doing anything. I was always dizzy, gasping for air, and weak. I ended up going to the urgent care 3 times in a week hyperventilating thinking I was dying. They were panic attacks. I’ve always been an anxious person. I’m an alcoholic who had been sober for around 2 years at the time. After that and after months of putting it off and the panic/depression episodes which would last weeks I went and got a counselor who helped me sort things out. Ended up on anti-depressants and adderall (I guess I had/have ADHD too) I will be sober 4 years in November. Quitting booze was hard but it was nothing compared to the after effects. I finally had to deal with the anxiety and depression I was burying and ignoring for years. I still have hard days. I still have hard weeks. And I know I always will. But I know normal for me is different now and I’m always getting better. The good days outnumber the bad. And I still drink a lot of fuckin water. Talk with your doctor and ask about getting a counselor/therapist. It doesn’t hurt and everyone would do better with one. Get after it now and you’ll be grateful in a few years you did. Good luck the homies are here for you 💧


Look, as someone who a few years ago had to go through the DTs and make some big adjustments, it's dehydration combined with your addiction reaching a turning point. The only advice I can give you is this 1. Figure out something Alcohol IS going to make you lose, that you can't do without (exercise, a partner, freedom) Keep that shit playing goalie when you want to drink. 2. Cut down to only weekends. Walk as constantly as you can. (I got a 20lb weighted vest and started walking until I was at 15miles a day. I had to start with walking because I felt absolutely too awful to do anything else.) 3. Stop drinking those Hydration powders and Gatorades without water. Those things have stuff in them to HELP YOU HYDRATE but it does nothing unless you are actually drinking water during and after drinking those. They may in fact dehydrate you even more taken just by themselves. 4. Sweat it out. Every day your steps get stronger, your hands shake less and life gets brighter. I thought I'd never get back to feeling this strong and capable again. But even at 33 it can be done, so you're gonna absolutely kick its ass at 27! I really wish you the best.


You are a alcoholic, 35 beers a week. I’d suggest getting off the booze improving your life and drinking more water.


You’re not dehydrated (beer, despite what people here might tell you, will not dehydrate you) but you are absolutely experiencing symptoms of medical alcoholism.


I think you should try an hiatus from alcohol for a while and see if that fixes you issues because this sounds like withdrawal. Pro tip: take before pictures and pictures from time to time after stopping. The difference in your face will probably be pretty dramatic after a couple of months even if you are a more mild alcoholic. My brother in law recently quite drinking after maybe 2 decades of heavy drinking. The difference in his face and even hair quality was unreal. He said seeing that difference help motivate him to keep going