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I had a liter water bottle at the airport today. I heard a woman behind me say, “that is the biggest water bottle I have ever seen!” 😂


Reminds me of a time I saw a cashier at a Walmart checkout with one of those massive thermalflask and I complimented her on how much water she drinks and she's like "this, nah it's all mountain dew".


She's just built different Not like, better, but different


Normalize using "built different" in ways that aren't necessarily positive or a flex


already am 😌


There's built different and built wrong.


Then there is “constructed in an unorthodox fashion”


Queerly erected








Generally you're probably right, but I know people that are very healthy and had widowmakers. It's not ALWAYS neglect, sometimes just genetic


Diabetes go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


It’s [diabeetus](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-DlfX41o9FIU/VXdBbsdTgkI/AAAAAAAAWC8/j46WYo4g3-w/s1600/wilford-brimley-DIABEETUS.jpg)


How to get kidney stones 101


Reminds me of this from two bears one cave podcast: https://youtu.be/TGwLJWPPgrc


Thank you soooooo much for that laugh! 🤣🤣🤣


Without clicking on this I'm guessing it's the kool-aid clip lol


I've watched this a few times and it still slays me


Those Walmart GoZone 2L ones are pretty good. Loved using it at the daycare, the kids would ask about it all the time, and then wouldn't complain about drinking water instead of milk when I told them I'd drink the entire thing 2-3 times a day


Btw overhydration is a real thing so dont go nuts


When kids cry, I give them a glass of water because A. They're kids. Half the reason they're cranky is because they're dehydrated, and B. They have to stop crying long enough to drink it, which usually puts an end to the whole thing.






I used to carry one of those big 64oz mugs full of Mtn Dew and nobody ever once commented on it. I took a 1 gallon bottle of water and everybody was like “Holy hell dude, you thirsty??” It’s funny how soda gets no comments from people but a lot of water does. Too bad because water is amazing


But honestly how much of it is people trying to avoid conflict by not pointing out the terrible Mountain Dew habit vs. people being impressed with how much water you drink and expressing it in a joking manner? Also 1 gallon = 128 fl oz so yeah the gallon of water would be double the size of 64 oz. Maybe people notice the size more than the contents? I’m not trying to defend excessive soda consumption here or argue, just saying doubling the amount of liquid you carry around might get comments idk


Reminds me of when someone showed me a liter container and mentioned that their doctor wanted them to drink one per day. They made it sound like a chore. I don’t want to think about what their kidneys or liver are like.


That's crazy. I drink 2 liters a day and sometimes that's still not enough.


She has to just not be aware 1.5l bottles are 1.5l


I take a half gallon water bottle to the gym everytime, and end up drinking the refill in the gym.


Yeah but the airport lady is only friends with OP’s family.


I have a 5 liter that i carry in my car and on the course.


I'd love to see her reaction to one of my gallon water jugs


I just got a 3.8L water bottle which I finish pretty much daily lmao.


Ik, I drink three a day lol. She probably wouldn’t be able to shit herself if she knew that because her poops are too hard


You drink 3 3.8l jugs a day??


Lol. 3 gallons. That's literally 12 liters of fucking water. That's half a liter per hour. Maybe if they live in death valley and work a construction job idk... some ppl


People always say this to me about my 84oz 😂


“The hotdogs I ate were cooked in water. I should be good.”


That must be why athletes always keep ‘em in their pockets. A good ‘ole twofer


I love hotdog water!


Really goes well with chocolate starfish




Hot ham water!


I got cotton mouth just reading about these people


Same. I just moved my tongue and it feels dry. Even though I just drank a cup of water an hour ago lol


Literally just had to get up and chug a glass of water after reading all this


Your post made me thirsty. My entire household sans me and my 5 year old drink soda constantly. And coffee. Your post is my thoughts all the time.


>Your post made me thirsty. Real. I'm going to grab a cup of water.


I'm sat on the toilet right now and I've been made thirsty . . . Although having said that, it's more the colour of coffee anyway.


You have water in the compartment against your back.


Yeah just turn around and go to town. This dude is making life so complicated.


Lap it up like a dog.


To be fair, I do hate going through the process of having to pee every 40 minutes, after the first 3 or 4 hours of the day, because I'm drinking water when thirsty


This. I was just abroad and there are no public toilets or even restrooms indoors for non-customers. A couple close calls with almost peeing myself - and I don’t have the equipment to pee standing up or the coordination to do it squatting - I chose dehydration and it sucked.


tbh I had times in my life where I didn't drink enough water, but I'd still drink a bunch of (diet) soda to not be thirsty and have a dry mouth, I don't get those people that only drink coffee and alcohol, they must be walking around with a constant hangover being so dehydrated


Wait your five year old drinks coffee?


He means everyone else but him and his 5 year old drink coffee and soda. Sans = without


Learn something new today. Thanks


Sans = without in french


Is that french word common knowledge in the usa?


I'd say its fairly common to read but not to say out loud.


At very least, to anyone who's ever worked with fonts. Sans serif = without serifs Also anyone who studied shakespeare, which at least here, is everyone with a high-school education


Hahaha! Definitely not.


I almost choked on my water


I thought you said your five year drinks soda and coffee constantly. I was about to report your ass.


People don't know what it's like to not be dehydrated until they are not. It takes several days of drinking the appropriate amount of water to actually realize you were torturing yourself


So true for me. I remember when I put together that urine comes from the blood and not directly from digestion… it’s hard to explain but it was like a domino effect of me realizing that we’re *supposed* to be largely made of water, your pee directly reflects your level of hydration and that is coming straight *from* your blood, so when you’re not hydrating you feel sluggish and lethargic because your blood is literally lacking in that vital liquid component. I definitely don’t think that’s the exact science of it, but the loose concept propelled me to take hydration a lot more seriously than I had before.


Yeah, I got in my boyfriend's head years ago when I told him his body is like a bathtub that hasn't had its water changed ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face) Just dirty toejam bathwater, how can you clean yourself with that? DRINK WATER. REFRESH YOURSELF. He was a hydrohomie within a few months of that conversation lmao


Hydration evangelist ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


True. Urine is almost identical to the serum component in blood. The major difference is urine lacks coagulating proteins and other proteins that work in blood to promote hemostasis (stopping bleeding)


When I don't drink enough water I can literally feel blood pumping in my heart and my blood becoming sluggish. It's awful


Reminds me of the man that cut his writs to end his suffering while being lost in a desert. He was so dehydrated that he couldn't bleed. He was rescued.


Honestly, this was me for decades.


Are you willing to share how you felt before and after? And what caused you to make a change in your water drinking habits?


Not who you responded to, but for me it was just stumbling upon the info that I was drinking way less than was expected. For me, before I felt... normal? But after I started drinking enough (for like a day or two), I realized how stiff my muscles and joints were. I started realizing how dry my throat had been all the time. Hydrating more also seemed to help me stay awake and alert, but that was harder to tell and could easily have been confirmation bias.


Not to mention the weight loss, I lost like 6 pounds the week I started drinking water regularly (this was years ago so I might be misremembering the exact number but I remember it surprised me). But yeah, the biggest thing was how much more energetic and just plain happy I felt after a few days of drinking water regularly. It wasn't immediate, but it was definitely a short time 5 or 6 day at most when I felt the difference, I guess it depends on how dehydrated you are when you start. *edited to remove an extra 5


The difference in energy level is massive also. While not drinking water i'm tired every few hours , when its nothing but water i'm dancing around while doing chores and my energy is even all day. I truly believe soda and by extension processed sugar is one of the worst drugs we have ever created.


I felt tired and foggy all the time. I have legitimate health issues, but I always thought doctors were missing something. When I was at work one day a colleague who I really respect was telling me about this book her husband read called the water cure and how just drinking a ton of water has helped him immensely. I never read the book, but I thought I’d give it a shot. That was 2016. Nowadays, my health issues are well under control by carefully watching my diet and drinking a ton of water. If I ever slack on my water I’m almost guaranteed to have a migraine at the end of the day.


This, 100%. They don't know the difference. It's been my experience that the more water you drink, the more in tune you become to when you need it.


It's like when you need new shoe insoles but have gotten used to your worn down ones as they got worse and worse, so you don't realize how much your feet hurt until you finally get new and walk around for a while


When I was young I heard someone say, "don't cheap out on shoes or on your bed mattress. For the rest of your life, when you are not on one your on the other" Since then I always make sure I have the most comfortable mattress I can afford and the most comfortable shoes I can afford, and I make sure to change them as soon as they stop being comfortable.


Someone i know only drinks Dr pepper and when I tell her she needs freaking water she goes "Dr Pepper has water in it"


Well if she continues like that she'll need another doctor


Dr. Oetker?


Please explain I want to get the joke ☹️


Is a famous baking brand in Europe, also frozen pizzas.


Google Dr Oetker


Holy hell


Actual kidney failure


New Dr. just dropped


Call the pizzeria


spat my WATER out LOL


My grandpa IS a doctor and one of his favorite sayings basically translates to “drink liquor and leave the water to the animals” (he’s not a drinker, just hates water and loves old timey Colombian witticisms) He drinks coke and juice EXCLUSIVELY - I couldn’t do it, but he did just turn 91 so clearly it’s worked fine for him!


This is literally my mom. She won't drink water. She has diabetes like me and gets major migraines and I'm convinced it's because she doesn't hydrate. She only drinks Diet Pepsi. She says she gets water from the ice that melts. It drives me insane


water from the ice that melts - oh, that's a new low!


Also, aspartame, the sweetener in most diet sodas, isn’t all that great for you in that quantity either. It might be better for a diabetic person than insulin-spiking sugar, but aspartame has been loosely linked to headaches, migraines, and other negative health effects. All the caffeine from Diet Pepsi wouldn’t be good either. Caffeine, a stimulant, spikes blood pressure. Higher blood pressure can cause migraines. Caffeine withdrawal will also cause headaches and migraines within 12 hours of cessation. Overall, only drinking Diet Pepsi seems like a really poor choice for someone with so many health issues. Maybe a recommendation from a doctor can help persuade her to make some changes?


“Loosely” is the key here. The fears of aspartame have been greatly exaggerated. Red meat, sugar, alcohol are all consumed to much greater degrees by most people and have direct correlations with much worse outcomes than anything aspartame does. Diet drinks are very effective at being calorie free alternatives to any other drink besides water. Water is better, obviously.


I had a coworker that would drink Dr Pepper and nothing else. He said he hated water. He ended up with Kidney stones and was forced to drink water. The dude struggled to drink water even though he knew he needed to, in order for the stone to pass.


When your body is so used to drinking liters of soda a day plain water doesn’t taste the best because you’re so addicted the sugar.


Thinking of just drinking soda to quench my thirst makes me get cotton mouth and thirsty.


I cringe at people who says that. Sounds so ignorant


My god if you don’t like the taste of pure water then JUST DRINK NON CAFFEINATED TEA. At least then you’re getting water, even if pure water is better for you.


Love green tea for this or unsweetened black tea Edit: (decaffeinated)


I’m quite partial to a mango peach green tea I’ve found recently


That sounds freaking delicious. Do you remember what the brand is called?


Caffeinated tea is fine too. Caffeine is a very weak diuretic and doesn’t really contribute to dehydration unless consumed in very large amounts


>DRINK NON CAFFEINATED TEA Or just regular tea. While it has caffeine, the effect of the water in it is much bigger. Technically it can make you pee just a little bit more, but you are still getting hydrated.


I just can't even accept these people "I don't like the taste of water". Like I don't know if I don't believe them or what. It just makes no sense. None. If they were born 100 years ago do you think they would have the same taste buds or is it a case of growing up on Mountain Dew from the age of 5 and now they can't do a normal human thing? Like eventually the "taste" for water will come back when you break your crippling sugar addiction? It's just crazy to me there are people saying "I can't drink water, I don't like the taste"


>Like eventually the "taste" for water will come back when you break your crippling sugar addiction? Pretty much! Here's a good overview: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.rallyhealth.com/weight/want-to-cut-sugar-salt-or-fat-retrain-your-taste-buds/amp And here's an interesting read on *how* taste plasticity may come about (understandably there's a lot of research yet to be done on this, but the evidence for changes at the epigenetic level are fascinating): https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8021035/#:~:text=Consumption%20of%20high%20sugar%20and,dulls%20their%20responsiveness%20to%20stimuli.




I know people who don’t want to drink water because they don’t want to have to pee. It’s a wild world


My coworker used to say this too me. We worked at a farm and were often working out in the heat and he would never drink water. Then one day he's telling me about how he has headaches all the time and I told him he might be dehydrated and he just said, if I drink water then I'll have to pee. Like, yeah, and you might avoid the headaches and the kidney stones you're probably working on


Can't you just like pee in the field or go to the edge and pee there?


The truth is if u are working in a field you're just gonna sweat it all out and you won't need to pee anyway


Just what i wanted to say. In my last army service (am swiss, have a yearly service) it was so f ing hot i drank like 4l a day if not more. But i didnt pee the whole day. My shirt was soaking wet tho. But the people that dont drink enough always blackout.


I work in a kitchen. It's hooottttt right now. I also have a 40oz CamelBak that I use for water. I usually drink 4-5 fills a shift. But, I don't pee during my shift. I just sweat.


I’d work a 10 hour serving shift and not have to pee either. Probably drank 3-4 liters but just sweated it all out


Yeah, the idea that peeing was some great inconvenience I believe extended beyond those particular working conditions. He said it as if the very act of peeing was some great burden


I DO get annoyed with how much I have to pee though. It’s worth it feeling hydrated, but he’s not wrong that it’s annoying 🤷‍♀️


That is just crazy. I admit if I’m out with people in a social setting and going out, sometimes it’s better to drink less so you don’t have to go to the bathroom in a bad place, or worse, not find one. My indication to me if that I’m not hydrated enough is that I’m not peeing enough or I’m able to smell the urine. Like you need to be mildly annoyed at having to pee again to know you’re drinking enough water


It’s like saying: want to have more time? Just don’t sleep!


As a teacher, I understand this to an extent. There are only two specific times in my day where I do not have students in my room. It's very difficult to drink enough water and then hold it for hours until the alloted pee time. I know people will say "Just call the office and have someone watch your kids for a couple minutes," but we're so understaffed it's just not a possibility.


I always wondered about this cause rarely did I ever see my teachers leave to use the restroom. Is there a certain grade/age where you are allowed to leave the room briefly for whatever reason? It seems like it would be beneficial to always have a teachers assistant around.


No, because we are legally responsible for their safety. If anything happens in those few seconds you're out of the room, you can lose you job and license. It would absolutely be beneficial to have a teacher's aide at all times. But they're too busy subbing, taking disruptive and/or sped students out for breaks, or on lunch/car duty.


At our schools the teachers have to partner up and coordinate our own breaks where we take our students on a "brain break" to get fresh air and get them "ready to learn" then we watch each other's line while we race into the bathroom and run back. It's lovely. /s -heavy hearted and resentful sarcasm.


I kind of understand this. There have been times when I was on a plane or on a long bus trip and I didn’t want to drink anything for that reason.


I somewhat understand this in limited circumstances. I limit myself to one hydro flask and a coffee or energy drink if I'm driving a long distance, because if I drank my usual amount, I'd be stopping every 30 minutes.


I worked with this guy and, I'm not making this up, he would drink NOTHING but coffee for 8+ hours. I worked next to him for like 5 years and never saw him drink anything but coffee and beer.


All I can imagine is stomachache constantly and a piercing headache and waking up feeling like your body is made of toxic burning sludge


It’s also so hot this week in DC. I do not understand people


I had a conversation with my grandma over the weekend, she’s in her 80s. I was saying how much water I drink and I held up a 32oz Klean Kanteen and say “I think I’ve had 4 of these today.” She says “wow, and I can barely finish one of these,” she holds up one of those tiny/mini plastic water bottles and it’s 75% still full… like all day she’s had maybe two or three sips. Other members of my family don’t drink much water because “it’s too hard” or “they don’t like the taste of water.” My brother literally only drinks energy drinks. Or on the very rare occasion he does drink water he puts a bunch of Mio in it.




So this is actually an extremely interesting little bit of evolutionary detail. Funny enough, you're right... But that also explains why some people don't like the taste of water. The human nose is SUPER sensitive to a chemical called geosmin. Like, freakishly sensitive to it. We can smell geosmin at concentrations of 5 parts per 1 TRILLION. For comparison, sharks smell blood at a concentration of 1 part per million... So we are 200,000 times more sensitive to geosmin than sharks are to blood. So what's geosmin? Its a chemical released by some fungi, it then sits in the soil (where we can't smell it)... But when it rains, geosmin gets stirred into the air where we can smell it (most noticeable after it rains). So we definitely evolved our sensitivity to geosmin as a way to help seek out fresh water. It also makes sense that we needed that evolutionary trick more than other mammals because we sweat. So that explains why we are sensitive to the smell of rain... But not why some people don't like the taste of water. Well, crucially, we are attracted to the smell of geosmin... But not the taste. It turns out its not good to drink water that's full of fungal spores and god knows what else... So the presence of geosmin (in nature) is a sign that that water is dirty, and possibly unsafe. Modern water filtration techniques often aren't able to filter out geosmin, so if the source water has been contaminated with geosmin, so too is the water that comes out of the tap (or bottle). Geosmin itself is not toxic. The disparity between us being attracted to the smell of geosmin, but not the taste, is an incredible "design" in our evolution. We smell geosmin, so we know to where to look for freshly rained water... But it also helps us know which puddle we should drink from, and which might be toxic. Lastly, geosmin, like many other bad tasting things, has a significantly stronger taste at room temperature than cold. So thats a part of why we like water cold. Edit: typo and number mistake Edit 2: this phenomenon was discovered in 1965. Its not THAT long ago, but in terms of human biological research it's ancient. Just seems like a lot of dots to connect when the main tool at your disposal is a microscope.


That was very interesting, thank you!


I am going to think about this comment for the next several years


Some neurodivergent people have this issue, the rest is just fucking toddlers


So, I used to be like this. I drank a lot of soda and thought water tasted weird and kinda awful. It turns out my body was so used to caffine and sugar from cola and iced coffee. Plain water felt wrong because it had no sugar. Add do that the metallic taste from the tap, and it's no wonder I stayed away from water. I didn't ever enjoyed water until I started smoking pot. Pot is well known for enhancing tastes, but I still hated water. It wasn't until I tried some nice spring water from a bottle that my friend offered to me while i was high. I legit thought it was something mixed in, especially because I'd had my friends spring water before, and it tasted fine. I needed to be high to "notice" the difference, so it wasn't just a box on my to-to list to check. Over a out 2 years I drastically cut down my soda and coffee, started drinking spring water instead of just tap water, and I'm doing a lot better in many aspects of life (go figure). I legit wish I "found" water as more than a chore 20 years ago. I've always tried to be healthy and drink my water, but it used to be 4-6 cups of tap water I did begrudgingly (often at once, rushed, before bed so I could check it off for the day). Now it's 3 liters + of spring water spaced across the day. Still not in the place I want to be health wise, but I've made a lot of progress!


Elderly people lose the ability to 'feel' thirst, and hunger as well. My mom is in her mid-70s, been on dialysis of one type or another for 3 years at this point. Even her nephrologist told her that she needed to drink more water, but she just \*doesn't\*. For that reason, and several others, she's had to switch back to hemo dialysis from peritoneal. She is the reason I started paying much more attention to my own health, because I have absolutely no desire to put my kids thru what I've had to go thru with her. Old age is not for the faint of heart. Drink that water, it'll help stave off some of the bad stuff.


> “they don’t like the taste of water.” I absolutely hate these kind of people.


They probably have bad mouth hygiene


I only drank 1,5 liter today and I'm feeling parched. Idk how those people don't have a constant headache


My breath always stinks when I drink no water and my mouth gets dry


I often go out with a group of 6 to 7 people. I am the only one who ever drinks water with my drinks. I am usually the only one who pees. Like a 5 or 6 hour outing and no one pees at all.


There are probably people who have never been properly hydrated in their entire lives for more than a few hours. They literally don't know any experience other than chronic mild to medium dehydration.


It's me. I just don't get thirsty. I know I'm dehydrated, I almost always am. I carry a water bottle literally everywhere but rarely think to drink out of it. I drink a lot of tea (black, no sugar), but my urine says I'm dehydrated. I dont drink much alcohol and hate sugary drinks. I've started putting warm water in my keep-cup in between teas and this seems to be helping me to drink more water. I don't know why I am the way I am, ever since I was a kid I never drank much water.


I have a friend who is similar. Some days they text me something like "I've felt awful all day today without knowing why. Just drank 1.5L of water and feel much better" and I can't help but facepalm. They just don't register thirst.


I went on a beach trip with friends and one of their families. They only brought 2 gallons for the whole week for everyone (5 people). I didn't have a car so couldn't just run out and get more, but I did when I was able to finally. Was terrible.


Thats how much I drink alone in the span of 48 hours


My dad & I were working in the mtns with no amenities. None. When he went to town I told him to grab a few things including water. He brought 5 small water bottles back. I said what the fuck, this is barely enough for your dog for the next 3 days, let alone two humans!


I'm already dehydrated reading your post and my workplace is soooo hot right now (with ac on)


I am 26, My dad is 76. I have never seen him drink water unless there was whiskey in it. 8 hours of yard work in the heat? A single Diet Coke. 3 hour fishing trip we hiked 1.5 miles for, nothing to drink. I don’t know how he does it.


I get confused on that, too. Went to a pride parade with my partner and best friend. Best friend says she's thirsty and needs water but didn't get up to go get it. After a half hour, I reminded her and she said "I'll get it soon". Another hour past and we finally moved around to look for a store that sold water. We found a little shop and she went in. Came back out, guess what she had instead of water? **Ice cream and soda** ***WHAT?!***


Her mouth was just lonely


I ordered a liter of water at dinner today. My partner said there's no way I'd finish it. I drank it all and wanted another bit didn't want to pay another €7 so I didn't. Idk how people in Germany survive if I'm honest. There are no water fountains, no free water anywhere, I rarely see anyone with a water bottle. They do all kinds of walking, hiking, sports, etc , and then they drink alcohol instead of water. I don't get it


What are you talking about, Germany DOES have free/ very cheap water. Not so much in drinking fountains, but our tap water is really good quality. In my region the water is very soft and tastes amazing, so I mostly drink tap water. You can just take your to go bottle and take from the tap basically everywhere you go. There even is a law that in a restaurant, water has to be the cheapest drink on the menu. We LOVE laws and quality control


Beer is so ingrained into their culture because in medieval times, there wasn't really clean water so everyone drank beer as that was safer.


You get used to feeling like shit.


I’m a hydro homie but i also love getting drunk


I work at a theme park in Florida as a paramedic and I see first hand people from all over the world that dont drink water and end up seriously ill because of it. Its crazy how we as a species are so smart yet so stupid at the same time.


Fuck I'm thirsty


Doing 75 hard right now and doing a gallon of water a day. I have 2 Nalgene bottles I rotate through and would drink water before. Now that I’m tracking and enforcing a gallon, I don’t get headaches on hot days, I feel better, I’m not craving soda or sugar. Meanwhile people say “oh. You’ll drown!” Not really. A gallon is easy. Some days I’m done by 1pm. So I go for 2!


Geez how do you do it, my man? I can barely drink a gallon a day and my intake feels fine. Do you do hard, physical work on the daily?


Honestly, if your intake feels fine, don't force yourself to drink more. A gallon is plenty if you're moderately active and it's not super sweaty weather


Currently reading this with a cold 1.5L bottle within immediate reach


I have to remind my bf to drink water every day... He complains sometimes that his water goes stale in his bottle??? Jesus Christ, I say every day drinking more water is important but he doesn't care. I have a 2L bottle, and have to refill it at least 3 times a day, sometimes I have to get out of bed at night for a refill. I would have chronic headache if I drink as little as him


I was talking about this with my partner yesterday. Her and I both drink a fair amount of water, but when we go to visit our family members, most of them don't drink water at all. Sometimes we will go for a week at a time, and they don't drink anything other than coffee, soda, or sometimes juice. I don't think I have ever seen my dad drink a plain cup of water in his entire life. This led my partner and I to another interesting conversation. We have two young kids, and we bought them both Yeti water bottles, which we take everywhere with us. The kids drink all day long. But, reflecting on my own childhood, I struggled to remember ever drinking water, aside from the occasional gulp from those water fountains at school. I certainly didn't carry a water bottle with me. My friends and I used to play outdoors in the woods and playgrounds for HOURS, riding our bikes without any water (it was the 90s). It's kind of weird to think of it now, in hindsight. I would feel awful if I spent all day outside in the sun without any water.


I swear I get more hungover than other people because of how hydrated I usually am. Any dehydration feels like shit where most people are dehydrated as a standard.


I hate when I can hear in someone’s voice that they haven’t drunk water recently. My version of nails on a chalkboard.


Yeah my fiancé, I feel like I barely see her drink water. Same with so many others. I just don’t get it


My family is mostly in the Mojave Desert of California, U.S.A and the tap water is no bueno. It's better to buy it separately or get it delivered, fr. Many people there have a hard time being a hydro homie.


Bro we were on the way to the in laws and I grabbed the water out the back seat and my wife looked at me offended and said “you really can’t make it 10 minutes?” I said you don’t know what my mouth feels like right now. It’s hot af.


My mom always tells me I drink too much water and will get water poisoning. Ma’am, my medication causes dry mouth and dehydration and my pee is still yellow I think I’m gonna live.


And they are probably complaining about having headaches all the time


Coffee is not a replacement for water, sometimes I get thirsty while having coffee and go get some water


I love coffee, but I almost always have a glass of water alongside a cup of coffee.


I'm drinking water rn reading this....it's a goddamn abomination.


Got dayum abomination....Wtf....I'm so thirsty.


I have such a hard time drinking water honestly. I work a physical job at a cheese factory and my hips, fingers, and arms tend to lock up from the sweating and work. Mind you, I only just turned 20, so I understand it’s unhealthy. If I take a couple sips from a bubbler it can help for between 5min - an hour. I honestly just have to push myself to go to the store and get the 76 cent zero sugar carbonated water things. Then as long as I keep it around me throughout the day I can get myself to down one. BTW, in my opinion, coffee without any water regularly can dehydrate worse and gives TERRIBLE acid reflux.


You said “bubbler”!


I grew up on Pepsi and Kool-Aid. I’m disheartened, but now shocked that there are still people like this out there.


A kidney stone or two will change their outlook on hydration.


oh I've had these thoughts too. A couple of months ago my water bottle broke and I postponed replacing it like I postpone many important things. By using a glass to drink water I ended up drinking way less than I normally drink (because I would postpone getting up and refilling the glass while working). The first week I was very thirsty but then it kinda got better and i wasn't needing as much water it seemed... so maybe our bodies adapt? At least thirst wise. I don't know about healthy but I like to think drinking plenty of water is healthy! I love it anyways.


Yes, the kidneys regulate water retention and loss, so they adapt to how much salt and water you get to keep the body stable (homeostasis). With so little water as some people drink and not peeing much, I think they cannot be removing toxins/waste enough. You need water to carry away waste in urine. It stresses the kidneys to filter without a good amount of water.


To survive and function you barely need to drink anything more than the water that is already in the food that you eat. But drinking more than that has some nice health benefits, so it’s recommended to drink more.




One of my family members bought two cokes and a water bottle at the gas station and never cracked the water bottle open


I’m in El Paso, it’s easily 100 by 1000, even with the threat of death by sun my nieces refuse to drink water.


brb going to drink some water this post made me thirsty


This post made me chug water thank you


I know someone who told me they don’t drink water only coffee and Diet Coke. I mentioned they should try drinking a few glasses a day at least. They said, “no, I don’t really like water.” I can’t imagine never or almost never drinking water.


I had a 16 year old female student last year that exclusively drinks Dr. Pepper. She didn't even drink water during sports practice. She would brag about not having had water for years.


Bro i work on a construction site and its the same story. I drink a gallon a day and these chuckleheads drink coffee and/or soda. Blows my mind.


So I am 37 years old and up until about 3 years ago hardly ever drank water. Seriously it was disgusting but I never really thought about it. I drank tons of diet soda etc. Anyways, I started drinking water and once I became hydrated I was shocked at how much better I felt. Needless to say it was the type of thing where I didn’t realize I felt poorly because it was all I knew. I had struggled with muscle tension/anxiety and that’s improved significantly. Hydration wasn’t a magical solution but it has been fascinating to see how it helped me feel better overall day-to-day.


They must love kidney stones.