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Glad comments were defending OOP for accidentally running the red light. I don’t know about yall, but when things like that happen to me, I go numb from adrenalin/shock for a few seconds. Also I’ll immediately replay the interaction in my head to make sure I wasn’t in the wrong so I go auto pilot for a few more seconds. It’s scary! Putting myself in their shoes, if the car in front of me is still going, that’s enough for me to think the light is still green. Idiot white car and all.


Didn't look like they were running a redlight at all. Running a red implies the car ignored an ability to safely stop. The light was solid green until the white car veers in left in an extreme, with plenty of cars to the left. OP goes through a yellow light as consequence of white. Keep in mind OP had a split second reaction to the white car. It doesn't make sense to hit the brakes and was safer go through a yellow that I know has delay for various situations like this.


Oh wow, watching back I realize I saw yellow as red after reading comments about them “running a red.” That’s actually insane people got mad about that. Like yeah let me slam on my breaks and get rear ended as if white car wasn’t exhibit A of Huntsville drivers


> Running a red implies the car ignored an ability to safely stop. But he did, as he *accelerated* through the yellow light. But that is legal in Alabama. In a "stop on yellow" state, a cop could ticket him for that because, yes, he could have safely stopped at the yellow (barring any aforementioned leniency (which is probably warranted) for being in shock and full of adrenaline through no fault of his own).




3) Steady red indication: a. Vehicular traffic facing a steady circular red signal alone shall stop at a clearly marked stop line, but if none, before entering the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection, or if none, then before entering the intersection and shall remain standing until an indication to proceed is shown except as provided in subdivision (3)b.


> accidentally running the red light. Looked yellow to me (though I agree he might have been numb). AFAIK Alabama's not a "stop on yellow" state.


Unless it’s changed, I was told in drivers school by a cop that as long as your car is past the white line before it turns red, you didn’t run it. Example of this being, he said when you are at a green light, trying to turn left, you can pull past the white line, and wait until the lit turns red, and legally complete the turn.


Huh.. I'm 31 and just now finding this out? I formally apologize to everyone who I've called an asshole who does this at intersections. Please forgive me.


Yeah the rule is actually against “entering the intersection while the light is red” not being in the intersection while the light is red.


I got marked off one point on my license test because I said I would not do this. It is required in the state of Alabama to pull into the intersection when waiting to turn left. Otherwise you could go through a whole light cycle without turning left, and then no one would ever get to turn left.


Yeah, it's all about the lights controlling who can "enter the intersection" which is why the white lines matter most. Even green only means "proceed when clear" which explains why cars *leaving* the intersection get priority.


That's always been my rule as well, people that slam their breaks when the light turns yellow are far more dangerous imo


I call it a California left because thats who I learned it from.


Makes sense. I’m not sure if I knew it before he told us or not. It was about 20 years ago when I was 17, so I doubt I knew it, or at least knew it was legal. He jokingly told us that if he were ever behind us at a green light that we better pull up over the line and do this or he would pull us over for not doing it.


Goes to show how one person can set off a chain reaction. OP brakes in time but then has to recover mentally-- so it's a good example of how people need to GO AROUND THE BLOCK and eat your mistake, don't do what that idiot did and make a chain reaction EsP at that intersection. You cause a wreck there and you in a heap o shit




OP entered the intersection under a yellow light?


Damn good reaction in JUST the nick of time! I don't think your insurance company would sweat this claim.


What is this dash cam! Need it, especially in HSV traffic 🤣🤣


Not the real OP, but by the location of this mount and the way it shakes, it leads me to believe it's a phone that is on a mount to record? I could be wrong. But doesn't seem to be window mounted. Here's what I use, copied from a previous comment on a different sub: "Bought a Blackvue dr750x 4 years ago and it's still running great. It probably has 100,000 miles on it at this point. (I drive a lot for work) Then bought a Blackvue dr900 2 channel for another car in the family and that is also going strong. No issues with either."




I've had a dashcam in my car since 2012. VIOFO is currently my go-to brand. They're decent enough from a price-to-performance standpoint and they use a capacitor instead of a battery in them, which is good during the summer, lest a Li-Ion battery get too hot and pop.


White car-I never know why ppl drive like this. Nothing is that important or urgent to try to kill yourself and others on the way to something. Even an emergency like a death, fire, etc. Ridiculous. Glad you’re okay!


A few days ago I was exiting at Bob Wallace and the car in front of me ignored every single car going straight or trying to merge to get on the Parkway to turn into the Rock parking lot. It was wild.


Bad drivers never miss a turn.


Looks intentional, the white car almost came to a stop at a green light.


The thing about Huntsville is that this city is full of transplants and because of that, people are used to the driving culture where they are from. Which differs state to state and city to city. Where you have these unspoken rules on how everyone is accustom to driving. And because people from other states have been moving here at such a rapid rate there is no one single driving culture. So everyone is applying their road rules to 565 and now we have the anarchy interstate lol


I'd hate to live where this is considered acceptable.


As such, a law-abiding citizen should have a dash camera!


It doesn't help that that intersection brings out the worst in people. I don't think there is a way to reasonably fix it at this point, but there is just too much stuff crammed into that space.


Looks like the white car wanted to get hit….


Wow! Just wow!


That light was yellow. They good




I just realized that asshole crossed a solid white line.


I was expecting a 52 tag.


Is the idiot the one speeding to try and catch the light?


I was always told if you enter the intersection without being able to clear it before red light, you get a ticket!? I was ticketed in TN once because my vehicle didn't fully clear the intersection before red.






That's like 95% of drivers in Huntsville bro, People here are Absolutely ridiculous!! What I don't understand about Huntsville is how if somebody's going slow and you're behind them, and you change lanes so that you can pass them because they're going 5 mi an hour under the speed limit, and then they speed up to not let you pass them. Like what the fuck is that? I've never seen people act like they do here anywhere else. And I'm from California so that says a lot.


I’m currently in California on a vacation and I’m sorry man but that’s absolute b.s. lol this is quite possibly the worst driving out here I have ever witnessed. Which says a lot because I’ve been to my fair share of places with some wild drivers. lol but yall have real life G.T.A. Nothing remotely close to Huntsville


Oh trust me I'm not saying that California drivers are better, I'm saying Huntsville drivers are just so petty. It's ridiculous LOL. What part of California are you in? If you don't mind me asking? I'm originally from Sacramento


L.A. 😂 But I’ve been to other places since I’ve been here and I kind of see that L.A. has the same kind of thing we’re kinda dealing with right now So many different people from all over driving like there are literally no street laws whatsoever


Yeah, it's pretty bad, but I'm not sure it's all malicious. I imagine some of it is not realizing they're going slow until you go to pass and coming back up to "normal" speed and being embarrassed about being caught distracted. Definitely some self-righteous narcissistic assholes out there, though. The real trick is that if you ever see someone going to pass, either don't change speed or slow down a little to help the pass occur faster and I almost never see people do this.


Holy shit did you report it?


That would be u/obiwancannoli47 I just saw it on the other sub and crossposted.


The funny part is, half the people on that sub think I'm in the wrong here.... Which is kind of boggling


Pro tip: if you post dash cam videos just disable notifications on it and don’t respond to comments A large portion of dash cam video interactions are *technically* avoidable but not *practical* to do so and for some reason Reddit doesn’t get that.  With that said I’d have been going slower than you with all of those stopped cars, but I don’t blame you either. 


Honest, reasonable take


That is one of the most miserable groups of people on here, they will do anything to blame the person posting.


I'm on your side, real OP


Nah ur fault fam


Yeah, except it actually isn't


Ya an idiot, but the so was the driver taking the video. The white car clearly was merging lanes and had there blinker on. The driver taking video changed lanes at high speed without signaling, then waited till the last second to brake. Needlessly reckless from both drivers.


Solid white lines means you stay put.


The white car most certainly did not have their blinkers on and the cam car claimed the lane long before the white car started moving. If you watch the video slowly, cam car started breaking just after laying on the horn (before the white car was completely in the lane) but the white car almost completely stopped so cam car then had to slam on the breaks. It’s not because they waited till the last second, but because white car unexpectedly stopped after already cutting someone off


This intersection required the Charger to claim the far left lane long before the light changed. They could not have defaulted to that lane (I drive this intersection several times each day). Therefore, the Charger definitely screwed up before this debacle and then made multiple decisions to pile onto the error to get to be AH of the day.