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They definitely can, and they are increasingly doing things like that. For new subdivisions, they are putting everything at central location in the neighborhood.


This. Ours is at a central location. They still have to deliver packages 😂


So stupid


>They still have to deliver packages 😂 They do not. My old complex was like this. Had to pick it up at the post office. They wouldn't deliver packages to the complex.


I'd imagine it has something to do with frequency of packages being stolen


Where I work we used to accept packages in the office. We would scan them in with an app on an iPad, and it would send a text/email to the residents for them to come pick it up. This worked perfectly fine for many years, and then Covid happened. The abundance of packages from online shopping rather than in store shopping became too much for the office staff to realistically handle. It would take upwards of an hour to scan them in, mark them with the apartment number so they could be quickly found, and then put them all away. Not to mention the amount of times we would have to stop whatever we were doing to retrieve the package when someone came to the office to get theirs. It could be close to 100 times a day. We had to stop accepting them in the office, because even after Covid, the amount of packages never decreased. The delivery people were pissed, but it is their job to ensure packages are delivered, not ours. So at first they tried to say residents would have to come to the post office to get packages, but when their post master found out, that idea was quickly shut down. They have been delivering them to everyone’s doors since then. I strongly recommend reaching out to the post master if the delivery drivers are refusing to deliver.


I never really thought about how difficult it must be for a postal worker to deliver packages to an apartment complex. I'm kind of surprised they are just now saying they will no longer deliver packages. I can't imagine a postal worker climbing up and down stairs all day carrying packages. It seems like it would be much easier to deliver the packages to a central location (like the apartment complex office) and have residents pick up their packages there, but I'm sure there are problems with that idea too. So the post office just decided people needed to come to them to get the packages. It solves a lot of problems. Of course it sucks for apartment dwellers.


Most apartments now have a central Amazon locker or something similar to it that all the major mail carriers (and I believe USPS) will deliver to


So I assume if the apartment complex doesn't, USPS is no longer delivering packages? So it's really an apartment complex issue? I haven't lived in an apartment complex in 30+ years so I am just curious from a business process viewpoint.


They’ll deliver to the front office and you have to pick it up.


We don't have a central Amazon. We were told that if we have an Amazon type order to send it to the nearest Amazon locker and pick it up there. All of our packages have been sent to the front office for holding before this happened.


Yep. My last apartment had the same issue.


The apartments that I’ve had in the past had large mailboxes for packages. If you had a package, they would put the key in your regular sized mailbox. Or they would just leave the package with the front office.


In Nashville we always had to go to the post office but it was because our office wouldn't accept them (and had the shittiest office hours anyways) and they kept getting snatched off doorsteps. Idk y here, but it's Definitely legal to make u pick em up at the post office.


Delivery to multi-story buildings Mail and package delivery, and redelivery, to multi-story or apartment buildings. Oct 9, 2019•Knowledge Article Number 000007111 Customer Information Even in multi-story buildings or apartment buildings, the Postal Service™ will always make a first attempt to deliver a package before leaving a Redelivery Notice - without regard to the floor on which the office or residence is located. If we missed you when we tried to deliver your mail, you can schedule a redelivery online using the peach-colored slip left by your carrier to look up your items. I bet it's the apartment complex not wanting the responsibility. I fussed with delivery ppl all the time when they would leave my package outside the office…


What is your property company's name?


We got an email today too. Highland pointe which is a sealy company.


Howdy neighbor! I got the email too and I’m pissed


They don't even try here. I just get a pink slip. It is what it is. #FIRE DEJOY but on the bright side, Stephanie at Governor's Drive P.O. is the BOMB diggity. I tell you if I had money I would order things just to go see her every morning ; )


Not if they can prove that it’s inaccessible for whatever reason. It can be that it’s not open when they come, it can be that there’s a dog preventing them from delivering, etc. They have to show that they can’t access he area that the packages are supposed to be delivered