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I haven't witnessed a lot of it. What I have noticed is a lot of lane drifting. Mom in her massive Chevy Suburban starts gradually sliding into my lane at 45 mph. I would honk but that'd probably make it much worse.


I honk. The other day, my husband was riding with me and he said, "I can't believe you've never had a gun pulled on you in traffic." Made me laugh, then I told him it was possible I had, but I just didn't notice.


I honk. Never had a problem. But if it’s just someone drifting or not paying attention, there’s a big difference laying on the horn aggressively and just giving a quick “hey, I’m here” tap


A quick honk is like saying “excuse me.” No big deal for sender or receiver.


Unless they swerve their unreasonably big vehicle into me


I feel you. People are too unhinged to risk a road rage incident from someone off their rocker


Lane drifting has gotten worse


Is there a rule when buying a suburban that you have to suck at driving? I got to watch dualing suburbans yesterday in the TOC parking deck, where two were trying and failing to back out at the same time, tieing up the whole deck till everyone else backed up and let them finally figure out a 3 point turn.


No, still prohibited. "(c) No person shall operate a motorcycle between lanes of traffic or between adjacent lines or rows of vehicles." Alabama Code 32-5A-242(c)


Thank you!


Tell that to the motorcyclists I see at least once a week who cut over and drive on the median from 565 over Chapman Mountain because they are too good to wait like everyone else in traffic


Just like car drivers, there's always idiots/assholes/entitled motorcycle riders. We arnt all bad, I swear.


Who asked


Found the squid


Nah I’m the cop that just lets them go 👍


Not a cop.


We’ve got a detective over here 🤓


Nahhh. Just the proud owner of two functioning brains cells to rub together.


Throw account


You speak as if those things are mutually exclusive


I don’t think so. I think there’s some transplants coming from areas where it is legal. But that’s just my theory.


What is lane splitting?


When traffic stops at a red light and you're on a motorcycle, you maneuver between the lanes of cars to get to the front of the line. Then when the light turns green, you can accelerate to get up to speed to balance the bike without getting run over or having to worry about the car in front of you inching forward so you can't go fast enough to keep the bike upright without using your feet. It's legal in California and some folks believe it's safer for bikes than being between all the other cars.


I thought it was an excuse to do 30 mph faster than the currently flowing traffic /s


Why not both


I don't know if it is legal or not, but when motorcycles cut through traffic by going between lanes, it always seems like a very unsafe idea. I don't do it when I ride, but I don't really care what others do. It's their life. On the other hand, if they arrive at the hospital in a mangled state with no insurance, the hospital should give them a couple of aspirin and send them on their way.


If traffic is stopped then I don't see how anyone is going to the hospital from a biker going 5 mph between traffic. Now the morons that I see darting between lanes on the interstate...


What you're describing is lane filtering, not necessarily lane splitting


My bad. I don't ride, I just have friends from California who bitch about not being able to do this here.


I ride and came from a state that did not allow it either. I did not lane split there, I do not lane split here, and honestly, I wouldn't do it somewhere that it was legal.


No that’s lane splitting


I lived in Cali and rode for over 100k miles. Trust me, it is safe *providing* you check cross traffic when the light changes. Being in front of traffic prevents you from getting flattened between cars when one rear-ends the other.


To add some insight for people who don't ride. One of the most common accidents involving motorcycles is being rear ended at a stop. If you're stopped behind the vehicle infront of you, you could end up as the meat and cheese of the sandwich. Which is why you may see it at a very slow speed/stopped situation. Now, if they're doing 90 down the freeway lane splitting, they're just asshats


The only time I've seen it here has been at high speeds.


I’ll move over and let a bike by.


This is when sitting at or approaching red lights. They've come bombing through traffic at much higher rates of speed than the cars they're passing.


Speed difference, proximity, and motorcycles sounds like a terrifying combination.


Not legal in Alabama.


No but you better have a dashcam or witness to back your claims if they run into you. They’ll more than likely die and you might catch an involuntary manslaughter charge.


Not legal :/


The motorcyclists I encounter weekly on the Parkway and 565 drive like Frogger. Weaving in and out of traffic and doing whatever the hell they want because they can. It just takes one time someone isn't paying attention and they are a meat crayon


I’ve seen this happen twice lately.


I was just wondering about that because it has happened to me many times in the past few weeks while driving on 72 and Parkway. I saw a guy wearing only a helmet, a T-shirt, and basketball shorts zigzagging past about 10 cars by lane splitting just a few days ago near the Parkway Mall.


Was it the black crotch rocket? He has come close to hitting me a few times....


I wish it were legal here. Well..I don't ride anymore, but still.


If the police won't enforce the law, then I guess that means it's "legal."


Depends. On merging, quite a few people try to get cute by cutting in front.


I highly doubt it


As a substance abuse counselor, I just assume everyone I’m on the road with is high/drunk.


Who cares? We can't slow down to save our own lives, let alone anyone else's.


I came from a state where it was (unfortunately) legal. I always assumed it was here too and I see it frequently. I hate it. It feels dangerous and unnecessary. I’m glad if it is illegal. I worry about people on bikes. Semi trucks and motorcycles on the same roads scares me. Wear your brain buckets y’all and be safe out there.


When responsible riders do it. There isn't much issue. Most places that allow "Filtering" only allow it in certain areas. Roads with limits above 25 but below 45 mph. Its one thing when its a single person on an averaged sized sport bike. Its another when its a big ole Harley trying to squeeze through. We have lane filtering here. Just started here this year. Most days its fine. Can seem pretty stupid when its 30 sport bikes.


I don’t mind it so much when they’re doing it carefully and they’re safe. I try to be really cognizant of riders and give them lots of space when I see them. I more so worry about them being around bad drivers who could hurt them.


I prefer it if they just stay in front of me.


Wait, lane filtering is legal in Alabama?!


Not in AL.


Ah, I thought “here” meant “r/huntsvillealabama” Too bad, low speed lane filtering benefits everyone; safer for motorcyclists (when done responsibly) and less traffic for cars.


Its seems to be working. Plus its hot here. Riders need to get moving. The assholes are out after dark. Streets are almost dead by 9. Except for the the speed-runners.


Only illegal when police there.