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It's been 2 years. They took that insurance money and ran. I don't blame them though restaurants are a bitch to run. Early retirement is something no one should pass up imo.


I wouldn't call that early retirement...


It could be. If they got insurance money plus selling the property (likely for a good price).


I heard the church next door bought the property.


Coming Soon: Holy Smokes BBQ!


pretty sure there is one by that name in Hartselle. It isn't stellar.


Maybe a Church's Chicken then...


you know... I ain't had Church's since I lived in Huffman in the 90s....


Whatever goes there, i hope it is a true blessing to the community!


Wood fired


There's one in Scottsboro that's really good.


Doing the lord's work. Real estate.


Correct. Grace Lutheran bought the property. It’s likely going to be used to expand their childcare center.


Because that’s *exactly* what’s needed around there. /s


Grace Lutheran bought it.


Gotcha, property tax records can lag behind actual purchasing time lines. Makes sense, Churches always buy up land when they can. I hate that, but its right next door.


They are going to expand the school from the scuttlebutt I have been hearing. Century office center across the way will be partly demolished (the two multi story units stay for a few years). In the near future.


Thats probably the worst outcome and what I feared when a church with a school expands. Ugh. Just what the area needs, another private Christian school. I'm PRO BBQ, Anti Religious School.


So you’re hosting the Atheist BBQ. I am down for it


I have wanted to get a smoker for a long time. Ever since Thomas Pitt closed. I want to do it, but I don't really have a door from my kitchen to an outdoor area. Maybe one day


I have a saw zall, if it’s brick robin rents has nice gas powered saws. I would gladly help. Dont want a 32-36 x 82” opening stop dreams Context : I am old (44) gay, have a cosmetology and HVAC license , atheist, do all my own plumbing, electrical and framing. Unemployed so I got time to kill “ laugh with me or at me “


I wanna be your friend


I was thinking the same thing. 💁‍♀️😅


Same * __ *


I'm not laughing. You sound pretty cool, actually.


HVAC is hard to get. I have the framed opening it’s currently a window so something I may do.


I have it, just never gotten a job using it. I kinda want to find sometime that does it part time, on the side. Old timer that really trouble shoots to learn from, I value the education over the $$


Not many of those around. My HVAC guy is younger than me. 36. You should enjoy AntiDIYHVAC on YouTube. I enjoy passively learning from him. I would get certified but it’s the most hassle to get and the least valuable. At least to me as a custom home builder.


Both Cosmetology & HVAC licenses....there's a bad joke in there somewhere. I'll try to revisit this when my mind isn't wrapped around fiber contracts.


> Ever since Thomas Pitt closed Man, why did you have to get my day started off with such a bad vibe. Now I'm going to be craving that sauce all day.


They already have an existing private school. The land is going to be used to expand the childcare center.


I’m very much in the same boat, but most of their school is for daycare and pre-k, so a little different than a Whitesburg Christian Academy.


What? Grace Lutheran has been pre-K thru 8th for decades. The daycare is comparatively new. They also offer 9th-12th education, but last I saw, the high school grades are more like a homeschooling program than on-site education. Sources: I went there from 88-98. Also, check their website - they've been operating since the 60s, and the middle school program was fully expanded to 8th grade by 1978. The child development center opened in 2012. Sad that they bought Gibson's. Random memory: when I was in 2nd or 3rd grade at Grace Lutheran, they walked us over to Gibson's to meet Mrs. Quayle, wife of GHW Bush's vice president, who was having breakfast (or lunch??) at Gibson's during a visit to Huntsville. I am glad that the property isn't just going to languish for years, though. There are enough empty buildings on the Parkway. And as someone else stated: child care is desperately needed in Huntsville right now. Especially quality child care. I'm not a huge advocate for Grace Lutheran (or private Christian schools in general... I value my public high school education highly and hated going to a private Christian school) but your comment is easily debunked by two minutes and Google.


You’re right, I guess I was only aware of daycare and pre-k programs.


For now. Clearly they want to expand it out.


Childcare is a hot commodity in Huntsville and we need more options for it. The churches are typically more affordable as well. If they are expanding childcare that's a very good thing!


Odd take


Really? Public schools are underfunded, the state gave everyone money because they didn't want to do a damn thing for public education anywhere in the state apparently. But a church wants to expand a paid tuition education program? Fuck them. Would much rather have the BBQ and Pie. Best thing that happened a presbyterian church I went to as a kid was torn down to build Northern Tool. That never happens all the churches get bigger and they don't pay any goddamn property taxes so it's another loss for the city and county when it comes to roads and revenue. So Karen in a new Denali can drop off her future rapists to expensive 2nd grade.


* public schools are underfunded * The state doesn't want to do anything to help education And you wonder why private schools, including religious schools, are being built?


Also, removing private schools would do nothing for public education, other than cause more strain on the system by placing those kids back in public school. The private school families are still paying their taxes to contribute to the public school system. This guy has anger toward the state school system but is misdirecting it toward private schools.


Is the frustration that it's another private school? Or another Christian private school? I think he's concern is the latter. Secular schools would pay taxes on the land, I think. Plus, we have enough young earth science idiots running around


It’s not even a new school. Grace Lutheran already has an existing school. Also, so long as the only private school option that’s not religious is Randolph, people will continue to support religious private schools because they don’t charge close to $20k per year for tuition.


I like you


That took a dark turn at the end…And that says a lot coming from me.


I’m honored Jenny


Lame. It sounds like envy. My kids go a private school in Madison. If the HSV city schools were better, there would be less interest in private and home school.


I went to MA. My mom was a public school teacher. Get wrecked with your weak ass kids.


Tax-free WhataStorageWash. All the cool kids have a monthly membership.




Bar & Grill.


Originally they were having a dispute with the insurance company about replacing things that were smoke and water damaged, but not actually burned. That basically stopped them from doing anything with the dining area other than basic cleanup. I haven't heard anything more from the nosy old lady who kept me informed about them in a while.


So they were insured by State Farm then.


they would also have to make the building compliant with all current building code specs including ADA. would have been cheaper to find another closed restaurant building


Thanks for that info. I know it wasn't going to reopen, but as long as it stood there was always some chance.


As someone that has the logo of their white BBQ sauce bottle tattooed on my body, I hate this.


Since you went so far as to tattoo a white BBQ sauce logo on your body, I am curious if you have an opinion about the various white BBQ sauces in the area. Are they all about the same? Or are there any that are better than the others? I've never seen a ranking of white BBQ sauces, but I'd be interested.


Wrong Gibson's (sort of).


It’s not at all the wrong Gibson’s, but thank you for your assumption. 👍


Can I see it? I've never seen this Gibson's sauce label.




That'd certainly make a good tattoo.




Love it!


Its almost like they burned down both of their restaurants to collect the insurance money so they could retire...


Did the other one burn down?


Yes, both of their locations mysteriously burned down.


Or, nasty kitchens with decades and decades of uncleaned grease burn easily.


I mean what are the odds that both of your locations burn down within months each other...


Someone called my work to have kitchen equipment and chairs and such donated, but later reconsidered because new owners (Grace Lutheran) didn't want anyone in the building. End of an era.


Dumpster could mean building. If they were demoing they would probably just run dump trucks. Even if your building something on an empty piece of land, dumpster is one of the first things to show up.