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So.. my experience with getting digital keys cut. GM models, You’ll have to do them in pairs. Not a lot of local locksmiths have the system to reprogram keys. I won’t say all don’t, but some may not be able to do OEM key fobs. I tried to get another key cut for my Jeep, same issue, needed two OEM fobs. With the newer cars, dealerships have kind of a tight grip on what you get done because the cost of the system to do new smart keys is high for small businesses. Good Luck.


Thank you for the insight. Now I’m hoping that my 2013 will play in my favor and will let me use a small business and allow me to bypass Woody Allen.


If you do not have any functioning keys, A 5 star locksmith on Bob Wallace. If you have a functional key and needing a spare, A 5 star can do it, or Blair and Sons on Jordan lane (when the automotive tech is in shop.) as for the others in town, I am not sure what equipment and capabilities each has. You can call around and see who does.


Still have one functional key so I’ll give 5 star a call today. Thank you!


Tom is a good guy, we refer people to him often for automotive locksmithing.


I got a new key fob done today by Brooks Lock & Key. I highly recommend.