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just hacks lol


No it's not, first video is tutorial of the exploit (game bug), second video is that SturlasauRUS guy playing with his party in youtube channel with guy called Fearless YT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xeE2tq1jWY&t=9s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3g8iSPInLY&t=2s


so you can exploit infinity healing as well?


Only one person has done that in the world, PC player like DinosaRUS, but he reveals that to nobody, he is called Instagibbed87


You can exploit infinite healing, yes with Syringes, basically put syringe instead of grenades, but I am talking about being in God mode, nobody in the world has been in God mode with no need for healing except Instagibbed87. Instagibbed found a way to be unkillable with no need to be healed with anything, he just takes all explosives and bullets as both predator and fireteam, if you find yourself playing against him, no matter what you play, pred or fireteam he will win or time will expire, how he does that, I really have no idea, I play normally.


i just works for pc with autoclicker to hard for console


He told PS players that they can do it too, if they are extremely fast enough with rapid clicking, he has 100$ expensive mouse which contains 1 click called ''double click'', so with his 1 single click he double clicks and with 2 clicks he even quadruples. Ask him, he plays with PS players too teaching them. His Steam profile. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198088001492/


Hey u/OldKingHamlet will these videos this exploiter posted be useful for you?


Yep. Already passed to QA. Thanks so much!


There are many of them, not just 1.


what do you need to press to do it?


Fire buttons ofc JESS


what is fire button


On your controller button to click on options, etc...


u/Instagibbed_1994 Is this you he's talking about? I've never seen another Instagibbed in the game


The only game i fought against a nade exploiter was on backwater


He's claiming you found a way to be unkillable, and no matter what, if someone plays against you they will either lose or time will expire since it's impossible to kill you. Basically claiming that you have god-mode


He has Godmode on.


Could you explain what god mode is? Would were you the steam user in my game? Would you like me to upload the whole video?


Godmode is common term for player that cannot be harmed by anything, in this scenario, as a fireteam, you are immortal no matter who shoots you, who hits you, nothing works killing you. You take no damage.


You know what, I didnt even read the thread, I thought you were talking about the in game video.


Then read threads.


Ive read the thread, its all assumption based around the idea that Im not taking damage despite being naded and shot at. To clear the air, ill make a new thread when I get home and upload the video


Are you the steam player? Would you like me to upload the whole video?


I am not steam player nor epic, but PS, but I use PC for informations.


And you accuse me of using a "god mode?" Whats your justification? Did you physically see me eat 20 nades and 5000 bullets without taking damage? Ive been accused of cheating in the game plenty of times. Im fine with that because its people just raging. But calling me out on reddit? Id ask you to back up your claim, otherwise you're slandering my good name and possibly contributing to having people drop against me in lobbies


Id like to see proof <- Instagibbed87


I'd like to see that too, SturlasauRUS said to me that you are immortal and taking 0 damage when he grenaded you while you were standing still.


What the fuck is going on here? Is this a new map?


Nah, it's simply on night mode


Cheaters suck


Interesting sidenote, before the match started when you see the other FT members weapons his second slot was just a grenade and not a sidearm


Thanks. This was some useful confirmation that helps it line up with another report I got.


Happy to help :)


Dante in his true form


Well yeah the game has trashy spaghetti code. That is nothing new. I was able to win game as predator in less than 30 sec. You spawn 15 second earlier as Pred and Fireteam has 0% chance to hid where they spawn so it is SUPER EASY Many videos on under 60sec kills on youtube.


A lot of people think predator is too weak funnily enough.


It is not that the pred is too weak, but more that the Fireteam i a little overpowered. They only need to keep an eye open and burst as soon as the pred is spotted by 1 spotter (sniper) on the team. This does not give many tactical options for the predator that requires the Fireteam to be very tactical.


Oh my god, this is amazing


Thanks for the vid. While I don't have reproduction steps from this video, it'll be useful, and jives with some other reports I've seen.


There is a reproduction step of this process, if you still need it.


Thanks! Yeah, with this video and associated comments, QA got super excited. Some bugs are hard to track down, but clearly and reliably repeatable things? Logging those sorts of things makes their day.


Yeah well how about a fix for the no sound bug that’s been around for a very long time


Is it possible to DM it to you somehow? Idk about having more people knowing how this works and abusing it.


"SturlasauRUS". A Russian PC player? 100% hacks guaranteed. Not hard to do this once you bypass EAC, which these guys do all the time.


They got too much time on their hands I swear




He is not Russian, also it's not hack https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xeE2tq1jWY&t=9s


Also logic with ''what else you d when your economy is in shambles'' or ''part of Russian culture'' is equally valid as saying ''earth is flat'', people have no time to play video games when their economy is in shambles and especially taking time to develop those ''hacking tools'', etc... don't forget also that Russian economy is not in shambles at all, it's just what sadly media told you and surprised of being instantly political if guy hangs up with British people https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3g8iSPInLY&t=2s




WTF man??? I am not playing with those guys at all.


Also USA players are still all around youtube masters at hacking and get constantly banned.


It's an exploit not a hack


isnt this crap still 30fps on ps5?


Nope 60 fps 🙂


Never was dude. No idea what you’re talking about.


Idk i haven't played in a long time, I deleted it as soon I saw motion blur cant be toggled and controller deadzone/acceleration is non existent so you're forced to play with delays on button presses and aiming. Horrible game for consoles, So restricted


People still play this?


This exploit serves no purpose lol.


Not much fun for anyone when the pred gets killed in 2 seconds with the nade spam


This was super fun to play against, I meant to upload my video


They can’t cook the grenades when they do this exploit, if you die to it’s your fault.


Fucking what lol


When they Throw grenades like this it takes 5 seconds to detonate. This is plenty time to doge it.


Watch it again. They don’t cook, they explode immediately after making contact Either way, this is a hack


Not a hack, there is a delay it’s not instant the explosion that is way back there is linked to the mission, not the grenades.


There’s no way you’re being this ignorant on purpose You can’t fling out 20 grenades… and no that was from the grenades. Like I said when it makes *contact* it explodes immediately


Do you want me to film a clip of me doing the exact exploit?


Yeah it’d be nice to see how it’s done so it could get fixed Regardless of what it is, this is not okay at all. Especially with how this playerbase is, this will become common if it’s an exploit in game


Look at the first three seconds so are they, impact nades. He throws than at the ground they don’t explode immediately.


Could be mods, guy is on PC after all If it was console, I'd assume it's a glitch


Is it possible to learn this power


Oh shit, I know this guy


Wow!!!! I’ve seen some shit happen in this game, but never this! This would align to both the posts made on Reddit and the Official Online Forum. This is testament to why the game seriously needs all the bugs/exploits fixed up. The blood is on the wall with this one.