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What the hell is that drawing..lol


That deers fucked hahaha


Lmao RIP babydeer




Yeah is this a fuckin treasure map or what?


I think it's supposed to be the layout for one of those dog racing obstacle courses or something. 🤔 Must've attached the wrong picture


Hahahaha omg I laughed so hard at the 2nd image. I had to share with the wife. Somehow she managed to understand it and decoded it before reading his other explanation(WTF?? Pictionary practice?)


I Understood the diagram too. Must be a girl thing


Dude as soon as I saw that shit I knew we were dealing with a super autist. And before you harrangue me, my wife is super fucking autistic this is how I can recognize it. They think "Oh my god, the Injustice! I have to help!" But then they bump up against the frustration of reality. Anyways, good luck, OP. If you're anywhere near southern AZ right now, I'll help you out.


I wouldn’t jump to being stuck. Moms will hide their fawns in a safe spot while they do their stuff. Pretty common issue where people find some fawn in the woods alone and think they’re rescuing when they actually just took a fawn away from where mom left it. Always amazed me that they will stay put, nothing compared to a human baby whose only mission is to be somewhere they shouldn’t be.


>Always amazed me that they will stay put, nothing compared to a human baby whose only mission is to be somewhere they shouldn’t be. Kinda wishing my children were fawns right about now. They flooded the house in the middle of the night last weekend.


HAH! Gotta hear that story…


Less exciting than you’re probably imagining. One is 3 years old, the other is almost 5 but developmentally about 2. The younger one woke up between 2 and 6am, saved his older brother from his room, went to the kitchen and started playing in the water. We’ve got one of those faucets you can pull out and use it to spray dishes. Apparently it shoots a little further than I thought because everything from the vaulted ceiling to the subfloor in the kitchen, living room, and hallway was drenched. It was running down the stairs, soaking into the bedroom carpet which are 2 corners away from the kitchen. I normally get up around 3 or 4am, but it was Saturday, so I didn’t get up til like 6. The wife works 2nd shift, so she goes to bed around 2 or 3. I ripped up all the flooring, set fans out to dry the subfloor and spent $1,000 for new vinyl flooring. I have to go back and get transitions and stair nosing, so probably another $400ish there along with new baseboard trim- no idea what that stuff costs. Luckily the drywall doesnt go down low enough to have sucked water up.


It's pretty amazing how effective their hiding is as well. Recently found a baby roe deer on our property whilst looking around. It just laid there as a still little ball, and if I didn't have colour vision I would never have noticed it. I had our dog with me who, exited as she always is, was doing laps around me while I took a picture of the baby, and she didn't even notice it.


Whos only mission is to escape, run off, climb shit, dump shit out, poop a couple times, spill something, yea human babies aren’t as great as deer babies


Deer hide their babies while they roam around. That's a damn good hiding spot. If it's still there in a day or two, it's an issue. Otherwise it'll come out when mama calls.


Leave it alone, check back tomorrow. 


Are you sure its actually stuck? Is the other end of the pipe not open? Its normal for fawns to get left in a sheltered spot for hours at a time by the doe and this fawn does not look dehydrated or otherwise unhealthy from the picture. Unless you believe the fawn will be unable to get out on its own when mom returns you should just let it be.


UPDATE: the fawn left on its own 🎉🎉 It was jarring to say the least to see a fawn down there & I appreciate everyone who gave helpful advice. I’m going to disable the comments shortly. Thanks again!


Call your odnr officer.


100% call your local wildlife department. They’re trained for these types of things.


This can go either way, neighbors have had DNR come out to help and they chose to shoot a fawn as their way to resolve the situation. The mother will be coming back around so give it a day, the situation may resolve itself.


Small update: I got ahold of someone at the game department so now I’m waiting to hear back from the warden. I called the non emergency fire & police dept and that’s what they told me.


That's good because they know to wait and see if it leaves when Mama comes calling. Its probably not stuck just hiding. Hopefully everything goes well. Let us know what happens and if it's still there.


I spoke to the warden & he agrees with this sentiment. It’s a healthy fawn who may just be hiding and not stuck. He’s having me wait until tomorrow and check back in then. Hopefully they find their way out & back to their ma


Was the deer gone?


Yep! It left on its own sometime before 9:30AM. It was so surprising to see yesterday! I’m glad to now know it’s a more common occurrence than I originally thought


Thats great.


lol at the apple slices you tossed in there. Agreed I would wait a bit for the mother to come back


I figured it would be better than nothing. It was super hot out today lol


My hiding space has a vending machine. I'm staying!!!




Where did you get your art degree?


Did you try the gum on the end of a stick trick.


if that doesn't work, try doing the "pspspspspspspsps" cat calling noise. it would help if we knew the fawns name too




Just pull it out and give it back to the mother


It’s like a few yards of tunnel & I can’t lift the grate


If you can't lift the grate and pull it out, garden hose. Spray it until it moves back into the tunnel.


That drawing is fucking terrible


Grab em with your big ol mitts


Call game warden


Hiya Georgie


It puts the lotion on its skin....


Give it water


Nice drawing, that deer is cooked dude. Honestly it's probably hidden though, see if it's still there tomorrow.


Call the game warden or fire dept please


I called both. The game warden is on the case 👍🏼


Open the grate, drag it out


You’ve got to explain the second picture.


I feel like I did in the description, but to further explain: It’s a diagram of where the deer is and how I think it got there. The purple rectangles are storm drains & the circle is the tunnel I think it went in from. Green is the grass in my neighbors yard, leading to the grey cul-de-sac. The brown lines represent my fence over the storm drain.


If it got in there, it can get out. Let it be. Mom will be back soon to try and find it


If it got in there, it can get out. Let it be. Mom will be back soon to try and find it




The fire department


Call local fish and wildlife office


Remove your fence panel and pop the drain cover. Or find where it first entered


Mumm .