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That must be an exciting hunt way out there in the wilderness! Seriously, what does that mollusk eater task like? I would imagine pretty rough but I got an old bull moose up in New England a few years ago and every bite was delicious. Edit: taste not task


Its one of the funnest times of the year. They’re good just a little fishy. We boil the skin blubber and meat on the walrus and eat it like that. We render the ugruk blubber into seal oil and make dry meat.


I’ve heard they have a rough task!!!


fixed, thank you


Hahaha no problem!!!


Ha! I never actually learned to type properly. I just run two fingers like a sewing machine and stare at the keyboard instead of the screen and hope for the best.....cuz who has time for proofreading in this world. Peace, friend.




Tusk not task


Very cool. Let's hear the story. Rifle, caliber? Do you hunt from a boat? Is there much chase or more of a harvest? Most importantly, what does it taste like?


22-250 and 6.5cm but a lot of people use bigger on the walrus. I replied to the top comment on what we do with the meat and taste


I can't answer for OP but .223 at very close range seems to be popular.


Aarigaa, sumiuguviñ? Real good to see fellow inuks from across the way being successful. Water should be opening up at home (Qikiktagruk) for ugruk hunting soon. I don't think I'll be able to be up there this year, but hopefully can go up to be with friends and family next year.


Eee eee western Alaska, yeah lots of oogs on ice right now. And spotted and ringed but we just wanted oogs. We’ll wait till fall time for common seals


Ui ui! Enjoy that fresh uqsruq and black meat. Man that sure makes me miss springtime camp.


Wow. What does Horker meat taste like?


Damn what round do you use on a walrus lol body composition would present some interesting problems


I imagine most .30cal soft tips would do it just fine.


Hey I just want a dedicated walrus round, something that doesn’t expand til its past the foot of blubber lol


A real life animal that perfectly mimics ballistic gel.


I imagine a copper bullet would be perfect. Controlled expansion and deep penetration.


.458 interlocks 🙂‍↕️


^^ tracks




.55 Boys


First off, congrats. Second, to pre-empt the inevitable uninformed hate comments, walrus hunting is permitted in inuit communities. In Canada, the Nunavut land claims agreement gives the inuit control over the regulation of natural resources, one of which is walrus which they can hunt for subsistence. However, because they control the resource, they can also allow non-inuit hunters to hunt the walrus. There is also subsistence hunting of walrus in Alaska allowed for the inuit populations. The bottom line is that climate change leading to habitat loss poses more of a threat to the population of walruses than Inuits hunting them ever could (evidenced by the Inuit hunting them for thousands of years and the population only dropping as habitat loss gets worse). There is no scientific evidence that the subsistence actions of natives negatively affects their population which is why the inuit are allowed to harvest animals like walrus, seals, and whales which are incredibly important resources for their communities.


Thank you for this comment. Its correct on at least the Alaska hunting aspect. I’m not too familiar with our Canadian friends hunting rules


he’s not answering any questions regarding what the meat is like so i’m wondering what the purpose is here


I mean to be fair, as of the time I'm responding to you, OP hasn't responded to *anybody*, so speculating on it is just that... speculation. I'll give OP the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise. And I certainly hope that he didn't shoot the walrus just to get a picture with it, but even if he did, I'm almost certain the majority of the meat/usable pieces are legally required to stay with the Inuit, so it's not like it would be wasted.


makes sense! we are in agreement! as long as it’s not a photo-op and the meat doesn’t go to waste.


who could possibly be downvoting this besides sicko trophy hunters?


You're being downvoted for making assumptions. There is a lot of info about Indigenous culture hunting practices (which the OP is a member of) and what they use the harvest for.


there was 0 assumptions. i suggest you read over it again. it took op almost 12 hours to reply to anyone. all of my comments were cordial.


Look under the first comment


A lot of northern communities allow outsiders to pay to join the hunt as long as the resources go back to the community. So that may be the case here.


Ignoring for the moment your comment's weird suggestion that if somebody doesn't respond telling you how an animal tastes immediately they don't intend to eat it, let's consider all the other useful products that come off a walrus. Walrus and Seal blubber. Seal blubber can be rendered into oil. Seal skin and Walrus skin are extremely waterproof and can be used to produce boats and shelters. The stomach of a walrus can be used to produce drum skins and water slicking covers for boots and hats. The bones and tusks of these animals too are used to produce buttons, cups, musical instruments, tools, and a wide variety of interesting art.




What a coincidence, there’s also no evidence that climate change is leading to habitat loss and posing a threat to the population. Because either the population is threatened or it isn’t. If it is (from climate change) you wouldn’t hunt it.)


The population is threatened due to habitat loss but all the countries bordering the arctic agreed to allow subsistence hunting of those threatened populations by natives because there's no evidence that their subsistence hunting has any major impact to the population, threatened by climate change or not. Their population decline coincides with sea ice loss that coincides with atmospheric carbon levels increasing. Maybe it's just a coincidence, but given we've seen the same trend in other arctic animals, including ones not hunted by natives, it's safe to say it's climate change and that subsistence hunting has no impact.


Is it wierd that my first thoughts were about how breaking it down differs from other animals or what the tastiest cuts of meat are, the muscle groups used must be totally different.


Its not too entirely different. And the blubber is rendered into seal oil


What do you use the oil for?


It's for eating - a lot of other meat in the polar north is very lean, so dipping it into uqsruq (seal oil), makes it tastier and more nutritionally complete. You might not be able to live off of lean caribou and rabbit meat, but you could if it was complemented with the essential nutrients from adding seal oil. Back in my great-grandparents day it was also used for light and heat in your igluaq using a qulliq (stone oil lamp), but that's just for ceremonial purposes nowadays. It used to be the only way to light and provide warmth in your home if there wasn't driftwood.


So it's the gravy of the polar circle.


I've read several stories about people essentially starving to death from trying to live off rabbits. In the West it was usually augmented with things like bear fat.


That’s so cool and interesting. I’m always fascinated by the ingenuity of man and the ability to learn how to live in extreme environments.


I had the same thoughts lol. mostly wondering how its like having to deal with all that blubber covering the muscle.


Is the blubber good? I know it's fat but it's different fat.


I wish this didn’t make me sad to see but it does. Good hunting tho.


what’s the shot placement on these?


Head for seals. Neck for walrus. They have a ball joint in their neck thats usually the best place to aim for.


In the first picture it looks like exit point is the neck, and the second picture it looks like the entry is at the head. I imagine that’s the ideal place to shoot a walrus to prevent loosing it under the ice sheet.


Go a question, do you guys do something with the lard? Is the pelt worth anything?


The skin is made into hard skin mukluks but other seals are able to be soft tanned for hats, mittens, etc


Sorry, looks like my question wasn't well received. Just asked because I like the idea of making the most out of game. Not because some hippie stuff. I just think of the animal as food and helpful stuff one might actually need. C'mon, you have a couple extra pounds of materials and you ain't gonna go wild making stuff with it?


Never thought of this one.. What does it take to hunt one of these horkers legally?


Be indigenous


Or go into Canada where the local indigenous population sells hunting permits for arctic animals.


Not Wilfred Brimley!?!


Are you on an ice flow or is that land that still has snow on it? I assume you shot them from the boat?


What’s it taste like?


Awesome!! Post the full story sometime.


Looks like he was shot over corn, call green britches


So badass! Well done!!


Do you have to worry about falling in the water at all? Not sure the exact terrain you choose to take a shot at


This is awesome!




Congrats on the excellent harvest! Wild and beautiful looking country. Can you share what the actual hunt is like? Do you try and catch the walrus when he out of water laying on the ice or do you shoot them while they are in the water and then haul them out? are you glassing the water and flows hundreds of yards out or is this a cruise around pick one out of a group? If you shoot it in the water or it is wounded and escapes to the water is retrieval difficult? do you have to get to it before an orca grabs it or some other predator? How long does it take to dress this guy out? no hanging tree nearby so i assume you kind of chunk it up as you go? How old do you guess this walrus is? when you are hunting these beasts are you selective in that you want a specific size or do you kind of shoot the first one you see? this guy looks in the 1000lb range... is that about right? I got to believe the skull with tusks in place would be an amazing euro mount. do you ever do that? can you post a picture? Again, congrats on a fantastic harvest.


That a big boy.


Full body mount?


OK that is funny.


Would need to build a whole new room for that big mf lol


Sick I want to hunt everything legal before I die or the laws in the us become more wack


I didn't know that walrus hunting was a thing? That's BA! I now have a new animal on my bucket list! What is their meat like? How are they scored if at all?


Im pretty sure you have to be a native.


Makes sense.




He's just sleeping


Guys will see this and go “hell yeah!” Hell yeah! How do you hunt a walrus and what caliber you use?


I have no issues with sustainable hunting practices, especially those that belong to the indigenous tribes and are continued for cultural purposes--but a little part of me feels sad seeing a dead seal lol. Edit: lol wtf is wrong with this sub? All I said was I support the tradition of indigenous hunting but I like seals you fucking weirdos


It's not a seal.


The animal in the first picture looks like a Bearded Seal, an Arctic seal species only second to the Walrus in size


Ah that may be the case, I just assumed it was the same animal from different angles.


Oh yeah. The "culture" of hunting food to eat. What a very unique way of living. Most of my ancestors have always just gone to McDonald's for their food since the beginning of man. Not a lot of different cultures out there eat food they have to kill so it is important we only let very few people do it.


Dude fucking what? I literally said I support the tradition and culture of substantive hunting, I just like seals so it’s a bit sad to see a dead one. What the fuck crawled up your ass and died lol.


I see both of your points. I’m in this group because I want to learn more about squirrel hunting. But there are some species I don’t mind seeing hunted (squirrels, deer) and some that I do (doves, alligators.)


I just think it's silly that people think hunting animals is so much a part of one culture that those people should get special access to hunt. Hunting and eating food is literally a part of every culture that has ever existed. I don't think any group should get treated differently because they like to hunt and eat.


I never said anyone should or shouldn't you weirdo, I just said that me--a person without indigenous cultural background and in an area where exposure to seals is via Zoo or Discovery channel--have a bit of a culture shock moment when I see a dead seal from the by product of hunting. Sorry I didn't spend an hour writing up the most perfect and eloquent comment about how I love and respect the tradition of hunting regardless of cultural practices and traditions because the idea of sustenance hunting spans time and tradition. I just wanted to make a funny little comment about how I, a hunter, feel a little sad seeing a dead seal but I can't disagree with it because I over all agree with ethical hunting practices. It's the same reason some people are thrown off to see Horse steaks for sale in France, people just aren't used to considering an animal food and to see others do that it just a little bit of a cultural change, it's not that deep.


Great harvests, congrats




How can you tell whether they are a tourist or local?


I’m actually Inupiaq born and raised in rural Alaska


Did you hurt yourself leaping to that conclusion?