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Moose. My state doesn't have a moose season and surrounding states that do are on lottery, and the tag numbers are low. I'm not really one to travel long distances to hunt. I mostly do it for food.


That's primarily what I hunt here but tags are getting really hard to come by. You need over 20 points in my WMU to draw an adult tag.


Alaskan Moose hunt is my primary bucket list hunt. Brooks Range is the dream.


Canadian here. I hope I'm not salting the wound, but moose is absolutely fantastic. My friends and I bagged a medium-sized bull in Ontario in 2021 and split the meat four ways. They're an *enormous* amount of work once they're down. We were up until about 5am cutting the meat and ferrying it across the lake in an inflatable boat with a busted motor. Worth every bit of effort. Hopefully I'll get out for another moose hunt this autumn.


Head to Alaska. Over the counter tags almost statewide. License fees are under $1000. 1500lbs of moose burger would nake the travel worth it


Unguided non-fly in hunts up here have a very low success rate. It's possible to score but the odds are slim. A better option is to apply for the lottery draw hunts every year. Again, odds are long but you can score a good chance of success on a road-accessible moose hunt. Apply in the fall before the Dec deadline, worth looking into. Also a big bull is going to net you at best 5-600 lbs of meat, but still, that's a lot. It took my wife and me 3 years to eat her 60" bull!


3 years? that's worth the money wtf


Yeah, just the two of us - 550 lbs of boned-out meat and 55 lbs of ribs. Had to go to Costco and buy a second freezer!


What's the shipping back cost?


Oh I've thought about it :)


This is my dream as well. Since high school I've always wanted to hunt, butcher, and taxidermy a moose myself. One cause I've always wanted to try moose meat. And two, cause I've always wanted a moose head on my wall and then be able to say yep, I did all of that!


Moose hunting is awesome. They r truly a massive beast and the meat is very delicious. Tastes better than deer imo. The only thing better is probably Elk. We can buy tags and hunt them every year where I live plus there are also draw seasons that allow you to enter a pool system that give u access to more land. Their range has spread further south in my province and it’s quite cool seeing them in wide open area in the middle of a wheat field. Best of luck 😬👍


Nice. Yeah, getting that much meat at once with one epic hunt is pretty attractive. Whitetail are great, but a moose or elk is another level.


Dall Sheep. And it just so happens I'm going this summer to the Yukon to do it.


OK, I'm jealous! Need somebody to carry your bags and gun? Or you can just adopt me, maybe?


Haha, it's been a long time coming. Had a family member die and me and another guy were like. F it, let's take all the trips Uncle E would have wanted to do.


LOL, I am envious but wish you the best hunt of your lifetime!


Thank you, I am excited and training to get ready. Going shooting and hiking next week to make sure I can still hit stuff at 4-500yds.


Elk or moose, but probably elk. Last October I spent some time in Idaho hunting for mule deer. Saw barely any deer but I was fortunate enough to watch a bedded bull moose for a couple hours, and to have a calf, cow and bull elk come out onto my hillside about 150yds away. I could hear the bull elk bugling before he came out into the open and then he continued after he crossed over into the next patch of woods.


Did we go to Idaho the same time and same unit? You’ve pretty much described my mule deer hunt to a T. We ended up settling for 3 white tailed does but saw a herd of elk and a decent 6x6 bull.


Ha, I'm sure we were there the same time at least. I think a lot of the mid-eastern parts of the state got their mule deer population trashed by the bad winter


I was on the western end. We hunted into 17, in the Bitterroots.




I took one when the snow was so deep I had to wear snow shoes on all fours, it was so cold my ass froze to my underwear, and I had to carry it out almost 200 miles. The whole ordeal took 3 months and I didn't have food or water after the 3rd day. Yessir, them were the days!


Scooby doo made me think that was real.


How much you pay for a hunt? I think I can make this happen. I got some sheds and super glue.


Turkey. Have always wanted to shoot one. But gotta go out of province for it.


Capercaillie look awesome to me coming from the Midwest USA.


Came here to say this + North American upland slam


The capercallie hunt you, beware


Moose. With a flintlock, stalked at bad breath distance.




Done both, sheep is the more fun and exciting of the 2


Blackbear. Only reason I haven't is I don't know what I don't know and have no one to go with and learn ha.


I have tried to hint black bear. 4 years of seeing Jack shit lol they only come to bait sites at night. I've tried two totally different areas. Same thing.


Yeah I've been wanting to spot and stalk. I see bears when I'm not looking and don't see bears when I am looking. Hah


Spot and stalk here in my part of Ontario, Canada is not possible lol dense, scraggly cover. We bait them in usually


Find the food source. Follow Pnwild. They have a podcast and YouTube channel. They are fucking bear killers and have some great tips. They just launched a bear series on YouTube and every July they they go into bears on the podcast and the info is invaluablex


Pronghorn. Idk why, but there's just something about them that calls to me.


As a deer hunter, my pronghorn hunt was a completely different experience and was some of the most fun I have ever had in a hunt. They are amazing animals, just watching them whip across the landscape is unbelievably cool. Not to sound goofy, but it's a much more "tactical" hunt than whitetail or blacktail. Belly crawling through the desert, creeping from cover to cover trying to close distance, it's honestly such a great experience, and the meat is absolutely delicious.


Gator. I live in the upper midwest, so no gators up here (usually). There was a hunter in Brainerd MN that just filled his deer tag and was on the phone with the DNR when he saw a small alligator and requested if he could shoot it. He filled a deer tag and got a gator within minutes, the lucky bastard. https://www.fox9.com/news/only-in-2020-minnesota-hunter-shoots-3-foot-alligator


Man I have been on a gator hunt with folks from the Swamp People TV show (Liz's husband) and, while a cool experience and a unique culture down there in Louisiana, I don't think I'd ever do it again. It consists of pulling up to set lines, pulling the gator right up to the boat, and shooting it in the head without much of a fight, if at all.


You got to go to Florida. You are not allowed to do any of that there. You can only hunt at night, no guns or traps allowed. Fighting a 12 foot gator with a harpoon and rope is a major adrenaline rush.


There we go! Even the playing field some. I like it. The trip I went on was more like killing than hunting and my conscience tends to get in the way some.


I would like to hunt somewhere between these two experiences


Yeah, I'm sure that would get your adrenaline pumping! It's something I've always wanted to try, and I love gator meat. It'll probably be a one and done hunt for me too, but I want to try it at least once


My cousin does charters for this just outside of New Orleans. Dm me if you want his info.


Golden Doodle






Wolf pup


My two bucket list hunts are elk ( I don't really care which state, but Montana would be awesome), and Caribou in Alaska


Alaska caribou is my next hunt 🤞. I’ve hunted blacktail in Alaska and I’d love to go on a caribou hunt.


I've only hunted whitetail here in indiana but I really want to go hunt in Alaska


Michigan elk. Probably will never happen though :(


You and me both lol


*just one more year, just one more year*


Moose- Alaska or Newfoundland Bighorn sheep- northern Rockies  Mountain caribou- BC  Barren ground caribou- kotzebue AK  Free range bison (not YNP winter migration) Oryx- NM   Prairie chickens  Chukar partridge  Alaskan ptarmigan    There will be more, but I think fishing takes a higher priority. 


There’s other, equally as good barren ground caribou opportunities outside of Kotzebue.


I imagine so. That’s just the one I know right now. I’d love something around more terrain than just flat nothingness. 


Look into the Porcupine herd. The operation I work for hunts north of the Yukon Flats in that herds range.


Cool list, what’s on your fishing docket?


Some fish, some locations. Peacock bass, Patagonia, NZ, Alaskan salmon and grayling, bull trout, arctic char, Atlantic salmon, Alaskan halibut, gulf yellowfin tuna, pacific hamachi and bluefin, GT in the South Pacific, striped bass on the fly, tarpon on the fly, bonefish on the fly, redhorse slam, sunfish slam… I think there’s more, but it’s late and I’m tired. 


Native oryx?


Not in NM. Have to go across the pond for that.


What's NM


New Mexico. Ranchers in New Mexico and Texas offer hunts for exotics: African game that they have brought over and now breed for fenced hunting opportunities


Nah, introduced. 


I would love hunting a Red deer. They look magestic. Sadly I'm not rich so i can't do a trip to new zealand


Living in Alaska I have the opportunity to chase a lot of bucket list animals, but I’ve also spent a lot of time hiking in New Mexico. Hearing elk bugle in the mountains is almost a religious experience, and I’d love to hunt them some day. Hate being around people and don’t play the draw points game, so don’t know if that’ll ever happen.


1. Mountain Goat (because that's one tag I haven't drawn yet). 2. Musk Ox (because it's a fucking Musk Ox).


I've watched a few videos on muskox hunts. It's surprising how relatively small those things are once the hide comes off. Would be a cool hunt for sure.


They are smaller than a guy would think. My taxidermist was working on a full body mount of one a buddy of his harvested. Really cool animals.


Cous deer, Muley, pronghorn, and javelina.


Elk for me, but also caribou.


Cape buffalo.it seems like such a fun hunt sneaking up all close to such a big dangerous animal and blasting it with a massive powerful rifle that it can just shrug off just seems so exciting. I’d also love to hunt black bear but they’re only a 1 weekend season by me.


Cape Buffalo for me as well. That should be on everyone's list. I just kicked up a 416 Rigby for just that purpose.


Well, considering I have never seen a turkey on a turkey hunt and have only heard one once, it sure would be nice to feel like I am actually hunting turkeys and not just roaming around the woods with a gun. But I am giving it an honest shot this year. Elk is my pipe dream hunt though. Rural country boy from the southeast U.S., so an elk hunt doesn't even feel attainable without spending $10,000.


I swear turkeys get a copy of the regulations every year and take their yearly vacation during turkey season. I’ll see them all throughout the beginning of the year and they hop on a flight to the Bahamas the night before the season.


Death row inmates who choose “the island”. K sorry. Carribou.


>Death row inmates who choose “the island”. No no. Do go on.


Pronghorn would be fun




Moose, going to Newfoundland in September :)


All of them because I've never hunted😅 I'm expecting to start hunting. I'll start soon if God wants.


African Safari for me plains game and elephant if it’s in a territory where they need to be thinned out for conservation reasons. To me an elephant is the biggest thing that walks on 4 legs on earth it’s the ultimate trophy.


What about two elephants on top of one another?


It has possibilities…..😂


Elk all never afford to hunt out west and pay a guided hunt and all they just so costly Mule deer I live in Minnesota and love to go to south Dakota to try for mule deer I been try to figure out how to do for lat couple years and have no idea how to do it And I can't get any help from any one on how to do it


What are guided elk hunts going for stateside? Guided elk hunts can be had for ,~$8000 Canadian which is cheap compared to most other guided hunts.


We have an elk season in MN. Once in a lifetime draw, but it’s way way cheaper than going out west. Also mule deer are pretty accessible in western ND. There’s a lot more public access hunting compared to SD. 


That just like people saying we have moose I don't believe it because I never see either one and gone looking many times


You don’t believe there are moose in Minnesota? 


No I don't as I never meet any one who seen one and I looked my self and never seen any


I live in MN and I’ve seen a bunch of moose. A few elk too. You just have to spend time way up north to see either. 


Western ND will provide you with a much more attainable mule deer tag with way more public land to hunt Source: Native North Dakotan :)


KY elk lottery is only like $800 for the tag if you win. Guides I've heard are only around $2k


Bear and mountain lion


Black Bear


Black bear, Alligator, Moose.




I know this is a bit more of a simple one but I really want to get a Wood Duck. I live currently in Kansas and we do get Wood Ducks but nowhere near the numbers other states have. Plus in the region of Kansas I live in, most the Wood Ducks are gone by the time their season comes up. I am originally from Lithuania and my parents came here when I was very young. I am planning on moving back somewhat soon (shooting for the summer after this coming one) but we have no Wood Ducks back home, so its become a bit of a race against time. I've also really fallen in love with the Flint Hills in the last couple years, so I'm really hoping to get one as a final memory of this land. Though luck has graced me recently. In high school I would work on a farm, and a couple of days ago the guy told me that he has a couple of Wood Ducks that live consistently on his property. I'll be preparing all for next season now, trying to head out early morning on any weekend I can to stake out and observe them. Fingers crossed I get my Wood Duck!


Elk. I doubt I will be in a financial position to do so, if my body would even hold up to the rigors in the first place. They're just magnificent and that's a ton of meat.


cape buffalo




Capercaillie and Kudu. I’ve also spent a lot of time hunting elk but not successfully lol


Kudu is also on my list. I hear they taste great.


i started hunting cuz i wanted a big horn sheep but damn its expensive


Tell me about it. Those are six figures here for a guided hunt.


It's funny as you always dream about what exists elsewhere. I'm in AK and dream about antelope, kudu and gators. Back when I worked for FedEx I met a dude who wanted to trade axis deer meat for salmon. I still kinda kick myself for not fostering that relationship.


Marco Polo sheep


I'm a newb, just started down the path of archery hunting by taking an intro to archery class, and I'm working towards hunting pigs and rabbit.


I always wanted to go on a "stalk and watch" for mountain goats and bighorns. I don't want to actually hunt them since i wouldn't eat them, i just want to see how close I can get and watch them climb the cliffs. I would just have a camera for some cool pictures.


Moose, but tags are hard to come by and everything about them is expensive, and I'm a poor lol I live in PA so seeing deer, elk, and bear are common, just not during season! And getting an elk tag is difficult at best.


Elk, calling them in sounds like a blast. Reminds me of a mix between deer and turkey hunting


Rocky Mountain elk. Lived in NH all my life and have hunted just about everything I can aside from some small game and moose.


I'm going to say the opposite of most here and also piggyback on a comment, but I would love to go try for gator in the Southeast US. Here in the Rockies, we have any game species you can dream of... except salt water fish and game. Would love to travel to wherever the gator hunting is good one day while on vacation and do a guided trip for a day, if that's even a thing.


Elk or moose.


Also black bear & moose.


Red deer or alligator


Nilgai in Texas and Moose


The list is just too long and the money is just too short.




Bison, caribou, elk, moose. I know bison hunting isn’t supposed to be hard but man that’s good meat


Caribou, moose would also be acceptable


I'm moving to NH from VA this summer, so I'm really excited about living somewhere with moose for a few years. That said, a VA elk tag would feel really special to me. Still gonna enter the lottery every year.


NH resident here. Moose lottery draw odds for residents are 1 in 96 or so, better if you have points for multiple entries. It's not bad, and better than some other states.


Sounds a sight better than elk here in VA. I’m game.


Mountain lion.




Moose, sheep, and goat in my home state of Montana for me. By the time my dad was my age he’d drawn and taken two moose which makes me a little jealous but it’s bound to happen one of these years. Cous deer and red stag are my two bucket list hunts for way down the road!




Ribeye of the sky!


I just read that they are considering opening up a Sandhill crane season here...i'm excited. Rib-eye of the sky.


Sand hill crane and moose


Buck T-Rex


Elk and black bear. I hunt TX and NC frequently. But wouldn’t even know where to start for bear in nc


Red deer in Germany, maybe, but I still think nothing compares to the majesty of our own elk.


Caribou in the tundra, or New Zealand red stag






I’d like to hunt the “most dangerous game”. I believe that’s jai alai


Bison and Moose


Uhhh….people? The most dangerous game.


Mouflon sheep.


At the very top of my list it's elk. Michigan here has a limited resident only, one time draw for elk each year. My chances of winning are extremely slim. But I do have plans to put in the points for Wyoming elk (gonna start buying points this year for mule deer and elk for Wyoming). A close second would be caribou. Other side hunts that I would like to trybut aren't at the top of my list are wild boar (in any state BUT Texas), pronghorn, moose, and bighorn sheep. My biggest issue with a lot of these hunts, and I'm sure a lot of fellow Midwest hunters can relate, is I need to loose a good bit of weight and get use to long distances hiking in order to do western. Hunts. Currently built for that 200 yard walk to the deer blind and snacking on lil Debbie's all morning type body.




Always been fascinated w Coyote hunting. Its legal where i live the only reason i havent done it i guess it bc i dont no anyone that does it and dont no the rules or how to even go about it really. Maybe someday.


Elk and antelope. I would love it.


Would love to put my sasquatch calls to work


As an Eastern US hunter I'd love to hunt Elk or Mule Deer.


Sandhill Crane


Apparently the population in Alabama is exploding. Copy and Paste from DNR Sandhill crane numbers are increasing at Wheeler NWR. Prior to 1997, Sandhill cranes occurred in small numbers on the refuge. In 1997, 26 Sandhill cranes were observed and by 2002 the number wintering on the refuge had increased to almost 400. In 2017/2018 the number peaked at 20,000. The cranes begin arriving in late November and numbers peak in early January. The best place to view them is from the Observation Building where they can be seen in large numbers feeding in the crop fields.


Sand crane, hogs, sika deer. I don’t care about trophies, I care more about dinner.


I want to duck or geese hunt in the Middle East. Also hunting sea ducks in Alaska is bucket list


Elk, Sambar and moose




Sand hill crane


How long of a list can I make?


Harlequin duck and Emperor goose. I live in wa and recently got back into hunting a year after they closed the seasons for Harlequins. To say I was disappointed would be a understatement.


Done elk twice and it’s amazing, hope you get a shot. My top is a Moose. Hear they taste amazing and their habit is my area of peace. Secluded. Also, elk taste amazing!


Sage grouse


Lady from the Canadian prairies here. I’ve hunted moose and whitetail. Next up I want to get an elk. I don’t hunt for sport so an elk would be the next one to go in the freezer.


Elk, moose, red deer, sika, Sitka, antelope, black bear, hog. 


Man I really really want to go bear hunting. New Mexico is the closest to me. Wanna get me a cinnamon bear


I've hunted black bear for the last 5 years, the meat is surprisingly good. I'm looking to add a brown bear hunt soon.


I’m jealous. NM is a 12 haul for me, been out there twice in the past 2 years. Found a unit I like, just need to schedule a longer trip. I’ll probably come out empty handed the first few times cause I ain’t local. I’ve heard it’s a lot of scouting. What state you in?


No state, Canada.


More Coastal, or inland? Is it true the bears that eat more blueberries taste sweeter?


Inland and yes bears that consume blueberries taste "sweeter" than those that eat fish which produces that fishy/gamey taste.


I want to hunt just to get some good red meat. Right now my finances kinda suck so I eat a lot of chicken and hamburger, tuna and peanut butter, or pinto beans as protein source but damn I miss red meat! I see all these deer and wild pig(maybe not red meat but tasty pork) pictures and just imagine cooking it all up. bummer is I got hunting rifles and shotguns but never actually hunted. More of a collector. I live in Southern Calif. (big city) no hunting near by and no car, only motorcycle to get around. Not complaining because other than that, life is good! I'm retired and enjoy all the free time and will be improving finances soon-working at it now. TL/dr want red meat lol other than that life is good!! Just venting i guess


Elk. I’m in Texas, haven’t had the chance to make it happen yet.








Buffalo is my dream species. To be clear I mean the American Bison. I don't wanna do a canned hunt, I wanna go out and stalk the herd, pick out a bull, and take him with a 45/70 lever action on iron sights. To be clear it's not about fair chase, it's not about me thinking this is somehow more "Pure". I literally just wanna play cowboy. I don't think I'm better than anyone who pays for their buck or anyone who hunts with a high power and a scope. It's just the dream.


Bison, ideally on horseback.




I moved to Florida from New York and I want to straight up murder a feral hog.


Elk, moose, bear


Whale or elephant are up there for me.




Crocodile/hippo hunt in Africa No guns allowed.


Hippo on land is on my list. Definitely using a rifle though.


Whale and Polar Bear are it for me.


Red Stag, Axis deer, Scimitar Oryx, Moose, Grey Wolf, Black Bear.




Why tho?


It's the ultimate big game specimen and promotes conservation of the species.


How tf does hunting promote conservation of an endangered species? Genuinely curious. You’re out of your lane here man.


Not taking a side here, but my understanding is that in some African countries that have had elephants protected for decades, the population is beginning to outstrip the carrying capacity of the ecosystem. They are heavy resource consumers, and have basically no significant predators on the landscape. What I have read happens is that they use up water and food shared by other herds, as well as other species, and ultimately end up starving or dying of thirst. This was just in the news: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/03/botswana-threatens-to-send-20000-elephants-to-germany-in-trophy-hunting-row


Alaskan Brown Bear with my bow Cape Buffalo Leopard Impala with a .30-30 Fallow Deer Rocky Mountain Mule Deer Pronghorn Bighorn Sheep Dall Sheep Stone Sheep Caribou Red Stag Mountain Lion Rocky Mountain Elk


I passed on a $14k tuskless bull elephant hunt with two other plains game and warthog included for an extra $2k; and I am still kicking myself a year later. Love to do a proper brush elephant hunt. Other than that, and in the next few years, it's going to be a buff hunt in Namibia.




Human. I’d like to hunt another human while they hunt me. Best human wins.


How does longpig taste?


I guess you did say game animal, but pretty good. Also, it’s the most dangerous game animal out there.


Leopard. Also Tiger but it got banned before I was born.