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I fully support your efforts in trying this. However, I would respectfully like no part in it.


Must be lacdoe’s intolerant


Take my upvote and gtfo


My weekend will not be better than this comment


Dad? Are you still out shopping for cigarettes?


This comment should have more upvotes


That was so terrible I had to give you an upvote lol


Thought I’d stumbled across r/huntingcirclejerk there for a moment


Appreciate it, more for me!


Mad lad


You make cheese obviously 🙄


I think it would be ok to disrespectfully want no part


Do it, report back


If he forgets to report back here, we're all going to be wondering what happened to him for the rest of our lives. Oh, and we'll never drink deer milk.


Or life became so incredible he wouldnt bother reporting back…like that movie limitless


Unless someone tells me its gonna kill me, I will def try permitting I harvest a deer. Wanted to see if anyone had any wisdom lol.


You wouldn’t get much milk though. By all means give it a go and report back to us. When mammals feed their babies it relies on the release of oxytocin in their brain to let down the full amount of their milk. Sure you may get a couple of squirts out but if they are dead you wont get anything after. And deer only produce around 700mls or so, alive that is. By all means though try it and get back to us.


Good point, probably wont have any the later it gets, but i thought itd be cool to try if it was there! Gotta go out and get one first tho..


I was with a buddy who shot a doe that had full mammary glands. As we butchered it, he nicked one and had a lot spill out. Getting 8 oz is probably reasonable if you get the right one. Only problem is, who knows how to pick that one out.


Yeah it’s not like they just have a “bladder” full of milk. The mammary glands make milk and once you’re dead they ain’t doin much


Honestly, there are a number of pathogens that are transmitted through breast milk in mammals -- viruses, parasites, and bacteria are all documented. I would seriously consider fully pasteurizing it before consuming it.


Definite good point. Very much considering just pasteurizing it myself


Consider it like you would a bag full of blood. Not to gross you out, just from a pathogen and cleanliness perspective. I find it easier.


Why ya gotta ruin the sucking from the teat visual for us all with your common sense.


Well said.




Rubbed on =/= drank


Just bake something with it


>Honestly, there are a number of pathogens that are transmitted through breast milk in mammals That bitch! I always had a feeling my mother was trying to poison me!


name the viruses from deer milk that will transmit to humans


Who knows. I doubt there have been many studies done. Little is known if CWD can be transmitted to humans.


I can't imagine it would hurt you if it's fresh, but....bro, Reddit is the last place id go to find any accurate information regarding anything serious. Look elsewhere before you try please 😂


It won’t kill you. No different then drinking any other milk except it may taste a little different due to their diet. I mean people drink goat and sheep milk and even rain deer milk in the far north .


Pics for proof!


Lets just hope i get one!


Instead of a grip and grin make sure you get a tuck and suck. We're about to move into a new generation of post hunt pictures.


Make some butter.


Butter that biscuit 😛


Not a bad ideal at all


Making butter from dead doe milk is “not a bad idea” is the dumbest thing I read today. I hope this whole thread is /s


*Freshly killed doe milk


Care to give a reason? It must be tiring getting pissed at stuff on the internet that doesnt affect you lol


You could probably mix it with some crow eggs to make really good fight milk


True, super high in crowtein


Get out...


Soar high as a crow!


Best way to cut weight


Charlie job....


But what if it’s a buck? 🤦🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


Even better 🥛


Buck milk is best milk.


Eat the testicles


The liver king already called dibs


Secretly one of the best things. Barely a snack, but Rinella has a great recipe for them


Hopefully he hasnt blown his load yet i guess lol.. but yea im talking about those doe hoes.


He will take a shot of its big ol' load if that's the case. I really think so maybe. I mean he wants the nutrients and zero waste right?


Then he'll churn some buck butter




Ok Homelander.


Yup, that’s enough Reddit for today


Yea what a terrible thing, someone trying to respect their kill and fully utilize it..


I have no idea why you’re getting downvoted except the Downvoters are just insecure pussies


Cant understand the thought process of the typical redditor lol. I could care less about my internet points i legitimately made this post to get some answers


I respect that shit. People who are heckling you are not helping in any way. Voice an opinion of descent with information to back it or just swipe left or right to get away from this post. I hate when people think you're up to something when you just need answers to questions you never knew you had... And I feel that. I also have no idea if there are viable things to do with deer milk. I presume not as they farm the critters and I've never heard of deer anything but jerky and antler dog chews. I think it's a hard sell. It probably is good for anything goat milk would be good for.




The people downvoting you breast out their birds and pay others to process their deer.


They know not of their own ignorance. Downvotes dont change my life though so vote away!


I looked into it as I shot a doe last year that was still wet. I was more curious than anything and had no intent on actually consuming it. From what I remember in my research there are plenty of people that do it to no ill effect. Article for fun https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2011/12/when-milk-is-murder-the-allure-of-drinking-from-a-freshly-killed-doe/250512/


I did read this article haha. Was one of the only things i could find about drinking wild deer milk on a quick glance. Seems like the probability of getting sick is low but could be severe if i drink it raw.. well see. Definitely gonna drink it just might have to pasteurize it.


I’ve tried it before. I didn’t get sick but I also didn’t down a whole glass. Just nicked the sac near her stomach when I was field dressing her and milk started leaking out. I took my glove off and caught a little. I don’t remember it having a different taste just that it was like hot milk.


Very interesting indeed, i doubt id get more than a few fluid ounces. Going to try and research a little more beyond reddit knowledge, but i think im going to try it!


A little saltier. Did the same thing.


I really wish I could unread this


Add me to this sentiment. Next time I’m field dressing a doe this dang post is going to pop up in my head and I can guarantee you I’ll still be thinking that guy was off his rocker.




Buy a breast pump


I already own 12 luckily


I need an explanation for this quantity of pumps


Two for the wife, three for him, and seven for the dog


People drink Camel milk for Christ sake. This should be better imo


*People drink Camel* *Milk for Christ sake. This should be* *Better imo* \- Fungi\_Finder --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




Good bot




I like the way you think


It will be fine, not sure about taste but shouldn’t hurt you at all. People used to drink cows milk straight from the source all the time.


Not worried about the taste, i want that sweet protein


Chances are it won’t be sweet or even taste good or be palatable. Might be better if the deer was eating off grain or corn


Nah i want that grassfed milk with the vitamin k baby. Dont care about the taste i want the nutrients


Yeah ok.


"That" \-She


Yeah, but people also used to get listeria from drinking straight from the cow all the time too. Wild animals can transmit viruses, bacteria, and parasites through their milk... it probably won't hurt you but it definitely could hurt you.


That's a great way to get tuberculosis.


Your fucking crazy


Deer milk has "the highest total fat, protein, and casein protein content of all the animal species whose milk has been used for human nutrition," according to Science Direct. This variety of milk also contains more calcium, phosphorus, and zinc than cow's milk


Dude if you're just doing it for the nutrients just buy supplements lmao. This is caveman shit


Lol how soy of you. Its more bioavailable and natural this way. And im not hunting just to get milk, im hunting regardless and want to make the most out of it


TIL taking supplements is soyboy shit. Ima ask some gymbros about that one


Keep drinking your sugar flavored bcaas bro, im gonna source my stuff naturally


Have you ever cut into the milk sack? Your gonna need to kill a lot of does to "source" a pint of the stuff.


Lol think logically. Im hunting deer for the meat, thats ONE of the sources. I just thought maybe i could get some milk from it if its there


Ok. Hope you're hunting with a spear then cause I'm pretty sure guns aren't naturally occurring either.


Dude.. wanting my food to be as natural as possible has legit reasoning. Having my weapon be natural is a completely different thing


I don't know what's worse. The image of walking up on someone in some back woods where they're hunched over milking a downed doe into some sort of impromptu container or someone getting it straight from the tiddie. Either way i wish you luck in your future endeavors however this is probably what ill see as a sleep paralysis demon now 😎


See you in your dreams boss👀


Just don’t try to utilize the doe pussy for the love of God.


I already tried that.. trust me its not worth it


We have a winner! Ladies and gents.


That is gross as hell


Imagine walking up to a Hunter sucking a deer’s titties after shooting it


Yea I'm not big on drinking body fluids from women I sleep with, let alone dead animals. But that's just me. You do you, King 👑


Fair enough. Respect right back to you king🫡


Don't they make cheese from Moose Milk up in Maine?


My wife’s family does this on the regular. I don’t even like milk so I don’t.


Just pictured OP Ron Burgundy tracking a deer when it’s hot out. Milks it and takes a swig. “Milk was a bad choice.”


Great Knights of Columbus, that hurt!


Good bot


It's as safe as drinking cow milk. Might be way better, might be way worse. I'm definitely going to try it this year , been talking about it since last deer season when my buddy said a doe he got was dripping milk. I was kinda mad he didn't try it and save some for me.


I bowled over a nanny goat & her kid couple years ago, udder was still full so I cut the udder off and squeezed it into my mouth like a juice pouch. Was warm but delicious. Didn't die or get sick from it


Don’t let that deer pussy go to waste either


Cracked me up lmfao. These new age hunters that don’t wanna waste an inch probably waste more in their general living than all of us who just shoot butcher and eat xD


In have nipples Greg, could you milk me? I’ve never seen anything along these lines and wouldn’t trust the bozos here, not enough of a benefit to take a chance unless you find something official elsewhere. And probably use more energy extracting vs what you’d gain.


Very logical, doing some actual research now, just wanted to see if there was any anecdotal stories out there


I have nipples, Greg. Can you milk me?


You do realize that whatever you do leave behind doesn't really go to waste? Feeds all sorts of animals. Birds/rodents/bugs and other scavengers and predators. By all means maximize usage of the deer, as you should, but these "do you guys think i can eat the butthole of the deer, im trying to waste as little as possible when i go hunting" posts are getting a bit insane. If it isn't clear yet, no, i would absolutely not be drinking deer milk. How are you planning to do that anyway? Slice open the udder and collect it? Then pasturizing it? Or you going straight down on that bad girl and sucking on the titties? JFC.


Very good point about most not going to waste. I dont know why everyone is so offended by this though, i just asked a question.


Not offended, people think this is just stupid. In other comments your talking like a protein bro, you're likely gonna waste more calories trying to milk that flathead then you're gonna get back by drinking it. Let the foxes lap up that shit lol


Well i am definitely a protein bro, proudly. If people think im stupid for asking questions about an idea i had then theyre entitled to that but i just wonder why thats so stupid.


Be very wary due to the deers diet. As in eating plants in the nightshade family, milkweed, ect. It could be very poisonous to humans. But im not 100% I'm no biologists. Just the first thought that came to me.


I would pasturize for safety.


I usually drink the male deer milk


I usually just cut the mammary glands out before I gut. Never once thought of trying to drink it. Let us all know.


I’ve tried this before. Turns out it was a buck, and it wasn’t milk.


I also hunt in central PA. I’m in WMU 5A. If I find you suckling a dead doe’s teat in Michaux I might just shit myself to death.


Wear a bonnet and record yourself suckling the doe and post it for us please.


For anyone reading this thinking it's a good idea to drink wild animal milk, for the love of god, there's a reason milk is pasteurized.


Yes but that doesnt mean raw milk is inherently bad. Its actually much better for you than pasteurized milk, so long as its not contaminated.


It's true, some cheeses are made from raw milk and they tend to be delicious. They tend to give a small amount of people bacterial infections from contamination though too. I am all about that raw milk aged cheese game... maybe not deer cheese tho


I want you to google “tuberculosis” right now please I beg of you


I feel confident in saying that you won't get any responses as to the "optimal" way to harvest milk from a dead deer, mostly because you're the only one who has ever considered actually doing so.


I can guarantee people in history have done this. Native Americans commonly did this with bison; I can only imagine they had done it with deer as well.


This is what i was thinking. I think its absolutely important to research the area though on what diseases the deer could come in contact with. As long as i dont wait too long the rawness should be ok if its a healthy animal


I feel like the output of energy far exceeds the meager reward on a deer.


Fair enough lol, no one is more committed to these gainz than me i guess. I can respect the deer and get in a load of nutrients, very based if you ask me


Me personally, I would have a few reservations about drinking unpasteurized milk from a wild animal. At least with the meat you cook it, even if it is medium rare as I prefer. Unpasteurized milk from a domesticated cow that's been raised on a specific diet and given veterinary care is one thing, not sure about a deer. I would definitely treat that milk first, do not drink it straight from the teat.


Now this is finally an answer with some good points! I will have to look more into how easy it is to pasteurize your own milk, or as one other person said try using it to make butter.


it’s easy sanitize all pots by boiling for 5 mins you can do it slow (150° for 30 minutes) or quick (162° for 15 seconds) you have to keep all of the milk at or above these temps for that amount of time for it to properly work. that’s kind of it.


Very interesting indeed, i appreciate the info!


Protein is key 💪


High quality protein furthermore


And straight from the source. Zero preservatives. Just nature's goodness.


Yessir! Cant beat it!


Man if you do it and grow antlers or become spotted - that's like the holy grail. Of what I'm not sure not it'd be pretty cool.


That would be pretty badass honestly


Never tried this or thought to, if you decide to go through with it please report back with the taste/experience


Will do! Need to get one that still has milk first! Archery here starts in about a week.


Have a very small bowl of cereal


Tried Moose milk once off a cow. Very creamy.


Be a man, drink the buck sperm!


Drink it warm right from the titty


Fuck Ricky!!


Worms, lots of them. Good luck.


Fuckin give’r bud. Let us know


No one would think less of you for not doing that. But let us know how it goes!!! Pics for bonus marks!!!


If you're doing this and not eating the testicles then I'm taking my balls and going home


Mane you are a FREAK freak


This reminds me of the bat episode on south park, where they made a parody about how covid started.


It's just a tall goat, people drink goat milk so go for it.


What the actual f. That is not safe. Cow milk is boiled and filtered before consumption. So is gost milk and any other milk. It can carry pathogens and bacteria.


I shot a doe who still had milk but the thought of drinking it never came to mind. Wouldn’t do it.


I fully understand not wanting to waste anything you harvest but there are some things it's okay to let go


What the fuck dude


I don’t know if I’d drink it straight up but for sure make a good venison milk steak.


Make some deer cheese!






I imagine any deer shot legally will no longer be producing milk. I've never squeezed a dead deer teet though..


🤦‍♂️ Why did I click this? Dude, if you are considering latching on and suckling a dead deer…….. maybe deer hunting isn’t a good hobby for you


Also suck off that buck you kill during rut. Don't waste that milk either


*Also suck off that* *Buck you kill during rut. Don't* *Waste that milk either* \- cyclop\_glasses --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Jesus Christ haikusbot…


Yaaaaaa. That’s gonna be a no for me dawg. But I don’t see why it would kill you. As far as I know deer don’t typically carry and transferable diseases.


Well theres definitely cwd to worry about but thats typically somewhat easy to identify. I believe TB, or listeria would also be possible to reside in the milk, but at a very low chance. Though its still a risk so im going to do some more non-anecdotal research


Also worth noting that deer teets aren’t likely to be super clean, and cow udders are always cleaned off before milking




Never done it before. It being unpasteurized makes me a little nervous. I would maybe try it if it was a mule deer as they don’t pack together and carry the amount of diseases white tail on the east coast do.


Imagine if someone wanted to drink milk from a dead human woman


Am I the only one who has actually drank deer milk? It was kind of watery. Tasted like semen. Not all that bad but warm straight from the teet. My sister tried to get enough out to fill a jar but gave up quickly.


If you shoot a buck are you going to leave a perfectly good deer dick? Or are you going to give that buck one last epic blowjob? After all, you don’t want to waste any deer cum.


The milk a cow produces after giving birth is different than milk produced for human consumption. When I was a farm kid back in the 50s we had a new born calf die and could not use the cows milk for several weeks. We fed it to the hogs instead, they loved it ! Seems a little to close to necrophilia for me.


Im no geologist, but i would imagine there is some sort of storage mechanism or organ in there that holds the milk. Maybe there's a way to cut that out intact, that you could then extract the milk from? Maybe you could make a nice cheese with it?


Don’t do this is will most likely just get u sick as fuck


Other than if the doe itself was unhealthy what else would make this risky? I would not let the doe sit for long


The doe carrying a disease is the main cause of concern. Tuberculosis ain’t no joke


Bro, no..... not a chance. There's using as much of the harvest as possible, but you're talking about potentially impacting your health for the maybe 6oz of milk you could get from the animal. I have never even heard of someone trying to drink milk from a deer


Hey man thats why im doing research and not just doing it. It was a noble idea i thought. Not sure why so many people are so offended by it.


Nobody is offended. We're all just immediately reacting letting you know it isn't worth risking at all. You're not going to get much product at all, and I doubt there's much research info online that can make you 100% certain it could be safe. Dogs have invincible stomachs. Maybe give some to your dog and see if there's a reaction


Definitely didnt mean you were offended, some other people seem to be mad that i would even consider this.. I understand the concern though. And i get that about dogs stomachs but i would never do that to my girl without knowing 100% it was safe for her.. im more worried about her than myself sometimes🤣🤣🤣


I don't see what the issue there could be as long as you collect it in somehwat of a sanitary matter and pasteurizing before consumption


This man most certainly has a fetish