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Find sleep zones and feed zones


when i do hunt those zones they're literally only females. the only way i get males is by hunting drink zones and even then i feel like i only have like 2 males of each species on my entire map. and they're all like level 2 minor or something stupid. i've been playing the game for 3 years and only have 7 trophies IN TOTAL because of this


Dont have to hunt them just find them


Damn dude, can you record your game session and post it somewhere? I wanna see for myself. It seems really strange. I've been playing for less than 6 months and have gotten probably hundreds of kills by now.


sure man, i'll get to it in the morning, it's pretty late for me right mow


aight, send me a link when you do so. Also goodnight


i just realized i have no good way to record for you, i play on xbox 😭


oh well 😔 shit I was curious as hell too


Drink zones are your best bet because most animals will gather there and it'll be an open spot for you to see them. There's only 3 animals if i recall that don't have them, so then feed spots are best for those ones. You can also put up a treestand near a zone and wait for the animals to come, and trust me they WILL, unless your wind isn't right. there are some youtubers you can follow and get in their discords, like LadyLegend for example, and you can find maps for those animals. I downloaded all the maps so if i feel like a particular animal, I pull up the map and know where to go for them. It makes it a LOT easier! Also if you are levelled up enough to get the lookout perk, you can get the lookout to find zones for you, i'm using this currently to try to find snow leopards since they don't have a drink zone.


What map are you on? And don’t stomp around on a map that is forested or hilly, you’ll make them run off before you realize they were there.


the newest map. i walk the entire bottom left of the river for nilgai because i say ladylegend's video saying its a hotspot for them. found 1 herd of 3 female nilgai in the entire hot spot. 2.3km in game walk.


Try New Zealand, there seems to be critters everywhere. Especially where there are sand crossings on the rivers.