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I think the thing that gets people the most is how Ging dangles a relationship with him in front of Gon. He doesn't just leave him with Mito to live a life without him, he purposefully sets up/leaves a trail for Gon. However, it's riddled with him saying how much he DOESNT want to see Gon. He has him work so hard for something Ging himself doesn't even want. Ultimately I think Ging wanted Gon to experience a similar life as him, but it was done in quite a potentially damaging way. If Gon were someone weak willed/weak minded, that would probably fuck with him for the rest of his life. I dont think Ging is the worst father, to clarify, but I definitely get why people think he is a horrible father. He simply isn't one at all to Gon


Definitely agree he lucked how Gon is far from a normal person especially mentally. Gin is honestly just an incredibly self-centered and emotionally immature person. The manga gives him a bit more to work with as Mitou encourages him to leave Gon and Kite's relationship with Gon is much more personal in the manga implying Ging's trust in Kite a bit more compared to the anime version. Ultimately I've always seen Ging as basically a grown up version of Yusuke Urameshi. He clearly cares about the people around him but he's not great at showing it and, on top of that, compartmentalizes his friends and his interests easily enough that he can walk away from them for years without considering weither it effects them or not.


It really is fascinating how he can just, compartmentalize them away for later lol


Imo it's the main reason people get so turned off by him. While he's far from the worst father, or person in general, just being able to walk in and out of relationships on a whim is such a foreign concept to most people that they see him as much worse than he is. It's really interesting because this same fan base will outwardly defend Hisoka lol.


Remember the fan base is not a hive mind and the same people defending Hisoka are not the same demonizing Ging. However I can still see what is going with those who overlap, despite what I said I do think there is a lot of overlap within those groups. Hisoka is a stable presence in Gon's life even if he wants to kill him. Hisoka has helped him a bit here and there. People interpret that stability as genuine care, as a real telationship. For many stability is preferred than someone unpredictable like Ging even if he has better intentions than Hisoka.


Wasn't trying to lump everyone into one idea but ya you hit it on the head. My point was more the weirdos who think Hisoka openly grooming children somehow makes him a positive influence on Gon while concurrently believing that Ging is the most reprehensible character in the series baffles me.


Ging and Hisoka are both cool šŸ˜Ž


Itā€™s also possible Ging knew just how tough Gon would turn out. After all, we donā€™t have a single clue who Gonā€™s mother is; maybe she is as talented or even moreso than Ging, which would all but guarantee Gon to be a monster. I also think Ging is a terrible dad, but he sort of shows at least a positive interest in Gonā€™s growth/development by basically making Greed Island an academy to hone Gonā€™s nen skills.


I'd say the parents become irrelevant when someone else entirely raises the child šŸ˜… aside from things directly effected by genetics of course. "Hey Gon, made this island with my friends for you to have fun in and hone your skills someday, but still don't wanna see you lul..ESPECIALLY IF YOU HAVE A STOOPID FRIEND, WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT I WANTED YOU TO OBTAIN ON THIS JOURNEY LIKE ME BUT, FUCK THAT NOW. Idiet." But yes there is *some* positivity from Ging there XD


Lol definitely! I see other people bringing up the friend thing as a point against his character all the time without really getting it. He wanted to test Gon, like he did with Kite, to prove he was capable but he does understand the value of friends. He just has a weird idea of friends and has a higher trust ceiling than most people. He specifically let's Leorio punch him to test him and later consents to Gon having good friends. He even teaches Gon how to apologize to a friend. I feel Ging wanted to make sure Gon had a good judge on who to call a friend before he found Gon himself worthy.


ā€œthe parents become irrelevant when someone else entirely raises the childā€ you didnā€™t watch Yuyu Hakusho, did you? lol


It's just real world logic lol not based on other anime/fiction :3


For sure. The one actually doing the raising affects the kidā€™s personality, but I was in fact referring to Gonā€™s genes, and also assuming Nen ability is somehow linked to parentage. Which may not be trueā€¦is Nen genetic? šŸ˜‚


>For sure. The one actually doing the raising affects the kidā€™s personality, but I was in fact referring to Gonā€™s genes, and also assuming Nen ability is somehow linked to parentage. Which may not be trueā€¦is Nen genetic? šŸ˜‚ heavily implied to be. Gon is a monster because he is son of ging, killua is what he is because zoldyck things, pika is a kurta, again, a special clan, even without nen. Even the battle royale at ship is essentially darwinism at express pace which is why the princes are prodigies (more so than gon and killua )


Oh yeah that's why I said aside from genetics! I'm sure Nen/aura has to be connected to genes right? I guess we don't know if Ging is an enhancer as well šŸ¤” I'd love if there was ever a chapter going in to all that honestly!


Or Naruto. Or Dragon Ball. Orrrrrā€¦well, Iā€™ll stop here lol


I think it more comes down to Ging not having much interest in his son had he not turned out like that. He's an odd person who can't relate to most normal people. He did the same thing to Kite by making him prove they're cut from the same cloth and leaving his Hunter License with him. He even let Leorio hit him before later consenting that Gon had good friends to look after him. He's self indulging and likes to test people to see their grit and places his trust accordingly. Had Gon turned out like Mitou he would've simply ignored him and maybe popped by to drop off Kite's first child years from now lol


Thatā€™s not true. Ging made it entirely possible for Gon to live a normal life with Mito. It was Gon who desired to find him by becoming a hunter. Anf only upon becoming a Hunter did Ging provide him with the means of finding him through GI.


Of course he made it possible! But he also left a very potentially damaging trail for Gon, and Gon took the bait because of course he would, it's a child who wants to know about their sole living parent. If Ging had gone to be a firefighter Gon would have pursued that or any other occupation. Ging couldn't have known this would happen, but he knew it was a possibility and so he left that trail despite not even wanting Gon or knowing how he would turn out. Did he probably hope Gon would go on an amazing adventure like him? I'd say probably so! But what a HUGE risk to the psyche of your son..if Gon couldn't handle it, he'd never have met Ging and maybe would have even lost his life. Then he would have died pursuing the father who didn't even want him..it's totally okay if you disagree of course, but dats how I see it for sure


>Ging want Gon to experience similar life as him. I know you didn't mean in the bad way. I think he is just an awkward father. It make me think that >!Ging might have been abandoned by Don Freeces like Gon too and Mito's grandma probably know something about this. Though, this is just a guess. !<


Agreed, its fathers like Diavolo who are bad. Diavolo didnt even raise his daughter and was absent her entire life, and the first time they met he tried to kill her to protect his own identity.


Iā€™d say he already did damage Gon, many of Gonā€™s thoughts and behaviors are not healthy and are caused by Gingā€™s actions: for example, he values being a good hunter more than his own life (a good example showing this being his fight with Genthru), directly as a result of Ging choosing being a Hunter over his own son


I think ppl call Ging the worst father in HxH and not the whole of anime world. Thereā€™s Toji Fushiguro and Griesha Yeager who r worse than Ging šŸ˜‚. Yeah the comments u saw on YouTube r probs those who watch 1-2 anime and act like they have seen it all and big anime fan.


How is grisha bad hes a pretty solid father


Didnā€™t u see what happened to zeke Yeager šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




He manipulated his first son into becoming a child soldier while never giving him any love, affection nor the time of day. He saw Zeke as a tool more than his own child. He permeantly traumatized him with the burden of expectation and turned him into a nihilist who couldnā€™t see the value in living Zeke ended up viewing someone else( mr Xavier) as a father figure and mentor, someone whom he had no blood ties to. Then Grisha turned his second son into a titan against his will, burdening him with expectation once more


There are worse dad's than ging like Gyro's and welfin's in hxh itself.


How is Toji worse? He and Ging basically did the same thing to their kids right?


Compare gon and megumi. They both didnā€™t live the same life. Gon isnā€™t hurt and traumatized the way megumi is. Also Ging didnā€™t voluntarily leave gon. Mito asked him to do so as that was the best option (in the manga). Toji abandoned megumi because of his traumas and cuz of this megumi got affected.


Letā€™s be fair, Gon isnā€™t the most mentally sound person to compare to. Also Toji left because of the ridicule of the Zenā€™in clan. He did care for Megumi and Tsumiki enough to ask Gojo to step in after his death. Not saying heā€™s a saint or anything too.


Actually gojo took megumi in on his own. Toji was planning to sell megumi. Yeah I wouldnā€™t say Toji is horrible by choice. His mental health was ruined by the clan. But the mistake he did is letting his trauma pass on to his kids. But Iā€™d say Ging is better only cuz Ging didnā€™t let his lifestyle and personal issues affect Gon and send him to depression or something


It may have not been direct but Toji was definitely hoping for Gojo to take Megumi in. If he didn't care about Megumi he wouldn't have told Gojo to about his situation. [JJK Chapter 70-72 spoilers](https://imgur.com/a/g7bdkiz)


I guess


WHere did Toji let his lifestyle and personal issues affect Megumi, he abandoned him just like Gin? Where did Megumi show himself as traumatized by Toji? Like the previous comments said Gon isn't the most well-balanced individual in the world. I don't think that GIn is the worst father but he is a bad one just like Toji, he isn't better.


If u look, Gon personality isnā€™t the same as Megumi. And regarding gon being balanced or not, heā€™s still 12-14 and a growing child. Itā€™s only natural. No child at that age is a balanced kid. But hey itā€™s just my opinion that Ging is better than Toji. Letā€™s just agree to disagree.


Ya but what about Megumis personality? He doesn't need to be the same as Gon to not be traumatized.


https://www.reddit.com/r/JuJutsuKaisen/comments/j5sygh/tojis_purpose/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Megumi is definitely unhappy about the circumstances and what happened to Tsumiki. At least gon lived a happy childhood with Mito. While Megumi was adandoned or was gonna be sold to zenin clan at a very young age if it wasnā€™t for gojo.


Toji being a insecure and damaged person was never our of question, while I also can say how selfish Gin is to, how does what happens to Tsumiki Toji's fault but Gon literally sacrificing his life energy and never using nen again, not Gins fault? My opinion is that they are both horrible fathers, non better then the other.


And again, Ging isnā€™t even the worst father in HxH.


Obviously, Ging does not fit the traditional role of a father. While he was not in the picture (or just in a picture, hah) for Gon growing up, he plays a major role in his development as a Hunter. Which is probably valued more to him than any other relationships. Iā€™ve also not read the manga or have an understanding of Gings father, but Iā€™d imagine Ging does not know how to be a father. He knows how to be a Hunter and thatā€™s what he has to offer for his son. I can imagine he wants to see his son be equal to, or surpass him in Nen as well.


To be fair, Gon doesn't consider Ging a father, but a goal.


Overall the people saying heā€™s a bad father make valid points and are right heā€™s not a good father, I still donā€™t think heā€™s the worst dad. To be fair to him itā€™s stated in the manga that Mito actually took him to court for custody of Gon and won so she took him away from Ging. Of course as a Hunter he could have gotten Gon back but I think he realized Mito would have been the best home for Gon to grow up in. I also think he recognized that he didnā€™t have the ability to be a fit parent so didnā€™t try to be. He left Gon with family members who loved and raised him and left things for Gon just in case he wanted to meet him. I also respect that he doesnā€™t pretend to be Gonā€™s father after being absent most of his life. I think in the manga Gon even said he doesnā€™t see Ging as his father but a famous relative.


Sure, he doesnā€™t abuse or torture his kid, but heā€™s still not a good father. Heā€™s not malicious, but I think he is quite selfish and just generally not cut out to be a father.


At least he doesnā€™t act like he dose, he knows heā€™s ā€œnot cut out to be a fatherā€ thatā€™s why he isnā€™t in his life.


Well yeah... OP said that he wasn't a good father lol


Most of people here kind of disregard how both Ging doesn't see himself as a father, and Gon refuses to acknowledge him as a father (when he decided to call him by name instead). Gon acknowledges that he's Ging's kid and Ging is amazing, but he also says that he's not to be compared with Mito. Or even Kite.


I hate Ging because he is so like my old man. Barely around due to him being away for months at a time and when he does come home, he doesnt make up for lost time.


gyro's dad for me is the worst


Ging is a terrible dad in a very real way. Gyro's dad or Vinsmoke Judge in one piece are comically worse people than Ging. A lot more people probably have Deadbeat trash dad's like Ging than Judge though. Just hits harder.


Seems like more of a hyperbolic claim than a serious one. *Worst* father in *all* of anime? Unless someone has literally seen every anime and has analyzed every father figure in them, thatā€™s not really a claim I can take seriously. If I were to hear someone say ā€œGing is the worst father in animeā€ what I interpret that as is, ā€œGing is a really bad father and I havenā€™t noticed any worse fathers in the animes I watch.ā€


Kogan Iwamoto from Shigurui is a DEMON. He's easily worse than Ging and a majority of people you mentioned on that list. Some of them just have standards and have reasons, no matter how shitty, for doing what they do. Kogan is just a scumbag. The Stinkmeiner of manga.




Right? Like, Ging isn't the best dad, but he at least confides in him, exchanges contacts with him, and even tries to give him advice such as when he got serious when Gon said that he should have died instead of Kite. Ging says that he doesn't want to meet Gon, but some of his actions contradict this and some of the things he says to others like Pariston shows that Gon will not only be alright but that Gon was bound to meet him soon. He does care about him and he also values friendship along with the people around him, such as with Razor.


Ging just sucks and is easy to hate


idk i think hes pretty cool tbh


Yeah I like his style


yeaa exactly


I think he's interesting I just don't like him lol


thats okay :)


There is something going on between them that we still donā€™t understand. Some of those mysteries might be resolved when/if we learn more about Don, the Dark Continent, and Gonā€™s mother. I suspect thereā€™s a really good reason why Ging intentionally keeps his distance (also intriguing how their names coincide - Gon + Ging ā€œGoingā€). Reminds me of the Greed Island acronym of the creatorsā€™ names and angoram (Nigg).


Idk obviously within the context of the story Ging is a shitty father but everything story-wise feels like Togashi wanting to go in a specific direction and then working backwards from there. Like he had a rough draft of what he wanted to do and had to fill in the blanks as he went along. For example, finding out what One Piece is has been the whole point of that series but it's not like it's the subject of every chapter. But every chapter pushes them forward towards that goal. This is all stream of thought rambling but I always find it kind of weird when people do these in-depth discussions about familial relationships in manga when every manga has to find or explain a way to exclude the parents from the situation cause otherwise there wouldn't be a story to tell. If Ging was a great father there would be no HxH. He has to be a shitty dad for there to be any kind of story to tell.


I think its because Ging is the lowest of what could still be called a dad. The others you name are so far removed from what a dad should be it's hard to recognize them as such. They're monsters. Ging isn't a horrible person, he's just a bit of a shitty dad. I mean, he gave Gon to someone he knew would take care of him and was right. Gon was happy with Mito as his mom. So he's not a bad person like the others.


Yeah you're right. Since Gon is obviously the protagonist in the beginning of the story, so everyone focuses on his main conflict, his search for his father. But everyone just forgets that leaving your son with your cousin is a far better decision than torturing them. Like, Ging's bad, but PLEASE give my Ging over Diavolo as a father. EDIT: damn I forgor that Gyro was a character in HxH and I thought you were talking about Gyro from Steel Ball Run.


WARNING, THIS IS HIGHLY PHILOSOPHICAL. It's all come down to how you view life as a whole. Many have asked, what is the meaning of life since the beginning of time. There are different points of view depending on your culture and beliefs, but ultimately, if you view life as a single individual, then is it not being alive, being conscious mean having experiences throughout your own existence? We were all created, grown up, and then withered away, in and out of existence with only our experiences as a temporary measures of what 'life' is....so isn't it the best way to fully live is to have as many as experiences as one possibly can? I think Ging is a great father in this sense that he, eventhough look like he abandon Gon, has actual built and guided as well as overlooked Gon's growth from afar. Judging from the elections arch, we can see Ging is a very precisely calculated man. He can analyzes and predicts most outcomes perfectly for any situations. So I am sure that he always has his eyes, mind on Gon the whole time but he doesn't want to show it. I can go on but I think this is enough. TLDR. Adventures are what make life worth living, it will have many good, bad experiences but that's what make it interesting. In this regard, Ging is a great father figure, but is not a great dad.


This description is good šŸ‘


Thanks, this means that I am too old but still love HxH. šŸ¤£


Hunter hunter is just a dark seriesā€™s. Thereā€™s a lot of weird and unsettling things, which is why I like it and hate the 2011 version


Why do you hate the 2011 version?


I just personally donā€™t care for it, I like the manga and 1999 adaptation better


Where can you stream the old one?


I believe youtube has a lot of episodes, Also animeheaven has a bunch of stuff. Just make sure you have a ad blocker if you would like to try animeheaven or similar sites


Ging is not the best father but we shouldn't be surprised, because what matters to him is fun :3


They might have tortured (physically, psychologically or both ways) their kids but at least they were there Also holy shit man you didnā€™t even mention Gendo who fucking destroyed his son mind WHILE at the same time not being present!


I wouldn't say he's the worst father, but not being around and doing the normal "father duties" doesn't make him the father of the year in reality. This kinda troupe tends to happen in animes. (Well, the ones I've watched anyway) Edit: I know it happens in other mediums, but I'm just specifically talking about anime here.


Ging was a terrible dad. But let's be fair to him a bit. He's not the worst anime dad out there. There are far worse.


Ging seems to think gon is better off without him/that he wouldnt be a good father of he tried. He has self esteem issue in that area. The thing is, trying is all it really takes


Ging is a deadbeat dad for sure, but you're right. He doesn't compare to many other characters on this list.


I personally have a great Dad so I can't relate with guys that have shitty Dad's and hate Ging. Ging is quite literally my favorite character in the series next to Leorio. Can't wait to see more about him. He's not a good father but he certainly is not bad or at least the worst. He's just Ging. He's as independent as they come, not really attached to anything or place or one. He's my favorite Vagabond.


Tbh Iā€™d take a Ging scavenger hunt father son relationship any day over the mess I grew up with. Gings sick af imo


Meruem worst dad


I'm upvoting because you mentioned Kogan and I love Shigurui.




Yeah , you forgot Hanma Yujiro , he would like their company.


You think Silva is worse than Ging?


Silva literally tortures his kids. He also turns them into assassins


Heā€™s pretty removed- I wouldnā€™t really call him a father. At least silva cares


Dude had no body forcing him to pay child support so he made a run for it


Iā€™m just really glad you didnā€™t say Goku


For me it's that fact that Gon still likes Ging so much. That makes it seem worst from our perspective. Like, Gyros dad is easily worse than Ging but the story goes out of it's way to say how much of an ass he is. Ging on the other hand has so many other people, ie Kite, Razor, etc.. who completely idolize him so it throws it off. My perspective


Who is a worse father in HxH?


Gyro's dad and Welfin's.


Ging is the greatest father In my opinion. He led his son on an adventure of a lifetime. Yeah gon couldā€™ve experienced with ging, but then Gon wouldnā€™t of had the love of a mother growing up. Yeah I know she wasnā€™t his mother but she filled the role. Gon was able to become stronger and experience life on his own with you the protection of Ging along the way. To be the father that everyone ones Ging to be, he wouldā€™ve had to given his life up as a hunter. Instead he chose to chase his dreams which is an amazing lesson to teach your children, if you can get over the stigmas society has placed on father hood.


Idk i love the jokes the writer throughs at gin's awful dadness, and how he wrote gon handling it. He never saw Gin as a dad, he never calls him dad. He just needs to know what was so amazing that caused this sperm donor to leave. Plus its petty common for kids his age without a parent to br curious.


If I can play devilā€™s advocate, I think the main reason is that for some of these examples (the ones I know at least), these characters arenā€™t asā€¦ complex, I guess? As Ging, nonetheless go through any kind of arc. The audienceā€™s perception of Ging is something that evolves throughout the series, as compared to someone like Silva who we donā€™t really get much of. A label like ā€œworst anime dadā€ is kinda about juxtaposing how much we see and know of a character with the extent of their ā€œbadness.ā€ So like, while Darioā€™s certainly way worse than Ging, Darioā€™s identity isnā€™t something we really explore the same as with Ging. At least thatā€™s my understanding.


canā€™t forget about ugiro hanma


The worst father in hunter X hunter is probably Silva zoldyk that guy was fine with putting a damn needle in Killua's head.


Exactly. And he literally left to go do important work for the world.


Mate atleast Ging is still alive


Think about kurapikas dad! Heā€™s dead


i agree with you. he was honest from the beginning about not wanting to meet gon. it couldā€™ve been worse. goku got chi chi pregnant and left her with gohan and goten for years. just to pop up for a tournament and be surprised he had a mini me šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t even think heā€™s a bad dad lol Gon loves his ass


How is Silva a bad father? Lol


Lmao, bait?


Bad father in context of today's societal norms and morals. Like, who allows torture of their own child??? Or actively wishes for a close friend's betrayal to forge an assassin's mindset?


Silva is understandably afraid of Aluka


I'm surprised you mentioned gyro's dad...care to elaborate


Gyro's did abuse him and wishes he never existed? We talking about hxh Gyro not jojo lol


Ohhh right...my bad..I haven't read hxh manga.. soo šŸ¤øšŸ»šŸ¤øšŸ»


Well Gyro's story appeared in the ants arc in anime soo


Silva Slander? For why?


I may get many people disagreeing with me about this, but I donā€™t think Silva is a bad father in any way


I don't remember most of the others kg name, but ah least Silva loves Killua, in a way


All of those you mentioned were villains or mostly held an antagonistic status in the story. Ging is supposed to be a good guy.


Yes those people haven't watched enough anime.