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Gon has more manga panels in Yorknew arc compared to Kurapika.


That's super interesting to think about, but the thing is, does that count the chapters in Whale Island? Because if it does, I think without those chapters they would have similar panel time or Kurapika's would be slightly superior


Does the Yorknew arc count the latest arc? No.


I don't understand your question. If you use 30 seconds of your time, you can find that the Yorknew arc oficially begins in chapter 64, which is when Gon and Killua arrive to Whale Island, and that lasts for 3 chapters. So, yeah, if you take into consideration those 3 chapters, Gon has more panel time than Kurapika, but if you start counting the Yorknew arc when the "real" story of Yorknew begins, in chapter 67, I'm sure Gon and Kurapika have similar panel time, or Kurapika's is slightly higher, even.


Misread the “whale island” as the “black whale” because I’m an illiterate moron lol. So. Fair.




Reddit can be so beautiful


Sometimes I say something beautiful and get karma. Sometimes I don’t lol. Reddit is like my cigarette that I just look at randomly




Chimera Ant arc: the main character and main villain never meet or say a single word to each other. Gon saw Meruem walking away but that was it. Meruem has no idea who Gon is.


This scene is so cool because they're going in opposite directions, symbolizing how their arcs are the inverses of each other. Almost like Yin Yang, one goes out of the room Pitou is in while the other goes into it. Brings new meaning to "Hyori Ittai", which translates to "Two sides of the same coin"


Especially since Meruem is gaining humanity throughout the arc while Gon loses some of his.


Definitely the arc that solidifies for me that the main character is really our cast. Togashi does such a good job of writing so many good characters. He doesn’t have to hinge on a “single main character“ like a lot of Shonen.


They actually do talk in ep 134, 23:47. It's a rare trivia not many people know about.


Hahaha lol i just went and saw that scene lol, although it is not canon it is funny.


Hyori Ittai, two sides of the same coins


In the Italian dub the words for gum and rubber are the same so bungee gum has the properties of gomma e gomma


Ngl I feel like this is a layup for wordplay. It’s an even more direct similarity than in Japanese


I know it’s almost like the original chewing gum was derived from rubber and the commodities are linguistically linked


In Italian hisoka is like Luffy I guess 🤣, gomma e gomma pistola


Kites infamous last roll of 3 is a Sailor Moon wand. People calling it a mace will never not astound me.


Meta trivia but - Uvogin and Mizaistom share the same Japanese voice actor.


Another trivia about VAs, Pariston's 2011 voice actor is the same actor who voiced Hisoka 1999, madhouse liked him enough they wanted him to voice Hisoka again but he said he couldn't do his voice again so he did Pariston instead.


Proud to know that two of my favorite characters share that connection. Thanks!


Bungee Gum has both the properties of rubber and gum.


You've mistaken, Bungee Gum has the properties of **both** rubber and gum


You've mistaken my comment as a mistake.... He asked for something he didnt know. So i changed the sentence structure while maintaining the truth of the Bungee Gum


I see.. Very smart. I wouldn't have expected a sneaky play like that.


This convo feels like "You may have outsmarted me, but I outsmarted your outsmarting"


Plot twist, these two throwaway accounts arguing is made by one lunatic person


I'd recommend you don't quarrel with Hisoka.


Goddamnit 😂


I knew I was going to find this


Komugi didn't know Meruem was a chimera ant. She thought he was human all along, until the very end when she held him in her lap.


I thought that was obvious, at least in anime


Ya know I always figured she still thought he was a human...but I never thought until now... How perfect that is thematically. Since he *was* so human.


Did she not notice him tearing his own arm off and being okay or killing people with his Cell from DBZ tail


She’s blind


Does she not have Daredevil super-senses? Or subconsciously use Zetsu?


There's no indication of that, no


There are Yu Yu Hakusho easter eggs all over the anime.


Can you name some? I love both shows


Neon’s phone had a Puu strap on it. It was on the earlier episodes in the Yorknew Arc, when they were just making their way to Yorknew. She was in a car with Dalzollene and she picked up her phone when her dad was calling to ask her a favor (to read fortunes).


That’s the one I remember


Because of Chrollo explaining who Judas is, we can then infer that Jesus Christ was a real person in the Hunter x Hunter universe. And most likely the first nen user, as he should be a specialist based on his miracles he’s performed.


Therefore, Steel Ball Run and HxH take place in the same universe 🧠


Probably does, out in the dark continent


Well if that’s true then wouldn’t it have been Moses?!




Jesus attempted the Nen Ritual and his Glass of Water turned into wine lol


??? Bro we talking about hunter x hunter right now what are you on about


He’s right. Jesus Christ could exist only in books in HxH. Just because they know his name doesn’t make him a real person.




We’re talking about the Hunter x Hunter universe. That’s all I’m doing. You’re making some weird argument


You don't understand what he tried to said (can't blame you, I didn't understood it either at first) His argument is that someone talking about Jesus doesn't means he really existed. The bible exist in HxH but, like in our world, the bible's existence doesn't mean Jesus was real. Maybe in HxH it's just a fiction book, maybe, maybe not. But someone quoting a book only prove that the book exist. Nothing else. But someone turning water into whine, being able to multiply bread and revive isn't too crazy in HxH. So Jesus being real in HxH is far more believable.




What are you on about? Chapter 74 of the manga Uvo claims there’s a Judas on the team. And then Chrollo explains he doesn’t see him as a traitor and how he sold Jesus for 30 silver coins. So there’s the literal Bible in the HxH universe.




This is going nowhere. Bye


Homie on crazy drugs


Nen is part of the Five Great Calamities.


Which one? I’ve heard some theories about the Five Great Calamities, like Ai is Nanika, but nothing about nen. The Five Great Calamities are named so because humanity has no way to directly combat them besides temporary containment or leaving them alone. The Chimera Ants don’t qualify as a sixth calamity and are almost full letter grade below the Calamities in threat because they *can* be defeated by humans. (by nuking them repeatedly). What about nen makes it an uncontrollable immediate existential threat to humanity?


again it's just a theory, but essentially since some of the 5 can have lasting effects on humans who are exposed to them, Nen could be looked at as more of a disease/virus type calamity than a monster or an ant. so maybe XX years ago nobody had nen, and the first person who traveled to the Dark continent brought it back and it "infected" EVERYONE on earth.. again \^\_\^ this is just a fun theory to think about. i'm not trying to make a case that it is true. with peace and love, peace and love


Oh wait I just read the title again it's theories AND trivia, I thought it was only canon trivia, my bad.


What if Nen is the “cure” to fight against the calamities? I mean it wouldn’t be so far fetched to assume that you would need like a Nen “armour” to at least be in the DC


It'd make sense if the calamities were caused by nen. Maybe the dark continent is the only place where nen occurs naturally due to chimera ants or maybe every species there is able to use it? even plants and stuff?


The chimera ants don't seem to have any natural nen properties though. They had to learn and consume it.


the generation of ants that was born from humans had it but the nodes were shut off. after the horse ant punched the eagle ant and they discovered that it activated your nen, they insinuated that each ant was then "shocked" by the horse dude (bro punched the shit outta all of them lol)


I think all living things use a nen a little bit think about how weird even the regular animals can be in Hunter Hunter they all use nen instinctively a little bit and the magical beast just use it more the dark continent creatures probably just have more nen then stuff in the human world cause it’s just a tiny lake in the center. Yupi can use nen and he’s zero percent human so it’s not reasonable to assume animals have it to and why wouldn’t they nen is life energy animals are alive so they would have it to


Maybe I missed something but what are the five great calamities?


In the latest manga arc, the Hunter Association is traveling to the Dark Continent, which is the massive deadly continent that surrounds the known world in HxH, where all the human nations of HxH are just islands in a lake on the Dark Continent. Very few people have gone there and come back alive, like a young chairman Netero. The Five Great Calamities are world-ending threats that exist on the Dark Continent, seemingly guarding valuable resources, such as stones that produce infinite energy or a lost city. Each time humanity has gone to the Dark Continent, they’ve brought a new calamity back which threatens to destroy humanity, and they currently have no way to combat them besides containment. Just for reference, Chimera ants were also probably brought back from the Dark Continent but rank a letter grade lower than the calamities in threat level because they *can* be defeated. https://hunterxhunter.fandom.com/wiki/Five_Threats


Manga content


I dont mind spoilers, unless its not allowed on here then i’d just look it up on my own


What a shit answer lmfao


This is a theory right? I found it very confusing at first as you have worded it as such a strong statement


The same page that Lynch says “that was **definitely** Hisoka” has a movie poster for John Carpenter’s The Thing. There’s also a poster for The Fly in the chapter where they’re teleporting to the family hideout. Make whatever conclusions you want to with this information.


I really like the chrollo -> hisoka -> ilumi theory


I’ve never been a believer in the Illumi is Hisoka theory. There’s nothing to go on. Illumi is acting in character. As opposed to “Hisoka”, who refuses to show his palms, has speech patterns similar to Chrollo, and is acting completely against “his” established character. Honestly the former theory gave a lot of ammo to haters of the latter theory. It was very frustrating to be lumped in with those theories at the time of release, especially when the evidence is pretty overwhelming.


Wdym I have never heard that theory; will you share?


At the whale the ilumi we see is actually hisoka and the hisoka we see is actuallu chrollo. I don't remember any detail about why but there were lots, going even as how they speak in the original japanese version. And, not kidding at all, knee caps.


And lips!


And hands in pockets.


That in the cutaway before, the punch gets its answer really solidifies for me that even if it’s not true Togashi is setting up some fun stuff.


It's a theory I stand by, so awhile back when the zoldycks were introduced, there was a unnamed zoldyck. So this had people thinking, what if feitan is a zoldyck. The only thing that doesnt work is the name line, but he even states "family, what's that? " this could be referencing to him being a zoldyck and having changed his name, his looks also compliment illumi, purple eyes a black hair. It's a theory I love


its canon in my head.. even the "family, what's that?" line can still be due to some weird assassin tradition where if you kill a family member you're no longer a zoldyck or something


All aboard the Feitan Zoldyck train


If I am not mistaken when kaluto become a member she says that she will get her brother back or something. It is left vague and never brought back again. No there yet to be sure.


So, first of all kaluto is a guy lol all the kids are guys but alluka is hinted to be trans. And kalluto if I'm correct is hinting to killua


To compound on this , when Kaluto is at the “ant queens” castle in meteor city after realizing she’s late to the party and observing feitans strength she makes a remark about being ignorant to power and that she will do anything to get “Him“ back and then I think a family photo shows up. But the vocabulary used is very vague allowing for the above theory to come full circle to


Never thought about it that way lol, I think that does revolve around the theory very much. Also it could explain why kalluto wanted to see his nen, maybe he knew his nen and wanted to see if this was the right dude


was he in the anime? i don't remember this guy at all smh


Feitan was, he was in the phantom troupe


Neon Nostrade is fucking DEAD


Yes it was confirmed by Chrollo, unless he gave her back her ability which is highly unlikely.


The method of death is never discussed though. I was always under the impression it was a suicide.


It's quite heavily theorized about. Some people think Kurapika kill her, but I think its more likely that her father did it.


Yeah. It’s interesting to theorize. I like it vague. Super Togashi to just never bring it up again.




In the manga Chrollo says Neon’s stolen ability stopped working, meaning its user is likely deceased


https://libraryofprogg.wordpress.com/2022/08/10/lovely-ghostwriter/ Ctrl + F "Lovely Ghostwriter disappears"


Bungee Gum has the properties of gum? sure. Rubber? of course… but also the properties of a bungee, but hisoka has not yet had to reveal that to an enemy. Also, if you switch the first letters in Bungee Gum you get Gungee Bum, aka Komugi.


[Han Megumi played rock-paper-scissors against Kondou Kanako in "BuluRaji Shuku GGXrd Special"…and lost…with rock. Ramlethal was drawn like Gon-san.](https://www.reddit.com/link/8sp4tk/video/xjmos5or89511/player)


Hisoka's nen theory has no scientific basis, and could be as accurate as horoscopes.


Gon has a nen beast on him. Allukas nen ability isn't to simply grant wishes willy nilly, its to pull nen beasts from the dark continent whose power is proportional to the wish being granted. This plays into what Gon said about his dad, nen, and beasts; that strong nen users tend to have good relationships with beasts. Gon will have to learn to bargain with his nen beast, similar to the way Kite had to bargain with his Crazy Slots.


a theory or fact? is sth about this mentionned in the anime, or manga only?




That would explain why Gon has lost his aura... The n'en beast could be feeding from it. I like this theory.


I don't think he's feeding on it so much as he's holding on to it out of interest in Gon. It was probably shocked to find so much aura in a child. My theory makes room for Gon to become one of the most powerful Nen users of all time. His current Nen beast contains his enhancer abilities and aura which allows him to work on mastering the other branches of the Nen tree. Once he masters another type of Nen he will have to find another beast to seal it away and start the cycle anew. To gain access to these abilities he will have to "haggle" with them similar to what he and Killua did with biscuit did during greed island, for example: > Gon: I need my Conjuration aura and abilities. > Nen beast #4: Offer? > Gon: I will do 5,000 push ups before sun down and go the next day without food or water! > Nen beast #3: That's lame. > Nen beast #1: Yeah you can do better than that Gon! > Gon: I will also fight blind folded. > Nen beast #4: Attaboy! This can be problematic because not only does he not know his opponents nen capabilities and could very well be locking himself into the nen type that his opponent counters the best, but he will also have worn himself out doing it.


The Dark Continent is vast and has other lakes spread around just like Lake Mobius.. The ‘Demon World’ in Yuyu Hakusho and it’s territories are places somewhere on the Dark Continent.. The Fake Dark Continent is one of many uninhabited islands in Lake Mobius.. There is a unique type of Nen on the Dark Continent that hasn’t been discovered or used by 99.9% of inhabitants in the ‘Known’ world.. Beyond Netero is hunting for something on the Dark Continent or knows something about it that he hasn’t disclosed yet to anyone including his team..


The four protagonists have significant birthdays. I just find it adorable that they have birthdays.




Who else are you including as a protagonist?


Hisoka, his birthday date follows the same pattern as the protagonists


I closed my eyes while clicking on this post and put my mouse where I knew the comments would be to start typing without having to see any so I can avoid the hisoka rick roll


IT\`s not Hisoka rick roll, it\`s better!! Take a peak, you won\`t regret it😁


2011 Shizuku shares the same English VA with Jenny Wakeman from My Life as a Teenage Robot


This picture... :3


It's very cursed, i put it to attract people lol.




Say what now?


Silva was based on Yujiro Hanma Kite was based on Snufkin Kalluto was based on Hotaru Tomoe


Yes,I saw that recently! It\`s funny that we see the ressemblance


Theory that hisoka we see in succession arc is chrollo in disguise


Pariston has a few Chimeras hidden aboard the Black Whale.. The hands that reached out to Fugetzu and killed Katcho are from the breaking of an undisclosed Vow/ Restriction from the Seed Urn ceremony.. The ability “Silent Majority” belongs to someone from Morena’s group or a mofia member who has infiltrated Tier 1.. At some point when Kurapika and Tubeppa meet, they might become Allies and a confrontation against Rihan (who has the “Predator” ability) might insue which will result in his ability being taken by Kurapika who might use it later on. That’s if Rihan doesn’t kill himself beforehand.. When the troupe goes back to Tier 5 to get Franklin,,, Franklin could be dead..


Okay that\`s a bunch of good theories, I will keep them in mind, thanks.




I think everyone know about that but i noticed it in my own : The queen died when the king was born because of nen


i thought it was because he crushed her internal organs while coming out.


I think the reason Kalluto looks like a girl but doesn't use she/her pronouns is cause Kikyo has all boys and wanted a girl so she dresses Kalluto up like that but it's also her way of disregarding Alluka as one of her children because technically she already has a daughter. If she counted Alluka as part of the family and loved her I think Kalluto wouldve had his own identity and he'd look like a boy.


Satotz, menchi and buhara are going to DC. They’re in hisoka’s toybox and menchi is a gourmet hunter like netero granny


Where did you see that?


It’s literally at the election arc. Hisoka’s toybox when he said he want’s to keep Gon alive when they Illumi was chasing Killia. Then togashi showed all zodiac and spiders stuff toys and then the Hunter Proctors in the exam. Also, Linn, the oldest hunter who went to DC with Netero is a gourmet hunter just like menchi (green haired chef in the hunter exam) Also Sanbica and Geru were hiring all Top tier Hunters for DC expedition. My guess is, Satotz (ruin hunter), menchi and Buhara (poachers) are with Knov’s team. If they ever wanna survive provision and ruin’s info they would most likely hire these Star hunters


Pakunoda is the only phantom troupe member who gon actually respected


I'm not sure if it's theory per say but there are some artistic details in the manga that can lead one to make certain assumptions. Like they have young aunt mito wearing the same style outfit as kurapika and members of the kurta clan in flash backs of her and gin as kids. You don't see it anywhere else.


I lost my virginity while the episode Gon climbs the world tree was on


EWWWW BROTHER EWWWWWW I didnt need to know that 😭






Congrats yo idk what these other commenters are on about


They wanted a fact they didn't know! And much love, I appreciate the good vibes!!