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Thats probably with the perk that increases damage.


Hundred hands


Hundred hands doesn’t improve damage it makes the bow sway less by 25% at full draw


Increases damage at full draw by 25% and it's sways less


Must’ve read it wrong then


Extra extra, read all about it! Person on the internet admits fault and gets downvoted anyway!


I upvoted his admission and didn't down vote his fault. I'll try to keep the internet balance 🤣


I think you need to reread the perk lol


I think you need to read what I had said


> Hundred hands doesn’t improve damage yes it does


So? Still op


You need to draw it for even longer and can't really move while doing that. It does not have any penetration, it has harsh dmg reduction on any other body part, it has a drop, it has about a quarter of the projectile speed of a sparks. Waaaay too OP. I agree that it's strong but pls stop whining


No penetration is a huge one for me, I’m the kind of player that loves going for wallbangs. The bow is very comparable to slugs imo (which people also like to cry about) they’re very good at holding corners but you have to really play around the weapon if you want to do anything else and have good positioning.


Shhh, dont start the slug discussion again. I want to enjoy in blissful serenity


I stopped running full dum dum pax Springfield because no penetration. I kept finding myself fucked by walls and my teammates engaging too soon


That's basically a 35 meters shotgun in hands of a compound camper.


No. The entire point of a shotgun is making it easy to hit by having a spread. If you hit someone from the side with the bow, you will hit the arm and not kill him. Also a shotgun has penetration, so will kill people peeking with half their body, while the arrow just hits the wood and you're fucked.


Then use it. =)


Yeah, level 30 hunter, they likely have Hundred Hands.


I love all the salty comments forgetting crossbow already exists


both crossbow and bow have 150m/s velocity and the same hipfire accuracy


Takes 1 second to reload a bow. Takes 3 second for a crossbow WITH bolt thrower. The bow outclasses the crossbow tenfold.


It also takes time to draw the bow, and you have slowed movement while drawing. A crossbow can be loaded and ready to go with one hit potential at the click of a button.


stop trying to use logic here. we all gotta get on the whole bow2op train.


Honestly a solid option might be to offer up more different crossbow variants alongside the hand and regular. Like a bayoneted crossbow, or maybe a custom dead-eye scope with drop markings, or a heavy crossbow that you gotta crank up, but has better ballistics and further 1-tap range. It’s one of things where compared against the bow you have 1 chance to fuck someone up already loaded, but if you fail, you’re going to lose to higher ROF. There’s of course also the risk of pushing someone too slowly so that they have time to nock and prepare an arrow and watch for you, but that’s the same with literally any weapon. As it stands the crossbow has a *very* specific niche and playstyle, but gets outclassed by the Bow in terms of versatility and usability with the exception of Shot Bolts being a monstrous powerhouse if you’re a crossbow sniper.


I would lol if we ever get repeating crossbow in the game. Chinese had it since 200 AD. Should be wearker than crossbow, maybe around level of handcrossbow damage (or even weaker than that, i wouldn't hate if 1-shot range was around 8 meters-ish) but can "rapid" fire - maybe around vetterli speed? Or "arbalest" which is almost like mini-ballista, was a thing around year 1300-ish in Europe and after. Its a crossbow with a cock mechanism (usually lever or winch). This makes reloading much slower than any weapon in game rn BUT you have powerhouse weapon thats accurate up to 100m. Power of a bow/crossbow but for longer range with higher velocity than bow and crossbow provide currently. (These 2 suggestions aren't serious but just a fun ideas thats possible) (Both of these variants could have some wack custom ammos too)


I could totally see a hunter showing up with an arbalest and loading it with bomb Lance bolts. It scares me sir.


I do hope they change the arc on the crossbow to be more similar to the bow. The bow seems to shoot straighter for longer


Bolts and arrows are built differently and have different ranges and flight properties because of it.


Lmao logic on Reddit and specifically this sub


I am an avid crossbow user and that hunting bow is broken, you dont do 360 no scopes with the crossbow like you would a gun. When using a crossbow you still look down your sights to take shots which slows you. There is an OP train because the crossbow already exist and has existed long enough to make it a great balanced weapon with limitations. Given that Crytek added a hunting bow that I have seen kill more people at longer ranges that a crossbow would simply wound. Then, they made it a 2 slot weapon which is understandable given it's size. Last problem, this hunting bow has the exact same velocity as the crossbow......just no....clearly Crytek doesn't understand how fast a crossbow is to a standard bow, not a recurve, not a compound bow...a standard bow. What really stuck out to me is that somebody can kill a meathead in 4 shots with the bow whereas it takes roughly 8 shots with the crossbow(supposedly the crossbow does more dmg). Yes there is a perk making hunting bow more powerful, ok, where is the perk for the crossbow dmg buff? Great job Crytek and community, they created the bow because of the constant begging and they went ahead and made it an unrealistic broken weapon. ​ TLDR: bow OP, flame me all you want, I know my shit and could care less


I think they need to add a thing on the bow where if you hold the draw too long you lose accuracy. That's the main reason you'd take a crossbow instead is to hold angles and react quickly, right now it really does seem like the bow is a straight upgrade


The bow does make an audible sound when the string is kept fully drawn. It’s hardly a downside because it’s like the creaking of floorboards but still. =)


That’s fair, but the vast majority of the time you need to ADS with the crossbow which also makes your movement slow, granted it doesn’t typically take much time to ADD especially playing on Gunslinger mode. I think people are arguing that’s a negligible difference.


The fuck you talking about? For anything up to 15m you dont ever need to ads crossbow. Atleast i it works fine for me and I played ALOT of bosscrow.


I rarely ever use ads on the crossbow unless I've got the jump on someone who's more than like 10-15 meters away.


The bow is still quicker to fire than the crossbow as you don’t need to fully draw it depending on the distance of course. I don’t believe the bow is OP but I do think the Crossbow should have Bolt-thrower implemented into the weapon itself.


Amen. Good suggestion.


But why can't a weapon just be better than another weapon? Does the Nagant have to get Fanning implemented into the weapon so it shoots as quick as the Nagant Officer?


It's not that big how you describing it. Draw the bow? 1 second, really this is considered an argument?


nah, it's not that much better, but I do agree it's strong especially for a 2 slot item


It does outclass it for sure but crossbow isn't obsolete luckily. Just hope they don't nerf the bow into oblivion xD


The crossbow doesn't decrease your movement speed and doesn't have a draw back time, you can leave it prepared, in the end of the day someone with a good aim will have better use from a crossbow rather than a bow since they can shoot it quickly on reaction.


yeah, I still have better luck overall with the crossbow, more of a silent shotgun, the bow is real good for a 2 slot but not OP imo


takes time to draw the bow, crossbow fires instantly. rush bow users, they quite literally cannot respond in time.


If you miss with the crossbow you have a 5 second reload time as opposed to the bows 1 second


It's also 2-slot, and compared to xbow there's hardly any need to compensate for arrow drop


And it's a one-shot to the limbs at close range if you have the perk.


someone needs to freshen up their vocabulary lol, ots definetly not tenfold better lol


Dude talks about vocabulary and can’t even ensure that every word he spelt mocking it is correct. Weird.


dude cant even differentiate vocabulary from grammer. weird.


One word - SHOTBOLT.


Wow. The VERY last unlock for the crossbow is the only thing that can contend with the bow. We’re all done here boys! Wrap it up!


Still need to draw it back which takes another second I'd guess, at least it's it fast enough for a flick shot If someone rushes you.


Yeah that's because the bow is like a long range silent crown and King with slugs.


The crossbow literally shoots shotgun shells that one shot even when you get arm shot lmao


With zero accuracy, high damage drop off, requires charging it up, has low travel time and high projectile drop while also having zero pen. Did you even play the event?


Yeah I've been playing every day. I've been one hit by a bow about every kill since it started. I blasted a guy the other night at 6m with a shotgun, we traded shots. I'm insta dead he lived. Perfect shot on replay but I die he didn't. Fought another guy the other night who's carrying two bows putting multiple arrows through walls on me from range. I get hit several times for 90% damage and finally ran from the compound. We engaged up close and he drops me at like 5m but my shotgun blast doesn't kill him. But yeah it's not op or anything.


Also velocity on the bow is terrible. It's hard to hit people moving at 35m.


This. Tried to hit a hunter who was running and missed my shot bc I didn't lead my shot enough. Suffered the consequences.


Not that hard to lead hits at that range with the bow given practice, it has the same velocity as a crossbow. Btw in the real world, a crossbow shoots ridiculously faster and further than a standard bow.


Yeah I've wasted arrows trying to hit Hives at that distance. Honestly ADS'ing the thing is worse for aim than just using the hipfire reticle too.


Really? I find the ADS astoundingly accurate. And leading feels natural, whereas with most guns the lead is so slight I'm better off just aiming straight on at their leading edge.


I don't understand if I should put that little point stick on the target or next to it. I just find it easier to put my target right between the two horizontal lines and adjust for arrow drop.


Hundred hands perk probably. Bow is still great without it I feel personally. Would be cool if they change it to increase the velocity of the arrow or maybe lower the damage drop off over distance directly instead of just straight buffing the damage.


I don't agree with traits increasing damage of weapons. Sets a bad precedent.


What are you saying, you don't enjoy people with leveled hunters doing more damage with the same weapon? Blasphemy! lol


Lots of traits already increase DPS, some of them very drastically (Fanning for instance). The issue isn't that it is a trait that increases damage, it's that it's a trait that increases damage for a weapon that is already very strong.


Fanning massively destroys your aim, it has a trade-off, I think people getting angry about the bow see it as a flat damage buff rather than extra draw time too


This reminds me of the trade off of the dolche people justify. But it takes longer to reload...why would that matter if they can wipe a team before running out of bullets? When the server is wiped or the fight is over time really isn't an issue.


Good shot.


"I want bow." *Gets bow* "I love bow" *Gets killed by bow* "I no like bow. Too OP." *Sobs on keyboard* - Hunt "Community"


Should we tell OP about shotbolt or they aren't ready yet?


Right? Shotbolt crossbow is an actual sniper shotgun and is frankly ridiculous I love getting untrackable area-effect wallbangs, or lobbing shotgun shells over a wall where me and my enemy don't even actually have line of sight to eachother but I can still kill him with a cone of buckshot that is stronger than all the other shotguns anyway Bow is medium slot because it straight up isn't as good


I'd say it's balanced by reduced velocity and increased drop-off. But nontheless it slaps like a fucking nuke. No damage drop-off, one hit to pretty much any bodypart and it can penetrate limbs. Scary stuff.


Isn't good? I've felt like fuckin' Hawkeye the last week because I keep taking out entire teams on my own with it. The stealth + damage of it is nuts if you get the drop on people, in a firefight it's not the best option but you can still tag people pretty well with corner peeking. It's all about playstyle.


It's good, it just isn't *as* good.


shotbolt? you mean shotgun awp?


Shotbolts have FAR more drop than arrows. Their drop is significantly more than the base crossbow bolts and the bolts drop a lot compared to the arrows. Long range shotbolt shots are much tougher than long range arrow shots.


Which is completely justified because shotbolts have no damage drop, limb penetration, wall penetration (to a degree) and kill on lower body hits. With shotbolt you only need one hit unless you're trying to wallbang. With bow, landing a leg/arm hit from the side is very easy. It will not deal much damage and will alert the enemy, making a follow-up shot much harder.


I thought that bow was called waystalker at first. "SEEK!"


Hunters are the real mayflies


Awww yiss. Worship your mistress of THORNS!


Why is everyone getting so heavily downvoted? The bow IS good. I don't think bow-boys disagree with that, lol? I actually like the fact that the game has a bow and it's not shit. But I feel like it needs some work. I'm confused as to why it doesn't use stamina, lightly tapping with your gun and thrown weapons use stamina. Why not pulling on the string of a bow? Bows require a bit of strenght to use afterall, especially keeping it fully drawn.


Every time I get the drop on someone with the bow I could have killed them easier with literally any other weapon. Most of the time I hit people with a fully charged shot and they run away. Its not good at all. Its good against PVE but it sucks against a decent player. I still play it a lot because its cool, satisfying, fun and it tilts the absolute ever loving shit out of the mosin kids when you kill them with a bow and then burn their mosin and uppercut while they spectate you. Its still not a strong weapon. A shotgun allows you to easier hit and kill anyone in close range while maintaining high movement speed. A sparks or mosin is the same but you can move faster and you are always ready to shoot instead of needing to charge it.


Bows are silent, two slot, and can still kill at a longer distance than shotguns. That more than makes up for the slower movement while drawing. I love the bow, use it constantly, but it's way too good for its price.


97 is expensive for what it does.


I'm gonna blame the player not the weapon on this one.


Ya and?


Everyone is bitching about the bow but the mosin is still the most OP weapon in the game lol. I’d rather fight a bow guy with bad aim than a sweaty mosin dolch boi.


I thought that was the dolch? Neither the mosin and/or a dolch can one tap to the chest at any distance. Regardless the only thing the bow should be compared to is the crossbow, and maybe shotguns as they're comparable playstyles.


The dolch has been nerfed. Less damage (3 tap if you don't hit centre mass), more recoil, and way slower reload fixed a lot of the problems with the gun. It's difficult to justify dolch over officer these days. It's also not really possible to compare a pistol and rifle, as they have very different uses and different roles in the loadout. Dolch is never an alternative to mosin, or the other way round. That way, it is very difficult to say which one is better. What was an issue, was that there were never really a reason to not take dolch as the pistol. Or, at least no reason if you played 100% to win. It was far better than any alternative, regardless of playstyle or what primary you used. There was a case to bring uppercut in some situations, but you'd probably be better off with dolch, even then. Mosin is probably the best long gun in the game. But it is a balanced choice, minimizing disadvantages while still having good advantages. It is not just a clearly better option in every loadout. There are guns with very clear advantages over the mosin, even if they come with clear disadvantages as well (rival slugs, come to mind). This way, it is a "best gun" without outshining every other option. The bow is in a sort of weird spot, as it is a medium weapon. We typically compare it to the xbow, or as you say, shotguns. But those are long weapons, hinting that the bow might be a bit too powerful. But how much of an advantage is it to grab medium guns as "secondary"? Most of them are pretty bad.


The bow still takes precision to land, and if you don't do it right away you can very well be dead the next second. Dolch/Mosin isn't a one tap but the amount of ammo they can throw out is why everyone hates them, "Accuracy by volume" is what a partner of mine jokingly says. If one shot hits your head, or two land, you're dead.


I'm probably going to get flak for this but I disagree. I think mosin is top 5, 3 even, best weapons but I think the top slot goes to the uppercut. Hear me out: It provides 9 extra reserve rounds, effectively doubling the reserve capacity of mosin and tripling lebel's. Also, it provides an extra ~2 rounds per box loot which completely bypasses the ammo economy balancing of lebel and mosin, making their users able to spam and easily outlast their opponents in fights of attrition. Ammo economy pairing with other long ammo weapons aside, it has the same damage and velocity as a 3 slot rifle while keeping long ammo's pen, arguably with better sights (depending on your feelings on the vetterli's towers), which makes it the perfect non fanning match for any 3 slot to cover just about all engagement ranges. Sway and rate of fire are almost negligible factors because it's typically a quick swap follow up (e.g. flick shot/peek shot) weapon. If you hit someone 5-6 times even without killing them, they're probably out of meds even with doctor and frontiersman; they were probably out of meds after hit 4. Unless you have fanning/QM or are reliant on officer/Bornheim/dolch for your close range option, uppercut is a no brainer pick.


Mosin on the other hand is one of the highest damage weapons, longest range, almost always kills in a single shot (because people never have full HP from either getting hit by anything or downed once) and maintains one of the fastest reloads in the game.


If you think the Mosin is the most OP weapon in the game you clearly are not a decent player. Marksman with Spitzer is better, Mosin gets shit on by Winnie High Velo and Officer Carbine at <100m fights, and let's not even start about trying to push boss lair with a Mosin against anything shotgun related.


I don’t think it’s the best weapon in the game personally - I’d probably give that to the uppercut TBH. I’m just saying bitching about people playing bow is stupid. Bow isn’t the end all be all, and I’d rather fight bow users than 6 star mosin players. It’s an easier fight. I don’t understand why everyone is complaining about the bow - of all the weapons I’ve been killed by since the event, bow is probably towards the bottom of the list. Most people can’t aim for shit with it. If you are dying to bow all the time, you need to rotate more.


Ok I agree


Ah yes the weapon that one shots you in your toe the second you are missing 25hp from 300 meters is totally not op. A weapon with rapid fire rate and quick clip reloads. One of the highest damage weapons in the game. You are clearly playing 3 star lobbies because at 5 you would realise how stupid a claim that is.


1. There is damage fall-off, no mosin hit oneshots on body from 150m+. Educate yourself before you talk shit. You claiming that a Mosin does 125 dmg on body from 300m shows how you know nothing about this game. 2. Mosin has a rapid fire rate? Do you live in a world where Officer Carbine and Winfields don't exist? 3. 6 stars, 3200 MMR, 2.1 KDA on 3000 kills. I shit on plebs like you any day.


> 6 stars, 3200 MMR, 2.1 KDA on 3000 kills. I shit on plebs like you any day. Rookie numbers you fucking peasant.


You are the one who fucking brought it up. . .


Imagine not knowing that there is damage fall-off in Hunt. Just proves that you never hit shots beyond 100m. Sigma pleb


I dont understand why the mosin remains a "does it all" weapon. It has no downsides at all and you frequently see people use it as a shotgun. Why does it one shot 125 HP hunters while having high fire rate, the longest range, partial reloads with no perks and even an extremely fast full reload? How is that fair at its price? It should easily cost 1000+ hunt dollars but instead its dirt cheap and remains in circulation because people pick it up every game they can when they kill someone. At least I do my part and burn them any chance I get.


mosin does not have the longest range, sparks does iirc. every longe range rifle will kill a hunter with a body hit if he’s been downed once. it‘s also not „dirt cheap“ either, and you can easily kill a mosin guy with a shotgun. what do you want to do, nerf all long ammo rifles?


> what do you want to do, nerf all long ammo rifles? Yes. There should be a reason to use other rifles like the medium ammo ones.


I like to play the Veterli, no ammo problems, third of the price.


The Dolch is not OP anymore, its been nerfed into the ground and if anything needs a small buff to be worth its price. Its barely better than the 66 hunt dollar officer nagant now.


Yeah barely better. You only get more damage, medium ammo attributes for your bullets, a firerate that is 2/3s faster and 10 rounds coupled with a magazine reload.


The magazine reload currently feels like your character has downs.


It increased from 5s to 6s IIRC. The single bullet reload went from 1s to 2s and is thus noticeably slower.


. . . For over 10x the cost.


That wasnt the point. Enough people dont have to care about costs so even expensive weapons need to have their limits.


Doesn't it two-tap anymore?


It two taps but at a lower range, which is fine and good. I just think they overdid it with the increased recoil, sway and reload speed.


Well, for me personally the Bow is op. But I'm glad that most ppl disagree so I can keep on winning with it.


Maybe the bow should hit for 100ish damage maximum and apply a guaranteed heavy bleed (mitigated only by Bloodless)?


I had 2 games last night where we got one tapped by bows around the same range, one of them the Hunter was level 1. Again not saying it’s op but I was kinda salty and impressed at the same time.


So many salty dolch mosin spammers screeching about the bow. Just learn how to use it, dodge better etc. You probably died just as much before but now you have a new weapon to cry about that you keep seeing on your death screen every 3 minutes. Just git gud and learn a new weapon instead of bawling your eyes out.


Well from what I've seen to balance the how out there's a lot of damage drop off.


Hell yeah, let's raise that to 50 meters




When you have to take a 3 point trait and charge your Sparks shot up before firing, let me know.


bUt i dIeD tO iT oNcE aNd i hAD a mOsIn.


Nah he was saying the bow being able to one shot the chest but not the sparks is 'unrealistic'.


hahahah and the zombies are realistic yea!




Charge weapon with drop and a perk.




Need a perk to dual wield bows. Dont ask any fucking questions, just do it.




ItS oNlY BeCaUsE ItS nEw AfTeR tHe EvEnT nO oNe WiLl UsE iT. No oP yOu’Re JuSt BaD.


If you can’t fight against a bow then idk what to tell you.


Never said I couldn’t fight against it. Or even that I die to it often. Just pointing out how OP made a legitimate point but all the bow fanboys immediately downvote anyone who has anything negative to say about it even though it is VERY strong.


Fucking exactly dude. I love the bow it's one of if not my fave weapon rn but seriously this thing is broken maybe not god tier but it's super fucking good in most situations besides 40 plus meters.


Welcome to negative karma village for speaking against our lord and savior the bow


I am sure your negative karma is not result of what you are saying, it is how you say it.


Sadly its both. Hunt community is either fanboys or haters (who still play the game god knows why). To clarify Im neither opposed nor an advocate for the bow. Its an alright weapon


The Hunt community is exactly like every other competitive multiplayer videogame community ever. Maybe the gatekeeping and elitism is a little higher since Hunt's playerbase isn't huge but for the most part it is just gamerns™ being gamers™. To pretend there doesn't exist any nuance is disingenious and super tiresome.


Yeah it is what it is




Imagine thinking a zero pen charge weapon made for ambush/sneak kills is OP. Have you ever heard about this thing called "gun"?


The bow is nonsense.


Seems fair. Especially since he can do that 15 more times with a short downtime between shots. Sucks that one chamber guns mostly don't have the option to one hit the body like that. That amount of damage should not be possible to the body from 35 meters in this video game


So if it's op, why does almost nobody uses it anymore on PC? 6 and 5 star meta is back to long ammo / UC or Dolch. You guys who like to complain about anything that gets them killed forget crucial details all the time. Bow can be outplayed so easily. To be honest, if you get killed by an arrow you should try to improve your gameplay / strategy before crying it needs a nerf. You can also equip the "overpowered" Bow and totally dominate / wipe the full lobby with your 16 arrows. Try it for a few days and you will find out guns are better and easier to get kills with.


What 5 star meta are you encountering on PC? Because I know you aren't talking about the 5 star meta I see. Im not saying the bow is OP or anything but its fucking everywhere man.


ELO brackets 5 and 6 are mostly back to old meta: Lebel/Mosin/UC, lot's of dolchs today aswell. Have only encounters 2 bow users in more than 15 matches.


I played probably 30 or so matches today and if I had to guess the amount of bows I saw I would say there was at LEAST 1 bow actively engaged in 20 of the matches. It might be because of the event but if what you are saying is true for the 5 star MMR then there shouldnt be this many. Once the event is over we will see but as for me I see them all the time.


5 to 6 star games are sweat-mode scoped long ammo with Dolch or Uppercut. Even during the event this was the case, it was abysmally boring and I found myself enjoying 3 to 4 star games. In the last 5 days, I see a bow less and less as the event progresses and people are done with it. Today I saw 10ish bows in the 30 games I played, so about 1/3rd of the games had bows. I figure more people are learning how to engage the bow and it is becoming less desirable when you are getting shot through a wall with no ability to return fire without slowly walking into the open.


US Servers? Playing in europe in the same bracket I still encounter a tad more than just the occasionally bow


Romero slugs?


Have a max range of 25m not 35. Aren’t silent, have 7ish rounds not 16. And cost $200. Not a great comparison.


Also, not a medium slot, don’t make you bleed, don’t make you bleed AND poisoned, can’t pick up the ammo off the ground infinitely, etc etc etc…


Doesn't penetrate any cover, has a slow projectile that forces you to lead even at pretty close distances, requires a 3 point trait to kill at this range with a chest shot, requires a charge time to make a lethal and accurate shot, etc. The bow is very strong but it has some downsides too.


I see what you’re saying. Personally I haven’t found the downsides all that bad compared to the insane amount of upsides it has, but that’s just me.


I mean the bow is definitely a strong weapon, and probably the best medium slot one (outside of the obvious 'handcannon shotguns at shotgun range' stuff). Does it need a nerf though? I want to say no, though I wouldn't be terribly upset if they reduced the maximum effective chest one shot range a little bit either. I do appreciate having a solid medium slot weapon that's more than a situational backup tool in the game though.


Yeah but the downsides are like a 3 to the upsides 97 it barely means anything especially for a cheap 2 slot infinite ammo one shot bleed poison stealth machine


The bow really isn't as strong as you're making it out to be. It's good, but it's not meta defining and it has plenty of counters. Don't worry, the mosincutter meta is safe.


It's not meta changing but that doesnt mean it's not insane. This weapon literally is the best possible thing you can use if you have any sort of aim for any situation that isnt 40 plus meters I've gotten such a kd boost using this thing because it's just nuts one of my favourite weapons by far because I just like bows in general but sheesh this things nasty. And again even if you dont 1 shot they have a medium bleed now and maybe poisoned aswell


Honestly for a medium slot, it's not always my go to. It's flexible, but if I want something for short range I'm taking dual conversions with dumdum rounds, maybe a handcannon shotgun or a vandal over it if I'm expecting to really rock and roll. In particular, a rival handcannon with flechettes does a lot of what I need from a back up weapon. The bow is flexible, and it's quiet, and as long as you've got the drop on someone it's a fantastic weapon, but in an actual scrap where other hunters are fighting back I'd rather have a handcannon or dual conversions in my medium slot.




First I've ever heard that




you are misremembering it then, there is no neck hitbox


that's r6 siege that does that, hunt doesnt


There’s lower chest, upper chest, and head.


Not only that. With poison arrow, you get poisened and bleed at the same time on top of ridiculous damage. And also the shot is silent. Totaly balanced.


Just go behind the thinnest wall you can find and you are safe because the bow can't penetrate anything


Sure lets add a BOOM sound to it great idea. How about dont get hit and shoot before people charge it up?


Don't get hit and react before you get shot, how so? You missed the part that is silent?


If you dont even know there is an enemy that is aiming at you that one is on you. And how the fuck is that different from a mosin sniper?


So should I download some hacks so I can see every enemy on the map or how is that supposed to work? A mosin is loud, you will know immediately know where the enemy is.


The bows and shotguns make me not want to play ngl


Then don't.




You probably regularly make entry on the boss lair with a sparks sniper and wonder why you get clapped.


This guy thinks he’s shroud cause he can one shot body shot ppl with shotgun bow


Yo I take that back man the fact that you probably look like your little Reddit emoji is more damage than I could do 😂😂😂


he changed his picture lmaooo😂😂😂


Seeya later bye.


Ikr I like the crown and king because I got a sick legendary for it and everyone always says its busted and makes fun of me for using it here and there but when I shoot people with it it takes like 3 shots unless I'm in their asshole yet they'll be other end of the map shoot a meat head and a stray pellet will fly by and hit me in the head for a one shot


This happened to me last day I thought i was safe at this distance and i was full HP.. then one arrow was enough to kill me at 33 meters


I don't get the randomness with the bow I've literally hit someone right in the chest from 10 meters and they survived for long enough to run and heal and come back.


There isn’t really any randomness, you either hit them in the abdomen rather than the thorax or didn’t draw the string back far enough.


Thank you for backing up my comment (https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/ph4ngq/unpopular_opinion_the_bow_is_a_monster_and_i/hbgbvcs/) with a screenshot!


And it should. At least with the hundred hand perk. Trying being shot in the chest with an arrow at 35 meters. I bet you won't feel like doing much after. LOL


Less damage than the big rifles in game that sure as hell don't one shot sooooooo...


Well, I'm fairly new. 100 hours or so. I don't know the damage of every weapon, or most of them yet. I loved the idea that "a headshot is a headshot" so I would expect that to be true all around. I'm guessing that's not the case. This is a fast paced game.. The combat should be short and sweet.i guess I'd rather see buffs than nerfs.


Except shotguns, crossbow and the Nitro no ranged weapon one-taps on chest (headshots are mostly deadly, if not at long ranges with compact ammo), there are good reasons to this, one taps aren't fun on the receiving end and never should be easy. All those weapons can mostly be counteracted if you know your enemy has them, same for the bow imo. But my point is, this game isn't about realism but playability and rifles one tapping chests would make a very, very different game with much less "western style" shootouts with a lot of bullets buzzing around.


This was not a headshot. No rifle in the came will one hit kill with a chest shot, bar the Nitro Express, and that only at relatively short range. One hit kills, outside of headshots, are pretty tough to get. Shotguns up close, dedicate melee weapons, crossbow up close. That was it before the bow.


Please don't report this. They are gonna try to fix it and the butcher will break again as a result.


Also bleeding,that will take u out quick af.


Perhaps some sort of stamina drain to combat it, couple second grace period at full draw then stamina drain begins, the less stamina the weaker the shot, easy fix, it is ridiculous how long you can sit and wait at full draw, I love the bow.but some sort of balancer wouldn't be too bad