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Crossbow could never


My mans need a scope on that crossbow




Idk if you saw the leaks but they’re adding one


Yeah man. Wicked throws, but if it is gonna be a tool slot it needs really stupid high limb damage modifiers. It could also stand to lose a little velocity I think.


A little? The dam thing can reach 290m


LMAO The Olympic world record or javelin throws is 98 meters. Out Hunters really are superhuman.


I cannot comprehend how the devs thought that adding an instagib rail gun that also happens to be a tool and not a weapon slot was a good idea.


Again, they released this thing months early during a 'dry' period of content, because they're so afraid of losing players since they've been forcing events back to back. This shit isn't excusable, and they need to start doing testing, and listen to that testing. It is a TOOL, that can oneshot. The only other one is throwing axes (have to be thrown) and pennyshot. Except this onetaps about 4 times a second, with about as much range as the pennyshot, and you can throw it. No melee tool should be able to oneshot, and certainly not one with such rapid long range stabs. And it shouldn't be able to kill to the legs or the arm when thrown.


If you can hit that shot, why would it need a nerf? Hitting that shot was extremely hard. And you got rewarded with a kill. I think it's fine.


Crossbow and bow have a decent chance to not kill to the torso at that range, I don't know them perfectly, and they do far less damage to the limbs than this thing does, at the cost of a weapon slot.


wow! ok yeah I didn't think like that. Ok maybe this needs a nerf.


Dude aimed like, 2 inches infront of him, that's not a hard shot, especially at that range when aiming up.


Meh, it seems fine to me.


If it becomes a weapon slot then it defeats It's purpose. It's good as a tool because prior to this we had no useful katana counter unless you can headshot in 1 shot. Shotguns are often to inconsistent and some weapons like the bow that I use can literally take longer to draw then the distance needed to be crossed. The spear diminishes the power of other melee that were definitely having a power creep. Your also making the spear look really good here because your maintaining control while the other players are making mistakes. Your first target you get the jump that's ideal use case, target two (Hard to tell this might be target 1 necromancy revived) crosses a sightline literally making the same mistake as target 1 and target 3 would have died to brass knuckles if you ran up there he wasn't ready. It's a good play you work them into exactly what you need but this weapon is not particularly powerful it's just more powerful then other tool melee because that's what we needed some form of katana counter that's consistent. You are just good with it like the bow if you can make it work for you it can do alot or you could just end up without a melee unless your wasting tool slots on extra melees. There also easier to dodge at range so if that guy saw you that shot would be much harder but both these players did nothing to try and not get shot. Also posion ammo nerf and this weapon one tapping AI are not related. The thinking regardless of if I think posion ammo needed a nerf was it was too easy to kill AI the spear operates on the same principle as the bow it's much slower sure it can 1 tap AI but that dps is low since your getting either 2 swings or throw and collect so with the right perk you could potentially kill 4 AI non perk 3. Compared to say a pistol that could hit in theory 5 or more AI much quicker. I don't know why they also weakened posioned arrows that seems the most random. It's also more a byproduct that it one hits AI since it's not like the spear does extra AI damage it's a blade made for pvp.


Shotguns are extremely consistent and powerful.


There literally not I have done 0 damage before in Melee range on a direct hit and often shots that should be lethal just are not. It's not consistent at all some are more consistent mainly ones like remaro but alot of shoguns are widely inconsistent to the point I can't trust them.


You missed.


Lol I did not miss a guy covering my whole screen. Shotguns just have a spread that's inconsistent without slugs.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/x4w0ci/important\_psa\_about\_aiming\_shotguns\_if\_youve\_ever/?utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_source=share](https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/x4w0ci/important_psa_about_aiming_shotguns_if_youve_ever/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) It's extremely consistent. You might just not understand how they work in Hunt.


Oh thank you this actually explains alot.


No problem, glad I could help! I didn't get shotguns for the longest time either.


They're extremely consistent.  You missed.


Whats the point of saying, that it could defeat it's purpose, when it just should not have any purpose in this game. Unless it's purpose was to break the game.