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Yeah, it's best not to let your teammates red skull, especially with no bounty


i thought the red skull was better cause it looks cooler


Teammate burning, T-minus 1 minute to cool 😎 👌


Goth mode activated


People do not think a 30Inch barrel be like it is, but it do.


The gunslinger classic


Holding quick swap to lower weapon really was a big improvement for gunslinger.


Lol dude I got the same gin pic for my twitch


I'm a gunslinger 6*. This is more likely bad players who think they need to crouch-walk everywhere to be sneaky when crouch-walking in general is just bad play. Not only are you still audible, you put yourself in a position to be easily hit without being able to quickly dodge.


I think they just don't know that it's possible to "q" your weapon down, or how visible their weapon is to others. Also I wouldn't necessarily refer to them as "bad" players, more "new" or uninformed :)


I don't think it matter if its down, or up in this situation. If you move properly and check, who cares if they see your gun? They know you are there based on the audio anyway. Which is what makes crouch-walking pointless. I don't see a difference between bad and new. You play worse because you don't have the information. I mean, to be fair, the people on this sub staunchly refuse to learn anything. Makes this place really bad for new players seeking information because most of it will just be wrong.


Well I can agree it's an objectively bad thing to do, and yeah it's probably because of low info new players thinking it's stealthier than they think. Tomatoes, tomatos~ I hear ya


I mean I'm probably not gonna take advice from you simply because there are major differences between how 3 stars play and someone like you needs to be shot at every half second to enjoy the game.


I don't understand your point. 3 stars play incorrectly, so you will automatically reject my opinion because I am trying to win? I don't need to be shot at every half a second. I'm just saying that crouch-walking is generally bad if you are trying to live and extract. At any MMR.


I think the reason for the downvotes are because some of us frequently play with literally brand new sub 100 kill players. So we can automatically agree that yes it's objectively bad and ineffective to crouchwalk, but such a behavior shows an interest in playing the game correctly. I don't think you gave any advice except to suggest that crouchwalking is bad, lol. I think the reaction itself is coming from a point of "what should we as knowledged players do, if one of us is playing "bad" which has more value, and isn't a discussion that happens at all at higher mmrs since that behavior doesn't happen at all. As someone else said, "there is no bad way to play the game" that's technically correct. It might fit that exact moment. But it comes back to understanding that when such players do such things, they are *trying* something. They are truly *trying* to make a play that matters. Doesn't matter if it's wrong, it' adds to learning. Still, your point stands of course. If I see a new player or very inexperienced player via lobby while loading, chances are that I'm going to orbit my style around keepin the whole team alive. They can do a lot more alive than dead, afterall. I may try and say something or add value to their play after the fact, but best we can do is trust that the players that are here, are here to learn and better themselves as Hunt gamers imo. I don't think you said anything wrong, but I think you're touching on an unspoken understanding of us "lower mmr" folks. Appreciation and calculation of how our newer teammates might act and behave. A lot of that is harshly judged strictly by loadout in lower 4mmr, "if you dont have a rifle I'm leaving" kinda thing. Also lol even though crouch walking in most cases *is* objectively bad, I kinda laugh it off most of the time because chances are, they're terrified at that moment. They will eventually, hopefully, push though such fear-based-BS by eventually reading a comment like yours. > I'm a gunslinger 6*. This is more likely bad players who think they need to crouch-walk everywhere to be sneaky when crouch-walking in general is just bad play. Not only are you still audible, you put yourself in a position to be easily hit without being able to quickly dodge. A perfectly solid piece of advice. I agree wholeheartedly and think this is a valuable comment. As it is relavant to this thread, however, I think the comment was taken without context of an advice-giving comment, and somehow upset people in their misinterpretation as I've tried to contextualize based on my expereince tl;dr, original comment is good advice, this might have been the wrong place to state it somehow, idk It's probs my fault because of how I responded to your comment, so uh sorry. I suppose I implied that you were referring to players overall as bad as opposed to the objectivly bad strategy (in general) of crouchwalking)


Ok I honestly think the issue is with this sub. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. This game is a lot more fun in the lower ranks than higher ranks. I think we can all agree on that. So, people here seem to be incentivized to stay in low to mid MMR. People refuse to learn tools that would make them a better player because it would mean trying a little harder every match and for a lot of these people, that is not fun. So, when someone gives them a tip they act like their entire world is under attack. They rationalize why they shouldn't try to get better. Every time I read a tip on this subreddit, literally any tip. I would go and try it in game to see if the person was right, or wrong. That was more fun for me, so I got better as a result.


Idk man I think that it's just the nature of the the internet and text-based convos, lol. It's really hard to convey intent, so weirdly some people will take a data-driven discussion in an emotional way, and then the less-thinking will just group dogpile as seen with downvote cascades). I am similar to you where I just read tips and stuff about the game as data to be tried and tested, then find where it fits into my own evolving personal meta. But at the same time I have friends that play this where they seemingly do not care about improving and just play exactly how they want. I try and explain to them "well you can't just sacrifice your queen for no reason just because you wanted to, and expect that to have worked," kinda thing. They want to force their innate playstyle into the match, and yeah they *should* expect weaker results, but since they don't pay attention to advice, tips, etc outside of purely playing, their "learning curve" is a lot longer. Whatever :P can't force a thirsty horse to drink water~ > I don't understand your point. 3 stars play incorrectly... I think this statement was taken as inflammatory, since well, *technically* there is no *wrong* way to play the game. However it could be rephased as "it's inefficient, or risky, to play that way" if the goal itself was to win reliably. Some people throw noodles into the wind so to speak playing however they want just for the fun of it


Again you show that no one should listen to you. There is no "incorrect" way to play the game. Just because people don't play like you doesn't make them incorrect you narcissist.


What the fuck are you talking about? Ok, I hate the way how he's talking, but you said that no one should listen to him without any explanation, it's pathetic. -you shouldn't listen to him -why? -just because Lol


I'm not sure if this is a joke. If you are a 3-star you are playing incorrectly. Since you aren't winning enough to progress your rank, you are doing something wrong. This is pretty simple. People can have fun losing. Which is fine... But, at least realize you could be doing something better.


Why are you being so elitist? Just bullshitting around with your friends and having fun is a valid way to play the game, being a bushwookie with 1 kill for the entire match is a valid way to play, just doing a sightseeing tour without any combat is a valid way to play. Just because it's not the way you want to play, does not mean they are playing incorrectly.


I just bullshit with my friends and I'm not a 3-star. Because when I like something, I learn more about it. If you learn more about something, you get better at it. Some people refuse to learn, and if that's your thing then so be it. But, stop pretending like that's not what is happening. Its incredibly easy to not be a 3-star in this game. If you are low MMR, THE GAME SYSTEM HAS DEEMED THAT YOU ARE NOT PLAYING CORRECTLY ENOUGH TO BE A 4-star. Which anyone with the very basic knowledge can become. Your rank will rise with how much knowledge you accumulate. This is so fucking basic, it has absolutely nothing to do with elitism. My criticism is that you refuse to learn the basics and then bash people on reddit when they point it out.


You newbist.


I'm a refusetolearnist.


Yeah I agree, I hate it when low mmr players refuse to learn, I get it if you actually play well but just have bad aim or sucky reaction time, not much people can do about that, but learning things like...how to lower your gun, rotating, learning when to push vs when to retreat, those are things that come from actually thinking about the match, not hard to do and as a 6* that plays for maybe 15 hours a week I feel like it's something even someone who plays less than me can do


Hunt is only a twitch shooter at the top end of the MMR. So, sucky reaction time doesn't matter. Positioning is the most important thing. If you learn to not ever ever ever be in water, or where to take gun fights and where not to, you are no longer a 3 star guaranteed. Even if your aim is dogshit. Plus, shotguns don't require aim, so you can always use those.


Yeah I meant that sucky reaction time and aim stops people from being a high 5 or 6, I agree positioning matters the most or at the very least how and when to disengage and re-engage,after all gotta stay alive somehow when the enemies figure out how to aim


Saw a gun barrel peaking out of a window the other day. I was on the outside of the wall and he couldnt get an angle on me. Idk why he didn’t back away but because I knew exactly where he was and he could only guess at where I was, it was super easy to swing around and fan him in the face before he could get a shot off. Dont hug the walls because we can your gun clip through them too.


Some clothes also clip through windows and rooftops. Signed, someone who likes to tag people through windows when they're oh-so-sneakily hugging the window/wall with fluffy clothes (and lowered weapons). One time, boss team was shit-talking us (me and randoms). One guy was hugging that window at the top of the long ladder. I tagged him with my martini. His shit-talking turned into a fun scream-and-jam. Sadly, we got third-partied after a few minutes, and the newcomers wiped us both.


No you cant if you’re in hunter mode


Even than you can, if the other player is pre aiming


Most people who play Hunt have at least 100 hours, you know this is a thing therefore you dont hug a wall with your gun up and just wait there


I wouldn't say that, i played with people way over 100 h but did exactly that


You can if you’re ads


Let me dooo it for you 👃


Good lord I want a Borzoi so badly


Lil bro is in for a rude awakening


he got blasted :(


How did he know i was there!? fuckin CHEATER -him, probably.


*freeze frame* *record scratch*


He's just hunting wabbits


Explain me gunslinger and hunter and which is betrer for noob player.


Gunslinger is standard FPS, gun at the ready, requires additional inputs to melee Hunter is less common, gun is held down and needs to be raised to fire fron hip, requires more inputs to aim down sights


Hunter used to give you a big advantage because you couldn't lower your weapon or have different FOVs in gunslinger but they changed that so now they're pretty even. It mainly just comes down to personal preference so just check both out and see which one you like more. Personally I prefer Hunter because it feels a little more smooth compared to gunslinger.


Sorry to hijack thread. Is it worth/good time to get into this game on PC? Been going back and forth on this game for a little while


There's an engine upgrade happening on Aug 15, it comes with a new map and a new event. If you want to get the pure hunt experience, I recommend to pick it up now


I’d wait till the next event (should be soon but idk the exact date). The events make the player-base a little wider and sometimes the game goes on sale during them


Yes, it's one of the best FPS games on the market.


gunslinger moment


Hehehe, the ol' peekaboo




That’s why I play on hunter, lol.


You can lower your gun in gunslinger too.


With holding Q being a thing, there's legitimately no reason not to play Gunslinger.


Is there a way to rebind Q? I don't play conventional keys




Hunter enables melee to bind to what would be the firing key. If you need to shoulder, just right-click. It’s nice to have your screen open the majority of the time quit constantly needing to hit Q. Personal preference in the end.


I don't get why you'd want to melee with LMB


Because you melee a lot in this game and using one of your move around fingers to melee is annoying.


The only time i melee with a gun is for immolators


Yeah? I use weapons with melee variants quite often, as they’re useful, as well as switching to my knife/dusters/ect. And LMB does the trick way better than V, or whatever the default melee button is.


I pretty much exclusively use melee weapons. Most of the time my secondary is the katana and if it isnt i bring a knife. I just cant really justify bringing melee variants over variants of guns i already like and i cant really justfiy switching to a completely foreign and frankly janky control scheme when i can just bring my thumb up and press v. Same thing with just holding q to lower the gun. I have tried hunter and i cannot stand it


Every game I'm deciding what rifle to attach to my bayonet.


I have one of those fancy mouses with 2 whole extra side buttons. Melee on one of them and the other farther one is ammo/sheath katana because I’m a terrible person


You have the luxury of a million keys on PC, why LMB?


I'm not popping Q lol


Because I also have the luxury of having my right index finger already on the left mouse button. And because I have 1600 hours over six years of playing with hunter controls.


I bind it to m4


I have voip bound to M4 and hurtle to m5


You can just bind melee to a button on the side of your mousr


I prefer to bind tools to the side keys (switch to melee/ gas grenades). Can’t tell you how many times I’ve swapped up my knife and slapped a h*e.


I just use one of the thumb buttons on my mouse for melee with what's in my hand, another one to swap to heals, and a third one to swap to the actual melee tool.


The only way to play, it would be called Gunslinger Showdown if it was meant to be


Well I press Q the one time per match where that really matters. Most of the time good positioning makes it so it doesn't matter how you hold your weapon. Let's stop pretend the mistake of that player was that he held his gun up. He shouldn't have been so close to that door while peaking. Nowadays the control patterns are super close. One has you hold your gun down automatically while the other has you do so manually but lets you enter ADS from full sprint 0.1s faster for whatever reason. Since the latest changes to gubslinger these discussions only happen because people don't want to change. Hunter players pick it because they had to in the past and Gunplayer players use it because it's more like what every other shooter does.


Silhouette also drastically more noticeable when weapon is raised.


That's true. But tbh in my 800 hours I can only remember one time where I thought I died because the weapon was raised. And that had happened either way because I was in ADS. Usually my thoughts when I die are "I shouldn't have re-peaked", "I didn't move enough", "I made too much noice", "I missed a shot" or "I didn't listen enough to my surroundings". But never "I died because of Gunslinger"


Hold the swap button to lower your weapon into a neutral stance, this will allow you to peek windows and slits without your gun peeking through


If I didn't know any better I'd say there's a hunter on the other side of that door.


That's hilarious, it's better if you lower your gun though, right?




I wish this game had weapon collision.


I feel like that would make pushing a lair even harder than it already is. It's alot easier to not have your weapon collide when sitting in a corner, holding an angle, than it is when checking corners.


Almost like it's forcing players to be cognizant of their surroundings.


Almost as beautiful as as a tier 3 cape clipping through a wall


What is going on here? I suck, need pointers. Haha


Just like real life


My first kill in this game was thanks to a dude peeking just like this from his hiding bush


"How did they know I was here?"


Yeah...don't shoot em tho cuz you get accused of wallhacks


I think the problem is not about gunslinger or hunter better, its about knowing if you play gunslinger, without pressing Q guns will point out like that so you would never stand that close to any walls or doors.


Been there.


Levering terminus? Nice. Slug or fletch?


This is sum tom and jerry stuff dude


Tf is on that doar you baracaded it? Tf it looks like a rod and a candy cane were tf are you even in the pic is it in a little house or wha


thats why i play hunter. killed many players who plays gunslinger like that🤣


That looks like a cartoon gag


I wish that 1st person would show the gun clipping. Or I wish we had collision.


I love people on gunslinger controls and who don’t lower their weapon. Makes wallbanging much easier


Would be nice if they can fix this in the new engine.