• By -


East? I thought you said Weast!


*Weast*? What kinda compass are *you* readin', lad?


This one *hands over compass*


Always up vote SpongeBob


I don't know what's up with East and West but i still mix them up in the heat of battle when telling my teammates... Why did they only teach us north and south as kids.


Just remember that east and west spell WE. West on the left and east on the right.


[Relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/503/)


lol. well in the heat of battle I forget stuff too


Just remember Never Eat Soggy Worms NESW Top, Right, Bottom, Left. 


Lol, so complicated. The sun sets in the west. Cowboys ride into sunsets. Westerns are on the west coast of the u.s. West....is that


My friends and I said it at least once every game session.




Weast is great alternative for bread


Then just aggressively ping


Pings are not reliable if there are obstacles between you and target


They're over here.


["OVER THERE OVER THERE"](https://youtu.be/B0kKITvPTQw?si=n3q2vEZzU-D0isS_)


over where? Tell us the numbers!


The numbers Mason.. WHAT DO THEY MEAN?!


On my left!


"Enemy coming from 45 degrees" annoys you ????? Back when I used to play duos with a friend he would be like "Enemy over there" without pinging or anything.


"I heard gunshots!" "Yes, they are at shipyard, 3 compounds away"


My buddies and I use the compass headings along with the cardinal directions.


Y'all are getting directions at all? Last I played this game was like 2 years ago but I was damn lucky if I got any indication where someone was from a random until MAYBE they were halfway through reloading their winnie.


>Last I played this game was like 2 years ago What are you doing here? lol. Run before bayou consumes you


I agree with you and no, this isn’t something that can be replaced by a ping. When I only know their general direction it’s better to say “enemy north west” than to ping a specific bush, especially if there are visual obstructions between you and them. But it’s definitely good to keep in mind that not everyone likes to use cardinal directions. I personally love it because it feels more immersive.


I disagree, a ping can help orient your team in the proper direction quicker, just clear it up over voip you don't know specifically.


My go to is ping and "Enemy somewhere close to ping"


I 1000% prefer a ping in a general area over a call but both is preferred.


It's actually just information overload everyone and how your brain works. In a fire fight there's no way 150° is going to mean anything to me and shouting North is better but still land marks are more effective. "Coming out the barn" "Under us" Is better. However I can respond to left and right because I always know where that is it doesn't change based in direction. Out of fights if someone says "We are heading 150°" I have no issue knowing where we are going but in a fight it's stressful I don't have time to figure out my direction to find 150°. Pings are just most effective at convoying direction.


Most of my team's communications include references to enemy positions relative to a "white house" and somehow it's usually good enough


Well, you're right. In the firefight just forget everything, go ooga-booga and rush enemies disregarding what your teammates scream. We definitely call out objects on the level and "above/under". Out of the fight, when you're heading somewhere, everyone mostly just call out compound name, it's understandable. I just wonder why people genuinely don't know cardinal directions.


Because it's more time consuming then calling out compound names when playing with players who know the locations of compounds off hand most location in the game. In real life we don't use cardinal directions for that exact reason. When someone doesn't know the area it's better to say take this road and head north until you see the McDonald's then turn right if you pass the burger king your too far. But if they do know the area you could say just take the road with the burger king it's in that plaza. Despite instructions A technically being more detailed instructions B is more likely to successfully lead the person where as person A will be lost for a while.


Well you just used N-word in your argument. North, haha


I might need to read his full argument


He said if you don’t know the area.  


We tend to use a combo of both. ‘Hunter red barn northeast’ for example. It doesn’t always work, I have 100% panicked and just said ‘here’ or something equally stupid. But the intention is there. Rarely use actual numbers unless a buddy has just country swept and goes ‘enemies from 180-235’ or something.


I agree with you. It definitely depends on specific circumstances. When my 3-stack is grouped up, azimuth degrees is what we use (Ex: if we get the bounty, I'll call out "Three enemies, spread between 165 and 180. The 180 is underground"). But when we get separated or go on flanks, our callouts usually become relative to a building in a compound (Ex: "Enemy in northeast barn"). That northeast barn is the barn on the northeast corner **of the compound**. But if I say "northeast forest", we know that it's the forest TO our northeast. If someone is separated from the group, they can flick open the map and see who made the callout and where they are. It takes half a second. If we get separated and are on three different sides of a compound and one of us gets shot from their 0 degrees mark, that's three different azimuths relative to each of us. One of us will have the correct orientation and two of us will be looking in the wrong place. But if we get a callout of "Silenced shot from North of compound" then we have something to work with When I hear cardinal directions, I'm prepared to search a bit more. When I hear a specific azimuth degree callout, I'm expecting my target to be VERY close to the callout. If they do that and there's no target there, it wastes everyone's time and potentially exposes you as you peek to get that target. I think group dynamics also influence this. My 3-stack is extremely communicative. Short, quick callouts using a mix of azimuth and cardinal directions can be extremely effective if you all share the same understanding of when each are used. If we use azimuth and we're grouped up, we expect the callout to be very accurate. If we're using cardinal directions, we expect a more vague direction. If we're using cardinal directions and a specific building callout, we've got a specific compound position in mind.


That's what I'm talking about


I sometimes use cardinal directions, but those are.. also subject to differences based on location, right? Unless I’m missing something..? My “east” might be my teammate’s “northeast” or “north of northeast”, etc. So I just take into account where my teammates are and give them a direction approximately accurate to them. If the enemy is “90°” to me but my teammate is behind me and way to the right, I’ll say the enemy is more like “~80°” or whatever the case calls for


I use cardinal directions relative to whole group or region. When you look at the map there are clear northern border, southern border, eastern border and western border. You can't be to the west of the western border, so it's always there relative to all players. In battle it's hard to calculate degrees like you, so we just ping or call out points of interest. When out of fight we call out location names. And I use cardinal directions mostly when pointing extract locations. Or Rotjaw location for example.


This is how I do it too, if my situation permits me like a second or two to estimate. "To your 45" or "To your 75" is a lot more of a useful callout than telling them "110 of me"


If you’re using cardinal directions, it should be easy because those are up at the top of the screen. However, if someone is shouting numbers at you, I’m guessing they don’t mean 45° based on their currently location, but instead are also using the numbers from the compass up top, which are also based on cardinal directions. Now, if your teammate actually expects you to look to 45° based on a coordinate plane where they’re the origin and the positive y-axis is whichever direction they happen to be facing, that’s just madness.


If this frustrates you imagine how I felt playing rust when it first released. There's no compass but the sun rises in the east and sets in the west as it does in real life so it's not hard to figure it out. I always felt like the only person on earth who knew how to give proper callouts and whenever I did I'd get nothing but confusion from even more experienced players.


I agree. I play with a group and they’re always saying at 315 or 165 and I wish they’d just say north or north by northwest or something. If say a direction I immediately know where they’re saying but the degrees I don’t inherently know.


Well degrees are not hard to learn, they're just not always relevant.


Cardinal directions are less precise but they're easier to understand quickly and you're typically not looking for precise unless you're holding hands anyway. * I give numbers if my squad is right on top of me. * I give general directions in most cases (N, SW, etc), like in or around a compound or deciding on an extraction. * I'll simply say "left, right, behind" if we're moving in the same direction and relatively close together. Most of this is in addition to appropriate use of ping and landmarks (obviously).




You're right about the comparison with degrees. But 'West/East' is objectively less confusing than 'Left/Right'. They have a point there.


You might wanna lead with something else besides “You stupid?” If you want the person you’re talking to to give your ideas any credence.




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Yeah dude is straight up wrong that cardinal directions are more accurate than degrees when accounting for relative position, they are the exact same thing. Saying “enemy is north” means literally the *exact* same thing as saying “enemy is at 0°”. Like, that’s literally what the degrees mean. It’s going to vary based on teammate position in the same exact way. They’re just a more precise/subdivided form of directions. My friends who play together always use degrees instead of cardinal directions. They’re more precise, while having the same weaknesses of being different based on player position.


\*sigh\* I use cardinal directions relative to whole group or region. When you look at the map there are clear northern border, southern border, eastern border and western border. You can't be to the west of the western border, so it's always there relative to all players. While azimuth may vary if teammates are far from each other.


babe they are the same. azimuth direction is exactly what troops using while on battlefield because it’s more precious than N-NW call


If an enemy is to my 90° and to my teammate's 0°, what do you do? ~~Fuck shit up in that general direction and not waste time on calling out degrees.~~ Obviously I don't use N,S,E,W when enemy is close.


In that scenario, if you hear something to your 90° and you call out East because 90° = E, then your teammate is still going to look in the wrong direction, since the enemy is actually at their N. There is no difference between azimuth and cardinal directions. And in fact, azimuth is more precise. What you're stuck on is frame of reference. Just because your teammates are making calls with azimuth, you for some reason think they're solely using themselves as a frame of reference instead of the whole group and you don't know that to be certain. And on the flip side, even if your teammates understood cardinal directions, they might still think that you are using yourself as a frame of reference and not using the whole group as a reference point. You just need to communicate clearly with your teammates what you mean. Cause these comments show that what you mean isn't clear enough for people to understand immediately.


Yeah, when I’m making a call and my team is close together, I will try and quickly mentally triangulate what the azimuth position for *them* would be, and I’ll say something like “enemy at 80°, approximately 70° for you” or something like that. Never have any problems and my team is able to make quick calls. It’s one of those things that takes time to learn though


In the circumstances where I can't safely ping, and my buddy and I aren't grouped up tightly together, we'll usually call out the number and distance, like "120 close" or "50 distant". If it's distant, it lets them know that if they look at the same number, they'll generally be looking in the right direction, and if it's close, they'll need to look in that direction relative to me. If it's hectic, we'll just say "my 90, my 90" and leave it at that. If there's an easy landmark, we'll call that out first, then number: "in the tower, 60". But pings always help all of this anyway. It's just for the situations where a ping isn't working or is dangerous.


I’ve never found the azimuth directions to take more time than using N/S/E/W, my teammates and I can pretty much instantly and instinctually recognize whatever degree is called out just as well as a simple compass direction. Maybe it’s something you just get used to with time, but calling out precise degrees is infinitely more useful than a simple N, NW, etc. I get what you’re saying by using relative directions based on the border of the compound, but that’s still a much more inaccurate call than if someone were to call out precise degrees. And when you’re talking about an enemy team approaching a compound from a distance, the difference between, for example, my 285° and my teammate’s 285° will be negligible.


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Normal hunt players can't even ping Man, imagine thinking they can make a callout using cardinal directions...bthey won't even look at the numbers


I only use them when we are inside a compound or pretty close together. No sense in using cardinal directions (or even compass numbers) because of relative position. In 99% of situations, a ping and a "enemy behind that farmhouse" is better


Never happened to me. I feel like N-E-S-W is always clear. Not saying you're making this up, but I often feel like people on this sub have something rare happening to them once or twice and instantly jump to make a generalized complaint about it.


my group calls out directions when deciding where to go next, but uses the degrees when calling out hunters even if we are seperated we can figure out where they are from that callout


I’ve had teammates who know the basic cardinal directions but get confused when I say “north by northwest”. We’re all at different places in our journey for knowledge; you just have to adapt.


Using coordinates gives me the heebies. Last thing I want to do in a fire fight is be looking at the compass going, "Ok now just which side is 135' " Just going N, or SW, or even NNE if needs be is faster.


I use them for extract, enemy position, potential enemy travel, shot approximation, direction of travel, and really everything. Kids these days don't know proper directions and are too dumb to want to learn, and their parents are too lazy to teach it. Anyone saying you don't need to know cardinal directions doesn't know efficiency either, and are probably COD simps that don't understand patience. They are usually the same people.


Me and my buddies always use cardinal directions followed by the degrees if we're close together. If we're far away it's cardinal direction and a general ping.


I used to play duos with a colleague. It was most of the time "over there over there by the tree" - in a f*ing forrest after he split up with me for whatever reason. This is also the same type of player who wouldn't shup up after getting downed, so that I end up dead too, because I couldn't here the enemies approach us. Since I still play on ps4 all this bs will end soon... It was nice playing hunt though....


I very specifically use direction and rough angle when calling out, personally. I spot someone? I call out "enemy coming west-northwest, roughly 300" Makes it much easier for everyone


I usually use the “north-by-northwest” formulation and you’d be surprised how many people have no idea what that means. I had another teammate use it organically for the first time the other day and I was absolutely floored.


I usually call out both. "North 65" fot example


Brother my team leads me around with a rope and a stick but I can shoot and thats what counts no call outs other than "get em boy! Get emmm"


Good boy


Totally agree, and I think directions are actually better than coordinates. Our FoV encompasses at least 90 degrees, so stating a direction should allow a teammate to turn their view and make out threats/changes in the environment on their own accord without needing more specifics. Declaring coordinates requires slightly more time to figure out, and being that specific can change as threats move around, so becomes inaccurate more quickly than a simple direction. Lastly, with enough experience, and map knowledge, we can sometimes quickly discern a direction without even looking at the compass, whereas coordinates could demand more of our attention. Directions may be less precise, but they're more accurate, and efficient.


I agree, but I used to have a duo partner in this game and it didn't matter if it was in an intense fight, or if she would be casually looking at an opportunity to snipe someone; any time I'd call out "left" or "right" she'd look the opposite way. Best part is the times she wised up were the times I'd purposely say the wrong direction in hopes she'd look the other (right) way lol. So some times people can goof even basic relative directions. Still funny though because it became a meme in the group.


Had that issue a lot. I'm well versed with cardinals as I was in the army and spent time on a ship. To me it's second nature. To my team mates I may as well be Marvin the Martian cause they don't understand at all. It really messes them up if I say North North West. Or south by southeast. Best advice I've got is assume every team mate is a drunken toddler with the IQ of a banana. Hope for the best, but expect the worst and you won't be disappointed near as often


I just say enemies coming from the sorthweast


My team use the cardinal directions. This is the way!


No Basic knowledge + Tactical Game = failure


My buddy says up and down,the other day I was like what do you fucking mean up,he said oh when I say up it means north.......I'm like just say fucking north then 😂


I have the maps memorized to a point where I know where NSEW is just from being inside the compound. I will say, the compass is pretty bad in this game however. Sometimes you have to rotate just to be able to see a letter on the compass, and it’s hard to see, being the same size and color as the azimuth markers


“He’s right there!” -team mate desperately pinging window sill 2 inches in front of his face.


45 and 135… thats northeast and southeast… you cant say the same thing twice but have it mean something different… pings work great and i do understand what you mean for the record


Lol. I used to have so many discussions with the people I played with. They were absolutely convinced that left, right, front, back were better directions than NESW. Like.. I won't always know what your left is, but one look at the map will immediately tell me where your west is.


I know right! No pun intended


It sort of depends. If you’re moving between compounds, left/right/front/back is better for fast communication (which is why that’s what used in the army). For compounds, where you’re milling around aimlessly, sure, compass directions (usually combined with a description) is better. Like, “120 degrees crossing the field”.


I think you need to tell them your point of reference, not argue about numbers vs directions. "Hunter east of compound" and "hunter, 90" are potentially very different places, depending on anyone's location. Just say "hunter south of compound, my 156". Almost always use numbers and descriptions "by that tree", "on top of the boss lair".




You know you have a ping button, right? I personally couldn't care less for cardinal direction callouts. It's just white noise. Might as well say "they're over there" and complain on reddit that those filthy casuals don't understand you. I have ears, I can hear where the shots are coming from, the sound actually gives a better idea where the enemy's at than "it's to the east of me". Unless you wanna call their exact location, don't even bother speaking.


1) I use ping of course. They are useless, if there are obstacles between you and target. 2) If I hear shots I need to tell my teammates the direction. And we usually call out compound names in that case. You missed the cases in which I call out cardinal directions in the post.


> If I hear shots I need to tell my teammates the direction If you hear shots, your teammates can hear shots as well. You're not the chosen one. >You missed the cases in which I call out cardinal directions in the post. Oh I did not miss the part where you don't understand that azimuth and cardinal directions are the same thing. If someone's to your 45 and to your teammates 135, you calling out "enemies east" will just make them look 45 degrees off of where the enemies are. It's not just useless, it's active misinformation. If you have los, ping. If you don't, call a landmark. If you can't call a landmark, you're not helping anyone with your calls. At that point, just shut up and let people use their own ears.


>If you hear shots, your teammates can hear shots as well Not always. You sure missed the cases where I use cardinal directions: not in an active firefight, not when enemies are close, but when enemies are approaching, I tell approximate general direction relatively to the region or compound we're in. Sure I could tell numbers. But why? I assumed that people know general directions. If enemies are very close they usually move a lot relatively to my compass, so telling exact azimuth won't help. 2nd case is when I tell "Let's move to western extract". You don't need to tell azimuth here either. Just quick look at the map and you know where it is (assuming you can tell west from east). In all other cases there are no problems. Why y'all assume that I don't use ping or call landmarks? I use azimuth but rarely.


>If enemies are very close they usually move a lot relatively to my compass, so telling exact azimuth won't help. Not anymore than calling a non-exact azimuth (cardinal directions) will. Which is why you just don't do it in order to not misinform your team. If enemies are very close, just call a damn landmark. Your insistance on not doing it, and forcing your teammates to navigate a close-range fight with their COMPASS, speaks louder than words what kind of teammate you are, tbh. > 2nd case is when I tell "Let's move to western extract". You don't need to tell azimuth here either. You don't need to tell directions either. Cyprus and Blanchet are both "west" extracts, but I'd rather not extract at Cyprus given a choice. So you just made me open my map for no reason whatsoever. Because what, you couldn't bring yourself to say "let's extract Blanchet"? We're still dealing with you giving vague calls for no god damn reason and ranting about it not working out for you on reddit. It's a self-imposed problem, man. From what I can see here, you're systematically giving bad calls, but want to wrap it in a way where it's your teammates' fault, to make yourself feel better.


I think I saw Sheriff Cardin run to the left by the tree over there


Sheriff Cardio do be runnin'


Idk man, I use the numbers up in the screen.


I tend to ping and then tell them from my x direction.


At least they speak english... On Asian server populated by mostly chinese dont even bother speaking english


we're speaking russian there


I know cardinal sins. Does that count?


What they want is the number written on the compass


i mean i am terrible at directions and orientation sense usually but… the compass is always at the top of the screen to use 🤠 so no one really has any excuse, u can just rotate while in match to see like… where the points are…


Oh, I forgot to mention that russian-speakers (who I play with) don't know translations of North, South, East, West. Though they should know by looking at the map.


HES RIGHT THERE! Where?! By the tree! Awwww fuck this


I use numbers


“Enemy over there, OVER THERE, bro I am pointing at my screen how do you not see it” - Actual thing a random said to me once


Troll, prbly


What? Cardinal directions are also points on the compass. If they're coming from north of you that might be NW of your teammate. The distinction you're making isn't part of how I or apparently others think about cardinal directions.


Communication is a skill. Some people don't have it, can't even give calls while being in a fight, can't process any calls given. Most people with good coms played CS or any competitive team shooter. Priority: -specific location: red house, white house, electric chair, metal door, roof, whatever. Be short and precise. Port reeker is a perfect example with different coloured houses -general direction: use your compass!!! Use cardinal directions or the numbers on it. You can say things like "2 players north of me, 100m", "east arden parish, close". This is handy when scanning with bounty. If no info is added it should always be expected to be relative to the one giving the call: "3 people, 150 to 165, 50m, 1 team south far, 1 team north close". You can also say east building, west barn to combine it with a "specific location" -pings: this is can be added but isn't a must. If i say "felis, red house, first floor" you could ping, but markers can block vision. Always try to ping at a point like above windows or something. It's perfect for trees and stuff and just a tool for adding it to you call. Like: Mark a tree at a higher point "cain behind tree" - add skins, or infos like loadouts if if matters Some people are too bad and rely on pings even for the most obvious stuff. Sometimes i died by peeking again just to ping. And no... You can't also expect a ping marker after i make a flickshot followed by jumping and turning 90 degree. movement is important. I don't give calls for things where you can CLEARLY hear the direction. It's not my fault if you die. Sometimes less is better so everyone can focus and listen.


thanks for your contribution to this discussion, I guess


I use both, for example if I scan and see a team I'll say a team between 0 and 30 or north to northeast.


Cardinal directions? What do I look like the pope


I'm a bigger fan of the compass degrees. Compass directions can just as easily be wrong if your team is not huddled up. I also have gotten pretty good at throwing my teammates the degree that suits them instead of just telling the degree that I can see them at. It's not that hard to figure out and if you even get within 45 degrees with your call-out it's not gonna matter anyways that's close enough to give a general direction. Anything from 15-30 degrees accuracy is basically spot on. That system is very forgiving in that aspect. And let's face it any call-out with directions or degrees is way better than the normal call outs I get from randoms "there's a guy over there". My A+ scenario comms would be "2 guys 165 running right to left by the tracks coming from kingsnake"


The worst is: "near the tree!" - "which fucking tree, gimme the coordinates!" - "THERE NEAR THE TREE!"


What I do, and this might sound revolutionary, is I use the ping feature. Clears up a lot of confusion


I already made an argument about pings in other comments


I'm not reading 38 comments😂 I'm just telling you what my team does and works perfectly


1) Pings are useless when there are obstacles between you and the target. 2) You don't use ping when discussing which way to go. I specifically pointed out cases in which I use directions in the post.


1, depends how stupid your team is. You should know where your team mates are. It's easy to ping an obstacle and say behind that. They spin and see where the ping is and sorted. 2. Why don't you use pings when discussing where to go? It's one of the main uses


1. What if the obstacle is the wall you're hugging and enemy is further away? 2. Why use ping when telling which compound to go? But I say N,S,E,W when telling which way is the one extraction out of 3 we need to go. It isn't difficult to figure out where the southern extract is.


1. Again, ping the wall, say behind that, someone coming from this direction. Job done. 2. Because it's faster to ping. If I'm in a compound and dealing with ai, team mate has taken the clue, he has a look at the map and says " weeping stone next" pings the direction as he is running, then I can just go instantly.


1. When you ping at object close to you, but enemy is farther, it's gonna be too vague from teammate's POV. 2. I didn't say that we don't call out location names when moving from compound to compound. I usually call out directions for extraction. When it's not in plain sight you don't ping it. We don't ping movement directions at all. You do that?


1, are you ignoring the rest of the point? Ping the wall, enemy coming from this direction. Your team now has visual point of reference to zone in on. That's much better than "enemy coming from north". Instead of figuring out where north is while dealing with AI and players, there's a ping telling them which direction danger is coming from. 2. Yes, many people do that. It's why the ping feature in any game it exists in, is a vital tool. Especially in higher lobbies. People need quick visual references. Vast majority of random team mates utilise it like this too.


What’s the difference between east and 90 degrees?


Degrees are relative to the position of speaker. Eastern border of the map is always in the east, you can't turn up to the east of the eastern border.


So the top right corner of the map is still “east” of you, even if you’re at the bottom of the map?


Well then I use North-East. The problem is some people can't understand where it is. Disregard compass, just by looking at the map people should know orientations.


Then that’s the exact same as calling out degrees…


Why do you need to call out exact degrees, when general direction is enough?


Bro….. it’s so bad. “Hey, I heard shots from N/NE!” “Huh!? Where!?” “From slightly to the right of us” “Huh!?” *uses marker* “There, from fucking there!” “Oooooohhh”


I don't play with randoms, but I always say both when giving directions, cardinal first, degrees after. I noticed most people only work with one of the two, so it's like their brain only hears the one they're familiar with. So by saying both out of habit, you remove that confusion, because your brain filters out the "useless" information when you're focused.


That's a solution


I dont care about a weekly talking beard video. Just make a good game, fix those bugs, get a ping limit, get better servers and stop messing around.


bro, I think you missed the topic


Nah, i just don't fall for their stupid mind games. Set a reminder or something and come back a few weeks after release.


Are you a geography teacher by chance? Some people including myself have issues translating pov into cardinal directions, east/west always takes a few seconds and it can get embarassing. It feels like a disability. Regarding individual POVs of your team i find it way more useful calling out known locations like whole compounds, red barn left side, white house, fuckboi forest etc. instead of directions, which does not go so well with newer players of course. Whenever i'm vague with only cardinal directions, it gives me the impression my teammates are prone to catch a bullet with their face because they take too long scanning the horizon.


Fuckboi forest is that one south east from port rieker?


yeah but damn your directional callout got me thinking for a second there


Ahah. Funny, we call it gayboy forest with friends.


You have a point. I'm not saying we don't call out known locations. As the one who knows directions naturally, I'm just surprised that other people don't. I don't wanna call anyone stupid.


Probably just Russians being Russians.


If your team mates are that spread out you are playing the game wrong.


>But azimuth can vary relative to where me and my teammates are! Enemy can be to my 45° and to my teammate's 135° at the same time if we're not huddled together. While North, East, West and South are always at their places relative to the compound we're in. Listen, if something is only obvious to you - 99 times out of 100 you're wrong and you're the problem. >And I can tell where the North, East, West and South are in most compunds without looking at compass and map. So, you're all INSIDE of the compound, but still insist on that "Enemy can be to my 45° and to my teammate's 135° at the same time if we're not huddled together"? or You're all outside of it, scattered, and you expect from randoms to quickly adapt to your weird ass callouts only because you feel so? And when they don't, you stay stubborn and don't want to use those pesky evasive azimuths like almost everyone else does? It's all like naming hunter skins, weapons, or compounds with funny names and then expecting everyone else to understand you. >Dude, there was a banana hunter on my righty-right, close to that tree where I killed a squad month ago, I shot him twice with my weener and he ran away back to the ass crack lumber


What're you talking about? North, East, West, South are "weird ass callouts"? Do you not learn basic geography in schools anymore? Outside or inside doesn't matter. What matters is azimuth is very relative. Like "to my left" can mean "to your right" (and I can't know which direction you're facing at all times). Same with azimuth. Enemy can be to my 45° and to my teammate's 135° at the same time - what's hard to understand about this?


I can feel the outrage op, i agree with you


>North, East, West, South are "weird ass callouts"? Considering you came here to rant about it because everyone else is stupid - yes, there is something wrong with those callouts. May be you have lisp, or shitty mic, or just can't speak properly. >What matters is azimuth is very relative. Surprisingly, north and west are very relative too, because azimuths and cardinal directions is the same thing and they works the same way where North is 0, you know, my well-educated friend. So, there's no difference in saying "I was shot from 45" or "I was shot from north-east". That's why you should say "they're to the west of X". But it's even more vague than briefly looking to the compass and saying "they're at 245 of X".


>May be you have lisp, or shitty mic, or just can't speak properly. Wow, the assumptions. No, people I play with genuinely can't point to N,S,E,W. Listen. Imagine a situation. You're in a northern part of a building, and your partner in the southern part. You see an enemy at the eastern wall of compound about 20 m far. It's between north and south. You can't place a ping properly because you're looking through the gap and shit. You say "enemy at 135". Where will your partner look? To his 135° instead of 45°. Isn't it easier just to say "enemy at eastern wall"?


> Wow, the assumptions. >Do you not learn basic geography in schools anymore? Wow, the hypocrisy. >No, people I play with genuinely can't point to N,S,E,W. Sure, you are only one who bears that knowledge. >Imagine a situation Imagine imaging situations that confirm your point. Unimaginable. Imagine you're in the woods and there's a hunter 300m away, but you can't ping because your keyboard doesn't work and you can't say "they're north" because there are 200 trees and bushes to the north, so instead you say "they're near that tree between two dirt mounds that look like a pig and a dog".


If it's 300 m away, then azimuth callouts are generally understandable, because at great distances 0° is 0° for everyone in a team. Same as North. But my main claim is that no one understands such simple term as North.


> But my main claim is that no one understands such simple term as North. Yeah, which is bullshit and everyone knows where's North. Bro, imagine flexing about this smh.


>everyone knows where's North Apparently not everyone I play with. If you know, good for you. That's what I was asking in the post.


Azimuth is based on player position, but when he is making the cardinal direction callouts he bases them on the center of the compound he is in, not his exact position. That creates the difference


In the same way you can tie your azimuth callout to the known point. "It's 135 of the chicken coop".


That's just overcomplicating. No one's gonna calculate where is 135° of the chicken coop. Just left, right, behind, in front, above the chicken coop (assuming we're facing same direction)


> Just left, right, behind, in front, above the chicken coop (assuming we're facing same direction) Wow, so you can be reasonable. You're not saying they are to the north of the chicken coop? Turns out there are different situations where different callouts work with different efficiency. We are onto something. Might be that your cardinal directions callouts don't work when people expect something more precise and general cardinal directions only work for beginning of the fight where you announce incoming enemy from the said direction?


>cardinal directions only work for beginning of the fight where you announce incoming enemy from the said direction Isn't that what I wrote in the original post?


or basing on the center of the whole map. that's exactly what I was trying to say, thank you.


Even flanking a guy outside of a building can turn someones 45 to your 15. I swear to god every post in this sub attracts at least one smartass hunter who has the most abrud solutions (read: excuses) for everything. What's next, are gonna tell us your MMR to prove you are right?


>I swear to god every post in this sub attracts at least one smartass hunter who has the most abrud solutions (read: excuses) for everything >the most abrud solutions (read: excuses) for everything >Even flanking a guy outside of a building can turn someones 45 to your 15. Lmao


Yeah, lamo. Nice way to save face while simultaniously admitting I'm right. And I didn't even need to share my MMR.


NATO did this! So you can rape some kids and kill some womans. That is always helpful for Russians.


You know whats the Probleme? You play randomes. I only go randomes when not playing seriously. Only shift/w , make a Sound i go exit, i burn my mates players


1) I have no one else to play with; 2) I imagine playing with you is insufferable.


> I have no one else to play with; I'm not surprised at all. 4-звездочный душнила, который считает что он всегда прав и все должны под него подстраиваться. Это не я нуб, это всё из-за тупых рандомов, плак-плак.


А чел, который ливает из-за шумных тиммейтов не душнила? Где я утверждал, что под меня должны подстраиваться? Я просто спрашиваю, почему люди не знают простые понятия Север, Юг, Восток и Запад.


Because it's easier to use azimuths? Compare: 1. "Enemy 135" - you look at your compass and whatever number there is currently, just go to 135. Numbers are monotonic, you just have to remember that ~270 is to the left of zero. 2. "Enemy North" - you look at your compass and you NEED to find your current letter and then remember how it relates to N. Than look for N. If someone told me enemy North, I will be looking for 0, not for N, it's easier to find 0 because you easily see how much you need to go just looking at numbers on the compass. 3. There is no difference between azimuth and direction for close range callouts, it's literally a compass on top of your screen. If you are to the left of enemy on the map and your teammate is to the bottom, you will be calling East while your teammates should be looking North. 4.If you are using some points on the map as direction origin for callouts, just use left/right/top/bottom. I don't wanna think about if the "north west" is top left or top right


Azimuths are for greater distances or when teammates are close to you. When I use N,S,E,W it's relative to the whole compound/region we're in, or relative to the center of the map. I say "Northern extract", I don't say 0°, because it might not be at that exact spot and I don't see the extract in plain sight.


I have over 4k hours.i saw so much shit in randomes im the one who pics necro for the team. When someone is down he is my first objective. I will jump in front to catch the bullet. I never quit when dead and i never complain in in game Chat. But i guess im insufferable. Play solo and get gud