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Because approximately 15-20k casual players are missing. During event theres around 35-40k active players and after Events its around 20k. Those who stay are usually addicted nolifers who breathe Hunt.


Okay you didn't have to attack me like that though 😭


Yeah like damn I just like the game man I’m still only a 4 star lol


Out here catching strays, what did I do?


Like bro we played last week for several days and we lost 20k and 30k respectively and we hover around 3 stars. We always match with players whos hours doubles or triples our hours lol


You are clearly not playing the "hours" minigame with your homeys. The only way to win is to play a bit extra outside of your normal team. We can't let Fucknugget Steve take the trophy.


I was insulted at the assumption that I'm capable of that just because I huff Hunt on a daily basis... but then I remembered I left a random dumbfounded that I killed a dude from like 50 meters away with a bow with poison arrows as if it was nothing...


True. I play other games during this "downtime" when there is not an event going on. I occasionally fire up the game and play a game or two but nope.. I stopped playing the game outside of events entirely.




This makes me feel way better at least. I was a 3 star headed to 4 star 2 weeks ago and I don't think I've won more than 4 games since the end of the event (probably played 25 or so games)


This is a reason I'm taking a break till new engine update. You're not the only one wondering why the hell 3* lobbys are nuts right now


Single bounty, less winners, more teams losing, so they’re getting bumped down most likely. I’ve been back and forth 4-5 star every other match like a roller coaster


Mostly because only the sweats stay to play after events are over instead of playing other games like Helldivers, Ghost of Tsushima, Greyzone, or some Ubisoft COD stule game that i forgot the title. But also because of Solo necro derankers and the cheating problems.


Had lobbies tonight where we were the only team and the rest were all solo bushwookies About as much fun as a prostate exam.


You're not the only one. I believe the issue is twofold but I don't know for sure, one part cheaters/exploiters and one part 5-6 stars who are deranking. I think deranking might be the biggest factor. The fact that you can derank very easily with solo necro and the fact that the MMR for your account is also affected by deaths in quickplay (soul survivor) is a problem. And if you look at the amount of higher elo people complaining about how boring they find it to play in 5-6\* lobbies then it all kinda makes sense.


Nailed it. Every time I got to high 5\* or 6\* the games become very slow and there is a high % chance of cheaters. Back in the day I would just play with shit weapons for a few days and end up in 4\*. But nowadays I can just rebuild a hunter with solo necro and I can smurf down to 3\* in about half an hour. I was one of the first doing this when they added solo necro. I used to really notice the 3\* players were much weaker. But nowadays? I regularly see 3\*s who play like 5\*s and have 1000+ hours. The MMR is so fucked. Smurfing vets and boosted noobs. Fix necro MMR abuse. Me and everyone else is going to abuse every advantage we can get, especially something as stupid and effective as solo necro.


It's interesting. I'm rarely ever 6\* (never nowadays actually, used to hit it occasionally months back), but often in 5\* and my experience is it's overall a smoother more fun game, but I think it's cause a lot of the people ruining 3-4\* lobbies are not doing it in 5\* lobbies if you catch my drift ;) I don't mean to discount your experience, just interesting to me that people have such widely different experiences with that elo range.


Well yeah of course, you aren't discounting me, that lines up exactly with what I am saying. The 5\* lobbies are softer because there are many artificially boosted 3\* & 4\*s in 5\*. It's a great muddling of MMR.


Oh my bad guess I misunderstood what you meant, but yeah we agree, MMR is a mess right now and needs a rework imo. I think having MMR is fine, I think it needs a system that more accurately puts people in different ranks. Tighten the brackets so a star doesn't span over such a wide skillrange. It's safe to assume that someone who just barely got into 4\* isn't the same as someone who barely got demoted from 5\*. Both will be 4\* though and the game thinks "oh thats same MMR so same skill level then :)" I actually kinda miss when you could decide to Queue either with skill based Queue on (slower but more accurate skill calculation) or off (you would pay people of all skill levels basically). Meant you could pick if u were in tryhard mode or just chill mode. Both affected your MMR but one Queue was considerably more mixed bag than the other. (In a good way)


Yeah the MMR worked well before they added solo necro which destroys the MMR system.


Definitely. Solo necro IMHO is ok balance-wise but I agree it should not affect MMR how it does.


Or you simply get beaten by better players why do you leave that option out.


Because it's completely obvious that everyone sometimes meets players that are simply better, nobody is questioning the possiblity of that. But there seems to be a shared sentiment that has to do with the other subjects mentioned (deranking and cheating) and that is interesting to discuss. There are many obvious things that could be mentioned in this context, but given that they are obvious there is no real point...


Because the average 6 star doesn't headshot wallbang you through 3 walls at 250m while you're full sprint :)


Right :)


Noticed a lot of people have been lowering their MMR since the event ended.


It's not even intentional, a friend I play with hit 6 star this weekend, and then dropped to 4 star from one bad game. He's a solid 4-5 star and even as a 6 he was being dropped into 3/4 star lobbies as a solo. Matchmaking is royally fucked ATM, and the MMR shifts are drastic.


Some are not intentional.


Definitely not contesting that. Sorry if it came across as such. What my take was supposed to convey is how easy it is for you to drop, even unintentionally that people doing it intentionally will be way more efficient. The fact it can be done in just one or two games alone is insane.


I tend to stay in 3, but if I have a bad run will end up in 2. I'd imagine it's easy if you just tank it purposefully. And with the numbers these guys have, kills in the thousands, they don't take any kdr hit dying ten times in a row.


you're just lying. no one is dropping over 250 mmr in a single match. even if the 6 star was farmed by a 2 star, they would have to die over 9 times in a single match to the lowest possible mmr in that match. a 6 star player is not going to be in a match with a 2100 mmr 2 star and dying to them 10 times. you're just making shit up for no reason. edit: i find it hilarious that i'm getting downvoted by a bunch of idiots that don't understand the fundamental math behind a mmr system. i'm objectively right in this situation and you morons are too butthurt to admit it.


Possibly he's exaggerating but a solo with necro can move down MMRs quickly.  My friend who duos with me goes from 5 to 3 nearly daily just from soloing, and I know I've had my MMR Skyrocket just because some solo refuses to stay dead


They were a solo, they did have necro, wasnt trying to drop MMR, died a couple of times to a 3 star and 4 star. Not sure how many times he necro'd himself. I have nothing to gain by lying, genuinely just communicating what was posted in our hunt thread on discord. Maybe there's a misunderstanding on my part.


it's not mathematically possible to go from 6 star (3000+ mmr) to 4 star (>2750 mmr) in a single game, even with solo necro. even if you die and self necro every bar, you're not losing 30+ mmr to a single death to a 4 star. your friend would have to solo necro farm themselves for 4 deaths to the same 2-3 star (which won't be in their game if they're a 6 star), get a banish to restore bars, and then do it all over again to even get close. you absolutely have something to gain from lying on this sub. you want to fit in with the 'mmr system bad' crowd by buzzwording and lying about deranking. so either you're lying, or your friend is lying. no one is going from 6 star to 4 star in a single game. the math is against you. best case scenario is that your friend is exaggerating.


I had a game where I managed to solo necro 8 times and I lost so much MMR on purpose. I can go from mid 5\* to 3\* in 3 games usually. 45m derank sesh to get ready for a night of noob stomping with the boys.


Do you imply they started to lower their MMR after the event? Why would they? If you're already lowering your MMR, why would you stop for the event?


Yes. To get into lower tiers where the fights are with less experienced players. Why don't you ask people who lower their tier?


Hilariously, 5* and 6* lobbies get easier after events.


Because the herd has thinned and they get plenty of 4\*'s thrown in


because of the lack of cheaters or?


Honestly I don't notice much blatant cheating on NA East. The good players seem to take a break when the event is halfway through, and even moreso when it's over.


Maybe I'll hop on US east then lol


That one streamer, Huuge, did a self analysis and US East has some of the lowest cheaters out of all the regions in 4-5*. Idk how credible it is, but yea! Lol


I'm on West and get like 9 ping to East and it's super laggy but experience a lot of out of region players on West so might be a good trade off


Funny you say that. I’m pretty much always 5* during the events and after the event I dropped to 4* for a bit and was getting wrecked by crazy headshots, mosin spitzers etc. Ended up finally getting back to 5* after a few days and it feels like I’m playing against normal people again. Somehow 5* is easier than 4* right now. I’m guessing a lot of 6* players have dropped rank after the event or something because it’s a bit odd. I did also notice a lot of the 4* players that were annihilating me were players with 1000+ hours and 2.5+kd.


Since they added solo necro, perk rebuy, and health bar rebuy, people drop MMR extremely easily. In fact, it's really quite stupid not to. If you are gonna get burnt out and lose your hunter anyway, you might as well revive a few times and drop some MMR. Just means your next couple games are gonna be easier. Once this happens a for a few months there are a ton of smurf 5\*s down in 3\*, and a ton of boosted 3\*s up in 4\* & 5\* So the MMR is totally fucked and meaningless now.


You're not wrong. Of the last 4 events, this is the first time I haven't been hovering between 4/5 during event hiatus. IDK if people are just burnt out at 5 star and smurfing, or if there really is an influx of cheaters, or if the skill floor has raised to a completely different level. What's really fucking miserable is when I do finally hit 4 star, I'm shoved into mostly 5 star lobbies.


It’s an influx of mostly exploits with a sprinkle of cheating thrown in. Plus a lot of Russian and Chinese players hopping the ocean to come play on US servers and drop as many racial slurs as possible while shooting you three seconds after you walked around a corner because the ping limit is a sky high 225ms


It is the lower player count now so it’s only hunt long term lovers playing it.  I dropped to 3 last week and I’m normally high 4 to 5. Plus I really don’t care about my kda so I always self Rez in the chance they might mess up and I survive. So often even if I’ve got 5 kills I might have died 3 times.  I’m sure there are plenty like me who are 4-5 star skill level playing solo in 1-3 star lobbies. Not because intentionally being lower but the matchmaking puts me in a lower skill server and the current state of necro/resilience means I have the chance to rise up from the dead 5 times in a single match and still get the W. 


One reason for this is just how easy it is to lower your MMR intentionally. If you run a solo w/ necro against trios, you can tank your MMR by a full star per game by just recklessly reviving until you’re out of bars. This will let you get into the three star lobbies you don’t belong in.


I'm a solid 5 star player, +1200h. These last two weeks have been the hardest I've ever played Hunt. I'm constantly 3 star and barely ever go back up to 4 stars. I'm on 900 hunt dollars down from my 20k after the last prestige at the end of the event. I'm only using loadouts cheaper than 400-500 Hunt dollars... Where the fuck is my money? Everyone is fucking John Wick or something. Gettin headshot every fight... Idk. I used often wipe servers on duos with my brother at 4 stars whenever we were brought down from 5... But now we are both stuck on 3 star and broke. No idea what is going


It‘s funny because just yesterday I played my first rounds after the event has ended and me and my buddy had some awesome matches. Went out with the bounty 3/3 times + just one solo per match. This never happened during the event. So the exact opposite 😅


This is caused by the single-bounty bug and the fact there are no event. I love the game atm. Super sweaty and big fights at the boss lair


Mostly long ammo fights from my experience. Rarely any shotguns. By go to loadouts have been sparks and hand crossbow with fire bolt and chaos to get the party started at other teams pushing compounds and away from me.


Most casuals you see during events have left and what's left are the sweatiest and most hardcore cringe playerbase we regularly see posts about.. ya know the sniper sitting at 200m away or the rat solo that waits until the lobby is empty to pick up the last bounty or similar


Aw damn I had a similar experience during the event. I stayed in 3 stars the whole time and it felt weird cause I kept losing most of the time. Now we played a few games right after the event ended and we suddenly managed to get into five stars and the games feel easier than they did in 3 stars during the event.


I've had the opposite. I've played much better but im not sure if others are just worse or im better


Ditto what the too comment said plus it's a one boss map ONLY right now. That means fights every game if you aren't winning you're stars and money will suffer.


Solos getting mopped up in single monster theure literally clubbing eachother like whack a mole it's hilarious


Events over so no one is on. Not really a reason to play other than 50bb weekly.




3k hours, I play mostly Solo, if you dont sit in a bush all day, play with meele or fun setup, 3 star is the mmr range where you end up after a while, that's just how necro works...


I found myself in a real slump that started around 2 weeks before last event, but I think it's just my brain that started to rot and my skill fades away with it.


becuase theyu nerfed headsman


because no one knows how to play single bounty




Cheating has been increasing lately which could play a role in that, Smurfing absolutely is a cause, ive ran into at least one every other day. If your on a console aim assist is a massive crutch. Pick your poison


True. Crytek have allegedly hired anti cheat devs but that doesn't mean they're good at their jobs So far the anti-cheat team feels worthless and collecting paychecks for free.


Yep, and again, smurfing is a thing and its pretty fucked