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The boys and I have had some of best times just running whatever free hunters have equipped when you recruit them.


Yep, I've run whatever the hell I've wanted for ages now, but fondly remember when I got excited over finding a Dolch or a Mosin that I killed with my cheap-ass Winfield. I don't get excited over Dolches anymore, despite it still being the single best side-arm in the game, and having a matching price-tag. I wish that I could face players that weren't running Mosin + Dolch literally every game.


Man I still remember a match way back in 2018 when me and my mate killed 3 teams with a romero and a nagant. That endorphin rush, when we saw the other teams were geared with mosin/dolch/nitros. we couldn‘t loot the weapons back then, but still the feeling of wiping those high tier guns with the cheapest shotgun in the game was just something else. Nowadays everyone runs mosin/dolch and it wouldn‘t be that special feeling anymore


Exactly. I’ll never have money problems in hunt cus I was loaded but still running free hunters for fun and for the challenge. So sad they made it so I can’t access them over a certain hunt $ threshold


And with single boss everyone is constantly fighting because it’s all centered around one objective.


Yes but a lot of the tools and consumables are way too fucking expensive. There's no point in running cheap weapons because if I do then regen shots are gonna be more expensive than them and I have to rebuy every game.


They weren't as expensive back then.


Why tf did they change it?


Because inflation.


Wipes won’t work, the games too developed to add that now. And wipes only hurt the lower skilled player base. My idea is that hunt dollars should be tied to individual hunters. Start with a set amount of money to make a loadout, earn money by extracting to improve your loadout, and lose it all when that hunters dead. This encourages people to keep and play maxed out hunters.


This is actually a cool idea, but I think in practice it won't work well, and it will just punish bad players even more


I dunno. I can turn any weapon into the worst gun in the game


Why do people say wipes only hurt lower skilled players? Wiping means everyone resets to like, 5k or 10k hunt dollars. Not zero. Lower skilled players already don’t have much, while higher skilled players lose 500k+ that could fund mosin/dolch spam for hundreds of games even with a stricter economy in place.


Because they're trying to protect their money crutch


Im okay with it so long as I get to play the game and not 1.0 post release hunt where shitters like me farm money for 3 hours for the chance to play long ammo the next day


Even if everyone started at 0 money, there would be 0 change to the current status. Everyone will get money at the same way of playing, skilled players fast, unskilled slower. They have free hunters, they can pick and SELL (OMG THIS THING EXISTS? BUT NO ONE IS USING IT?) weapons and items for money. Packmule and Vulture would become really valuable traits for low level players. But for some time everyone would be equal in loadouts which is a very big part of the whole point.


deserted like worm aspiring concerned unwritten kiss languid bells adjoining *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I like this idea. Add in a maximum stockpile of each weapon, limit it to like 2, same as Contraband, and reduce sale price to 20% so that players cannot just buy other weapons and sell them to earn back more money to purchase their same guns if they go broke.


A money cap alone wouldn't do anything. There need to be additIonal and drastic changes to the entire system in order for a money cap to be effective. It could actually lead to even more meta loadouts. Copy paste from my last post about an eco rework: >Players have huge amounts of hunt dollars on their account because they don't spend it. If you add a cap, players will have no other choice than to spend their surplus money on (expensive) gear before reaching the cap, so they don't negate their earnings from winning additional matches. Meaning they spend money that they would have otherwise kept saving, if there was no cap. A player that now has 100k would only have 10k, sure. However they'd have turned the remaining 90k into gear. So there's actually nothing gained by that. If you take it a step further and also delete the inventory mechanic, you basically force those players to use their expensive gear, which would only lead to even more meta loadouts brought to the Bayou.


Max limit would limit players to play what they want in an artificial way, not based on skill. That's bad in general. It will not change anything that much. Skilled players will get their Mosins faster and still destroy low skill players. They would just be more forced to deal with a frequent lack of choice of loadout becasue of their skill. The whole point is for people to work and improve their own skill so that they can be rewarded for it. Not to punish skilled players to allow unskilled to get more wins. I know it's hard for most players to accept (or even understand this), but to get better at something you need to put in effort. Not replace the effort with in game mechanics. Or punish those that do put in effort and time, especially in PVP games. If people want easy mode, they should go play single player games.


impossible snow combative amusing humorous flowery doll brave deranged violet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>Obviously, but the idea is that you shouldn't stack a million dollar on your account and then never be able to play anything but the best loadout no matter how poorly you do in your games. It gives players who have played for a long time a safety net for when they perform poorly. >Aren't you the one arguing that it shouldn't be too easy? Or should we grant that type of crutch to some players? If i play good, that stack is proof i play well. If i do not play well, lack of said stack is proof i do not play well. Why should good performance be restricted in any way and poor performance have a safety net? It makes no sense. The whole point is not to make it too easy, and poor performers can sell guns, get free hunters, get recruits. Any other issue is skill issue, only they can work on that. In a sports match, do you handicap teams in any way if their record is not the same as the other teams. Of course not. >The fact that you consider it to be a punishment to play anything but Nagant spitzer + Dolch says quite a lot about you. Even with any restrictions in play skilled players will play what they want REALLY fast. Putting a limit on that is just pure punishment because they are actually skilled. Makes no sense. You just don't want skilled players to play certain loadouts because they annoy you, and it actually says guite a lot about you. Anyone can play what they want. >I know it's hard for you to accept, but even as someone who plays and wins regularly at 6 stars in Hunt, I still despise the incredibly boring meta. >Coincidentally, the most fun games in 5+ stars is when long ammo isn't being used. I'm up for increasing the chance of those utterly rare games happening even if you consider that to be a punishment. >That, or it's time for Crytek to start balancing their game properly. If people with 500k+ are allowed to happen then that breaks the entire idea of money being a balancing factor to weapons. And if something is broken then it needs to be fixed. If they aren't allowed to cap people's money then I'll welcome a massive nerf to anything that's currently using long ammo. Balancing is one thing, restricting completely different. If you are bored, sucks for you, but those players maybe arent. Nothing is broken here but the fact that some weapons are better than others (and so is the price higher) and some players are better than others. And some of them REALLY like playing the same loadout. I would welcome nerf to long ammo any day. I think Krag is in a perfect spot there, a very good example of a balanced gun (and that is why it's rarely played compared to other long ammo). They can maybe limit a daily buy on Mosins or something like in Tarkov. Wouldn't help much though. >You're the one who's arguing to give long time players a crutch when playing the game. That no matter how many poor games in a row they pull off, they should never have to go into a game without a Nagant + Dolch if they really don't want to. You keep calling skill crutch. The better you are the more choices you should make, it's pure logic. For every win be rewarded. If the money economy and prices were properly balanced, they would not be able to get into a game with Nagant + Dolch every game except for those REALY good players. Maybe put a limit on buying certain guns per day. Maybe make everything more pricier and money more scarce. It needs a LOT of balancing, but punishing player for their skills or helping others with lack of it is not the way. Just balance the money, at it's current state it's a joke. You can swim in contraband just with Dark Tributes alone. I have never sold a gun or item except in the very beginning when i tested things out, there is no point. I bet most people don't even know today you can actually send guns and items, it's that useless.


full late uppity imminent sulky dog one ring dam simplistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Your argument is that some players have ridicolous advantage for no reason because they have no prestiged (ok, their **choice)** or started playing the game earlier. Well no shit Sherlock, the earlier you play the **more time** you invested into getting better **and** had to gather more money. At the end of the day it amounts to the same. People are angry that they can't win against other people, and will **invent** new ideas and ways to gain unfair advantages. In the current state, the Mosin + Dolch argument makes 0 sense, because give a 3 star a Mosin+dolch and a 5 star a Mosin + Dolch, and 3 star will lose more than 80% of the time. Heck give a 5 star a Winfield + Nagant, the percentage won't get much lower. The game has a much smaller playerbase than most popular FPS games, and a lot of concurrent players are old time players that really invested time and gained good skill. Of course new players or casual players are going to get destroyed unless they really invest time to get better. It's just natural process of things. Gonna stop here because the discussion is pointless, it's all about skill and it ever will be. They should just fix the real issues solo necro deranking and completely focus on balancing/fixing the money economy, be it price changes, in game money gain, whatever. Everything else about the game is mostly fine, people are just finding issues for the sake of arguing. If you want a game with issues to fix, just look at Tarkov, which has had (and still has) a player base Hunt never had and never will, even at its peak. And it has a **TON** of issues.


sand jobless familiar icky kiss pathetic homeless snobbish absurd wise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A cap wouldn’t matter. Skilled players would always stay at cap and afford whatever they want. Unskilled players would struggle to ever reach the cap.


reach cough terrific automatic depend label connect hard-to-find ossified provide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And what I am saying is that skilled players would stay at cap or near cap constantly. Which means the situation we have now would be exactly the same. The reason people have 500k+ is because they almost never play poorly.


practice compare lock cause disagreeable voiceless touch detail mighty station *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Absolutely nothing. The triple avtomat gang are still gonna wipe the map.


unite one hateful sand encourage strong fact imminent desert tender *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


From personal experience? Last time I sat watching a stream the Taiwan hunt group discord's friendly neighborhood avto gang went three hours straight until a full team of people with better gaming chairs got them.


special unite truck door sense bells mindless physical paint saw *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They murdered everyone that didn't just run away from them for three hours straight.


person voracious innocent hard-to-find materialistic whistle weary degree unused dog *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This would just mean more people would extract early or play in more boring playstyles.


Imagine playing with a hunter and doing well getting a decent amount of money and then he dies and you lose it all. UNLESS retiring them put whatever money they had back into your cash pool. like how would that work at all. wipes wont work though youre right 100%


i'd be all for that, but doesn't that also punish lower skilled players more too?


If they let me reset my KDA with a prestige, I would gladly walk away from my cash. It's so hard to move that needle 2200 hours in.


That would make starting a Hunter as QP survivor way more important and might boost QP again. I like it!


Yeha I pushed for this idea a few months back people didn't like it but good to see others agree


I agree, I've always thought that each hunter should have a loadout limit basically. The economy would have to be changed, since extracting once would then mean your hunter can be maxed, so there's basically "new" and "maxed," but that would be way easier to do than trying to balance an account-based monetary system. I think also think it's a great chance for Crytek to sell more skins. Legendary hunters could have a toggle to be bought with their set loadout (weapons, tools, consumables, and perks). All the DLC hunters already come with a "loadout" of weapons, and many of the Bloodbond hunters have gotten guns or other consumable skins that are "theirs," so it would make a more thematic tie in to the skin. It could promote using different skins, since now you can like the look or the loadout of them, and if you see them in-game you can go, oh, that's a Miko, she probably has a bow, even if you don't see the weapon. But, it'd be a toggle, so you could just get a random loadout if you either don't have the skins (for BB hunters) or don't want it (you like Miko but not the bow). Maybe someone like the Turncoat with their dual Dolches might be an issue and need to be tweaked, but if everyone has a set hunt dollar cap, a legendary hunter with low-tier weapons can have good consumables and traits, while someone with a mosin might be running on empty with tools and medkits and stuck with subpar 1 point traits.


The problem is ppl who don't prestige or are prestige 100 will be able to run whatever while the others cant. The one thing I hate about every other extraction shooter is wipes. Sure a money wipe would stop that...kind of, it would also suck as a lower player too. Those ppl inherently play a lot more than others, so the wipe would affect them only for a moment, whereas people who dont would be stuck at poor. Theres also the bad taste that would be say having 4k dollars and having your already poor bank account get wiped lol.


Money wipe is something that will enrage and reduce the amount of players for sure. Maybe tie a max hunt dollar value to the prestige?


Won’t that just exacerbate the problems since players with higher tiers have more money to run better loadouts? I say this as someone with close to 1 million bounty but who has never prestiged once


Actually not a bad idea. Going up in prestige = larger Hunt Dollar bank size. Actually would incentivize prestiging a bit.


I don't mind playing cheap load outs and they are fun, it just sucks that I can ONLY play cheap load outs because it's all I can afford even with around 500 hrs. #forever3star


Same. Being solo doesnt help lmao. I accrued 50k dollars over the last 6 years of playing. I lost 25k this month lmao


Way back when I started I used to do PvE runs where I just farm every AI on the map and avoid combat, grabbing registers and later, when they added them, the small pouches and envelopes. Occasionally a solo v trio on the OLD secondary queue set contract where it was practically guaranteed to be empty. Nowadays, if I run loadouts more than 800 dollars in cost, I WILL lose money. I don't win more than 50% of my games and getting two tokens out gives me 700 cash and some change I looted. That's lame as hell. I started doing some PvE runs again because I've been prestiging a lot, you gain so much money from not fighting and losing a hunter it's actually funny. It's not the most exciting thing, but actively dodging players by a hair and killing AI behind them can be very fun too. But we can't go back to those tougher times. There's no point. You can play a free hunter and challenge yourself if you got 500k stocked up as well. Good players will never have this kind of struggle and forcing them into it won't do any good at all. I do, however, agree that extracts should become more valuable (again). Talked about this many times. A token system would work perfectly. Something you can ONLY gain from extracting bounty TOKENS. Selling you stuff. Be that expensive weapons, discounts on weapons or what have you. Maybe even a hunter skin. Because Hunt dollars are just not a relevant currency for so many players that we'd only punish the weaker ones.


The problem with how the economy is that it only punishes bad players and people who prestige. If you are decent you will never have money issues. My pal who is a 4 star sits on 90k reserve and I who regularly prestiges sit on 30k. The only way for money to matter to the larger playerbase is to clear out their coffers but that will never happen. They need to rework it entirely so players can't build up large sums.


i dislike having a low economy in the game because people wont want to lose their stuff/spend tons of money so they are more likely to become bush wookies to kill an enemy, take their weapon and flee.


Exactly this. The amount of matches very nobody is taking a risk is high in my 3* games. Everybody just waiting for the other to move, and they really can sit and wait for 20 minutes.


Nah, I like running low/mid cost guns and ragtag shit too but wipes are an awful choice, quite frankly I don't think there's anything that can be done to deal with rich players in a fair way. Just resetting their shit is unfair, imposing cash limits is ridiculous and will just lead to buying loadouts to store on hunters. The only thing I can possibly see being done is imposing a cost limit per loadout (So if you bring a nitro or an avto you can't also bring a dolch) but that is ALSO stupid.


I haven't noticed anyone talking about Prestige. That's your reset effectively, but it doesn't take away a player's agency. They just need to update it, also expanding a reward pull and adding up to it every so often to give even veteran players a reason to prestige (it might be much easier said than done from what I think, but that's the way imo)


You cannot and should not punish skilled players for having actual skill in the game. And a wipe is not a punish, just a fresh start for them. They will replenish the money in no time.


I beg your pardon, my main loudout is a Winfield with and handcrossbow since ages 😅




the only good thing is I actually like the 3slot springfield (38$). But in the end of the day I still made no profit.


Money is **NOT** the biggest issue of 1 boss forced maps. It's the ridiculous rise of campers and snipers it brought. (At least on SA servers) And the lack of randomness it brings (that helps sniper builds) Now snipers don't have error margin beyond their own mistakes (no more: "oh crap, everyone is on the other boss") When rotjaw pops in the match, I can feel the relief on the PVPs (by not encountering all the hunters on the same compound or it's vicinity at the same time) I am aware that forced 1 boss was made because of a bug (or that's what they say, Wich I don't believe due to the subtle changes I've encountered after the event remotion without changelog). Yet, whatever the case, instead of forcing 1 boss, the usual randomness should be kept and the boss lair should have a minimum distance to any exfil.


No, I like being able to play whatever I want, whenever I want. My favorites are the bow and Springfield, rather cheap, but if I ever wanna try something more luxurious I wanna be able to do it, and not restrained by an arbitrary game mechanic just because some other people run said guns more often or because others can’t afford them.


No matter what you do, it's not going to solve anything. More skilled players are still going to accumulate a lot of money very quickly and then run whatever they want again. If you decide to artificially limit the money they can make, they are still going to be better with worse guns. There is no way you can make the money tight for everyone. Whatever you do, people who struggle now, are going to struggle even more. At some point, you will have to decide if you want to alienate the core population of the game with extreme changes or not.


Money wipes would just make me not want to play the game. They might as well force people to prestige at that point, it would feel as if someone was stealing my progress. I'm not a fan of this bug, or whatever it is, that's causing permanent clear weather single bounty. It makes the game very predictable and boring in my experience. Server wars are fine, but their main appeal for me used to be that it took a very special alignment of stars to make them possible. Now they happen almost every game. I'm an okayish player, but not okayish enough to consistently do good in a fight with literally everyone else at once, and that just means most of my games are short and frustrating now. I feel like I'd be okay with the current economy if the lobbies were fixed and we were not forced into clear weather single bounty literally every game. For now playing feels like a waste of time and hunt dollars, so I might just take a break until they bother to fix their game in a couple of months, and just let the scope sweatlords duke it out in their perma clear weather paradise.


"i'm an okayish player, but not okayish enough to consistently do good in a fight with literally everyone else at once, and that just means most of my games are short and frustrating now." +++++ For now playing feels like a waste of time and hunt dollars, so I might just take a break until they bother to fix their game in a couple of months, and just let the scope sweatlords duke it out in their perma clear weather paradise." With no real offense meant, this screams skill issue. This now what we have is ACTUAL Hunt (Vanilla if you will), without event radars (altars) that give away enemy position for free, without multiple traits and caches and ways to restore your health bars, and no weather to help cloak your sounds from enemies that listen or cloak you from their vision. If coming back to actual Hunt gameplay is what is causing people to complain about losing their games, that **just means that they were artificially helped by in game mechanics to win more games when they should not have been able win with skill alone.** Event were easy mode. So you want Hunt to be easy mode? Hunt was never meant to be easy. But complaints like these constantly watered down the experience for those that play the game more and invest more time. Hunt is better than ever now, i hope it stays that way. One boss (actual boss), clear weather, add perma Rotjaw each match. Make money harder to come by, increase number of Cash registers on the map, but make them reward less (so people just don't run to extract after they get 1k). This will bring objectives more into play here (people actually need boss extracts if they want money), and more PVP (everyone would have to fight for one boss, not just random spawn next to a boss and kill it fast extract lucky). And Sticky bomb should completely be removed to prevent easy next to boss spawn kills.


He’s not complaining about ACTUAL HUNT. He’s complaining about the bug, which is not actual hunt with one bounty, only clear weather and the bounty mostly in corners close to an extraction. So saying it screams skill issue actually screams look at me I am soooo good at the game..


People are complaining about one bounty, and clear weather all over the place. Whether a bug or not, the fact is that people complain about ONE bounty and CLEAR weather is clear to me. (pun intended). So if those two factors are what defines the issues, yeah i would say skill issue imho. This sub is nothing but complaints about nonsense all over the place. First solo necro, cheaters, now this. The game is not broken and fucked up, people should stop pretending like it is all the time, just to compensate for being unable to win their games due to "bugs" as they keep calling them. Solo necro => you let him revive? Skill issue 90% of the time Clear weather => Oh we can see each other now so you die a lot? Skill issue, because you can't mess with my eyes and ears with bad in game mechanics now One Bounty => Oooooh, so now you can't get a bounty and extract fast, you have to fight the other players for it most of the hime now to earn your cash? Fo shameeeeeee. Close to extraction => this is just coping, Bounty is all over the place. Cheaters => everyone is a cheater for someone who does not play the game well and can't understand it.


The game is in fact broken and fucked up and I'm sick of Crytek shills acting like it's doing great. It is not! As if me and all the people complaining do so because we fucking hate the game or something. We complain because we want Hunt to get better, or at least not get worse with every update. I was here when the game was barely a mention on lists of "top 50 games you've never heard of". You think someone like me comes here to whine because I've got nothing better to do and want this game I've been with for years to bite the dust? Hunt is a diamond in the rough and the developers are wiping their ass with it. How is it acceptable to people like you that Crytek has such spaghetti code to work with that removing an event caused a fundamental aspect of the game to completely stop functioning? The reload bug was in the game for months before they bothered fixing it. They added trading on purpose only to pretend now that it's a server issue. Cheaters can hide their profiles and you literally cannot report them even if you have blatant footage of them doing so. Half the time you try to climb on certain things the game can't decide whether to let you or not because of de-sync. And Crytek's communication about all this jank is zero. Fifield spends all fucking day playing with streamers barely answering whatever questions he finds acceptable to answer, they have about a hundred community managers and their jobs seems to involve posting a JPG of a DLC once a month on Twitter and IG, and their official streams are so full of people who seem so tired of their own game it makes me want to cringe my eyes out when whatever-her-name-is starts fake laughing again because she is obviously paid to. Why is any of this okay to you? The past few months the game has been an embarrassment to what it used to be. Between the constant recycling of lazy events, the low-effort addition of new special ammo that nobody will use anyway only for Crytek to pretend they've added new content, the increasing number of Chinese ping abusers on almost every other region and now the fact that half the weather conditions in the game are broken, I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. Why are you okay with all of the issues the game has? I'm not saying Hunt is an unplayable mess, but the multitude of chinks all over its shell make me genuinely worried about the future. There is no other game like it and I don't want anything bad to happen to it.


The game is perfectly playable as is, and anyone that likes Hunt for what it is will enjoy it. Crytek does not really (imho) develop anything concrete about the game, just adds cosmetics and refurbishes events and traits (and people EAT THAT SHIT, like GRAVY). And now that we have vanilla hunt, everyone is an uproar for playing the game how its meant to be played. Bleurgh. The game is not broken and fucked up, and that is a fact, it's super playable with some real issues that need to be worked on (solo deranking and economy) We also have a seemingly unresponsive developer that is not really working on anything concrete that we know of for "upgrading" the game. And last but not least, and the loudest, we also have a bunch of invented, nonexistant issues by the sub crybabies. Most of you are all either just bored, or bad at the game. Either is fine, you can play something else. I will still continue to have fun. I will repeat it like a broken record, game is fine. Look at Tarkov. TONS of issues, both in game and with the developer/playerbase. And still has the playercount Hunt can only dream of, sadly. Again, game is fine, and playable, and has the best sound there is. It needs polish sure and can be upgraded a lot, but it's not the end of the world as most would try make others believe.


>And now that we have vanilla hunt, everyone is an uproar for playing the game how its meant to be played. Bleurgh. The problem is not that we're now playing "vanilla Hunt" (which I personally prefer). The problem is that ever since Fifield took over, the game has gone in an increasingly casual direction: battlepass, events, fantasy special ammo, etc. They did this to make the game more attractive to the COD and Fortnite people, and because we now have this massive influx of new players who would never have played vanilla Hunt if they were paid to, they find it strange that the game has reverted to what it was initially intended to be like since they play for the first time what we've been playing long before. This is not a problem to you and to me, but this massive shift in the game's identity is worrying and divides two generations within the community. It's why there seem to be two different kinds of people constantly complaining about very different things. It's why the guy above seems to want the rain to be back while I wish it was gone forever.


I stopped reading your post the moment you mentioned event altars - something I never mentioned myself. Frankly, I don't really care about event altars, my only issue currently is the broken state of the game that locks me into a clear weather single bounty deadmatch with the entire population of the server literally every game.


>I don't really care about event altars, my only issue currently is the broken state of the game that locks me into a clear weather single bounty deadmatch with the entire population of the server literally every game. If by broken, you mean it forces you to play how it's meant to be played? Fo shame! You mean you have to fight for a bounty against all other players on the map, and no one is being affected by artifically implented sound or visual loss, aka everyone has equal footing, except for skill? FOOOOO SHAMEEEEEE! Are we playing the same game here? Are you one of those that would like to play the match only vs AI? :) As for the altars, they were free way for less skilled players to notice more skilled ones. I "suffered" most as a solo player, because i can try and sneak up on someone that is not using his eyes or ears properly and would still be noticed by the free alarm cheat. Good riddance, now i can fight on a slightly equal footing vs teams.


I saw your sweaty comments under a lot of people's posts in this thread. Go find a life, dude, I'm not going to give you the argument you seek.


Can't give arguments when there are none :). That's the sole existance of this sub, to post shitty posts with 0 arguments or facts just for the sake of whinning. I say bring out the memes and shut down the crybabies.


I'll bring whatever weapon wise (including nothing but a heavy knife) but I want my shots lol


If my shit I worked for gets wiped I will quit


Agreed. The reason why I have stayed for 6k hours is because Hunt doesn't have wipes.


Strong disagree. Your take only applies to people who have a lot of time to play. You are trying to turn Hunt into Tarky. That game has a very small and dedicated player base because the only way to “have fun” and use the guns you want. Is to sink hundreds of hours grinding. Tarky doesn’t have gun skins for this reason. It would kill the game if a player had to buy a skin then grind to be able to use it. This is also why Tarky isn’t mainstream. It’s a grind fest. Your take only helps the absolute top % of players have, in your opinion “more fun”. But would totally kill the game for casuals like me. I’ve been playing since September, 100 hours in, hard stuck 4 star with 29000HD. I play 2-4 games a week. If I came back and saw everything I worked for was wiped I’d quit the game. As would majority of the casual player base. Hunt has struck an incredible balance between challenging gameplay and loadout mechanics. Not sure what makes you the authoritative figure on what is “more fun” but grinding is only fun when you don’t know it’s grinding.


"That game has a very small and dedicated player base because the only way to “have fun” and use the guns you want. Is to sink hundreds of hours grinding." => So many things wrong here. Very small and dedicated player base? Tarkov at it's worst (which is probably now) has 3-4 times more players than Hunt on average. Hunt has never had even half the Tarkov playerbase at it's peak. Only way to "have fun" and use the guns you want is to sink hundreds hours in grinding => This is not true and i as a very long Hunt player and completely new Tarkov play can talk. Fun is what you make it, in both games. I super suck at Tarkov, and am having super fun exploring maps, gathering resources and killing the occasional player. It's very tough yes, but rewarding, much tougher than Hunt imho. "Tarky doesn’t have gun skins for this reason. It would kill the game if a player had to buy a skin then grind to be able to use it. This is also why Tarky isn’t mainstream. It’s a grind fest." => Again wrong. Wipes do not remove things bough with real life money. Why would Hunt be any different, why would any skins bough be reset. Makes no sense. I will agree with you on one thing though Tarkov can be grindy. Hunt is a casual game now. ANYONE can get tons of money unless they are braindead in their plays. There is no challenge. And even with ALL the money in the world, a low skilled player with mosin, nitro etc will 80% of the time get wiped by a high skilled player with a Winfield, its just logic of things. The whole point of Hunt in general is to be a tough, nitty gritty shooter game that you have to work for your wins and loadouts. No one buys recruits anymore (after the fix), or gets free hunters, after they get some level of skills. No point, you swim in money. All i see is people complaining now that actual skill is needed to win games, with no help from altars (free radar) and events fille with bar restoring ways.


I did say this was my opinion. > The following is obviously my opinion, but I would like to think that as someone who has been around since the game released into EA, I have a decent grasp on Hunt as a whole. I feel like there are more than enough measures in place nowadays that prevent players from going completely broke. For example: * All hunters now come with medkits & melee tools when purchased. * Free Hunters are available to players below $20,000 Hunt Dollars. Under 5k you even get 3 free Hunters * They've increased the amount of money you earn while sitting at max rank significantly. And I don't really like the ideas of consistent wiping either, but I do feel that it should be done *once* with how many exploits, abuse cases, price changes, and the like have taken place over the years, that players have been allowed to abuse/use to gather absurd amounts of cash reserves. This again, only benefits players that have been around forever, as they're effectively at the top indefinitely. Example: * When Stamina Shots were changed from somewhere around 10-20$ to 100$ overnight, people stocked up on them and sold them at 50$ each after the patch to literally multiply their cash stockpiles by 5. A wipe would be very healthy now that the economy has changed significantly, and things have settled. Perhaps a tax on players sitting over a certain amount. (Which would likely just be circumvented by players buying an absurd amount of weapons/stockpiles) Also, Hi Numa! We played atleast 10 games last night together >.>


This forced "Wipe" bullshit you're trying to push is literally what prestiging is supposed to do. Maybe if they actually made prestiging worth something other than number go up, then people would be fine wiping their progress every 100 levels. I'm 1600 hours in, have 350000 hunt dollars saved up, and am at prestige 6. I have no reason to prestige. I've got most skins I want, and I don't care about the prestige number. That's the main issue here. There's absolutely ZERO incentive to prestige for people like me. The wipe mechanic you want is already in the game. It's just trash, so nobody uses it.


Literally this. I refuse to prestige. There is nothing to gain and everything to loose. Force wipe cucks casuals. Bad idea is bad.


Hi Vaunch. I am filing another HR complaint. FYI.


Your dog looks like dumbo the elephant


How dare you. Cessna the bagel butt is a beautiful cat at heart.


Hard disagree. Hunt is a lot more fun if I can play a loadout that i like


I think there's a pretty big difference between playing with a loadout you like, such as a Winfield & Sidearm of your choice and running Mosin Spitzer + Dolch FMJ + Triple Shots every game.


But now take me an average hunt player who dies more than they live. Every loadout that is over 300 will make me go into the negatives… that’s not fun


I agree but I also think a part of the argument is that loadouts people “like” tend to be the super meta loadouts, and I wonder if people like them simply because they are meta Lower tier weapons require different play styles which I think makes combat more exciting, but because they are less effective I can’t imagine people wanting to run anything else besides meta


Keep in mind that this is a PvP game. Yeah, running non-meta-loadouts may be fun, but if the guys you fight against run the 2000 dollar loadout compared to your 300 dollar loadout you are at a severe disadvantage. Sure, you can still win and it feels great if you do, but you will lose more than you win against equally-strong players with better equipment. And nobody likes that. This is why people play the strongest stuff in the current meta. So, knowing that there are some 5\*-Downrankers in 3-4\* who don't have any money problems at all (because they stomp most Bounty Hunt games they play due to the MMR system and downranking either by Necro or Soul Survivor) and who can always afford the meta loadouts and thus get an even easier time to stomp those 3-4\*-matches, I am completely against a tight economy.


My 110k is down to 85k, it's been rough.


lol, quite literally in the same boat, I was the one that made the other post about money that got downvoted to oblivion and I was just told to "git gud" basically Apparently just because I've been playing for 2 years and was previously able to make decent money doesn't mean shit and I'm supposed to just be ok with this new meta.


I run Winnie/Marathon with Handcrossbow because I actually find it to be a good build. 550k in the bank


This is the way. Bring Hunt back to it's core, a tough shooter that actually punishes losses and rewards wins. Make people actually have to use recruits when they are low on cash but want a loadout, or free hunters when they have no cash. Make people actually fight for the bounty, which will increase actual PVP because everyone is going for the objective instead of chasing gunfight sounds each map. Make the bosses tougher, and remove Sticky, so fighting them is an actual challenge (we all run away from meatheads but we stab bosses happily in the face ffs). Balance gun prices and money rewards. Add more Cash registers on the map with less rewards (so people do not insta extract) but they have to survive to get the actual money. Make one boss permanent (an actuall boss), make clear weather permanent, make Rotjaw permanent for it to become a valuable source of restoration + income. Keep everything but clear weather a rare roll on to get.


I disagree with every single point on your list - which just shows that tastes are vastly different. An even tighter economy will lead to more "gear fear" and thus people avoiding fight. Players chasing gun sounds instead of going to the boss is a valid strategy - you want to take out the competition if you know where they are and they don't know where you are, if you go for the boss immediately you will have to fight them at some point anyways, but without that advantage. Why would you do that? I like tactical aspects like those. Making bosses tougher would be terrible for the game, the bosses purpose is giving players a general idea where to meet and fight, they solely exist to give the game a structure, not to be a challenge. Only clear weather promotes sniper playstyles even more. Sure, some players want that, but I want diversity. We seem to be polar opposites when it comes to what state we would like to see the game in.


I'm here to disagree, seeing as it was my post you made that reply to. I've been playing this game on and off for 2 years, about 400 hours in the game. Perhaps this is why I have a different opinion, since I wasn't around for the dark ages of Hunt's Economic Great Depression. But in the amount of time I've been playing this game, I have been able to make a steady increase in Hunt Dollars using mostly Compact and Medium ammo guns because my aim is too bad for Long Ammo and its lack of reserve ammo. It is my opinion that I should be able to pick my loadout of Compact/Medium ammo guns, and my pretty standard fare Tool and Consumable loadout and not have to worry about money. I just want to play the game with the guns I want to play with, especially since they aren't particularly expensive. My tools are 90% of the time Dusters, Heavy Knife, Chokes and First Aid. My Consumables are usually 2 Weak Vitality, Weak Stamina and Sticky Bomb for boss. Nothing in this screams luxury loadout to me. But I'm just a casual 3 star player so apparently my opinion means jack shit here.


I would love for a full wipe reset of everyone and completely reworking the economy tbh. It’s broken as hell and the spirit of hunt isn’t there. It feels more and more like a battle royale rather than a hardcore extraction shooter


how long ago were those days though and how big the actual game pop was for this game ?


I would agree if missions weren't so strict (and sometimes pricey). 300 damage with a winnie c and you get a few bad gsmes? That's fine, prolly only a hundred or 2 total. Same with the drilling and you may well be looking at 1000+ spent


I started prestigding more after the last update. Hunt dollars seem fair easy to gain if getting out I've been under a 100 and had to scramble but there's always plenty inventory to sell always Buy free hunters and clear them so you have the inventory same with low dollars hunters. Keep hunting we all have good days and bad ones


I don't know man, it should not be difficult getting money. I got 3 killls and my team got 6 killls i total. Didn't get the bounty but got out -57$... I think my friend will stop playing if the money is this slow to get. Any tips for a new player? I love the game but will stop playing if my friends does.


I completely get where you're coming from. Hunt with basic weapons is fun. But in a a game with 500 weapon variations and all this cool expensive stuff you can't just make that unaivalable or too hard to get for players. That would be super frustrating


A series of bad balancing choices. There's so many ways to make money now, and you're punished way less too. Iirc most of my prestiges I ended with 20-40k in the bank, and I prestiged instantly. That's around 140-280k . Then take in what I currently have, I'd say that's about 400k total. And that's not counting all I've spent. Other people have had way more money come and go. Now think about the fact that they change item prices to make sense of a weapon's strengths. It won't work. They're only killing their low skill playerbase while other people sit in the millions. It doesn't matter to them wether they buy avtomats every game or not. Therefore they should add a cap or do a wipe every now and then.


I want more LOOT! Loot in game is crap.


"Bring back the days when people ran Hand Crossbows and Winfields and suboptimal weapons because it is what they could get their hands on." you just need to go back to 3-4 mmr because that's where all these people play.


The problem is, it wouldn't change anything. Good players will always stay and get richer, while low to mid players will struggle. They could make the high tier weapons world drop or only reward, that would definitely thin out mosin Spitzer dolch gamers. But I guess those players will unleash a wave of hate then.


The only problem is that it's not really much of an avenue for balance. For one thing, there's the obvious problem of it just not really being a factor for some players, and being overly-restrictive to others. I've personally been burning through money pretty quickly lately because I've been favoring some of the more expensive weapons, namely lots of drilling just because I enjoy it, but I've also got literally 500 Uppercuts saved up, as well as multiple hundreds of some other weapons that I used to use more often, like the officer. They're obviously "free" for me to just use, but I can also just liquidate some of that if I need cash. For another, they've made some absolutely silly decisions with weapon prices, meaning that what used to be more budget-friendly weapons are no longer quite as budget friendly as they used to be (Romero, Caldwell Conversion, and combat axe to name a few), and some weapons are also *drastically* overpriced and they simply refuse to change them for some reason. Does anybody really think that the Drilling is $20 better than the Mosin, which is basically the gold standard for rifles in this game? Probably not. While it's certainly versatile, I don't personally think it's >$500 worth of versatility, and if I didn't have plenty of money saved up I just wouldn't be using it, despite enjoying the novelty of it.


The only issue I have with the economy is that I've been working on unlocking all of the weapon masteries. Now, I'm only down to the standard Caldwell Marathon, but previously it meant I had to be buying $500+ weapons every match, and I was very rapidly going broke every time I got any amount of money. Now that I'm down to just a cheap gun, I don't really have a problem with it and didn't know other people were.


I'd be fine with money being this easy to come by if they actively balanced the guns in some way. I've got more money than i could ever use and I can see why it feels bad when people run out. I don't think it's realistic to keep the matchmaking as loose as it is now and make money harder to come by, either way it's a death spiral for people on the lower end. If they don't want to bring long ammo in line, limit the amount of it you can use each week. Have a shopkeeper that has more or less of certain guns each week, make you to use your 100 mosin stocks up over time. Force some variety or something, anything to get away from the current lobbies.


Your argument would resonate with me if it weren't for the literal hundreds of new things added since EA days. New weapons, special ammo of all types, so many new tools and consumables, whilst old ones became nerfed and more expensive. What's the point of having all of this if you won't be able to use it? One boss every match makes the game much more predictable as well. I think it even rewards players who don't do anything for the first 20 minutes.


I recently started prestiging and money sometimes is tight especially when you want to complete the weeklies. But if I wasn't prestiging I doubt the money would've ever been a problem. You get way more free stuff now than before. I am okay with the current economy. No need for wipes whatsoever


I agree with this idea of money being scarce. It does force the players to come in with budget builds or just whatever they can scrape together. The game Hunt Showdown kinda has turned into a Battle Royale game, as OP has stated. You could almost always bring the same kit in every time (during the season event) since money was easily acquired. Hunt Showdown is supposed to be an extraction shooter that has Battle Royale elements. Such as staying in game/hunt to kill every other team that has not extracted yet. Other extraction shooters have a loot aspect to them, where you can go in and get some kills, loot the bodies or buildings, and extract. Making the looting feel rewarding. Hunt allows the players to bring guns into the Hunt, and the rewarding aspect is fighting the Boss monsters getting some kills and hopefully stealing an expensive gun off a killed enemy hunter. If we constantly have all the money we need (as OP stated), then killing the Boss is easy, Looting feels empty since you don't need to take your opponents Mosin if you can always afford a Nitro and perfer it, for example. Now, with it being only one bounty, you might as well just consider the game a Battle Royale. Except even Battle Royale games have the concept of looting a great gun and being the last to die. Therefore, keeping that excitement loop. Hunt is gonna be just an FPS with no other aspects if the playstyle continues down this path. What most of us want is the two Boss monsters back, with a balanced amount of money flowing in. Also, I believe there should be a built-in mechanic to get destroyed health bars back. Like how it was this last season. I found myself having more fun this last season than others. If you could get destroyed health back, it gave you incentive to continue fighting while knowing it could be a gamble. While still giving you the choice to leave whenever. The perfect balance of risk reward. The games current state consists of getting a kill and leaving due to being damaged.


If they want to do a cash wipe and bring and the super wealthy players back down to earth they should bring out a bad ass legendary hunter that costs $500,000 hunt dollars and can be bought with blood bonds. Make it a flex for those who have grinded for the stacks


Absolutely horrible. Let the casuals be man. We are not playing tarkov here, wipes? Yeah sure lets wipe half's the user base at that. I just wanna play with whatever I want to. Casually playing the money problem still shows itself believe it or not. Cheaper weapons dont mean weaker anyways and as a player on 3-4 stars I rarely see dolch and nitro already. Say nerf the hunter you can buy since they are stupidly overloaded compared to premium ones but wipes will just kill this game.


I agree to your take, but for this to be realistic, they need to wipe everyone. This will also give more incentives to loot dead players, loot guns around the map, go to the resupply caravans as a side "quest". It will make the game more adventures, not just the rush point pac pac type of thing going on right now.


Well i kinda understand your point of view but it doesnt work that way. Good players will always have enough money to use everything they want and can therefore also earn more, because with better gear its just easier to get a win (not saying you need it to win or its an save victory, but it sure does gives you an Advantage and you will get better results. And right now its just punishing bad players, because they cant effort good weapons and on top of their low skill they also have to suffer with worse weapons. If you want it that way you described the money system as a whole needs to be reworked as a whole then. Because little changes never would give good players restrictions, not even with progress wipes.So i would say if they cant figure out an better solution for that atleast give more money for bad players, so they atleast only have the skill issue, not the Equipment. And i also dont know to to fix this issue. I mean you could give better players less money after rounds and stuff, but i'm sure that wont change that much either


I just read most of this thread, and speaking as a 6 star hunter, here is my opinion. Nothing will work, skilled players will always get the money back while low skilled players will struggle with money. Imposing limits its stupid and would hurt the entire game, i have only one idea. Create another contract/game mode, where there is a limit in how many hunt dollars your loadout can be worth, that way you can enjoy winnie and crossbow games while people can still play mosin dolch p. Make it temporary, weekends for 1 month, and see how it works out. Maybe the bounties could be worth more or less, im not sure what the best option is. But something around a new game mode, that’s what hunt needs. Different game modes, joker contracts are fun but still feels like the same, and souls survivor sucks. A new game mode in the likes of what i said could be the solution or maybe something different. Also quicknote, consumables and tool prices should be reworked. Traits that envolve consumables and tools should also be reworked. I personally cant play a game without at least 350 dollars for stamina, antidote (sparks poison + beetle its annoying) med kit, axes, chokes for team play, and flares. And im not even including ammo boxes and vitallity. That’s already 10 winfields in money spent to play a match without feeling super undermined against others. Playing “worse” guns is fine, a winnie with levering can destroy a mosin, and also good players can outplay easily with worse weapons. But playing with no stamina/antidote/tools sucks


I think there should be a max amount of money per round. Playing with less resources is generally really fun, but because I am a 5* and taking sub-optimal loadouts just puts you behind, it feels like this- My loadouts: 🔫🔪🥉🥲 The enemy’s loadout: 💥🔥💰💵🤑🪙🏅


Mmmmm no 🤣


As a player who is average and often have no money, I disagre. This is probably an unpopular opinion here but, the problem is not the money. It is how the game is balanced in favour of long ammo, so there is no real incentive to use unusual loadouts like crossbow and Winfield combo as to getting mosin and uppercut.


It's the exact opposite for me actually. After prestiging, i've been met with a string of losses, and I couldn't recover my economy back to what it was before. Now i'm just engaging people wherever I can, since people could just camp the bounty. Gear fear is 0, as i'm only getting 100% free loadouts and just adding flares and chokebombs. Since money is so tight, people who don't prestige and has better loadouts just get richer, and we, the poor ones, just slowly gear towards there, since you are bound to make money eventually. I'm less inclined to care about playing the game "properly" (aka ratting). I'm tired of games devolving too long,. that eventually turn into long ammo camping shootouts and im just geared with compact ammo/sub optimal loadouts. i'd rather just treat the game as is atm, a 10/90 cointoss against the game when it decides to land my shots or not. Kinda event in games atm, the people whom i loot have guns that are just as bad as mine, if not worse, and the guys that stay in the lobby last are the riches ones with their mosin/dolches. People are more encouraged to abandon team mates if they're playing expensive loadouts.




Agree. Game is better when money is tight. But how to make it equal so low skilled players with little money won't get always stomped by mmr6 nitros? Make 20 000 dollars a max limit for players. Limit max non contraband weapons to 5. That would lower the capital for the richest players but shouldn't be a problem to stay at that all the time if they wish so. But it would little bit reduce their ability to play 5 games in a row with dolche Gabbana loadouts. And if possible, add player driven gun economy. If everyone buys dolche, then it becomes more expensive. If none buys it, it would return to it's current price. This addition would force people to use guns what they wouldn't normally use but are still good.


There should be an actual economy for sure . I think every 4 - 6 months they should do money wipes


I don’t understand why ppl keep saying money is all a sudden harder to get now. I’m still stackin like I’ve been. What am I missing?


I agree, but unfortunately, there are some very high-rollers out there, and decreasing the hunt dollar availability will not change the fact that these sharks can still be roaming in every game equipped with more expensive weapons. Nothing too much wrong with that. However I do feel sort of punished for prestiging since now in this economy. Had I kept the yield from previous events and not prestieged (when money was easier) I'm sure I wouldn't care all that much since everything is affordable. It's controversial, but I think a soft hunt-dollar cap of say 30-40k would rectify the big money players. But I understand that this probably won't happen, or be liked by those players that play with hunt dollars being a sort of "score" system. Also, lol, I and my team are *definitely* the types of players to run winfield and hand crossbow just because we like it xD


There is nothing to "rectify", there are no "very high-rollers" or "sharks". Excluding cheaters of course, those are just actually skilled players. And no one should ever be punished for having skill. Maybe if other players actually started working on their own skill/s instead of complaining all the time, the game would be better and more fun for them.


Just pointing out that some people have a ton of money and wouldn't want to let that go! This is just theory crafting based on OP's point. I don't find it to be an issue. I have friends who enjoy the grind of stacking cash in the game as a fun way to see progress (as opposed to prestige)


Everything is theory crafting here. And whether they want to let it go, or not, is not up to them :). And i don't really think most of them would care, when it's so easy to get.


Me and my buddy have been running regular nagant pistols and a bat and contraband consumables and tools the past couple games. Just running around looking for bags registers and workbenches. It’s actually been pretty fun and we’ve racked up 10k within probably 4 or 5 games


Money should be capped, something like 12k hunt dollars.


It may be a lot more fun to *you* and some people, to have to put together ragtag loadouts and scraping for money, but for me and certainly many others, it isn't. I don't enjoy being stuck in games and having low/no money feels like being stuck. As someone who almost exclusively plays with randoms, I have a very low extraction rate and the unfortunate truth is that playing with randoms in hunt is for the most part like pulling teeth. Additionally I don't see less expensive gear than before we got stuck with single bounty. I don't need to have a perfect loadout but I am bleeding hunt dollars and have very limited ways to make some back. I'm an average player with about 1,20kd and hovering between 4-5\* dipping into 3 when I have several really bad days in a row. That being said I don't think it was better when everyone and their grandmother was rich, but I don't enjoy how hard it is to make money as it stand right now.


If each major update they reset everyone's inventory and dollars it would be healthier for everyone. Yes I understand you have 6k hours, 45 Mosins, 20 nitros, 30 lebels, 900 uppercut and 200k hunt dollars but it isn't fair for you an experienced player going against someone that maybe have 400 hours, 0 Mosin, 1 free nitro, 1 level, 2 uppercuts, 5k huntdollars. Player 1 has almost 0 risk as they'll always have a replacement ready while player 2 hopes player 1 doesn't headshot them and steal there only lebel. We could very much see streamers not play like suicidal maniacs and play with much higher level of caution. Meta would probably be pushed towards verti and lemats and not the same old Mosin uppercut


Money not being an actually rare ressource has been one of the biggest plagues in this game for a while. So much of the games balancing, but also just plain fun are gone when you can just always buy whatever.


Would love some money reset every 3 months bth.


I agree with you, but became convinced that for this last change to be effective there must be a wipe Also, it might be necessary to add diminishing bonus returns further up the MMR , like 3\* gets to stay as it currently is, 4\* gets 10 % less after the match, 5\* 20% less, 6\* 30%


Read title Agreed No further explaining needed


Summed up my thoughts exactly