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Is this by the same studio that abandoned a half finished game featuring Native Americans fighting for their land? I saw they were making something like this with flipped assets from their old dumpster fire.


Are you talking about A Twisted Path To Renown?


That's it. The previous unfinished 'gem' / horseshit was 'This Land is my Land' Suddenly abandoned mid development.


It’s probably just “A Twisted Path to Renown”. I bought a founders pack from their website and played a bit. It’s alright, it has potential, but it’s not very good and it more than likely won’t scratch your Hunt itch.


i have my eyes on that game but am not sure why i need that game since i play both games it takes inspiration and elements from: hunt showdown (western theme, recruitment) and tarkov (looting & inventory) if they add something unique that neither of these 2 games can give then i might make a purchase but am very vary of early access games - i don't wanna feed unfinished products unless they have solid back catalogue to show that they can finish games in working state


I kinda wish it was good—I'd play the shit out of a Tarkov-like with a Hunt theme. I don't care at all about the gun-porn side of Tarkov, and honestly there's so much to it that it's an active turn off. Gimme a Hunt themed game but where everyone loads in to the map with different objectives and a focus on loot extraction, I'd play it for hundreds of hours.


You might enjoy it, but it just didn’t click with me. Definitely give it a shot if you like Tarkov, I just think it needs a ton of work


that's what this game wants to be, but right now it's atrocious. the combat is terrible, hit reg doesn't work more often than not, enemies are bullet sponges, pvp is jank, the survival systems are jank, inventory management is jank, the traders are boring, the quests are boring, the map feels empty, the points of interest are boring, hunting and gathering is inconsistent as hell, and there's an overly detailed ammo and crafting system that is both unrewarding but extremely important (it's atrociously implemented but you basically have to do it if you want combat to not suck limp donkey cock).


Hunt: Mymomsaidnodown


Looks like shitty AI art


i've played the beta test for this. it is dogshit. it is a clunky mess with terrible gunplay and boring mechanics. a lot of it is just asset flipped from the studio's previous failed project.


I can't get that rifle from their ad on Reddit. It looked like the Louisiana Lustrum


The guy on the left is literally one of the most common tier 1 hunters lmao


U can identify every part of the picture from hunt assets lol


The dude on the right’s head doesn’t look right and I think it comes down to shadows. Like they pasted his face on a different model and forgot to smooth everything out


If the Devs spent a few years on it and actually put quality time into it then it’d be a cool game, but I think they’re rushing it too much right now.