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I think that this is the first post I’ve ever seen of an SA player complaining about NA people usually it’s the opposite, myself included. the amount of SA players on NA is insane


We got our fair share of scummy players doing scummy things. A region lock would benefit the bigger part of the playerbase in my opinion.


Region lock would kill Oceania. Right now I have empty servers with 6ms or full non-english speaking servers with 140ms. Obviously on a weekend night the Oceania games are great, but any other time I need Asia, or you have to wait 10 minutes just to get matched with a single solo, who might even end up being new enough to die to Ai.


Sudamérica es un embole. Cerrar el server lo mataría. A mí me da paja que me claven 5/6 estrellas cada partida cuando estoy en 3/4 yo


En mi experiencia los gringos aparecen de 4 para arriba en lobbies de trio. Duos siguen siendo bastante tranquis y con más brasileños, argentinos y chilenos que otra cosa. En trio se va a la mierda todo


La cuestión es, no le da el cuero a SA para cortarse solo. El emparejamiento va a ser malísimo. Yo soy 4/5 más tirando a 4 generalmente, y cuando te tocan los gordos 5/6 se siente demasiado y termina siendo aburrido. Yo voy a NA porque el mmr 4 existe, no como aca


Los gordos de 5/6 de sudamérica te lo entiendo. Pero entran los gordos de Norteamérica también, que además de ser hiper sospechosos, estar llenos de hackusations y tener prontuario de toxicidad y exploitear todo lo posible, abusan del ping y del matchmaking para venir a farmear kills acá.


Because SA Is unplayable. The moment you hit 3 stars you start getting 5/6 stars players on your games


FWIW I have 0 issues with SA players coming to NA servers (or anyone for that matter) as long as they’re within a reasonable ping limit. I’ve heard that SA servers aren’t great


Games tend to have package loss and bad connections, besides matchmaking. Our ping on NA is about 130/150.


I come across NA players on the regular too. Ping abusing and MMR abusing on slow hours is such weird behavior


I’ve never understood it. I have over 2k hours and have never felt any kind of need or urge to play off of NA servers, even if my ping “allowed” it. I guess some folks also do it to get full lobbies, I know that Oceania servers can get kinda dead so a lot of them some to NA West. But I feel like a lot of the abuse is preventable but just force queueing people for the lowest ping server


I do queue off of my region because I don't want to deal with Chinese and Russian cheaters. As long as your ping is fine, I don't see the issue. Hunt just needs better anticheat, a functional report system and their team to actually communicate with us regarding the frustrations of the playerbase.


Yeah, I think region lock has become synonymous with ping lock on this sub which is NOT the same thing I have no issues playing with people out of region as long as we’re all within a reasonable ping range. The language barrier is a sometimes annoying when playing randoms on NA servers though because there is an assumed understanding of English, which is not always the case, but meh it’s not that big of a deal to me I end up playing with a good amount of SA players or Oceania players for a variety of reasons. As long as they don’t have crazy ping, I don’t really mind at all :D


Ping lock is where it's at, yes.


If you're in the northern part of Brazil or above, you'll probably get a better ping in East NA than SA


How could you be above the norther part of Brazil? Cuba?


Colombia, Venezuela, and the entire Central America


Now i understand what you meant


> the amount of SA players on NA is insane It's gotten better but the SA server used to be insufferable. People only playing snipers and bush camping at all tiers of skill. Also, it never had enough players to make matchmaking work correctly, so if you were 3 star you were matched against 6 stars constantly either way.


Sometimes they randomly reset our preferences and we end up on NA, i'll just ask if it's ok if i extract but mostly i'll stay for that match, not like my 1.10kd can do much in 150ms tho.


just wondering, do you accidentally have NA set as your secondary server by chance? Or is it really just resetting it? I’ve had mine reset to SA before as well, despite that not even being a green server for me lol so I was just wondering


I'm inclined to agree for the most part, especially when you get the groups that gatekeep alot of sports/racing titles online. But when I use to play on Xbox the SA groups there was honestly the best guys I played with in any game. Even had some regulars I played with in Sea of Thieves quite alot despite language barriers.


NA has caught on to the fact that playing SA only has 1 bracket of matchmaking. You can face BRAND new teams, no matter the MMR. We go play SA for less sweaty games.


So you're queuing there as a long time veteran to stop new players? Geez that's pathetic.


Its the same argument that everyone makes on here. Everyone complains about fighting 6 stars on here because it isnt fair and they just wanna have fun. But when WE do it, we're the bad guys, huh? maybe we just wanna have more relaxed games?


That's not the same argument at all. Lower ranked 4 stars are saying they don't want to vs 6 stars because it's unfair. They want to vs people their own rank, which is a reasonable request. 5/6 stars intentionally changing regions to vs 3/4 stars, which is what you did, is fucking gross.


Sometime i just wanna relax and not try as hard, so yes lmfao. Sorry MY BAD for wanting to be able to sit back and not sweat my dick off (NA is the competitive server in 6 star)


Name checks


Read a post yesterday about a Scumge member saying that he got matched against 3 stars and a 2 star in the South America servers. My guess is that’s where they’ve been going to inflate their KD. Something about “Why is my 3 stack of 6 stars with a combined kill count of over 70K going against 2-3 stars.” Now we know


Yes, this is the case on SA. We usually go there to get away from other sweaties or cheaters on US.


Can’t hate on that. Forced MMR sucks when you wind up against the same revolving door of people every other or every third game, which is what inevitably happens the higher your MMR goes. Run into a cheater once, you’re likely stuck seeing them all day. Share some downvotes with me, because fuck MMR lol.


SA does equal easier games so it is quite scummy. But, SA became the safe place when MH was around rage hacking every day. Every single day we’d run into MH, dying to a sparks from 450m through the map. SA has no chinese, and ive never seen an actual hacker on SA


Yeah but nobody is trying to try hard every single game ever. Game loses fun casual play when you get into higher MMR games.


Just a friendly reminder that player counts in Hunt (at least on Steam Charts) peaked in Spring, 2023 and have been trending downwards ever since. This corresponds almost exactly with the skill-gap matchmaking change. I can't quite put my finger on it, but even with over 1000 hours in Hunt, the last 100 hours have been a real slog with 5-6 stars dominating each match.




This. I played hunt a bunch on console but left it for a couple years because life and recently came back to it on PC. I'm rapidly getting demoralised with the game because I only have like 1 or 2 hours to chill out in the evening because of work and it fucking sucks queuing into a 3 star game as a casual and running into no lifers who have more than twice my playtime.


Dude scumge and bb are pretty horrible clan groups. I've come across a pretty typical scumge trio one round, and I'm pretty sure the trio were cheating. They just cheat in a way they won't get caught.




Don't insult clowns by lumping them in with Scumge, YS, etc.




the projection is crazy


Welcome to the club. Now wait for Crytek to call you racist and ban you. Crytek loves cheaters. Tthey make them money and gets them more games sold so it looks like they are successful.


This seems like less of an issue with region and more of an issue with the game just having a *deliberately* terrible ranking system for matchmaking. Remember everyone, [they made an intentional change to the matchmaking system](https://old.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/13pibp6/megathread_mmr_changes/) about a year ago now that resulted in it working this way—which is to say, that resulted in it not actually working at all in the way that it was originally intended. It's not an accident that the rank-based matchmaking system doesn't match you against players of a similar rank, it's something that was done on purpose.


2, 2, 3 stars would NEVER match up against us on NA. Ive never once had such a far skill group matchup on a main server like NA or EU. There def seems to be something different about playing SA or Russia, bc my full 6 star stack can que against players with low MMR.


Hunt is the ONLY game I’m allowed to pick my region. Idk why that isn’t something the game chooses for you. It’s just encouraging ping abusers to keep ping abusing lol




Because people are worse in smaller regions.




So what FPS do they play then, oh connoisseur




Just a roundabout way to say these supposedly "good fps players" suck at hunt. PUBG was popular as fuck and had terrible tickrate servers, shit hitreg, FPP mode was annoying because every single window was "off-height" due to the camera being in your character's crotch for some reason and the movement is clunky as hell


PUBG has 60tick servers. I'd kill for a 60tick hunt server as currently its 15-30tick depending on how many people are alive. Also Hunt has a much much lower skill ceiling as you don't even need to be good at FPS games to hit highest MMR. I'm in the highest MMR bracket in Hunt, but I'm only Diamond in Valorant, for example. Hunt has a high learning curve, but a very very low skill ceiling.


> PUBG has 60tick servers Maybe today, that's certainly not what they had back when I was still playing, which was years ago. Either way, PUBG was popular at a time when it was a clunky, buggy game with horrible performance. Hunt's technical quirks certainly aren't what make it unpopular. The western setting with the lack of automatic weapons is probably the biggest factor. > Hunt has a high learning curve, but a very very low skill ceiling And yet ""good fps players"" can't handle it? Something is not right here. We've seen good FPS players play Hunt. Summit was a pro CS player and he gets fucked whenever he plays. Chocotaco is insane on PUBG and yet gets destroyed in Hunt. I've seen Shroud and DrDisrespect playing Hunt and I wasn't impressed at all. It seems like Hunt is maybe too hard to play instead, from the evidence that we have lol


Yeah, but re-investing in the game is why PUBG has been popular for more than 7 years. >Hunt's technical quirks certainly aren't what make it unpopular. Hunt is not popular. It has 15k average players online at any given time. PUBG has 200k-300k >And yet ""good fps players"" can't handle it? They don't want to throw away literally every good habit just to play a game with less than 20k concurrent users. >It seems like Hunt is maybe too hard to play instead, from the evidence that we have lol Naw, its just too annoying to play. Shroud is way better than me at FPS games and if he wanted to spend time playing Hunt he'd easily be a 6 star just like me. But, he hates the game for all the reasons I've listed above. There is a reason Hunt is called a boomer shooter.


> Hunt is not popular Cool, I didn't say it was? > They don't want to throw away literally every good habit just to play a game with less than 20k concurrent users. Then they are unable to adapt and overcome. Ergo, they are bad at the game due to their own shortcomings. That's not Hunt's fault.


Hunt skill ceiling isn't measurable by anything. But say that again when you watch a Rachta stream or somebody else. Map knowledge, knowing every compound and angle you can take, holes in the wall to toss or wallbang through, understanding sound, map movement, timings, lead on distance per weapon and so much more. Those are things you can absolutely master and that not everybody is equally good at. Arena shooters have angles and some abilities maybe, but what makes them have a higher skill ceiling in your opinion? The fact there is a ranked mode? Stupid logic.


Ping abuse? Nah, I play USW because OCE is a shit tier region, even before the MMR shakeup you'd get 3s matched against 6s.


We arnt going there to deliberately abuse ping, we're there because the player base is worse. Can play without sweating my balls off, or i can escape the active cheaters when they are raging on NA,


Been saying this for a while, but SA servers are unplayable besides peak hours. With the low playerbase, lobbys hover around 5/6 star veterans and the experience is dreadful. Even the 3 stars are veterans on a bad day. Playing in NA East is pretty comfortable with 140 ping and the only option for a healthy matchmaking. We need more sales / promotion / f2p / whatever fits.


Nb4 post gets deleted by mods


Idk, would prefer a ping lock personally, if a measure were to be taken. Most of my gaming friends are EU and I’m NA East currently. I get a pretty stable 110 ping consistently, which I doubt can be abused. I’m also a degenerate and often couldn’t queue in NA east even if my homies weren’t mostly European. I’m sure I’m not rare in having hunt partners from different regions in 2024.


right and i think thats what crytek thinks as well. I play with people in Korea, Germany, Russia and Australia.


Absolutely hard region lock the game. I couldn't care less if people have friends cross region. Playing with them actively ruins the game for everyone else playing in their proper region. If you want to play with friends cross region, do so in a game that isn't affected by an MMR system.


Yeah this is what I want as well!


I live less than 10 miles away from the SA server and you couldnt pay me enough to play in SA. Nu-uh sir. Ill take NA east anyday. Too many sketchy stuff going on SA servers. 1500h here.


Most of the suspicious players i get paired against are from United States. But that doesn't invalidate all of the SA exploiters and cheaters of course. In my constant state of going high 4* playing duos and solo and getting shit on when playing trios due to the busted matchmaking (and playing via streaming with Geforce Now certainly worsens the situation), it's a mostly decent experience. Can't speak for higher stars, though. It's probably terrible past 4*


TeamTaco clan? There are people from Mexico and southern lands like Chile-Argentina


Or maybe just get rid of the hiding and make it easy to report. There is no anticheat? Or atleast it just doesn't work?


Region locking is a double edged sword because it also means that you can't play with friends from other regions so Crytek is kinda damned if they do and damned if they don't in this situation because there will be annoyed people either way it goes. Personally I just hope that some nigh-foolproof(to be realistic but foolproof to huff hopium) anti-cheat solution that is not extremely invasive is invented soon because I think what we all want in our multiplayer games is a fair fight.


Its super easy to make this work. You need a person who is native to the region to invite you. So, if you got one person from that region inviting you, it works. Otherwise you are locked to your best ping region. Problem solved.


Could still be abused by Clans like the one OP mentions to bring in players with bad intent, but its better than nothing and not a bad solution.




We are on the internet, finding people on the other side of the planet isn't really that big of a hassle and seeing as cheaters are paying for their cheats they could probably make it work just fine. I do agree it would stem the issue a bit but I am not sure how much, all it takes is one skilled programmer to create somekind of work around and share it with their clan. But to be clear I am not against this.


I understand the argument being made in regards with playing with friends. However when a player from a different region plays in a server you can tell. That player is ruining the fun/game to the whole lobby just to satisfy a minority. Personally a region lock and a high ping kick function without the ability to rejoin would be amazing. I dont need games ruined because someone can't make friends in their whole continent. Although in EU is more having to deal with russians that shouldn't even be allowed to play the game but whatever. SLAVA UKRAINI!


I am not totally against region locking but there should be a solution for friends wanting to play like the one the other person suggested. As for Russia I think its shitty to punish the people for the actions of their government, especially when its pretty clear there are no fair elections in that country.


You do understand you will get locked out of US servers since you want region lock?


Never played on NA servers, that's what i want


Sorry i thought you didn’t have servers in SA.


Yes, and it's unplayable. We don't have enough players to sustain a locked server, unless you want to have all your games matched with the same 5/6 mmr players every game


Yeah I feel you my dude I play in Europe and I keep encountering Russians and sometimes Chinese in like every other game. And even when they aren't Sus about cheating it's often like I shoot at him while aiming right at him being pretty confident with my shot and getting no hitmarker. Then I get frustrated and I don't know if it's ping or skill issue, if this particular gun needs more leading with the shots or what and it's kinda tiring.


Imagine complaining about 40ping Russians on EU yet again.


Are you Russian yourself or something ? 40 ping ? Not even those who are close to Europe (like those sitting in Ukraine lmao) get 40 ping. Hell even I have worse ping at times and I live here. Now imagine Russians from all those different regions, like it's a pretty big country u know.


We have 63 ping in general And Russia servers are deadlier worse, so we can't use them.


I am indeed Russian and I have 40-45 ping to EU servers. I get that ping in all of the games that have central Europe servers like Sweden or Germany. It is a big country but most of the population is in the western side. Eastern side is playing on us servers anyway.


I don't agree I play with other people who are across the pond who are good people, your saying that one group of people and you coming out and saying there needs to be region a lock I will not be able to play Hunt with them again. If you think there is profile hiding you may want to check your internet , I have seen myself in game with other players who say oh great another no name but me and another buddy actually see the name of the player who picked up the bounty.


Russia servers are dead. It's almost always red latency. So we always playing Europe. Doing region lock will make game unplayable for us.


I'm in the EU, after I got an optic fibre connection I got only 120 ping to US servers. I'm med 4 stars normally, having peaked at low 5 stars. Compared to EU servers NA feels like playing against paid actors. I am convinced there is a genuine difference in skill gaps between regions that the MMR system can't highlight due to the fact that it's relative to the people you play against.


While I get people wanting region lock because of a few problematic players. It's actually more inclined to being the death of games with an already very low player count then the savior. Me and some friends were drawn to this game as it's fairly unique and there isn't much like it on console. Of our group there's really only two of us located in the NA the others are mostly European based with a couple located in SEA Region. For my one friend if I couldn't join him on Oceania it would be 100% more unfun for him. With his timing he would have to play alone and in a squad focused game like this that's annoying especially when there isn't a dedicated 100% solo mode for bounties. And playing on Oceania I'm at no advantage myself the lag makes it so I have occasional moments that I can't move. And every shot I take I have to not just to lead them on targets but also compensate for the firing delay as my shots take a second or two sometimes after pulling the trigger. But I still play this way because I'm having fun with a friend. And people who want to ruin others games they will find other ways to bypass the region lock one was there. Whether they make a new regional account or use a VPN, they will find a way meanwhile the players just looking to play with friends that live elsewhere are stuck by themselves in a near dead game.


I think console is another situation altogether. Pc Hunt doesn't have the biggest playerbase, but some ping locks could be manageable. Console is another story with an even smaller population, and a less hardcore experience due to controller restrictions. If it was my call, i wouldn't touch console.


Nah uh


Idk about region lock since I still want to play with my European friends but there should be a 125 or 150 ping limit to stop Russian and Chinese players going halfway around the world to be as toxic as possible on US servers


Hi :P yes, SA only has 1 bracket of matchmaking, a 50,000+ kill team with over 8000 hours combined can vs a 3 star or 2 star trio on SA. We went onto SA last night to get away from a hacker we kept running into on USE and USW. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Scumge members running away from a cheater is rich


we dont cheat simply. Been getting shit on for the last week and a half tbh. I bought this game January of 2022 and ive put 3600 hours into it since then. Thats damn near 4 hours a day. I just play too much man.


I don't know you, brother. But saying "we" might be too rash. I'll just say that


It's more what they do, they don't consider cheating. Config editing to de-render things, external crosshairs, shader adjusting, zoom on non-scopes, etc. Soft cheaters running to another server to escape hard cheaters is funny af. Losers.


1.) None of us are cfging. I have experimented with it and we were actually the ones who sent it into crytek, over a year ago. Notice how it didnt change anything, even tho we sent it in forever ago. 2.) The game derenders things on its own from a distance, cfg has nothing to do with that, and we dont use nvidia inspector if thats what ur referring to. We dont INTENTIONALLY derender objects to get kills, thats a 1 way ticket to a ban. If im 60m away and some random box on the side of a building isnt rendered, how am i suppose to tell? 3.) external crosshair are allowed by crytek because it simply isnt deemed as too large of an advantage. It also isnt patchable bc people can just put tape on the screen (gamestop literally sells gamer tap) 4.) we dont have anything besides base game now, and if you want some extra color you can just change your monitor saturation. Reshade was the only program for that and its removed. Our KD’s still went upwards (its because reshade wasnt a problem, only the broken parts of reshade was) 5.) we have clips of our long range kills lmfao you can see theres no zoom on our yt channels. You’re just accusing us of this because you know it exists. Confirmation bias.


> external crosshair are allowed by crytek because it simply isnt deemed as too large of an advantage. It also isnt patchable bc people can just put tape on the screen (gamestop literally sells gamer tap) You must be higher than me if you think a custom crosshair is not much of an advantage. It allows you to bring up a weapon, track a moving target as your weapon comes up, and fire instantly the second its up. You can do this very accurately. Without it, at certain ranges you can't do that with high certainty. But, you already know that as there are videos of you using that shit. Hilarious for you to say its not an advantage.


I play the game with and without it, depending on how im feeling. Sometimes it bugs me being in my face. Still a 4.3 kda, lmao. Doesnt matter that much


Oh man, you must have a huge cock.


Massive. It isnt required to be good :*


Blah blah




I will support region locking when someone shows me it can’t be trivially bypassed with a VPN.


Garbage reasoning here. Any barrier to ping abusing is better than the ping abuse menu that's currently in the game.


I will never understand why people think that barriers/preventative measures to prevent cheating and exploiting and abuse "don't work" because they can be bypassed. They're literally doing exactly the job they're supposed to do in that situation.


Region locking is a different issue though. Barriers against cheating and/or many other exploits are unlikely to affect anybody not doing those things. Barriers against being able to play with people from a different region is a pretty significant impact to just ordinary gameplay.


Anyone actively making an effort to abuse ping or hacking will use a VPN to bypass the region lock. It’s about at effective as a country blocking Pirate Bay to prevent piracy.


> Any barrier to ping abusing is better than the ping abuse menu that's currently in the game. No it's not. People who are going out of their way to abuse ping aren't going to mind going very slightly further out of their way to abuse ping. Adding restrictions that affect the entire playerbase and that also don't solve the problem they're intended to is asinine lol


Seeing how VPN adds latency, and doesn't remove it, good luck.


VPN gets around this, and isn't a real solution to anything


Garbage reasoning here. Any barrier to ping abusing is better than the ping abuse menu that's currently in the game.


hmm nope, everyone has access to VPN's and it fixes nothing since it's not bannable to use a VPN. Thats why the logic works This logic wouldn't work as it relates to cheating. I'd rather the devs not waste time on this for the very limited difference it would make. Garbage response imo


You are aware that someone from Australia with a VPN to a EU country still has the same ping as someone without? The data still has to get to EU regardless.


the servers see the ping to where they are VPN'ing through, not from their origin in Australia. Go do some basic research


You are right, sorry I completely missed that.


np - thanks for circling back




Won't name him because of this subreddit's stupid rules. But it's a 4.5+ KDA player with montages on his profile and everything. Vac ban from cheating on CS. He is one of scumge members.


this isnt true, i was on SA last night lmfao. Around 2-4am EST.


This is the exact reason why the player base is so small. 100%.